I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 329 328 I have a bold idea

Chapter 329 328. I have a bold idea

The sudden bad news made the atmosphere in the room, which had only relaxed a little bit, become extremely solemn again, as if it were real, as if the end of the world was coming, weighing heavily on everyone's hearts.

Even the faces of the three professors are becoming extremely ugly...

The three of them looked at each other with questioning eyes.

But he immediately lowered his head again and looked at the data carefully, hoping that the researcher below had made a mistake.

But no, what was wrong was the initial prediction of the storm's path...

Fortunately, the three professors did not cry out in surprise like the others, but thought quickly about the next countermeasures.

"We must contact the dean immediately and inform everyone to evacuate as soon as possible. With the equipment we have, we should be able to save some..."

Professor Albert took the lead in coming up with his plan.

Then, the dean’s voice came directly to the three people’s ears:

"I'm already here, let's talk about the situation."

So Professor Pierce replied:

"It's very bad. The scale of this space storm far exceeds historical records, and it also far exceeds the capacity of the college. It is also showing a gradually increasing trend. If it lands, the consequences will be disastrous...

I don’t agree with Albert’s idea. That’s impossible. Even if you use all your failed works, you won’t be able to bring many people with you, let alone escape. With the intensity of this storm, your The toys will just be torn to pieces like pieces of paper in a hurricane! "

"You don't agree, what do you think?"

Professor Albert, who was scolded, immediately asked.

"Use those level 0 sacred objects. I remember that the dean still has a few items at the bottom of the box, especially the 0-005. It should be able to solve the problem."

Professor Pierce suggested.

But in exchange, the dean gave a rather helpless answer:

"I'm sorry, Lawrence had proposed this idea earlier. Unfortunately, 0-005 can't do this unless...one of you can understand the core and essence of that storm..."

"Core and essence? How is this possible?"

"So... let's listen to Lawrence's opinion?"

The dean then suggested.

Professor Lawrence frowned and thought for a while before coming up with his plan:

"Gather everyone to the central area where the Knowledge Square is located, and then loosen the spatial anchors in other areas..."

Before he could finish his words, the other two professors almost jumped up and quickly questioned:

"I think you are really crazy! Loose the space anchor in the storm? Do you want the academy to be crushed into powder?"

"Have you forgotten the role of spatial anchors? Or do you not know what will happen if you let go of them? Do you even dare to move this?"

Faced with the questioning from his colleagues, Professor Lawrence smiled and did not directly deny it.

"Maybe I'm really crazy? But in the face of this crazy storm, only a crazy plan can find a chance for us!"

As he spoke, he pulled the light curtain in front of the three of them, with a simple plan on it.

Professor Pierce took a quick look and suddenly showed an annoyed look. He clapped his chest and beat his feet while asking:

"Huh? Release the space anchor and let other areas become barriers to the central area? How could you come up with such a crazy plan?"

Professor Lawrence's plan compares the entire Mizkatok to a series of balloons tied to each other. When a storm comes, the ropes connecting the balloons are cut, leaving them isolated and helpless.

It seems that this is undoubtedly a stupid suicide plan.

But Professor Albert did not refute immediately. Instead, he checked various data and then said:

"Although crazy, it is not completely unfeasible. By sacrificing other school districts to create a spatial interference, thereby weakening the power of the storm or deflecting its path, it is indeed feasible. At the same time, we can also concentrate our current resources. Conduct centralized reinforcement of the central area..."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand and scratched the light screen twice more, and continued to add:

"However, doing so means that we have to give up other school districts, as well as the various documents, equipment, collections, and countless wealth accumulated over the years. The only space left for the college to establish a foothold is the central district. A small piece is basically in name only...

And this is not a 100% safe plan. It is very likely that the collision with other school districts will cause the storm to become more severe, or other bad conditions, making everything worse; at the same time, even if the central district can be saved, there is a high probability Being 'blown away', lost in a different space, never able to find the way back to this world..."

After Professor Albert's analysis, the dean also roughly understood the current situation and gave a brief overview:

"In other words, we can either resign ourselves to fate and wait for the academy to be completely destroyed; or we can fight to the death to find that slim hope and a more difficult future?"

"That's probably it, but even so, this is our only chance to survive."

Professor Lawrence replied in a low voice.

The dean no longer had any doubts and said directly:

"Okay, then I'll execute it according to your plan and leave it to you."


"There is nothing good about it. As long as we can survive, Mizkatok will not die. No matter how bad the current situation is, it will be better than it was then..."

The dean said, with a helpless smile in his tone:

"We humans are so small, and we will appear particularly fragile and powerless in the face of this kind of thing. However, no matter how small we are, we should not be so humble that we give up hope!"

So with the dean's decision, Professor Lawrence's crazy plan was implemented, and the entire Mizkatok suddenly fell into a state of chaos.

All the students were running wildly, carrying as much valuables as possible and escaping to the Knowledge Square.

Fortunately, it was still a holiday, and the new school year had not yet begun. There were not many teachers and students stranded in the college, only a few thousand people, and the spacious Knowledge Square could still accommodate them.

But chaos and despair inevitably spread among the crowd, and intensified, causing all kinds of cries, wails, curses, and last words to float in the normally quiet Knowledge Square.

"I obviously just found a girlfriend, and I haven't even signed it!"

"I still have a wife, children, and an elderly mother at home. What should I do?"

"I'm just in the first grade and I haven't learned anything yet. I'm going to die now?"

"Let's do something we normally wouldn't dare to do, so that we don't have regrets when we die."

"Haha, whatever, just destroy it. It just so happens that I don't have to pay back the mortgage, hahaha."

"Yes, I finally no longer have to worry about tuition fees and ratings, and I can finally take a break."

Lloyd's little milk cat and its new friend the little pig were hiding in a corner, looking at these humans in confusion as they demonstrated the diversity of life, but they didn't look very scared.

On the contrary, the little fragrant pig kept shivering and humming, as if asking you why you are not afraid?

"Meow meow..."

The little milk cat responded with two sentences, which seemed to express that the owner would come back to save me.


The little fragrant pig asked it again, where is your master?

"Meow meow meow!"

The little milk cat raised its paws towards the sky of the college, then raised its round head and looked eagerly at the sky.

It believes that the owner will come back soon.

And in the entire Mizkatok, it is probably the only one who believes this...


"What? Lloyd, two lecturers and an assistant are missing?"

Professor Lawrence was originally busy controlling the space anchor of the college on the instrument, but he was shocked by the news, and his hands were slightly messed up, which almost led to a tragedy.

But fortunately, he regained his composure in an instant, quickly made up for it, and continued to operate while listening to researcher Dandihui's report:

"Yes, everyone else is still alive, but Lloyd and the four of them have not come back...According to the lecturer in the mage department, he insisted on rescuing everyone, so he did not evacuate together, but went back on his own. Saved someone..."

"This idiot who likes to show off as a hero is indeed not a human being. He doesn't even have the instinct to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages!"

Professor Lawrence cursed angrily.

No matter how regretful and sad he felt in his heart, he did not delay his operations for a moment because of the news of Lloyd's death, and opened his mouth to give instructions:

"Okay, tell the dean the news, and then go back to your post."

After saying that, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart and sighed secretly:

Maybe that kid was just a few steps ahead of us...

Then, he turned around and looked at the light curtain next to him.

The speed of the space storm is gradually accelerating, and it will arrive in about ten minutes.

But there are only three school districts that have unlocked the space anchor and are preparing to carry out the impact...

Therefore, we must unlock more space anchors in the school district as soon as possible and release them one by one without any further delay.

The two or three seconds of feeling sad for Lloyd was the most selfish thing Professor Lawrence could do...

Soon, Dean Hazlade also received the news of Lloyd's death in the empty office.

His invisible body remained silent for two or three minutes before sighing helplessly.

"Hildina, maybe the path we are adhering to is still wrong... The [prophecies] obtained by Astra are still being fulfilled one by one..."

"I remember a short paragraph in it - 'Human beings will lose their wisdom in the storm', it seems to refer to today, right?"

"In order to fight against the fate of the [prophecy], we took the risk to discover the [miracles] of the past, and the old school district that lost the [miracles] set off this devastating storm..."

"This may be the price we paid for [Miracle], or it may be the price the former dean has not yet paid..."

"But if Lawrence's plan succeeds, will it be considered breaking the predetermined fate?"

"No... maybe it's just the link that sentence corresponds to, not today..."

"Maybe we can be rescued today, but we will be lost in a different space forever, until the moment [the prophecy] comes true..."

The dean muttered to himself, and then picked up a page of ancient yellowed parchment from his desk.

This page looks very inconspicuous, and it is blank with nothing on it.

But just by looking at the corner, the mental pollution will come to you.

And the powerful but strange spirituality emanating from the inside makes the air in the office gradually sticky, indicating that the content of mental pollution is rapidly rising and gradually condensing into substance.

But Dean Hazlade had to force himself to pick up the quill pen, hesitating whether to write something on the parchment.

That may not be useful, and it may not be able to resist the space storm, but it is always better than sitting and waiting for death.

Perhaps giving up directly and leaving this extremely dangerous but extremely precious parchment to future generations is a more rational and wise choice?

This may be the key for others to break the [prophecy] and [fate]...

So no matter what others say, Hazlade is unwilling to use this parchment, which is the '0-005' in the professors' mouth.

But it is really difficult for him to make the most rational choice to do nothing and watch the Mitzkatok, which he has devoted his life to, destroyed.

While Dean Hazlade was still hesitating, he suddenly noticed some changes in the space in the office.

He quickly waved his hand on the parchment and hid it like a magic trick.

Then he saw a crack in the air and a portal emerged.

This made the dean very confused. At such a critical moment, would someone from the space department come to find him?

But then, he saw three unconscious people being thrown out of the portal and falling into the area that looked like a duel field.

Then Lloyd walked out while tidying up his appearance. He was stunned and asked in surprise:

"What the hell? Where is this place?"

Dean Hazlade was stunned.

He just accepted the death of this kid, and he appeared in the next second?

Was it intentional or accidental?

And how did he escape from such a terrible space storm?

Is he really like what Hiltina said, never disappointing people?

The dean had to admit that he had lived for so long, but few people could make him so confused.

Fortunately, he did not have a deep knowledge of space, and only knew the basics, so he did not establish any deep-rooted cognitive concepts.

Otherwise, Lloyd would have been "disrespecting his teacher and destroying his ancestors" on the spot...

At present, the dean was just surprised and astonished by Lloyd's sudden appearance, and felt that he could escape from the space storm, which seemed magical and incredible, but it had not risen to the point of cognitive damage and rational collapse.

And Lloyd did not notice the dean's existence at this time. After looking around, he said helplessly:

"Why is there not even a door here? How can I get out? Eh? Wait! Why is the storm outside getting stronger again? Can the college still hold on?"

Dean Hazlade saw this and quickly stretched out his hand and waved in the air in front of him, as if he had opened a window.

Lloyd's inspiration only then realized its existence and quickly turned around.

"Professor Hazlade? You're here too? What the hell is this place? Are you distorting my perception again?"

"No, this is my office..."

"Eh? It turns out that our Distortion Department is not so poor that it only has that legendary tower on campus?"

"Okay, okay, now is not the time to talk about this. Wait a minute, I'll prepare for Lawrence..."

The dean said hurriedly.

It was clear that Lloyd could not chat with him here right now, but should go to Lawrence immediately.

But if he was asked to go there directly, I'm afraid Lawrence's cognition would not be able to hold up...

So the dean took the lead and contacted the Space Department in some special way.

"What's wrong?"

Professor Lawrence's unpleasant voice came directly in the air, like a speakerphone call, and Lloyd could hear it.

The dean said to Professor Lawrence in front of him:

"Well... I contacted you just to ask if Lloyd could still be alive?"

"Why are you thinking about these things now? I'm very busy and don't have time to grieve for anyone."

"But what if he is still alive?"

"That's useless. I'll just teach him a lesson."

Professor Lawrence answered subconsciously.

"Well, that's good. I'll ask him to come find you right away."


Professor Lawrence paused, then asked:

"You don't think that guy is really still alive, do you?"

"He'll be here soon."

The dean said perfunctorily, then cut off the contact, and said to Lloyd:

"I don't need to explain too much. You can feel that the college is in crisis, right?"

"Well... Is it okay? Maybe it's a bit tricky? But it should be manageable, right?"

Lloyd has been paying close attention to the situation of the space storm, and also checked the college's "defense" by the way. He found that if he didn't do something, it would be difficult...

But before he came back, he considered that the college might be damaged in the storm, so he came back specially.

"You said you can handle it?"

Dean Hazlade asked again.

"It should be possible, but it requires the assistance of some space equipment, such as the space elevator."

Lloyd replied.

He had already thought of a way of thinking quickly.

If it is done properly, it can not only resolve the crisis of the academy, but also gain a great benefit for himself, as well as an extremely powerful weapon——

He had an extremely crazy idea, wanting to use [Space Domination] to take this indestructible space storm for himself!

"Sure enough, you really won't let people down, that's good, that's good! Go find Lawrence quickly, the entire space system equipment is yours, as long as you can protect the academy, I will give you whatever you want in the future, even Hildyna!"

The dean said hurriedly again, and was ready to use his own dean privileges to open a portal for Lloyd to return to the space system.

Who knew that Lloyd just waved his hand casually and opened the door himself.

"Then I'll go over first, and I'll ask you to take care of the three of them."

After Lloyd said this, he passed through the portal, leaving the dean alone in a daze.

After a few minutes, it suddenly laughed:

"It seems that our choice is correct."

"Fuck your fate and prophecy!"

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