I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 326 325 Temporary safety

Chapter 326 325. Temporary safety

Lloyd wanted to have a casual chat with the lecturer and teaching assistant, but their eyes were filled with mosquito coils and they soon passed out.

Did you faint after only a few bumps? It's so shameless...

Lloyd complained in his mind, then took out gauze and a tourniquet from the storage bag, wrapped the assistant's broken arm into a rice dumpling, and then took out a few blankets to help the three of them put it on.

In the end, he kept a blanket with a cartoon kitten pattern for himself, and then rummaged through the storage bag to find a can of canned beef and a bottle of juice to replenish his energy.

I really don’t know how long this rafting trip will take...

Fortunately, he had made a bunch of messy purchases before, and there were all kinds of supplies in his storage bag, so he should be able to last until the end of this space storm.

The half of the canteen where the four of them are now is like a rescue cabin in a storm. Although it is still strong and safe, it has no power to sail. They can only drift with the tide and resign themselves to fate.

But this was the only solution that Lloyd could think of under the circumstances.

Not long after he set out to look for the trio, about two or three minutes later, the space storm had already swept through the area where they were.

Although invisible to the naked eye, Lloyd could feel that there were countless spaces around him that were being torn into pieces by the storm. Any creature in it would be cut into powder on the spatial level, as if it was being stabbed randomly. Finely chop into pieces.

The space elevator used for evacuation can barely hold on, but under the sweep of the storm, it has begun to loom, like a small boat that is about to be swept away, and it is impossible to wait for Lloyd to return.

In desperation, Lloyd had to be a little distracted to deal with that side first, and controlled the elevator to retreat first through his [Projection].

Such long-distance precision operations, especially involving the dangerous field of space, should be difficult in theory...

But probably the [Embodied] knowledge that Lloyd had previously obtained through unknown fragments gave him a very solid theoretical foundation. In addition, his [Projection] is very special, and [Space Domination] is reliable, so there are a few things to take away. It was luck. In short, he was able to catch the elevator before it completely lost control.

The people over there were saved in this way, but it also meant that Lloyd himself couldn't leave...

In this space storm, all the coordinate data were turned into a mess. Whether it was his own coordinates or the coordinates of the college, they changed more than ten times a second, making it impossible to calculate.

And even if there is no disturbance from the space storm, his "relative distance" at the moment is too far away from the college. It belongs to the state of "seemingly close at hand, but actually far apart", just like the distance between people... ...With the equipment he has on hand, it is impossible to go back through the portal.

This is the key to the space elevator...

Fortunately, among all the bad news, Lloyd still found a piece of good news, which is that the library he is in is relatively strong at the spatial level, perhaps due to its excellent craftsmanship or the influence of previous miraculous magic. I can hold on for a while longer.

Moreover, its internal space can temporarily withstand the invasion of the storm, so that the coordinates will not become impossible to calculate.

This gave Lloyd the possibility to fish out the three 'Calabash Babies'.

At that time, he opened the portal for the first time and came to the periphery of the tea room where the threesome were guarding. Looking at the layers of 'seniors' and books outside, his scalp went numb for a while, thinking that he was about to confess here... …

In his desperation, he ignored the fun transforming trolley in his hand. He pushed it out, knocking over several 'seniors', and then hid in the canteen diagonally opposite the tea room.

Then he was surprised to find that those 'seniors' suddenly became very afraid of him and did not dare to approach them at all.

Maybe it's because they saw their own strength and learned to retreat when faced with difficulties; maybe it's because they sensed a bit more of a "miracle" in themselves and were frightened to the point of holding back.

In short, the hesitation of the 'seniors' gave Lloyd another 'opportunity', allowing him to open a super-close portal in the canteen, leading to the back of the tea room, and fished out the trio. out.

Then, he continued to use [Space Control] to reinforce the space where the canteen was located, and summoned his [Projection] back to himself, letting it change into the shape of a bubble, wrapping it from the outside. This half of the canteen was occupied.

This is equivalent to turning the canteen into a crude escape hatch.

The inspiration for this operation came from the 'bubbles' that Lloyd had experienced once before in the Space Department School District, which were used to travel to and from various floating islands.

He also came up with a quick wit at a critical moment and thought of that kind of 'bubble', and then cooperated with [Space Control] to change his [Projection] into a similar form.

And a second after he completed this complicated operation, the space where the canteen was located was blown away by the storm...

But fortunately, my [Projection] was very strong, and with the effect of [Spatial Domination] skill, which was to "influence and interfere with the space within the scope of inspiration", I reinforced the space structure of the store, so that it would not be broken into pieces in the storm, and it became a simple and rough, but extremely sturdy escape pod.

It is safe for now, and I will just float slowly next, there is no rush.

Lloyd let out a long sigh in his heart, looked down at his hands, and recalled the various extreme operations just in a few minutes.

Even I didn't expect that I actually completed this series of almost impossible operations?

This is simply...

Lloyd thought about it and tried to find a metaphor to compare his operation.

It's as incredible as strengthening a double explosion 60-point Fire Witch Fire Injury Cup in one breath?

When I go back, I will definitely be on the headlines of the "School Newspaper", right?

Hehe, I have been traveling for so long, and I have received many awards, but I haven't been on the headlines yet?

It's time to let everyone know that I am humble, low-key, mature, steady, reserved, calm, rational, intelligent, hate evil, brave, fearless, handsome, sunny, healing, positive, optimistic, energetic, patient, meticulous, considerate, gentle, romantic, and superb cooking.

Sure enough, if you don't push yourself, you don't know how strong you are!

To create such a miracle, it really depends on yourself.

And a little help from [Space Domination].

Lloyd was a little humble in his heart, and then continued to feel the various changes in the external space. From time to time, he would hear a panel prompt:

[Ding~Skill Fragment +1]

If nothing unexpected happens, these are all fragments related to [Space Domination].

The related improvement of this skill can be regarded as his second biggest gain on this trip.

Just like what Professor Lawrence said before departure, the combination of practice and theory is the best way to learn.

Through this wave of actual in-depth exploration of the alien space and facing this terrifying space storm, his understanding and improvement of space is better than reading for several days.

Even drifting in the storm like this is actually a unique and precious learning opportunity, which allows Lloyd to continue to deepen his understanding of space.

It is precisely because his understanding of space is constantly improving that [Space Domination] can be used to save lives at critical moments.

For example, the effect of "reinforcement of space" was something he knew nothing about a few hours ago.

And the various fancy operations played with [Projection] were also unimaginable before.

It can be seen from this that the specific level of the skill [Space Domination] may not be very important, but the prerequisite of "within the scope of ability" is what is important.

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