I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 389 388 The situation suddenly changes

Chapter 389 388. Sudden change in situation

Lloyd's original plan was to take advantage of the gap in this chaos to deepen his understanding of 0-006.

However, the academic discussion organized by him had just begun for a few minutes when a line of subtitles appeared in front of him:

"There are some unexpected errors in the situation outside the city. Please pay attention."


A map of the city outside the city appeared in front of Lloyd, which was also marked in colorful colors.

This entire Joy City, because it is still relatively new, has not yet been fully aggregated into a city, especially on the outer edge, many of which are still in the form of villages and towns. It will take until these villages and towns gradually expand, connect, and merge before they can finally form a complete city.

So at this time, many of the outer edge areas are still uninhabited wilderness, and the "front line" of human beings to resist the monster tide is the three outermost towns. They bear very important responsibilities and need to eliminate some, drive away some, and mislead some to complete the elimination of the monster tide.

According to the original plan of the Joy Cult, the arrowhead of the monster tide will be blocked by these three towns, causing them to form chaos here, so as to carry out subsequent plans.

"But now the monsters are trying to bypass this line of defense?"

Lloyd looked at the monster route map predicted by 0-006 and asked in surprise.

"Yes, this is an unexpected change. If they continue to maintain this direction of travel, then they will..."

0-006 said, and continued to present the results of the deduction to Lloyd-

The first monsters may be divided into three groups, directly bypassing the defense lines of the three towns, and then reunited behind them, and then rushed straight to the hinterland of the Joy City, forcing humans to mobilize forces to stop them.

But now the main forces of the cult are all deployed in the three towns. When the manpower is already stretched to the limit, it is necessary to withdraw them to chase those monsters, which will inevitably weaken the combat effectiveness of the defense line.

Then when more monsters come, the defense line itself will be in danger and will not be able to block them at all.

Besides, the heavy rain outside is still pouring down, and the weather is extremely bad...

Lloyd couldn't help but frowned and asked in his heart:

"Has this kind of thing...never happened before?"

"Look up, there is no record in the database."

"Well, if monsters have such strategic thinking, even the simplest and most basic, then human civilization would probably have been extinct long ago..."

Lloyd scratched his head and asked again:

"So...is there someone commanding them? Those so-called witches?"

"Calculate, your guess is 99% correct."

"What's the point of talking about probability now? Come up with some solutions?"

Lloyd asked in his heart with a smile.

0-006 actually came up with a plan right away:

"Analysis, given the current situation, the best plan is to abandon the defense line, abandon the City of Joy, concentrate all forces, and evacuate as many people as possible."

"What? Are you kidding? Abandon the City of Joy?"

"No, this is the plan I calculated to save the most people."

"Then what about the people on the front line? What about those who don't have time to evacuate? What if they are caught up by monsters during the evacuation?"

Lloyd asked in his heart, a little exasperated.

"Analysis, the current success rate of eliminating the monster tide is infinitely close to 0. If there is no evacuation, nearly 10 million people in the city will die, and only a few hundred people will have a chance to survive...

But if the defense line is abandoned and evacuated at the fastest speed, there will be at least a 20% chance of saving more than 50,000 people, and there is a lower chance of saving more people."

After listening to 0-006's analysis, Lloyd couldn't help but feel a tingling sensation on his scalp.

Maybe this is the difference in thinking between AI and humans?

Seeing that Lloyd did not answer immediately, 0-006 continued to output subtitles in front of him:

"If you are willing to provide assistance with your spatial ability, the success rate and number of people evacuated can be further improved."

Lloyd still did not answer directly, but asked back:

"If we can get rid of this small group of monsters that have flanked us, can we resolve the crisis?"

"No, even if it is a relatively small part of the monsters, the estimated number is more than 30,000. With our current combat power, it will take a huge price to solve it, which will inevitably shake the stability of the defense line, leading to subsequent chain reactions, and ultimately wasting precious time and combat power."

"No, I mean, I will solve these monsters."

Lloyd corrected the other party's statement very seriously.

These words actually made the mechanical AI fall into silence for three seconds, and then projected subtitles in front of Lloyd:

"This array has made a simple assessment of your mental state and believes that there is a 32% probability that you have fallen into a state of mental disorder and lack rational judgment of the situation. Do you need me to explain it in detail?"

"Ah... Don't fucking tell me this, you just need to tell me, is it okay or not?"

"Based on the premise that your crazy idea can be realized, if you can really solve these monsters that bypass the defense line and eliminate worries, then this can cause chaos in the monster tide, and the success rate of eliminating the monster tide on the defense line will increase to at least 60%...

However, without mobilizing the defense force, the probability of getting rid of these monsters is infinitely close to 0. Even if the power you control makes it impossible for me to complete your combat power assessment for the time being, I still don’t think you can do such a low probability thing...”

“Haha, your combat power assessment is just funny. As for the probability, I have encountered the probability of eating 10 big guarantees in a row. What is yours?”

“Question, what does big guarantee mean?”

“Don’t ask if you don’t understand. Tell me where is the best place to resist these monsters, or where will they gather after bypassing the defense line?”

After asking this question, Lloyd immediately saw a series of very familiar numbers.

That turned out to be a series of spatial coordinates?

“You can calculate this?”

Lloyd was a little surprised.

“A small additional function, but it’s a pity that the space management module of this array is seriously damaged, and only some simple measurement functions are left. It is impossible to achieve the expected transmission and folding in the design, otherwise our situation would not be so passive.”

“After solving this matter, I will help you fix it and see. "

Lloyd said, standing up from his chair.

The top student beside him saw this and asked hurriedly:

"Lecturer? What's wrong? Did the patron saint tell you something?"

"This idiot told us to run away with our tails between our legs, abandon the millions of people in the city, and save tens of thousands of people."

"Ah? Why do we have to evacuate? Is it crazy?"

"Don't use our human thinking to figure out these cold machines. There are some things it can't understand."

Lloyd said with disdain, and walked to the map on the table and told the top students about the current situation.

After he finished speaking, he turned his head and found that all three of them had turned pale.

"Lecturer... If the situation is really so bad, why don't we... withdraw?"

"That's tens of thousands of monsters, just like a huge wave... Even if all the people in our project team are added together, they are just a few tiny grains of sand."

"Or look forward to the support of other cities and other saints? In this situation, we can't stop it by ourselves. "

The three of them persuaded each other.

Lloyd didn't blame them, just smiled and said:

"Then you go back to the academy first and tell the dean about the situation. "

"This... But even if it's the academy, it's hard to organize such a thing, right? Tens of thousands of monsters, and there are more monsters coming later..."

"Yes, and according to my understanding of the academy, we generally don't interfere with the real world, and they don't want us to interfere. "

Lloyd was impatient, so he waved his hand and said very strongly:

"Okay, okay, don't say it, am I the lecturer or are you the lecturers? You go back to the academy now, and I will find a way to delay time. "

But they still refused to leave, and continued to say:

"This... If you go to tell the news, one person is enough, I will go with you, the lecturer. "

"I'll go too, I can go back alone. "

"Huh? Why do you want me to go back? You look down on my [Redemption] system, right? "

"Stop talking nonsense, just go back."

Lloyd said unhappily, stretched out his hand and opened a portal, pushed the top student of the [Redemption] department in, and forcibly sent him back to the academy.

Due to the characteristic of the [Redemption] department that they would stab themselves twice before launching an attack, Lloyd was afraid that this guy would kill a few monsters before killing them.

Then, he stretched out his hand and opened another portal, ready to rush to the designated location and set up defenses in advance.

Ailolo had been busy processing various information and didn't know Lloyd's crazy plan. Just when she saw that he was leaving again, she quickly asked someone to bring a few raincoats, fearing that Lloyd would catch a cold.

She didn't realize what Lloyd was about to face...

But just as Lloyd was about to walk into the portal, a weak voice came to his ear:

"Wait a minute, there's me too. "

Professor Toledo actually woke up at this critical moment?

Although he still looked a little dizzy and his face was pale, after taking out the bottle of wine and taking a few sips, his face quickly regained its color.

Then he cursed angrily:

"Randy and Lille, those two guys, gave me too many sedatives..."

As he said that, he stood up, moved his limbs and neck, and continued to add:

"Although I couldn't move just now, I heard everything you said. How could I be missing at such a critical moment? Our Engineering Department of Mitzkatok was established to deal with such situations!"

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