I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 319 318 The process of recycling knowledge

Chapter 319 318. Process of recycling knowledge

Level 2 [Space Domination] has not changed much, except for the addition of a ‘coordinate tracking’ function, which is some enhancement of the original function——

This allows Lloyd to open doors and drive elevators more efficiently, and explore the mysteries of space more efficiently.

However, the real core of this skill should not be in the aspect of 'learning quickly', but in the previous function, that is, 'influencing and interfering within the scope of the ability within the space covered by inspiration'.

It's just this "within the scope of ability" rigid condition. With Lloyd's current theoretical level, he can't figure out many ways to play. For the time being, he can only open doors and open elevators.

It would be nice if I could have access to more theoretical knowledge, but I don’t know if that is available here?

Lloyd once again had a bold idea in his mind.

Fortunately, he quickly reminded himself:

Uh... No, no, how could I have such dangerous thoughts?

Others present did not know that Lloyd would be so bold. After hearing the good news he brought, the two lecturers felt relieved and started the next session.

"Let's get started, Gordon, you go first."

Instructor Randy called on a student's name.

A student from the history department immediately stood up and poured a large gulp of wine into his mouth. His face turned red after drinking, and then he said in a tone that was about to be generous and sacrificed:

"Huh...Okay! Come on!"

After saying that, he took out a small wooden stick from his pocket and bit it in his mouth.

Probably to prevent myself from biting off my tongue...

"Don't be so nervous. Relax a little and you'll be more likely to survive."

Lecturer Lille on the side reminded him, and then started to make some adjustments to the ritual, slightly narrowing the protection radius.

As a result, the pages of books and students that had been squeezed into the corners had space to move around again and began to float around.

But I don’t know if it’s because their range of activities is restricted by the shield, or for some other reason, which makes the movement trajectories of these things look even weirder. They are all floating around the shield, and occasionally they will gently Two hits.

I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional, but the students who were originally facing various angles now all changed to a unified appearance, all facing the protective shield, floating around motionlessly, adding to the atmosphere here. Add a bit more weirdness and penetration.

Lloyd had a feeling that those students were curiously observing the people in the shield...

I even feel that they are unwilling to be lonely and want to blend in...

Could they... not be dead yet?

It's very possible, after all, that miraculous magic is called [Time Freeze], so maybe they are really still alive?

No, no, why would I think about this?

Are my bold ideas today a little too much?

Lloyd shook his head vigorously, forcing himself to put down those messy questions, and then recalled the time when he got along with his sister, when he was intimate with Wei Ya, or when he played with Elolo, and when he got tired of his 'childhood sweetheart'... …

He wanted to use these memories to interfere with his thoughts and prevent him from continuing to think wildly.

This method of self-disruption was quite effective. Lloyd's mind quickly became empty and he continued to watch the process of recovering forbidden knowledge.

Lear's lecturer continued to adjust the shield, allowing it to crack a tiny gap.

Immediately, a page floated toward the gap.

Then the history student bit the small piece of wood in his mouth, stretched out his hand towards the page, and released some inspiration and spiritual power to touch the page.

The pages of the book trembled slightly, then turned into a wisp of deathly gray light and disappeared into the air, like butterflies ushering in the withering of life.

The history student suddenly opened his eyes wide, as if his eyes were about to fall out of their sockets, and the whites of his eyes were covered with fine bloodshot eyes and turned blood red.

The small piece of wood in his mouth made a 'squeaking' sound when he bit it, as if he was trying to chew it into pieces.

The limbs of his body immediately began to twitch violently, and then he fell down.

At this time, lecturer Randy's intellectual power surged out of him, covering the history student, and then he suddenly shouted:

"In the name of veto!"

The student was immediately hit by an invisible force, stopped twitching and shaking, and passed out. The situation was temporarily stabilized, and his mental state was maintained at [mild madness] and did not continue to deteriorate.

But Lecturer Randy himself fell into a state of extreme pain. He let out a deep groan and his face was as white as a piece of paper.

But he still remained awake. He immediately reached out with a trembling hand and took out a piece of ancient and dim parchment from his chest. It looked like it would be broken into pieces at any time, and it still exuded a strong and pungent smell of potion.

Lecturer Randy put his hand firmly on the parchment, and lines of text immediately appeared on the paper, and soon the entire page was filled.

Another lecturer quickly closed the crack in the shield to keep those things out, and then asked:

"How are you?"

"Huh...huh...still alive...damn, it's much more uncomfortable than the last few times. Is it because of the influence of miraculous magic?"

As Lecturer Randy said this, he took out a flat metal box from his arms and opened it, revealing a strong smell of potion that was so stinky that it made people sick.

He then put the parchment printed with various characters into a metal box, soaked it with the potion inside, then carefully closed the lid tightly and put it away close to his body.

One page of forbidden knowledge is considered complete recycling.

"Cough cough... cough cough cough..."

Lecturer Randy coughed violently again and quickly drank a few gulps of wine before the color gradually returned to his face.

After about ten minutes of respite, he exchanged places with Lear Lecturer. He was responsible for controlling the ritual, while Lele Lecturer guided the students to absorb the taboo knowledge.

Lloyd finally understood the entire process.

A student first bears the mental pollution caused by forbidden knowledge, and then a lecturer uses the power of [intellect] to help share the burden, and then transfers the forbidden knowledge to himself.

At the same time, he used the power of [veto] to quickly comatose the students, and he recorded the forbidden knowledge on the parchment from before, and then sealed it with a special potion.

No wonder both lecturers have a system combination of [veto] + [intellect].

After that, the two lecturers rotated, and the second student came on, while the previous lecturer and students took the time to take a short rest.

The cycle should continue like this until everyone's mental state can no longer hold on, or the action ends.

This is really hard work...

Lloyd felt both admiration and distress in his heart.

He really didn't expect that the so-called recycling and filtering of taboo knowledge was actually done by humans...

This is simply risking one's life. I'm afraid only Mizkatok Lunatic Asylum would dare to do such a thing.

But it is their bravery and fearlessness that enable them to do things that even saints cannot do.

Saints can resist the intrusion of forbidden knowledge so that ordinary people will not have access to it.

But there is no way to recycle the knowledge into safe pages like this and take it back for further research.

Mizkatok’s history department is really great!

Lloyd admired sincerely in his heart.

At this time, Lecturer Lille was already ready and asked loudly:

"Second one, who's coming?"

The remaining students were a little timid and did not dare to raise their heads.

They probably didn't expect that the main task of their trip was to serve as a 'human filter'.

Isn't this mentioned in the student handbook? Isn’t it all about being easy, safe and fun, plus having more credits and a higher rating?

How relaxing, safe and fun is this?

These students did not have the [Detection] skills like Lloyd, so it was unclear whether the history student on the ground was in good condition, but he seemed unconscious.

It's a pity that they don't know this, and they are still muttering in their hearts. The tragic situation of the history student before was still vivid in their minds, and now their life and death are even more uncertain. I'm afraid they have gone crazy, right?

Who wants to go through the same painful danger?

If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have come here to earn these credits and ratings...

Those criminals with taboo systems wanted to bury their heads in their chests.

They know that their rationality is not very good, and they may go crazy on the spot...

It wasn't until someone suddenly stood up and showed off his hero that they dared to raise their heads and take a look.

"If there's no one around, how about I try?"

Lloyd asked tentatively.

Lecturer Lille was stunned for a moment, and then asked, dumbfounded:

"Do you think the atmosphere is too heavy and you want to tell a joke to liven it up? But I'm sorry, I can't quite laugh..."

Even the student who just provoked Lloyd quickly stood up and tried to dissuade him:

"You... you can't do it! If something happens to you, we won't be able to go back! We will be trapped and die in this hellish place!"

"Well, what you said makes sense, so you'd better go ahead."

Lloyd followed his words and sat back down.

"Ah this..."

The student was stunned on the spot. After being embarrassed for a while, he picked up the wine bottle on the ground and took a big gulp.

"I'll do it, I'll do it. Let me show you, an top student, that we misguided people also have backbone!"

After that, he resolutely came to the edge of the shield, took deep breaths, and turned his head to indicate that Lear could start.

This move was a bit beyond Lloyd's expectations. Although it was a bit 'going with the flow', this guy didn't give in completely, he really bit the bullet.

This made Lloyd feel slightly better about him.

At the same time, he said silently in his heart:

For the sake of your integrity, I won't let anything happen to you.

As he spoke, he quietly took back the [Consciousness Tentacle] he had thrown out before, without anyone noticing.

This wisp of tentacles was stuck on the history student's forehead before. Through this wisp of 'dumb hair', Lloyd had helped him completely stabilize his mental state.

The reason why I haven't woken up yet is probably because lecturer Randy was a bit harsh...

However, the mental pollution absorbed from this person is only over 10,000 points, which corresponds to his [rationality] of over 100 points.

But since it is forbidden knowledge that has been affected by miraculous magic, the mental pollution it can bring is definitely more than that.

This shows that the person who really bears more mental pollution is Lecturer Randy...

Therefore, the process of the history department may seem very strenuous, but it really does not push people to death. It just makes people very painful and uncomfortable, and then their mental state will collapse to the extreme.

However, even without Lloyd present, the student's mental state has deteriorated to [moderate madness]. Although he will be admitted to a mental hospital, at least his life can be saved.

However, what makes Lloyd quite regretful is that his tentacle only absorbed the madness value, but failed to absorb any skill fragments or knowledge fragments.

I didn’t get any of the taboo knowledge from the previous page...

He didn't know whether it was because the tentacles were too thin and the fragments couldn't get through; or because Professor Randy's attack was too heavy...

Or maybe the lecturer took the knowledge away in advance?

While Lloyd was guessing in his mind, he put 5 points of the upgrade points brought by these 10,000 points of madness into [Spiritual Power], raising [Spiritual Power] to 300 points.

He made a simple calculation again. If he continued like this, and according to their rhythm, a round of recycling would take about 20 minutes, he would be able to level up. The efficiency would not be bad, right?

It just so happened that he had adapted to the mental pollution in the air, so he could only occasionally pop up a +1 prompt to remind Lloyd that the air here was mentally polluted!

It would be great if I could help the two mentors share the burden...

Lloyd continued to ponder.

But their strength is at least starting at the fifth level. I will definitely be discovered if I give them a "dumb hair", which may lead to unnecessary misunderstandings.

If there is direct physical contact, the misunderstanding between two grown men might be even more troublesome...

Hmm... maybe I can find a good excuse or excuse, saying that I have special equipment, special holy objects, etc., so that they can feel comfortable being fucked by me?

Then I have to think carefully about what to say...

Lloyd was thinking about this. Before he could find an excuse, the second round of recycling was over.

The student of the taboo system passed out, and Lloyd quietly inserted a tentacle into his forehead.

Lear's lecturer, like Lecturer Randy's before, endured the pain, packed up a page of knowledge, then took a big gulp of wine, and said with a long sigh:

"Huh~~~~The knowledge this time is indeed extraordinary. I even feel the afterglow of [miracle] in it."

Hearing what he said, Lloyd became even more anxious, and quickly came up with an excuse that was not very satisfactory:

"Teachers, I think I can help you..."

As a result, I only had time to start my sentence before I was interrupted by Lear Lecturer with a smile:

"Okay, bring me another bottle of wine."

I’ll update one chapter first, and the second chapter a little later.

Thanks to the faith of apoptosis for rewarding me with 900 points.

Thanks to book friend 150509082415848 for tipping me 1500 points.

Thanks for tipping me 100 points tonight.

Thanks to Mo Gong Wubai for rewarding me with 200 points.

Thank you very much for your support!

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