Chapter 340 339. Border Town

Seeing the portal reminds you of Mizzkatoke? It seems that he knows a lot about the academy? He knows that spatial ability is the hallmark of the academy.

Lloyd took note of this detail in his mind and said casually:

"You should know that the school rules of Mizzkatoke are quite special, so it is not convenient for me to say it directly."

"Of course, I know that you have strict rules that cannot be disclosed at will, so it is particularly mysterious to the outside world... Since you are from Mizzkatoke, it is no wonder that you are so outstanding at such a young age, so I am full of confidence in this operation."

As Olga spoke, she followed Lloyd into the portal and came to the half of the store.

Lloyd cleaned up the old shelves, the old goods on the shelves, and all kinds of scattered sundries inside this morning and stuffed them into a corner of the storage bag. He did not throw them away for the time being, but they were not of much value. He planned to wait until some time to participate in archaeological activities and "put them back to their original place".

So there was only an empty corner of the room left, with no furniture or facilities, only two chairs, and it was a makeshift place, so it was inevitably a bit shabby.

But little Olga was like a curious baby, looking around at the empty "lifeboat", as if she was entering this alien space for the first time, savoring the mystery and wonder in it.

Lloyd didn't care, so he said:

"Okay, it's time to go, and it's expected to arrive in three hours."

After that, he guided the "lifeboat" to float towards the spatial coordinates of Blizzard Mountain Villa, and at the same time released his own projection, wrapped the "lifeboat" on the outside, and then paddled to boost it, speeding up the drifting speed.

As a result, little Olga immediately had a strong discomfort reaction, and hurriedly covered her head, saying dizzily:

"My friend... why do I feel... like the world is spinning? This... I..."

He fainted on the spot before he could finish his words.

You are too lame, right? Dizzy just after starting?

Lloyd was also a little helpless. He thought that drifting in a space close to the present world, the dizziness should not be so strong, right?

Sure enough, this simple "lifeboat" is not as stable as professional equipment like a space elevator?

Of course, it is also possible that this guy's spatial adaptability and sense of direction are too poor?

Lloyd originally planned to have a good chat with little Olga about various knowledge and experience of the [materialization] system during the journey, but he got dizzy just after starting the boat...

There was no way, Lloyd had to take out a big book from the storage bag and read it by himself.

The time for learning always passed quickly. Lloyd felt that it was not long before the "lifeboat" shook slightly, reminding him that he had arrived at the station.

As the space stabilized again, little Olga woke up leisurely without Lloyd calling her, and then covered her head with her hands and said weakly:

"My friend... This is really an unforgettable journey... If there is a chance in the future... I would rather take an airship..."

Lloyd didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He waited for him to calm down for a while before helping him stand up. Then the two of them passed through the portal and came to a small border town under the snow-capped mountains, ready to inquire about the information first.

Lloyd didn't lead the "lifeboat" straight to the top of the Blizzard Mountain Villa. What if something unexpected happened?

He has always been a patient and cautious young man, and he would never be a brainless and reckless man. He would do divination before every action.

As soon as the two walked out of the portal, they felt that the air around them suddenly dropped to freezing point, and snowflakes began to fly in the air. Looking around, there was a pure white snow scene covered with silver everywhere, which could relax and calm people's minds.

The town in front of us is in line with all the stereotypes of the "snow mountain town". There are wooden huts everywhere, squeezed by thick snow. Through the window, you can see the flickering fire inside, and wisps of smoke rising from the chimney. It looks very peaceful and harmonious.

The snow under my feet is already over my ankles, but there are a lot of messy footprints left, indicating that this town is not as quiet as it seems on the surface. It is actually quite lively? It seems to have welcomed many tourists?

Are they all here to claim the inheritance?

Along the other end of the town, a narrow mountain road winds up to the location of the Blizzard Manor. Lloyd looked in that direction and could vaguely see the outline of a majestic building, looming in the wind and snow.

At the same time, he also confirmed his previous judgment in his heart that there was indeed a problem with the space there, showing a very obvious instability, just like a clear crack in a snowy landscape painting.

Although this border town and Blizzard Mountain Villa are still a few hours away from each other in terms of physical distance, they are actually very close in terms of spatial dimension, so Lloyd's observation and judgment will definitely not be wrong.

If no intervention is made, the "crack" may remain the same; it may also disappear on its own under the influence of the surrounding space; but it is more likely to intensify and expand.

What will happen after the expansion, no one can tell...

It seems that this trip is really right, at least it can eliminate the risk of "a thousand-mile dam collapsed by an ant hole".

Lloyd sighed in his heart.

As for how the spatial instability phenomenon is connected to "uncle's legacy", further exploration is needed.

Lloyd briefly thought about it, and suddenly felt a little cold when he was blown by the cold wind. He quickly summoned the [Projection] to his side and wrapped himself up to isolate the cold air, so that he could warm up.

Little Olga on the side couldn't help being stunned when she saw this, and then asked in surprise:

"[Projection]? You're actually involved in the [Embodiment] system?"

"Yeah, it's quite convenient, right?"

Lloyd smiled.

"This...but [projection] shouldn't be used like this, right?"

Little Olga said rather implicitly.

In fact, what he really wants to say is that you are just messing around!

The [Projection] route and the [Story] route actually have a common logic, that is, the more exquisite, complete and realistic it is, the more powerful it will be.

Therefore, extraordinary people on the [Projection] route need to repeatedly polish, repair, and complete [Projection] in their own [Thinking Domain], striving to achieve excellence and perfection.

It has to be maintained with spiritual power to keep it in its best condition, and will only be released when it is really needed.

A person like Lloyd, who randomly puts out a ball of "projection" that is completely shapeless and looks like dough, is simply a layman among laymen.

He actually used [Projection] to keep warm, which made little Olga not know how to complain for a while.

He wanted to release his inspiration and check the quality and condition of Lloyd's [Projection], but he still held back——

This kind of spying is a very sensitive and taboo matter in the "Extreme" system circle. It is tantamount to peeking at other people's trump cards. It will directly cause conflicts and contradictions, so don't do it randomly.

Although Lloyd may not understand these skills, little Olga's moral standards are still online, and she does not want to lose this new friend who is very promising.

Lloyd obviously didn't understand these 'unspoken rules of the industry' and asked in confusion:

"Huh? Is there anything wrong with this?"

" friend, how did you complete [Enlightenment]?"

" seemed like it was done naturally, right?"

"That means you completed [Enlightenment] naturally, which proves that you have extremely high talent in [Embodiment], but you have not studied systematically... When the matter in front of you is over, let's have a good chat?"

Little Olga definitely didn't want to tutor Lloyd in the ice and snow, so she could only suggest it in passing.

"Okay, okay! It's settled!"

Lloyd nodded repeatedly.

So little Olga took out a pair of special gloves and put them on. A circle of flame-like lines could be seen on the palms of his hands. After putting them on, he seemed to be able to withstand the severe cold around him, and his body was also exuding bursts of warmth. Kindly asked:

"If you haven't prepared any cold-proof equipment, I have plenty here."

Lloyd waved his hand quickly.

"No, no, just use [projection]. It's quite comfortable, like soaking in hot water."

Little Olga: “…………”

The two of them walked into this ice and snow town, quickly found the hotel in the town, opened the door and walked in.

It was much warmer and livelier inside than outside. Many people were making noisy noises, and some were blushing and thick-necked, as if they were urging something. Not many people noticed the arrival of two weirdos who only wore casual suits in the winter.

Little Olga ran directly to the bar, took out a few banknotes, and began to inquire about the news.

Lloyd stood aside and [explored] one by one.

Most of the dozens of people here are ordinary people, men, women, and children of all ages. Their faces are not very kind, and they show obvious greed and urgency. Several of them are obviously ' He was walking around on the street, and there was an obvious coldness and ferocity in his eyes.

It seems that everyone has an "uncle" who is about to die. This uncle is really a "nephew" in the world. Why not just change his name to Chen Rui?

However, Lloyd still discovered some extraordinary beings. There are legal systems and taboo systems, but their ranks are not high. They are basically 2-3 levels, with the highest being two fourth-level ones. Therefore, the most obvious ones in the field are The strong one is the fifth-level little Olga.

Among them, the five members of the legal system, based on Lloyd's twenty years of experience as an investigator learned from others, recognized them as 'fellow colleagues' at a glance. They were also the first to notice Lloyd and little Olga.

And they immediately took action. One of them came over to contact little Olga, and the other walked towards Lloyd, and then asked in a low voice:

"You are also here to investigate this unusual incident?"

Lloyd didn't shy away and nodded.

"Is it also for that reward?"

The other party asked again, his tone a little more wary.

"Reward? I don't know. We came from Brilliant City. We are just curious."

"I see, then it's okay. I wish you good luck."

The investigator who came to strike up a conversation didn't say anything more, went back to his table, and whispered something to his companion.

Lloyd couldn't hear it. It seemed that they had soundproofing equipment around them and were very well prepared. They were obviously well prepared.

At this time, little Olga came over with two cups of hot drinks in her hands. She and Lloyd found a table in the corner to sit down. Then she took out a palm-sized tuning fork and gently placed it on the table. After knocking, others couldn't hear their side of the conversation.

"It is said to be the specialty drink here. It smells okay, like milk, juice, cereal and some low-alcohol alcohol. Give it a try."

Little Olga handed a drink to Lloyd, took a sip, and nodded.

"It tastes good, but the alcohol content is a little high, be careful not to drink too much."

Then, he shared with Lloyd the information he had previously inquired about.

"In the past two months, this hotel has received many, many tourists who have inherited the legacy, much more than we expected before, and the number is still growing. Like today, the guest rooms here are already full, and the whole town has become rich."

Little Olga said, with a sneer of disdain at the corner of her mouth, and continued:

"So the bartender just now told me that Blizzard Mountain Villa is real. He often went there to play when he was a child. There lived a kind and amiable old man who would always take out exquisite candies to entertain him."

Lloyd nodded seriously, indicating that he understood what it meant.

Obviously, regardless of whether the inheritance is real or not, the people in this town must have made a lot of money, and they certainly hope that more people will come to look for the inheritance.

As for whether those people can come back after they go, no one cares.

The hearts of these people are colder than the weather outside...

"The bartender also said that the next mountain road is not easy to walk, and suggested that I must hire the best guide and prepare sufficient supplies."

Little Olga continued.

"The price should not be cheap, right?"

"Yes, it is about twenty times the market price, but even so, there are still many people paying in an endless stream..."

"After all, compared with the inheritance, this expense can only be regarded as a tip."

"Look at the table in the north corner, they have made an appointment with a guide, but the other party used the excuse of bad weather to raise the price, so the two sides are in a stalemate."

Little Olga said, looking back and raising her chin.

There were five people at the table he mentioned, but only one of them was holding a local and arguing with him. The remaining four had already secretly grasped their weapons, and their faces were all fierce, as if they would kill people at any time.

The local they caught seemed to be frightened, and quickly raised his hands to surrender, and then said that they would leave immediately.

So the group of people packed up their things and left the tavern cursing.

And at the table next to them, there were a few "gangsters", who also packed up their things and followed the footsteps of the team in front.

Lloyd felt that the target of this second group was probably not the inheritance at all, but the team in front...

"This can actually form a kind of industrial chain? It is said that no one can walk out of the Blizzard Mountain Villa, but I think it is more because few people can successfully reach there?"

Lloyd asked helplessly.

"Yes, so the situation here is more complicated than we expected before, and it is gradually evolving into a lawless place."

Little Olga said, spreading her hands, and was also helpless.

"It's like this, why won't the cult take action?"

"It's difficult. I just learned more about it. This town is more remote than it looks on the map, and the climate is bad. It happens to be located in the gap between two cities. Whether it is the way up or down, it is very difficult to go...

So neither the City of Order nor the City of Eternity is willing to invest the limited manpower here, and they are definitely more inclined to the large-scale development."

Little Olga said, smiled again, and forced to find a "good news":

"But think about it on the bright side. This damn place is like this, what kind of people will come?"

What he said makes sense. The temptation of the letter was not very strong, and ordinary people could easily get rid of it. In addition, the time limit was not generous, and the natural and social environment here were bad. Those who can still reach Blizzard Mountain Villa must not be pure people.

Basically, only those truly greedy and cruel desperadoes can pass these layers of screening and see "Uncle's Legacy".

If such people can never come back, it would be a good thing...

"But the more this is the case, the more we have to go up and take a look."

Lloyd whispered again.

Little Olga nodded vigorously.

"Yes, my friend, you and I are thinking the same thing again. If these people did not die in the Blizzard Villa, but gained some kind of power in it, the consequences would be even more disastrous."

"But it should not be just us who noticed the hidden dangers here. Look at the guys who look like investigators over there. They just came over to ask me if I came for the reward."

Lloyd said, and looked at the investigator next to him.

The other party seemed to feel his gaze and looked over at the same time, and smiled politely, but he could not feel any sincerity.

"They regard us as competitors."

Lloyd said, turning his head.

"I had a brief contact with one of them before, but he didn't mention the bounty, only saying that they were from the City of Order..."

Little Olga said, and then asked in confusion:

"But you can actually recognize that they are from the investigation team? I thought they were from an illegal association."

"I have a holy object that can provide me with some [Intelligence] ability. The table in the corner behind you on the right is from an illegal association."

Lloyd explained casually and looked at the extraordinary people at another table. All five of them were from the [Pain] department.

This group of people had been secretly observing Lloyd and his group from the beginning.

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