I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 364 363 What’s wrong with you?

Chapter 364 363. What's wrong with you?

"Haha, look, I'm fine, right? I can't be crazy, absolutely not!"

Lloyd hurriedly said to the director of the mental hospital, indicating 'tighten it too quickly, slow down a little'.

The other party looked at him back and forth for almost three minutes, and then reluctantly untied the leather straps on Lloyd's body, and then kindly advised:

"Don't leave in a hurry, observe here for another two hours, and in addition, you'd better come to me every once in a while in the future, and... remember to take the medicine on time."

As he said, the director who looked like a human crow placed a row of colorful reagents in front of Lloyd, and then left a medical prescription for taking medicine, like a serious doctor.

"Okay... By the way! Professor Tiltus's situation..."

"He is still in a coma. He doesn't have your abnormal resistance to mental pollution. He was tortured physically and mentally before. It's amazing that he can come out alive. He will have to receive treatment from me for at least a month."

The director of the mental hospital said, and then left Lloyd's ward.

"Huh... I'm glad everyone is okay."

Lloyd was relieved now. He looked at the clean but empty ward again. He felt that the light was dim and stuffy, so he got out of bed and opened the window.

Then the bright sunshine came with the refreshing air, and a lush and exquisite small garden was revealed outside, which made people feel relaxed and happy.

Is this the style of this mental hospital? I thought it was the kind of environment that was always dark and gloomy, and there was lightning outside...

But it's true. If the environment of the mental hospital is not good, wouldn't it be that even if there is no disease, it will be suffocated and sick?

Lloyd smiled. Seeing that the environment here was quite good, he simply listened to the doctor's words and went back to the bed and lay down obediently.

But he would never take the medicine beside the bed. He was not crazy, so how could he take medicine randomly? What if he took the wrong medicine?

He hid the medicine in the storage bag and took the doctor's order to look at it.

The handwriting on it was unexpectedly neat, and every character could be clearly identified and read. The ordinary doctor's order outside was completely different.

Then he dared not take this medicine, so he just lay down obediently for a while.

Lloyd changed his posture to make himself comfortable, then opened the panel and added attribute points first.

30 points [rationality], 30 points [spiritual power], 30 points [cognition], 10 points [inspiration], add it to me!

[Ding~ Adding points completed]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 2246/10000, upper limit: 53500]

[Rationality: 535]

[Spiritual power: 530]

[Inspiration: 300]

[Cognition: 530]

[System: Distortion LV4, Denial LV3, Manifestation LV1]

The value has expanded again, which is natural. The mental pollution I suffered at that time directly made the panel garbled, and it is reasonable to upgrade 20 levels in one go.

But only this [Inspiration]...

I inexplicably increased by 35 points, from the original 255 points to 290 points, indicating that I don’t want to be the shortest board on the water tank.

It’s quite ambitious, right?

Lloyd was helpless, so he simply added 10 points to make it a whole number.

He continued to look at other panel prompts:

[Ding~Skill fragment +1]

[Ding~Skill fragment +1]

[Ding~Knowledge fragment +1]

[Ding~Knowledge fragment +1]

[Ding~Memory fragment +1]

[Ding~Memory fragment +1]

A lot of various skill fragments and knowledge fragments were added, at least dozens of fragments, but no new skills were unlocked, and the old skills were not upgraded, which seemed very strange.

And the extra knowledge fragments and memory fragments in his mind were in a state of "fog", as if they were covered by a layer of fog, making it impossible for Lloyd to peek into the mystery.

Using the "Book of Truth" didn't work either. He could only see the ancient book turning pages by itself, but the fog on the surface of the fragments remained motionless and refused to yield.

The panel also didn't work. There was no extra line at the back for him to slowly interpret like the last time he obtained the unknown fragment.

Maybe... there's nothing he can do?

This feeling made Lloyd feel uncomfortable, just like he had just downloaded a lot of 3D zone selections, but found that there was no decompression password...

He couldn't explain why this happened. Was there something wrong with the knowledge and memory itself? Or was it because he couldn't understand it? Unable to touch it? Or was it because the panel was messed up at the time, which also affected these?

There was no way, Lloyd had to let these fragments wrapped in fog float there, and continued to glance at the content behind the panel.

Wow, the reading progress of "The Book of Truth" directly soared to 185% out of thin air?

Lloyd quickly flipped through the "Book of Truth" and found a little "new content" at the back, which was not new, that is, the pictures of the stickman he had seen before.

And the last picture was frozen in the scene where the stickman merged with the mountain, but was still eaten by countless tentacle monsters.

"Alas... Such a great existence that stands tall and proud, but ended up like this..."

Lloyd sighed and shook his head.

Then he turned to the next page of the Book of Truth.

Huh? There's something new?

On the latest page, there was a weird, disgusting and curious flower, which seemed to be made of human flesh and organs. Its appearance was indescribable and could not be described in words.

Next to it was the name of this thing, as well as some brief instructions:

[Code: Watch the weak forget precious memories]

[A descendant of the evil god evolved from humans, gave up the honor and pride of being [Brilliant Gold], and embraced the abyss of madness, just to forget the painful memories of the past.

Even among the many descendants of the evil god, He is very special. As a rare special individual who can touch the fourth dimension to a certain extent, He is in charge of [Forgetfulness] that erases all wisdom, but forgets to abandon the inappropriate curiosity and falls in a ridiculous attack. 】

This... this... this!!!

Isn't this too much information?

Lloyd suddenly became alert.

Meaning... was the evil god's offspring really killed by us with one heart?

To use Professor Lawrence's metaphor, a small ant bit an elephant to death?

And this is an evil god's offspring evolved from a past [Brilliant Gold]?

Meaning, you don't want to be a good person, but you want to recognize the thief as your father, right?

You deserve it!

Lloyd cursed in his heart, but he was not very happy.

The fact that [Brilliant Gold] could become the offspring of the evil god is undoubtedly very bad news...

I don't know how many former strong men chose this path of "recognizing the thief as their father"...

And after evolving into the offspring of the evil god, it can be said that he has no feelings for the human species, and even created the completely anti-human power of [Forgetfulness]

What if there are more of these "traitors"...

Lloyd thought of this and shook his head vigorously, forcing himself to find some good news.

Well... the good news is that this guy's vitality is not very tenacious, and he was actually shattered by a bomb. That means they should be able to deal with it, and they may be easier to deal with than the traditional descendants of evil gods?

Another good news is that [Brilliant Gold] is not all so shameless and spineless. Isn't there someone like "Uncle" who refuses to surrender?

Lloyd couldn't help but feel disgusted for "Uncle". He was actually called [Brilliant Gold] together with this kind of "traitor"...

Then, he forced himself to make up a third good news:

Fortunately, we learned about this in time. We must quickly tell the dean and Hiltina and others, and everyone should prepare in advance.

Thinking of this, Lloyd didn't want to continue lying on the bed, and hurriedly secretly opened a portal and ran to the office of Dean Hazlade.

"Huh? Why are you here suddenly? Shouldn't you be resting in the mental hospital?"

The director's voice floated over from behind the high desk.

"No time to lie in bed, the Book of Truth has made a major discovery!"

Lloyd quickly told the director about this.

But the dean was not very surprised. After listening, he just sighed and replied:

"Alas... We actually guessed that there was this worst possibility a long time ago, but we were unwilling to believe it... We didn't expect it to come true in this way in the end..."

After that, he was silent for a while, and then ordered:

"I need to think alone for a while. You return to the world first, tell Hiltyna about this, and then remember to return to the academy in time tomorrow...

Oh, by the way, although you brought a very bad news, there is also good news. At least with everyone's efforts, we finally killed this guy, but this time everyone worked together, so I can't give you a medal alone, I can only secretly give you some credits as a reward."

"It's okay, it's everyone's credit. How can I take it all for myself? I'm not that kind of selfish and stingy young man."

Lloyd said indifferently, and then hurriedly opened the portal and ran to find his childhood sweetheart.

After he left for a while, the dean reached out and wiped the desk in front of him, and a pile of books that looked like historical records appeared out of thin air.

After flipping through them for a while, he said to himself in a puzzled tone:

"Why can the Book of Truth record a descendant of the evil god involved in the fourth dimension?"

"Neither I, Hiltina, nor that damned traitor can make such a record..."


"You must not give up your self-awareness as a human being..."

After talking to himself, the dean wanted to add a new school rule-

It is forbidden to question the human identity of others because they are too outstanding.

But he thought about it and realized that if he really did this, it might backfire...

"Let's talk to Lawrence alone. They in the space department always seem to not regard Lloyd as a human being. This is not good. Even if they think so in their hearts, they shouldn't always say it..."

"It's a pity that Hiltina is also very good and became a saint very early, so it's too late for the two of them to meet... Otherwise, if they can have a baby, I don't have to worry about either side."

"Blood inheritance is very important for maintaining human self-awareness. Lloyd still has time, but I don't know if he can realize this, and I don't know if Hiltina can accept this..."

After the dean muttered to himself for a while, he took out more books and started to read them, making this large and empty office return to peace, with only the slight sound of flipping books.


“Wow!!! Cough cough… vomit… why? Cough cough… how… is it possible?”

In a space full of ice crystal mirrors, a giant worm with a vague human outline was tumbling and struggling on the ground in pain. It was still in human shape, and it was spewing black blood from its mouth, while asking in disbelief:

“Why… such a great existence would suddenly fall? Why… why…”

“Could it be that a higher-level existence attacked Him?”

Although it spoke in human language, its voice was already very strange, more like a monster roaring.

Obviously, this was a sign of degeneration and alienation.

And the area where it was located was a palace built entirely of ice crystal mirrors that could reflect human figures. It was once proudly named ‘Forgetful Hall’ by it. It was an invincible fortress that would never be conquered by humans.

As long as I don’t take the initiative to go out, no matter how incompetent and furious the intellectual saints are, they can’t do anything to me. Instead, I can take advantage of the impatience of those idiots and prepare a big surprise for them.

It has always thought so.

But at this time, this mirror palace has basically been shattered and is on the verge of collapse. The pieces of mirrors are scattered into large and small fragments, inserted on the surrounding floors, reflecting its ugly body that is struggling and squirming.

This is all because the backer behind it suddenly died inexplicably.

The key is that he died suddenly, and the great power that attacked him also descended on the palace where he was hiding along the connection and bond between the two.

That power is so huge and too complicated. It seems that the power of all systems is involved, and it seems that all lethal substances are mixed in.

So the mirror palace was instantly smashed into this fragmented and miserable state, and it was also seriously injured and in danger.

It couldn't understand what kind of existence could launch such a terrifying attack? Make it feel as if it is against the whole world?

"Damn it, our cause is just, [forgetting] is the ultimate salvation of mankind. For it, I forgot my image, my memory, and even my name... I just want to save mankind! What's wrong with me?"

"No... I can't die like this, I can't..."

"Even if I really become a worm, as disgusting and ugly as Eskimir, I must live! I must avenge the great existence!"

"Divination... Yes! Divination... I have an excellent grasp of divination, I can find a way to keep myself alive."

The humanoid worm said, and began to struggle and tremble all over, and launched a special divination in a strange way.

Because the situation is critical, it must immediately escape from this alien space that is about to collapse, so when divining, it can't take care of those safety rules, and can only ask nakedly repeatedly:

"Where can I avoid being hunted down? Where can I avoid being hunted down?"

At this time, its state is too bad. Even if it wants to take revenge, it is definitely not now. Instead, it is more worried that the terrifying murderer will find it by following the clues.

Besides the murderer who killed the great being, there was also the greedy intellectual saint, who would not let him go easily either...

So he had to find a refuge to escape the pursuit first.

Soon, the broken mirrors on the ground began to react, no longer reflecting its lingering appearance, but pointing to a beautiful countryside.

It seemed like a remote, peaceful and harmonious town, with hundreds of people living and working in peace and contentment in the town, rarely disturbed by the outside world.

After careful observation, the humanoid worm made its own analysis of the divination results:

"Tends to be... optimistic! Great!"

"This should be a small border town. Judging from the clothes, it seems to be in the City of Joy. Only the ants there will laugh like idiots when they go to the fields to farm."

"And the saints of the City of Joy happen to be the weakest!"

"Although it is a little close to the City of Tranquility, seemingly dangerous places are often the safest places..."

"As long as I can survive this most dangerous time, I can turn all the hundreds of people here into my servants and puppets, and use them as hostages and bargaining chips, and then rest assured to recover and wait for the opportunity later..."

"The fall of a great existence will never be silent, but will definitely set off an uproar. I have plenty of opportunities and time!"

After muttering to himself, the humanoid worm spit out a device from his mouth, with a clear Mitzkatok style, and it was still the style of the glorious era.

This is a space equipment for emergency life-saving. It is very high-end. Although it can only be used once, it can allow people who know nothing about the other space to successfully open the portal and go to the safest place in their minds.

It is said that this kind of high-end equipment cannot be made by Mitzkatok now. The only one left in its hand is the generous reward from the great existence.

After activating this precious antique, the humanoid worm finally escaped before the mirror palace completely collapsed and fell into a tall and dense cornfield.

With the cover of the cornfield, it quickly squirmed its body and sneaked into the ground like a real worm.

Then it dug a hole all the way, quietly drilled to the center of the town, and lurked.

Of course, it was definitely unwilling to recover obediently, but couldn't wait to derive several consciousness tentacles, quietly breaking through the ground, and observing the passing residents.

Because it was seriously injured, it couldn't control all the people here at once, so it could only select those who were in high positions and power, starting with them, and then gradually controlling everyone in the town.

Next, just as it had shown in the previous divination, it successfully and quietly controlled the mayor, the sheriff, and the richest tycoon in the town.

And it also found that there was no cult base in this town, and naturally there was no extraordinary person sitting in it, so it was even more impossible for anyone to discover it, and it could continue the plan more safely.

All of this was incredibly optimistic.

After dark, the humanoid worm commanded the three town leaders who had been controlled by it to come to the town square where it was hiding, and prepared to give them some power so that they could better serve itself.

So it took out half of its remaining power, divided it into three parts, and gave them to the three puppets, and then gave them orders:

"Okay, go and find money for me, materials and medicines, I need to recover from my injuries as soon as possible."

In order not to be discovered too early, it did not deprive these people of their self-awareness, but kept it, just letting them obey it.

The mayor nodded and asked:

"Well...it seems that you are really seriously injured?"

The sheriff also said:

"I thought you were lying to me."

The rich man couldn't help laughing:

"It turns out to be true, how embarrassed, how pitiful."

These words made the humanoid worm stunned and realized that something was wrong.

"You...what's wrong with you?"

Why can the controlled people still speak freely?

As soon as such questions came to its mind, it found that its sight was distorted, and it came to the surface of the square from the dark underground in an instant.

At this time, the town's residents gathered in the square. They gathered in a circle, staring at the strange worm as if they were watching a rare animal, and occasionally commenting on it.

Everyone had a slightly sarcastic smile on their face, without any fear. Instead, they seemed to be tasting the hard-earned spoils, which was particularly weird.

"Wait! This is not right! You... No, not you... You are..."


The humanoid worm suddenly struggled in panic, and then shouted a name.

The name of the intellectual saint.

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