I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 359 358 More thorough self-deception

Chapter 359 358. More thorough self-deception

Lloyd looked at Professor Lawrence, who was in pain and holding his head with both hands, his body trembling slightly. He was also very worried and asked:

"Professor? Are you okay? How about I take you to the medical department first?"

"No... I can do it... At worst... I'll fight you..."

Professor Lawrence answered incoherently.

It's bad, it's bad, did the professor really take the wrong medicine? What are you talking about?

Lloyd was even more worried now, and wondered if he should also put a "stupid hair" on the professor's head to help him relieve the pain?

But he didn't dare, because all the people who put stupid hair on people before were discovered, and they were advised not to do it casually, which could easily cause unnecessary misunderstandings.

So Lloyd could only wait anxiously by the side.

Fortunately, after a while, Professor Lawrence's mental state improved visibly. It should be that the previous bottles of medicine took effect, right?

After waiting for another half a minute, he was able to speak:

"Huh... there should be no problem. After this battle, you kid, don't think about it again..."

Professor Lawrence hesitated, but he didn't finish his words. He immediately changed his mouth and said:

"Okay, show me the data carefully again."

Lloyd was also confused when he heard it. He didn't know what happened to the professor? But anyway, it should be quite normal. It didn't seem like he really took the wrong medicine, so he was relieved and quickly drew a few light screens in front of him.

Professor Lawrence then carefully checked various data and focused on Lloyd's previous operation records.

In front, he just listened to Lloyd's verbal description. The various incredible and unacceptable "strange words", such as controlling space storms and unauthorized deep space diving, all brought a heavy impact on his spirit and cognition.

Especially the two sentences "the principle is very simple" and "it doesn't seem difficult", which made the old professor's "condition" worse at once.

Fortunately, Professor Lawrence is one of the strongest professors in Mizkatokri. Although his spirit and cognition were greatly impacted by Lloyd's wave, he had been doing spiritual construction after taking enough precautions.

And Lloyd was also "conscientious" and knew to make up a "new ability learned from textbooks", which helped Professor Lawrence relieve a lot of pressure to a certain extent.

So the shaky cognitive system was finally stabilized by Professor Lawrence through various self-comfort, self-deception, and self-reminders.

After this wave, Professor Lawrence could clearly feel that his various deep-rooted cognitive concepts had become more stable and flexible because of this wave of "no destruction, no establishment".

At the same time, he also took "Lloyd is not a human being, but a humanoid creature born in a different space, who is naturally sensitive to and has the ability to control the different space" as the underlying cognition, and deeply embedded it in his own cognitive system.

In other words, he used to think that Lloyd was not a human being, which was somewhat self-consolation and self-deception, but now he really believes it.

He must believe it this way, otherwise Lloyd's various magical operations today cannot be explained at all.

So with such an underlying cognitive foundation, Professor Lawrence's cognitive system was effectively and safely supplemented, and based on this, he carried out a simple cognitive reconstruction.

Can it also be considered a deeper and more thorough self-deception?

Anyway, humans are creatures that only believe what they want to believe.

In short, when Professor Lawrence looks at Lloyd's various operation records again, although he will still be secretly shocked, it will not shake his cognitive system and his life will no longer be in danger.

Although this cognitive reconstruction process is simple, it is undoubtedly full of dangers. Professor Lawrence almost couldn't hold it, but after recovering, he still thinks it is worth it, and even a big profit.

Because the long list of operation records left by Lloyd before is worth setting up a special research group for careful study.

If he can thoroughly understand it, especially the one of controlling space storms, Professor Lawrence has reason to believe that his attainments in the field of practical space technology can take a big step forward.

Even in the two fields of basic space theory and space equipment research and development, which are not his specialties, he can also make some breakthroughs and progress.

Going further, the entire space system, and even all mankind, can enjoy the benefits and dividends brought by this technological development!

After Professor Lawrence reshaped his cognition, he couldn't help but begin to look forward to what kind of new future this magical Lloyd can lead mankind to.

Of course, the premise is that he can fully understand it...

Professor Lawrence looked at these lines of operation records, and he was amazed in his heart, and secretly complained:

It really deserves to be a creature born in an alien space. This series of operation records alone is enough for the project team to study for many years. It is not difficult to get a few "Excellent Academic" medals.

And the new ability he learned from the textbook he mentioned is actually his instinct as a creature in an alien space, right? If I could learn this kind of knowledge from textbooks, I wouldn't have been tortured so badly by this kid...

But he must have considered my condition, so he changed it to such a statement that I can relatively accept, right?

Ha~ Although he is not a human being, he is much more reliable and cuter than most humans...

I don’t know how his self-perception as a human being was shaped? Did he enter human society when he was still in his early childhood and have been influenced by it since he was a child?

Do you want to check it out?

Just forget it...just in case...

Well...just in case...just in case...

Professor Lawrence thought for a while, then continued to concentrate, and quickly went through the operation records left by Lloyd.

To be honest, when he saw the part where he used the space deep dive equipment to control the space storm, Professor Lawrence had no idea what he was doing...

Deep space diving is a very, very dangerous field that most people dare not try at all.

According to the normal process, if you want to conduct a deep space dive, you need to prepare for it several months in advance and make sufficient preparations from all directions before you dare to give it a try.

But even so, any carelessness during the process will cause irreparable and permanent trauma to the mind.

And this is quite an optimistic ending. It is more likely that the mind will be lost in the alien space forever and never come back; or that it may be that the unknown danger hidden in the alien space was accidentally encountered and the person went crazy and fell mad on the spot. .

After all, in this seemingly boundless alien space, no one knows how many ghosts are hidden in it...

In short, deep space diving is too dangerous and troublesome, so the corresponding set of deep diving equipment was left on the side of the laboratory after a limited number of attempts and the loss of several researchers. In the corner area, almost no one dared to touch it.

Professor Lawrence still remembered that the last time Professor Hiltina took the risk to use it once to rescue the archaeological team, and he had to check the records to recall the last time he used this thing.

But Professor Hiltina is a veto saint. Diving in space is quite safe. Of course she dares.

And this boy Lloyd...

Well, he is more daring, and maybe deep space diving is like a fish being released into the sea for him.

However, although Professor Lawrence did not quite understand Lloyd's operation, it did not prevent him from making some comments:

"Hmm...interesting...very bold...wonderful...so good...oh? That's it...right, right..."

So Lloyd didn't think much and asked quickly:

"Professor, if I do this, it should be okay, right?"

"Theoretically, there shouldn't be, and the principle is indeed quite simple, right? Although the opponent is probably controlling this cage in a higher dimension, you use the space storm to directly make the surroundings chaotic and disordered, making the opponent There is nothing we can do...

It's really a smart choice. It's like smashing the chessboard directly. Then even the most brilliant chess player can't do anything about it, right? "

As Professor Lawrence spoke, he inadvertently revealed a bit of higher-dimensional information, wanting to see what Lloyd, a creature from another space, thought of this.

Lloyd was really taken aback for a moment, then tapped his palm.

"So that's it! I was wondering how could this guy be so tricky that he could make a not-so-small space cage run around, but it turned out to be some kind of higher-dimensional means?"

After saying that, he was still secretly relieved.

The professor didn’t seem to be aware of my ‘textbook-learned ability’? Or was it said that I was prevaricating?

Phew...that's good. To be honest, I don't even believe this make-up excuse...

Maybe the professor was anxious to save someone or something?

But... is this opponent that powerful? Can you even master the power of higher dimensions?

Forget it, forget about this first, it's more important to rescue people first.

Lloyd just thought about it for a while and then continued:

"Then since there is no problem at this point, let's start with the next step, right?"

Professor Lawrence did not speak in a hurry, but was slightly surprised.

Uh...he wasn't as shocked as I expected?

But then I immediately thought about it, what big scene have I not seen in a different dimension? For him, he may have thought of higher dimensions in advance, or even touched them, right?

Forget it, let's save people first.

Then Professor Lawrence asked:

"What's your next plan?"

"I originally planned to open the door directly, but I vaguely felt that something was dangerous and something was not right... so I didn't act rashly. I suspect that the other party may have set some kind of trap near the cage?"

"Do you feel a vague sense of danger?"

"Yeah, it's like some kind of intuition, right? It seems like many investigators have it."

"Well...at times like this, you really should trust your instincts."

Professor Lawrence nodded on the surface and did not continue to dwell on this issue. In fact, he made a different judgment in his heart:

Which investigator's intuition can detect danger and strangeness from such a distance? A legendary investigator from literature?

This is obviously something unique to you alien space creatures, right?

Although Professor Lawrence felt that he had guessed the correct answer, he did not reveal it and continued to ask:

"Then do you need any help from me?"

"I would like to ask you to help me deal with the possible dangers over there, clean up the possible [oblivion], and at least allow me to fish out all the hostages through the portal. This process must be fast, otherwise the other side will notice it. , it is very likely that they will openly vote.”

"No problem, give me some time to prepare."

Professor Lawrence said simply, then stretched out his hand to open a portal and walked in.

Neither of them noticed yet that this rescue operation had unknowingly become led by Lloyd, with the professor assisting.

A few minutes later, Professor Lawrence returned to the laboratory with a completely new look.

The very stereotyped mage robe on his body was replaced by a set of light armor with a very classical feel, which protected his upper body; the belt in the middle was filled with all kinds of equipment that Lloyd had never seen before...

Then on his feet was a pair of shiny golden leather boots made of unknown leather. Although they looked somewhat vulgar, they exuded the unique charm of holy objects.

In his hands and on his back were two spears——

One couldn't tell whether it was a spear or a staff; the other was a bolt-action rifle that looked very advanced.

The only equipment on his head that Lloyd had seen before was the brand new mage hat he had worn once before.

"Okay, it should be fine. No matter what is behind that portal, or what is hidden, I think I can help you resist it for a while."

"Uh...this...is indeed..."

Lloyd replied awkwardly.

In fact, when he was about to open the door, although he did feel the reminder of inspiration and weird intuition, it was not to the point of beating the gongs and drums to open the table. He just danced briefly to remind him to be careful.

So although there is danger, it shouldn't be too big.

But looking at the old professor's equipment, why does he look like he's going to fight the heirs of the evil god?

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