I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 30 Today, choose a 3-story

Chapter 30 30. Today, choose a -3 floor

Everrole's room is full of various cartoon-style toys and small ornaments, and even the walls are covered with stickers of various cartoon animals, with a childish fairy tale style.

Only a simple photo frame on the bedside table has a different style, which contains an old photo that has turned yellow and is a little damaged-

It shows a young couple with a happy smile, the husband holding the hand of a cute little girl, and the wife holding a baby in a swaddling clothes, full of warmth.

Lloyd stared at the photo for a long time, and then whispered:

"Don't worry, we will be fine and live happily."

After that, he reached out to his sister's bedside and grabbed the hammerhead shark puppet.

Everrole likes this naive guy very much. She would hold it to sleep every day, leaving a faint temperature and fragrance on it.

In contrast, she doesn't like the kitten very much. Maybe the painful experience of not being able to beat a cat when she was a child left a deep shadow on her?

Lloyd stretched out two fingers and scratched the snow-white belly of the puppet a few times, injecting some spiritual power into it again, so that it could keep in touch with himself and always serve as a medium for divination.

In this way, when he finds the right [spiritual object], he can directly perform [medium divination]!

Although the process of finding the spiritual object was not smooth before, Lloyd, as an indomitable and tough young man, would never give up easily.

The Brilliant City is so dangerous, with all kinds of undercurrents. If he can't use [medium divination] to protect his sister, he will definitely be uneasy.

The divination method is unreliable, then try other methods. Maybe you can find relevant clues in the library?

With such expectations, Lloyd went out, and as usual, he took the tram to the eighth district, and then transferred to the "Advanced Subway" from there.

While waiting for the bus at the station, he also bought a copy of today's newspaper from the newsboy and took a look at the front-page headline:

"Breaking! Why did the famous singer cheat on his wife? Take you into the truth that women will be silent and men will cry after hearing it》

Alas... Every time I read the newspaper, I always feel like I'm back on Earth...

Lloyd complained in his heart and skipped all kinds of "big news" directly. He first looked at the "Little Joke Every Day" section:

"Five criminals in strange costumes broke into the "Final Judgment" in full view of the public and have been restored to their original state. 》

"Pfft~ It's really a good joke."

Lloyd couldn't help laughing out loud.


[Ding~ Madness Value +50]

"Ahem! It seems that there are really no skill fragments to take on the subway. It's a pity... Dizziness resistance is actually a very useful skill. It should be more useful after the level is higher."

Lloyd said to himself with regret.

In order to make up for this regret, he decided to choose a poor guy on the -3 floor today.

When he came to the familiar Tower 9, he found that it was a little different from before.

In the gardens and green areas outside, there are several slender stone pillars as thick as arms. They are all white and engraved with various complex patterns. They are a bit like the steel nails used to suppress monsters, but they are a few circles bigger.

At the same time, as soon as Lloyd approached the tower, he felt an invisible weak force covering his whole body, like an invisible veil, but it did not cause any discomfort, and it disappeared quickly.

This should be some kind of security inspection mechanism composed of rituals?

The little kitten in the pocket also felt something, poked out its round head, and meowed twice.

This guy seemed unwilling to become a mature little kitten, so he refused to learn to guard the house by himself. When he saw Lloyd go out, he hurriedly chased after him and got into the pocket of his uniform.

Lloyd did not force it, so he scratched its head and comforted it:

"Don't be afraid, it's very safe here."

Then, he came to the familiar notice board again.

There were more executors gathered here than usual, all checking a brand new notice.

It was a description of the attack on the library.

Lloyd also took a look.

Although the content and process were described in detail, they were all the links he had personally experienced, without exaggeration, but there was no more information, neither the whereabouts of the injured nor the origin of the attackers.

It was simply mentioned that the injured had been properly settled, and the origin of the attackers needed further investigation.

And finally reiterated the important principle:

[Don't think too much, don't ask too much]

It seems that although our Holy Court is well-known and deeply loved, it also has many secrets? Maybe there are some "big news" or even "big terror" hidden?

Lloyd thought about it in his heart.

But he didn't have any intention of exploring the truth, so he continued to upgrade and increase points peacefully, step by step and steadily improve.

He took off the only key to the -3th floor next to him, and walked to the quartermaster under the gaze of everyone next to him.

I could still hear people talking:

"Isn't this guy a newcomer? How dare he choose the -3rd floor?"

"It's really hard to understand. I've been here for almost two years, and this is the first time I've seen someone take the -3rd floor key on his own initiative."

"Don't worry about it. This guy is obviously a rich kid who has completed his enlightenment and is here to get gilded."

"Alas, no matter how hard a person works, it's not as good as his parents' efforts in advance. This world is not worth it..."

If Lloyd had heard these words before, he would still feel a little unhappy, thinking that these people were blind and couldn't see his struggle and efforts. Now, his mentality is different. He would rather hope that these people think that he is a rich second generation who is here to get gilded than let them guess randomly.

What if they guess something? That would be troublesome...

"Here~ the high-end goods I told you before."

The quartermaster took a bright short sword out of the scabbard and handed it over.

Lloyd took it, waved it twice, tried the feel, and then frowned.

"It's a little different from the previous ones. Is it too long?"

"What's wrong with a longer man?"

The quartermaster said with a half-smile, and noticed the key in Lloyd's hand. He immediately stopped smiling and advised:

"On the -3 floor? This may not be a good choice. I remember that there is only one person detained on the -3 floor today..."

Lloyd helped him finish his words:

"I know, it's a person out of control, but thank you for your reminder."

The quartermaster pursed his lips, spread his hands, and said:

"It's up to you. It's better to adapt earlier. I think the big guys above should like your style more."

Begging to read more!

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