I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 351 350 Isn’t this even worse?

Chapter 351 350. Isn't this even worse?

"Well... Let's talk about the continuation of civilization... Objectively speaking, the situation is not very good. Everyone is very worried about the future of mankind, so we took the risk to come here, just to find a better way..."

Lloyd briefly described the current prospects of mankind, but it was still limited to the part he knew at present. He did not add his own imagination and analysis, just presented the situation and let others analyze it themselves.

After that, the black ball-like [Brilliant Gold] fell into silence for half an hour. Lloyd waited quietly beside him, and then kept spreading bait in the water.

But why is it still not stocked? There is not even white stripes and scavengers? It shouldn't be? I obviously used the most luxurious equipment I imagined. Is it because the bait is not right? Or is the taste of the bait not good?

Lloyd was thinking about it, and wondering whether to dig some earthworms to try, when he heard the big guy next to him say:

"Don't waste your energy, there are no fish in the water."

If there are no fish, then why are you pretending to fish? Are you just an air force?

Lloyd shouted in his heart immediately.

"Okay, I have a general understanding of the situation. You go and come back when you are strong enough to kill me."

The big guy next door continued.

"Uh...but I didn't think of killing you..."

"That won't work. Since you entered here and came to me, it means that you are the final winner of the trial. Although you used some dishonorable means and it doesn't meet my expectations at all, I must resolutely fulfill the promise I made at the beginning."

No...has this guy been bored here for too long and has a problem with his brain? How can he force others to kill himself?

Lloyd complained in his heart again, and heard the other party continue to say:

"Besides, I am now absolutely irresistible to you who are fragile, so you must hurry up and fulfill my last wish while I can still be restrained here...

But you are too weak, and your clothes are also tasteless. I guess your artistic aesthetics and cooking skills do not meet my expectations, but there is no way. Today, I have no choice..."

Lloyd saw that the big man was so depressed, and originally wanted to comfort him and tell him that at least in terms of cooking, he has reached the pinnacle and will definitely meet his requirements.

But before he could speak, he noticed that the other party began to change slightly.

[Ding~ Madness value +53]

[Ding~ Madness value +617]

[Ding~ Madness value +1822]

He originally released mental pollution only when he spoke, but now he is not speaking, and his body is beginning to release mental pollution.

At the same time, he could feel a dangerous force surging in his body, as if it could not be suppressed and was about to explode.

"Go quickly... Don't come in a short time... Disturb me... I can stay awake for a short time... Not much time... Remember... Don't easily believe anyone... [Brilliant Gold]... Including me... Stick to your own path... Believe in what you have... Distortion..."

The boss spoke intermittently as if he was telling his last words.

His human form condensed from the black thread ball could no longer be maintained, and began to twist and change, becoming more and more like an indescribable monster...

His whole body was also expanding rapidly, and in the blink of an eye it turned into a monster like a small hill, and his whole face became ferocious and curious.

Before Lloyd had time to see his last appearance, he felt his vision blurred and instantly returned to the periphery of the ancient ruins.

Then, he felt the ground began to shake, and the entire ruins appeared to be shaky, as if it was about to fall from the top of this mountain.

Then the next second, it disappeared, leaving only an empty snowfield.

Did it return to the other space again?

Lloyd boldly released his inspiration to check and came to a conclusion.

Hum... then... you run fast!

He complained in his heart, then walked towards the snowfield in front, ready to fix the space cracks here first.

Alas... on the one hand, he despised me for being weak, but on the other hand, he didn't give me any benefits, making me work in vain...

Lloyd was originally quite dissatisfied with the harshness and stinginess of this big man, but when he was about to raise his hand to repair the space, he felt that something was added to his hand, and it was in both hands?

In the left hand was a notebook that looked like metal, but it was not as cold and sharp as metal, but instead showed a strange softness and a faint warmth?

In the right hand was a key, gray and rusty, with some blurred and indistinguishable words on it.

Hmm? These two things... are the gifts that "uncle" stuffed into my hand?

When did he do it? How come I didn't notice it?

Lloyd was confused, but now was not the time to delve into it, so he quickly controlled the 'lifeboat' he brought yesterday and guided it to float to the top of the mountain.

There are many ways to repair space cracks, but Lloyd chose the most natural one, which was to let his 'lifeboat' fill the gap, and then ignore it and wait for it to heal on its own.

It's like putting a band-aid on the wound on your finger.

Although it is not the fastest way, it is the simplest and least influential one, which can reduce the subsequent process and risks.

After shaking the lifeboat over, Lloyd felt that little Olga was running towards him quickly, with curiosity written all over her face.

"My friend, the snow has stopped, and you are back safely! That's great!"

Lloyd looked up at the sky, and found that the wind and snow that seemed to have never dissipated all year round finally stopped, and the gray sky finally revealed a ray of sunshine.

Somehow, Lloyd's mood also improved, and a little smile appeared on his face, and he said:

"Hu... Let's go, let's go back first."


"That's probably the situation, what do you think, Dean?"

After Lloyd brought little Olga back to the Brilliant City, he first told her about his previous experience, but did not answer his doubts or discuss the environment in the future, and hurriedly broke into the boudoir of his "childhood sweetheart".

Xildina didn't seem surprised that he came back alive, but she still gave him a warm hug, then quickly contacted the dean, and the two listened to Lloyd's report together.

After listening, the dean fell into a long silence. He must be thinking, or calling other professors in the college to come and discuss?

Xildina took the time to talk about her own views and speculations:

"It seems that... although he is still alive, he has fallen into madness. He can rely on his past strength to maintain some rationality and humanity, but he can't hold on for too long, so he will urge you to find a way to kill him as soon as possible.

He must be suffering unimaginable pain...

And the power in the ruins that can restore everything may not be used to prevent others from finding him, but a kind of restraint and suppression he set for himself so that he will not escape.

Fortunately, he did this, otherwise this kind of [Brilliant Gold] turned into a monster, even I dare not imagine how terrifying it would be."

Xildina said, pretending to be scared like a little girl, and then naturally got into Lloyd's arms, wanting to take the opportunity to get intimate.

As a result, before Lloyd could enjoy the warmth and softness in his arms, the dean's voice came from a candle-

This time, Hildyna was smart. She no longer used her fingertips to hold the flame, but found a special candle, which made it easier for her to do anything to Lloyd.

"After some analysis, we determined that this strong man was the one who "always remained humble and respectful" back then. He is still as kind and easy to get along with as he was back then. Of course, this is only when he can still maintain rationality...

As for whether he is still alive, I think Lloyd should have his own opinion, right?"

"This... To be honest, I can't be sure. He seems to be alive and dead. I can't use inspiration to spy on him, and I can't even look at him directly. It's just..."

As Lloyd said, he recalled the illusion that appeared in front of him when he boldly looked at the other person.

The huge body like a mountain, but in the center was a rusty, tattered armored knight...

Considering that the "Book of Truth" in his mind was flipping rapidly at that time, and combined with the fact that he was at the lakeside, a luxurious fishing suit on Earth suddenly appeared in his hand...

Lloyd was very suspicious, maybe the "illusion" in this scene was actually the real scene?

And the lakeside that he thought was real was actually an illusion?

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Do you remember the scene I described? The mountain-like monster in the illusion, I feel... that is what he originally looked like... Although it seems to have no vitality, I feel that it will come back to life at any time."

"Well, I have the same idea. If so, the collective disappearance of [Brilliant Gold] may not be a complete fall, but it turned into this terrifying monster in an instant?"

As the dean was talking, Hiltina also interrupted:

"If that's the case, it's too bad... I don't know how many [Brilliant Gold] like this are left; I don't know if they will try to restrain themselves like this one; I don't know when they will wake up...

They may be hiding in the shadows that we can't get involved in, and they are already ready to move...

Astra's tragic prophecy has been further fulfilled."

Hiltina said, with a strong sense of uneasiness on her face, but this time it was not pretended...

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