I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 348 347 Are you still quite unruly?

Chapter 348 347. You are quite unruly?

Lloyd was listening to the conversation between the dean and Hiltina, feeling a little puzzled.

Can’t Hiltina move around freely now? Must she stay in the tower all the time? The dean also looks like he doesn’t want her to move around freely?

And is it out of concern for her mental state? Rather than her personal safety?

Why is that?

It’s too hard to become a saint, but you don’t even have this little freedom?

Anyway, I don’t want to be a dead-house saint in the future...

Lloyd pondered for a while, feeling that although he had a cute and lovely saint in his arms, he still couldn’t understand the various mysteries of her, and there were still many mysteries that he knew about.

He then thought of the girls around him. Although each one was prettier and cuter than the other, each of them had different obstacles. Wei Ya had her violent father; Ai Luo Luo had distance and "family background"; Xildina had the difference in strength between the two and the mystery around her...

Anyway, it seemed that there was no hope of overcoming the mountain of "marriage and childbirth" before reaching the fifth level...

It would be better to save a few months' salary to buy a house. This mountain was easier to overcome...

As Lloyd was thinking about it, Xildina in his arms finally persuaded the dean to agree to his plan after much persuasion.

"Alas... since you insist, then you must remember your promise. Never start a conflict with the other party, and never explore the secrets of that strong man, let alone verify your outrageous ideas on him, or try to capture him...

The power of [Brilliant Gold] is really far beyond your imagination. It is not an exaggeration to describe them as gods. Even if they are dead, they should not be underestimated...

And you and Lloyd are the key cores of the future blueprint of mankind. It is an exaggeration to say that you are shouldering the future of mankind, so I really don’t want you to take risks. Even agreeing to continue to explore in depth took me a lot of effort to convince myself, so you must remember to..."

The dean emphasized this again at the end, making Lloyd feel a little numb.

Uh... his 'childhood sweetheart' actually has such a bold idea about [Brilliant Gold]?

Is this a bit disrespectful?

But Hiltina seemed to have no idea about this. She turned around and showed Lloyd a helpless and aggrieved expression. Maybe she was disgusted by the dean's nagging?

In short, after the dean gave a long and earnest exhortation, he paused and suddenly changed the subject:

"The history department sent some information about the [Brilliant Gold], which they had just sorted out. In addition to the records left by the previous dean, the sources of the information also include some records of his exchanges with Mitzkatok in the past, as well as some major events he did that are worth recording.

Although it is far from being detailed, it can also allow you to understand him a little more..."

This is very important dry goods content, so Lloyd and Hiltina stopped being affectionate, and immediately pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

This [Brilliant Gold] is called [Always Be Humble and Awesome] by the world, but it is definitely not his real name, more like a nickname?

Such a pseudonym without a clear direction reminded Lloyd of the six-sided crystal he had faced, which was called [Enjoy a Mad Feast] by his believers, which is the same naming method.

I don't know if this is a common naming method of that era? Or is it necessary to name it this way?

Lloyd made a simple association and continued to listen carefully to the dean's retelling.

Let's call this strong man 'Humble Boss' for the time being. The overall impression he left on Mizzkatok was quite good. Even the former dean recognized his strength and academic achievements, and publicly promoted him as the most worthy and best to get along with among many [Brilliant Gold].

It seems that except for not understanding why he arranged that trial, the former dean was quite optimistic about this humble boss.

Other records say that Humble Boss was one of the old-fashioned [Brilliant Gold] at that time. He was known for his high moral character, kindness, and love to promote and help the younger generation. Many of his 'big news' were about him saving people and resolving major disasters.

It's not just Mizzkatok who thinks so. Other forces and strong men at that time also generally had a good evaluation of Humble Boss.

In short, apart from the mysterious trial that others could not understand, the humble boss was a standard positive character.

But the dean was still worried and kept reminding him:

"Although the records found in the academy have a good evaluation of him, this is only one-sided, or it only explains the superficial part. What kind of person he is, this information alone is not enough to summarize.

Besides, he should be dead now, and the dead always hate all living beings, so you still can't take it lightly."

After getting repeated assurances from Hiltina and Lloyd, the dean ended the conversation with worry, and finally finalized the next plan.

Hiltina quickly blew out the flame in her hand, and then said with a smile:

"Huh... it's finally over. The old man, the tutor, is really old and is getting more and more nagging... Fortunately, he can't contact me actively, so I can only write letters, otherwise I'm afraid he will nag me every day."

"Uh... it's because the dean cares about you."

"I know, I don't hate him, I just want to remind you to be careful of him nagging you like this in the future."

"Haha, I don't mind this..."

Lloyd smiled awkwardly, scratched his head again, and deliberately showed an expression of having a lot of questions.

"Hmm? Just ask whatever you want to ask?"

Hiltina blinked and looked at him.

Lloyd considered the wording and asked very implicitly:

"It seems that there are some differences in concepts between you and the dean?"

"Of course, if there are no differences in academics and opinions, how can there be sparks of progress? Besides, I was known for my rebelliousness and independence in the college. I am afraid that the differences between me and my tutor are more than you expected. What you have noticed is only a small part of the opinions."

Hiltyna admitted it very frankly, and then she put her hands around her legs, as if she was reminiscing about her youth, and deliberately hung her sweet feet on the edge of the sofa, swinging playfully, as if deliberately attracting Lloyd's attention.

He continued:

"For example, regarding [Brilliant Gold], I am not as shy and reverent as my mentor. I have always been curious about these gods-like humans, and I am very curious about all the secrets on them...

But my mentor is different, including Astra and Baimon, the two elm-headed people. They are the same. They are a group of people who have come from the glorious era. They have a deep reverence for the original [Brilliant Gold], and they are very shy about everything related to them.

I am different. I was born in the new era. Although I also respect them, I am also curious and have always wanted to unravel their secrets...

I am I can understand them, but I can't agree with them.

However, although there are some small differences between me and my mentor, we are still consistent in our ideas on the big route. Unlike those two depressed blockheads, they believe too much in that damn [prophecy]. "

Hiltina mentioned the matter between herself and the dean, but she still did not forget to criticize her fellow saints. It seems that the relationship is really not very harmonious...

After listening, Lloyd asked casually:

"The [prophecy] of the redeemed saint you mentioned, is it... very bad?"

"It's not very bad, it can only be said to be extremely bad, so bad that Astra herself is unwilling to tell others the specific content. . "

When Xildina said this, she was still frowning slightly, but suddenly she smiled and said:

"However, you also heard the dean talking about the previous dean. He mentioned his enthusiasm for peeping into the future and his final conclusion, right?

Although considering the development of the times and the progress of society, today's human beings may not have made progress in areas compared to that era, such as the mastery of [prophecy] and [destiny], which is obviously stronger than that era.

This may also be related to the fact that Astra himself is a very powerful prophet? He obviously knows more about these than me, but because he knows more, he can't jump out. , firmly believe in the pessimistic future...

I am different. I don't reject [prophecy] and [fate], but I also imagine that these can be changed, but we need to seize the opportunity to change our fate!

For example, my [veto] and your [distortion]. This is also where my mentor and I have reached a consensus on the general direction. "

After saying this, Hiltyna reached out and gently touched Lloyd's face, encouraging him:

"So, you still have to work hard, my great hero, the future of mankind is still waiting for us to save it. "

"Well! I will never let you down."

Lloyd was also moved by what she said, and nodded vigorously.

After listening to her words, the mystery of the 'childhood sweetheart' was instantly eliminated, making him feel that the two of them could be closer again.

But he didn't expect that Hiltyna's appearance and temperament looked so well-behaved and lovely, but she had a rebellious and fearless side in her heart?

But Lloyd immediately remembered that the [Veto] system was also a taboo system back then. She became a saint by following this path that others considered to be ‘astray’, so she definitely couldn’t be an obedient child.

So she didn’t mind her [distortion] and even had a good impression of me because of it?

Lloyd was thinking about it, and then he saw Hiltina yawning and stretching hard, showing off her slender curves to him, and asked in a very seductive tone:

"Huh~ It's getting late, it's time to go to bed, um... do you want to sleep together?"

Lloyd blushed at her sudden flirtation, and subconsciously waved his hand and said:

"No, no, I'd better go home and sleep, and report to my sister Evelor that I'm safe."

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be a reserved and conservative type? Not bad, I like you more like this... as long as it's not an excuse to run to other girls' rooms."

Hiltyna did not force him to stay, but took the initiative to come closer, pecked him on the cheek, and said softly:

"Good night, my hero."

After that, her figure slowly disappeared in front of Lloyd.

Although he looked very sleepy before, if nothing unexpected happened, the saint should not need to sleep...

At least he would not really sleep in this room, so there was no sign of anyone living here.

And Lloyd did not regret missing the opportunity, but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He was actually quite afraid that the saint would force himself on her...

No matter how beautiful, lovely, kind, and clingy she looked, the distance between him and her was still too far.

I have always been a reserved and reserved young man...

Let's keep going!

Lloyd encouraged himself in his heart, then stood up, took out the space compass, opened a portal, and wrote down the space coordinates here to facilitate the "night attack" on the saint in the future.

When he got home, it was already very late. His sister Evelor had already gone to bed. Lloyd did not disturb her. He simply packed up and lay down on the bed, ready to [sneak into] Eloro's boudoir.

But he suddenly remembered the words of advice from Hildyna when they parted...

Uh... I went to help Eloro share the spiritual pollution. It was for a noble and pure purpose and a sacrifice for the future of mankind, so I am not a scumbag...

Besides, I was just fickle at most, not abandoning her after having an affair, so how could I be considered a scumbag?

He found an excuse for himself in his heart and went to Eloro's boudoir.

Eloro also went to bed early, and also left a letter and a small cake on the bedside table.

But maybe because Lloyd was still a little guilty, he didn't dare to read the affectionate letter, nor did he dare to play with Eloro's silly hair and jade feet as usual. He really just helped her share the spiritual pollution and upgraded a level by the way.

Sigh... 5 points of [Spiritual Power], plus...

So his [Spiritual Power] increased to 445 points.

Then, he waited until the next morning, and helped Hiltina share the mental pollution through the giant flower bud in the [Thinking Field], and then upgraded to another level, adding five points to [Cognition], and maintained the attributes at a water tank figure of 445 points.

During the process, Hiltina also appeared as usual, but she couldn't speak again, so she could only stretch out her hands and gesture constantly, and simply decided on the next action plan with Lloyd.

In fact, Lloyd acted according to his own ideas, and she used the [Projection] to be responsible for the back.

She shouldn't come to that place in person, feeling that it is still a bit inconvenient to move? Or should she maintain some respect for the two wooden-headed saints?

In short, Lloyd continued to complete his morning routine step by step, first supporting the little kitten when he was not paying attention, grabbing it and wiping his face as a cat towel, and then going to prepare breakfast for his sister.

Evelor was surprised that he actually came back last night, and she also blamed him for not waking her up.

"I just don't want to disturb you. Don't worry, this operation is safer than I expected, and the incident should be properly resolved. I will find time to tell you in detail later."

Lloyd evaded and comforted his sister, and he passed the test smoothly, and then waited for little Olga to come to join him at home.

As soon as the two met, little Olga said excitedly:

"I contacted my father last night. He was very satisfied with our discovery and confirmed that it was the place where our ancestors made their fortunes, so he asked me to find out the story behind it as much as possible, even if there is no substantial gain."

His words clearly expressed that he didn't care about the next gains. If he found something in the subsequent exploration, he would not be unhappy because of the distribution.

Of course, Lloyd has always been a generous young man who believes in fair distribution. Little Olga has provided a lot of help before, and even saved him once, so if there is really any profit, he will definitely not take it all by himself, and will remember to share it with others.

But... whether he can take it is another matter. This kind of thing related to [Brilliant Gold] may be a bit hot...

"By the way, when do we set off?"

Little Olga continued to ask.

"Now, let's go."

Lloyd said, stretching out his hand to open a portal.

"Eh? Just the two of us? But didn't you say yesterday..."

Little Olga hesitated.

"Oh, you mean the helper? She's here. Don't worry, the strongest person is already in the formation!"

Lloyd explained casually and took the lead in passing through the portal.

Although little Olga didn't quite understand, she followed immediately. The two came to the safe distance away from the ruins when they left yesterday.

Then, little Olga keenly noticed that the [Projection] released by Lloyd was obviously different from yesterday.

Although I still didn't rashly use my inspiration to spy, I could still feel that the [Projection] that was a blurry mass yesterday suddenly had a human shape.

"This is..."

"This is the reinforcement I brought here."

Lloyd briefly introduced himself, then looked at the invisible [projection] again, and after asking for the other party's consent, he continued:

"Just call her Hiltyna."

This name was certainly unfamiliar to little Olga, but he didn't think much about it, but was busy being shocked by the means that descended on the [Projection].

How is this possible? How is such a thing done?

Isn't this different from what the saint taught me?

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