I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 344 343 I have a bad guess

Chapter 344 343. I have a bad guess

Why are there still people who come out from their ancestors to help them fight? The key is that you only pinched your upper body, so you're not afraid that your ancestors will hit you first?

Little Olga's explanation made Lloyd curse, but he said as implicitly as possible:

"Uh...it's okay. His upper body is already heroic enough, so I can get a glimpse of his past heroic appearance."

Little Olga seemed to be very impressed by these words, and immediately said happily:

"Haha, when we go back this time, I will definitely invite you to my home and tell you about our home..."

"No, no, no! Don't talk about this now! Open the door quickly!"

Lloyd quickly interrupted him.

Little Olga didn't know why Lloyd was so anxious all of a sudden, but she still picked up the cane and tapped it lightly on the ground. The half-ancestor behind him raised the heavy lance in his hand and slammed the iron door hard. superior.

The iron door was already very old, so when it was hit like this, it immediately broke into a lot of pieces, revealing a dark spiral staircase behind it.

Lloyd used his inspiration to explore again, and then heard a burst of +1+1 panel prompts coming from his ears, and reminded him:

"Well... there is a little bit of mental pollution, but it is not strong. Do you... want to follow?"

"Of course, how can a qualified noble hide behind his friends?"

Little Olga put on a show of taking responsibility.

The two of them walked down the spiral staircase.

Although the surroundings were dark and gloomy, it did not pose any obstacle to the two extraordinary beings. They could clearly see that there were various messy objects scattered on the stairs, like scattered pages, with unknown meanings. Small devices, someone’s belongings, etc.

There's nothing wrong with it except that it's too old to be out of date. At least those pages aren't some fierce forbidden knowledge. Maybe they're just simple forms?

But judging from the hasty look, some terrible accident must have happened here, causing the people who used to be here to flee in a hurry.

There's no telling what's weird deep inside...

Lloyd and little Olga both realized this in a tacit understanding, and they invariably stepped up their pace, advancing slowly step by step. It was not until they circled the spiral staircase three times that their feet touched the ground again.

Then, the two heard a small sound and a low murmur coming from the area that was supposed to be dead silent.

When I heard the sound, I saw a writing desk, with a humanoid skeleton sitting next to it. The white skull was tilted on the shoulder, holding a bare quill in his hand, and he was writing furiously.

He was still muttering something in a low voice in a language that modern people could not understand.

The "Book of Truth" in Lloyd's mind immediately started flipping, helping to translate what was being said on the other side:


As he muttered, the skeleton temporarily stopped writing, and then saw a piece of brand-new and exquisite letter paper floating on its own, folded into a letter on its own, and then dropped into a mailbox next to it.

The mailbox looked very new, and then it started to sway for a while, then became quiet two seconds later, waiting for the next letter from the skeleton.

When Lloyd saw this scene, he finally figured out where the 'uncle' with many nephews came from...

This skeleton should have been an employee here during her lifetime. Judging from the furnishings on the desk, she looked like an ordinary clerk in the mailroom. She might have had a rich uncle who wanted to give her an inheritance, and for this reason Vacations are scheduled, resignations are planned.

It's a pity that it failed to resign in the end, and was left here forever before it could inherit the inheritance...

Therefore, the letters it sent were all about the uncle and the inheritance, and they were not very tempting, because to this day, it is still just an ordinary skeleton that refuses to rest in peace.

Objectively speaking, this guy is really miserable. Anyone who encounters this kind of thing will probably not want to rest in peace...

Little Olga didn't need Lloyd's help in analysis. She could figure out such a plot by herself, so she suggested:

"It's so pitiful. We'd better help it. At least we can't let it continue to send letters like this."

As he said that, he was about to ask half of his ancestors to take action, but Lloyd quickly dissuaded him:

"It's up to me, this is my job."

"Oh yes, you are an executioner..."

Little Olga didn't 'snatch the monster' with Lloyd, so she stepped aside.

Lloyd thought for a moment and decided to use his apparent ability, [Veto Declaration], to give it a ride.

"In the name of veto!"

Apart from being able to move, this skeleton had no power at all, and it was extremely decayed. It was just lightly smashed by the [Declaration of Veto], and it was shattered into ashes on the ground.

But there was no corresponding insanity value prompt coming from the panel.

So the next second, these ashes seemed to come to life again, regrouping into the crumbling skeleton, and continued to write letters, seemingly not minding Lloyd's rudeness.

"Huh? It's a bit weird..."

"I'll give it a try."

Little Olga said, and asked the ancestor to take action.

Then the result was the same. The ancestor shot it, and even the writing desk and the mailbox were all broken, but they also returned to their original shape in an instant.

"They...seem to be solidified into this state by some kind of force? Forcibly fixed in this state?"

little Olga said.

"Well...I'll try again."

Lloyd said, and once again activated [Veto Declaration], or [Gift Distortion]

This time, he added some [distorted] power to this [declaration].

After a muffled sound of "Bah", the skeleton that was smashed for the third time did not recover.

"That's true..."

Lloyd murmured in a low voice, which verified his speculation.

As soon as he entered here, he felt the [distortion] breath in the air here, and he suspected that the abnormality on the skeleton was related to [distortion].

Although with his current attainment in the [distortion] direction, he still doesn't understand how to perform this kind of 'resurrection of the dead' general operation, but fortunately this wild [distortion] is not strong, and can even be said to be very weak. , so it can be simple and direct to use strength to overcome cleverness.

It was just that Lloyd felt a little regretful, as if he had discovered a finely crafted antique vase and couldn't make it himself, so he smashed it with a hammer...

And although the problem was solved, the panel did not issue any prompts, indicating that Lloyd did not catch anything.

It seems to be just a simple collision of strength?

At this time, little Olga on the side quickly asked curiously:

"My friend, how did you do this?"

Lloyd gave an ambiguous answer:

"This thing involves the power of [distortion]."

"[Distortion]? How is this possible? Isn't that a power that humans cannot touch?"

"This is true today, but it was not true in the past. I have briefly learned about it in Mizkatokri, but unfortunately it is not convenient to reveal more."

"Well, I can probably think of it. After all, the human beings in that glorious era in the past are far beyond us today. Just like no matter how hard I try, I can't catch up with those ancestors of our family. For the people of that era, Say, maybe [Distortion] can also be controlled, right?”

Because [Distortion] is the safest taboo system, little Olga did not particularly resist it. She did not seem to doubt Lloyd and just continued to discuss:

"I do feel that there is a strange force that is impacting the protection on my body, trying to interfere with my perception. Is that also the power of [distortion]? So is it possible that the accident that happened to this ruins was due to [distortion]? Caused by it?”

"It's very possible, so we have to be more careful next time."

Lloyd reminded in a low voice, and continued to walk cautiously deeper, analyzing and thinking in his heart.

In fact, he had thought of this earlier, but he didn't rush to a conclusion.

Mainly because there are still some details that he is not sure about yet.

Lloyd speculated that this ruins should be a giant base for research on [Distortion] in the past.

After all, in the past era, [Distortion] was once popular and attracted a lot of interest in [Brilliant Gold], so it is natural to conduct vigorous research on it.

But from Dean Hazlade's previous class, Lloyd felt that people at that time were still able to control this new power relatively well. If [Distortion] could casually destroy a giant base of this size, then it would It will no longer be popular.

Therefore, the people here must have done some ruthless work, and it was not an ordinary level of ruthless work.

Previously, after Lloyd went further into this place, when he passed by the ruins, he used his professionalism in the civil engineering department to briefly evaluate the building structure, materials and craftsmanship.

Then he discovered that even though only the ruins of broken walls were left, its structural strength was still astonishing, and some kind of construction technology that was far beyond modern was used. He couldn't understand how it was built here. He only knew that its strength was absolutely beyond the ordinary. Quite common sense.

It should be easy to place a hard-resistant nuclear bomb on the earth. If you only rely on the natural passage of time, it is impossible to destroy the superstructure outside to what it looks like.

What's more, the power of [Distortion] mainly focuses on the impact on thinking and consciousness. The damage effect on the physical level should not be so exaggerated.

And the faint twisting power that remains in the air now, and even this skeleton uncle, should be the aftermath of that brutal event that year. It has not been completely dissipated after thousands of years. So the scale of that year can probably be imagined. I know...

Maybe the ruthless work done by Mizkatok is not as good as here?

If this place was not in a different space, but directly in the present world, Lloyd would have been unable to imagine the impact that the aftermath of this brutal incident would have had.

Naturally, he became more curious about the causes and consequences of this ruthless life.

If you can master this majestic power that can destroy an entire solid fortress...

Forget it, let’s not think about it so much yet…

Lloyd controlled his thoughts, turned around the area he was currently on, and then asked:

"Have you noticed a strange place?"

"Huh? You mean that the distortion in the air is gradually getting stronger?"

"It's not just that, but the surrounding area... is a bit too clean."

"Huh? Indeed...except for the previous desk and the skeleton, this place actually looks cleaner than the spiral staircase. Not only are there no bones anymore, there are not even any remnants of furniture visible. In such a large area, it looks like It looks like an empty rough-and-tumble house, really weird..."

"Judging from the structural layout of the building, it looks a bit like an employee rest area, so there is a specially arranged mail and reception room, which should be used to send and receive personal items, right? Then when an accident happens here, that guy shouldn't be the only one unlucky, right? ? Even if it is, you still have to leave some personal belongings, right?"

"My friend, you mean that the people here, and even the things around them, all evaporated because of this accident? Is this what [Distortion] can do?"

"From my understanding, it can't be done, so I'm surprised."

Lloyd concluded with a final sentence. He had a vague feeling in his heart that it was not just the power of [distortion] that may have caused this accident.

So he and little Olga continued to explore towards the next level.

However, a few hours later, after walking down layer by layer and covering most of the entire ruins, I still found nothing.

The place is so empty that it's a bit creepy. It seems like there's nothing left except the wisps of [distorted] power in the air.

It was obviously an empty place, but it did not bring a sense of security at all. On the contrary, it made Lloyd and little Olga feel more and more numb.

But the question is, what about those people who came in later?

Where did those people go? Why can't even a trace of activity be seen?

Just when Lloyd was feeling confused, he heard little Olga beside him suddenly say:

"My friend, I suddenly have a bad guess... Do you think there is a possibility that this entire ruins will undergo some kind of restoration and restoration on a regular basis? Just like the body that will continue to restore Like a skeleton...

And this kind of 'reduction' will remove all the excess and keep it absolutely the same, so we can't find any trace of other people's visit..."

His speculation caused Lloyd to open his eyes suddenly and suddenly realized something.

The distortions permeating the air don't seem to be threatening, and can only cause some simple interference to vision.

What about inspiration and intuition that are sharper than vision?


Lloyd immediately shouted.

Little Olga also suddenly shivered, and then the two of them quickly started running away.

And in the darkness behind the two of them, something seemed to be starting to move...

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