I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 285 Plan 284 must continue

Chapter 285 284. The plan must continue

In this seemingly endless dance, only one person did not dance.

He looked about 40 years old and was dressed like a pianist. He was sitting in the corner of the ballroom, playing with his hands in the air, as if there was a real piano in front of him.

Although he failed to play a single note, the pianist still looked intoxicated and selfless. He held his head high, closed his eyes tightly, and shook his head, as if he was playing hard.

This performance lasted until six o'clock in the morning. The upper class people on the dance floor seemed to have finally had enough fun and fell softly to the floor, motionless.

The pianist stood up from the invisible piano and bowed and waved around, as if thanking the audience for their love and applause.

However, apart from the melody that had been playing on the gramophone all night, there was no more movement...

But the pianist was completely intoxicated in the atmosphere he had imagined, greedily breathing the turbid air around him, as if he was reminiscing about his wonderful performance.

It wasn't until there was a knock on the door next to him that he slowly came back to his senses and said:

"Come in."

A young man dressed as a waiter walked into the ballroom and glanced at the various upper-class people on the floor. He seemed not surprised by this and said nothing. He just ran quickly to the pianist and handed him a small bottle. A message.

As soon as the pianist saw the contents of the telegram, he frowned and the excitement and enjoyment on his face disappeared instantly.

"How is this possible? When did it happen?"

"last night……"

"Who did it?"

"It should be the Brilliant Order and an investigation team called 'Anju Leye'."

"No, I need something more detailed, specific to a certain person."

"I'm afraid it will take some time to investigate..."

"Damn it! Our God, our Lord, hates waiting the most!"

The pianist was a little anxious, and quickly pushed the waiter away, left the ballroom, went to the basement, and quickly prepared a lot of divination tools.

He looked flustered and anxious, as if he would encounter something unexpected if he slowed down for a few seconds.

After some preparations, he ignored all the taboos about divination and asked directly:

"Who killed the deacon of Brilliant City? Who killed the deacon of Brilliant City? Who killed the deacon of Brilliant City?"

After asking three times in a row, the mirrors and candles in front of him gave him a result. After some interpretation, he took out the map, wrote and drew on it, and directly described the murderer's appearance.

Then he folded the piece of paper with the murderer's face in half, put it into an envelope, and quickly left the basement. He called the waiter from before and asked him to drive him from the suburban manor to the City of Illusion. 's city center.

On the way, he kept urging:

"Hurry up! This time the situation is too serious. I must discuss this with several priests."

But in order to hide his identity from others, the pianist got out of the car two blocks ahead of time and prepared to walk to his destination.

But before getting out of the car, he handed the envelope depicting the murderer's face to the waiter and ordered:

"Find some people and bring this guy to me from the Brilliant City. I must execute him in front of the Lord to appease the Lord's anger... Remember! He must live!"

After that, he added an additional sentence:

"Remember to find some powerful and ruthless characters, and don't be afraid to spend more money."

The waiter nodded vigorously, kept the envelope close to his body, and then drove away from the pianist.

The pianist adjusted his clothes and straightened the top hat on his head to make himself look normal and respectable. Then he took his cane and went to a cigar club two streets away.

In one of the luxuriously decorated private conference rooms, he saw several other senior executives of the 'Following Madness' sect.

They are all priests responsible for serving and pleasing the Lord. The leader of them, the high priest, is known as the one closest to the Lord in the entire sect.

But at this moment, all the senior officials looked solemn, uneasy, and worried.

As soon as the pianist took his seat, the high priest brought an even bigger bomb:

"Lord Lord... is a little tired. He may need to sleep for a while. He will not be able to answer our prayers for a while."

"Tired? Asleep?"

The pianist suddenly looked shocked, as if he had heard two completely unfamiliar terms.

In other words, he didn't want to believe that this kind of human condition would happen to the master.

"How is this possible?"

"Lord, He...suffered some injuries..."

Another priest next to him said quietly.


The pianist instantly felt as if his breathing and heartbeat were about to stop. He froze in his seat, as if completely petrified.

How could the Lord be injured?

How could a being like that be injured?

He is clearly at a level that is completely unreachable to humans. Who can hurt Him?



The pianist came up with the only possible answer.

Only the foolish saints of mankind have the possibility of reaching the Lord.

Another priest next to him nodded and replied:

"Yes, and there is more than one, I am afraid at least three saints will take action at the same time."

"Veto? Law? What else?"

The pianist asked again.

"It's not clear yet. It may be asylum, or it may be manifestation. I prefer the latter. Humanity currently needs a seventh saint, and the embodiment saint is the most motivated to take action."

The leading high priest made some speculations.

Another priest then added:

"So they jointly set up this trap, killed our deacon in the Brilliant City, destroyed our holy place there, and used this to lure the Lord to take action, and then ambush?"

"That's it. These people are so cunning, cunning, and despicable!"

The high priest cursed fiercely.

"Then what should we do now? How should we express our devotion to the Lord?"

Another priest asked.

"The recovery of the Overlord will take some time. No one knows how long it will take. And the help we ants can provide is destined to be minimal... However, the Overlord has not given instructions to terminate the operation, so our current plan is still Gotta keep pushing forward.”

As the high priest spoke, he looked around at the faces of everyone in the room, noticed that everyone looked embarrassed, and continued:

"I know that without the Lord's protection, it will be very difficult for us to fight against the cult, so we must be more careful and use our own strength to prove our ability and piety to the Lord."

In fact, not everyone felt heavy, at least the pianist felt secretly relieved.

As the deacon who implements the plan, he is very afraid that the Lord will blame him for the failure in Brilliant City and impose punishment for it.

It was definitely pain and terror that I could never imagine...

But fortunately, it seems that the master will not pursue him for the time being.

He also had more time to catch the gangster who killed the deacon.

So he opened his mouth and said:

"Before I came here, I did some divination and found the murderer who killed the deacon. I also arranged for people to go to the Brilliant City to look for that guy. I will then bring that person to the City of Illusion and use him to The blood and wails to quell the anger in the Lord’s heart!”

"Well, well done!"

The high priest nodded and complimented:

"If everyone in our sect was as alert and loyal as you, we wouldn't be in such a mess..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a priest next to him interrupted:

"But what about the plans in the direction of the Brilliant City? Without the Holy Land, even if a new deacon is sent there, there will be no safe area for activities."

"Well... indeed... the Brilliant City side is the most critical part of the plan. We must not give up. I will think of a way to find another holy land and hand it over to a trustworthy deacon."

The high priest said, looking at the pianist.

The rest of the people present also looked over.

The pianist suddenly waved his hand awkwardly.

"This... the Brilliant City side is the most critical part of the plan. With my current strength, I'm afraid..."

"Strength is not important. What is important is an astute mind, careful thinking, courage and a responsible character, so you are the most suitable candidate. As for the strength you are worried about, don't worry about it. I will give you two pieces of five pieces. A sacred object for self-defense.”

As the high priest spoke, he immediately generously took out a very expensive-looking ceremonial dagger and a shining gold necklace from his arms.

Upon seeing this, other priests followed suit, each taking out sacred objects, potions, transcendental materials, and large checks to express their support and optimism for the pianist.

The pianist quickly looked flattered. Although he was still modest, he was already happy in his heart.

In fact, he had long felt that as the core part of the plan in Brilliant City, he should be responsible for it from the beginning.

Although the pressure there is high and the risks are high, it is easier to get the resources of the sect and the favor and protection of the master.

He can also more easily become the favored one of the Lord, rise to the top of the sect, and even become the agent of the Lord in reality, dominating the entire world.

So he has always been upset about not being able to go to the Brilliant City. He can only play boring games with those boring upper-class people in the City of Illusion.

Although they are all people with prominent status, due to their status, there is not much that I can do to them, and they will also be monitored and restricted by the priests.

It's not like over there in the Brilliant City, where you can do whatever you want and be free.

Fortunately, the opportunity has come now. Looking at the mountains of gifts in front of him, the pianist knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had finally come.

The high priest also said at this time:

"Work hard. As long as everything goes well in the Brilliant City, when the Lord wakes up, he will definitely make you his favored one. By then, even I will have to crawl at your feet."

"No, it won't happen. You have a distinguished status and don't need to be like this."

The pianist was still speaking modestly, but an unharmonious voice suddenly appeared next to him:

"Just laugh if you want. I see you've been holding it in for a long time. It's quite hard."


The pianist was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at the source of the sound, wanting to see who was so incompetent that he actually spoke out what was in his heart?

As a result, he saw a middle-aged man with a strange face, staring at him with a playful smile and squinted eyes.

"Who are you?"

The pianist suddenly jumped up and looked at the high priest aside.

But at some point, that position had been replaced by a stern-faced judge, who was looking at him with interest, as if he was looking forward to his next performance.

And all the other priests in the room disappeared, replaced by a room full of judges and crusaders, holding various weapons in their hands, faintly pointing at themselves.

The pianist was suddenly startled and realized that something was wrong.

For example, why do all the priests of the sect gather together when they are obviously scattered in various cities?

For example, why did the high priest, who had always been quite disdainful and distrustful of himself, suddenly think so highly of himself?

"This...Is this...[Story]? Well, that's it, but now that I'm awake and aware that I'm in a [Story], it's not a big deal..."

He said as if to comfort himself.

But the middle-aged man spread his hands helplessly and explained:

"No, I'm from the [Projection] side... It was you who suddenly rushed into our conference room and talked to yourself. You even played multiple roles by yourself, showing an outstanding performance. Acting."

"Ah this..."

The pianist was stunned for a moment, realizing that his perception and thinking might have been interfered with inadvertently.

He immediately jumped up and prepared to force his way out.

But in this small conference room, there were dozens of people, and they immediately swarmed him and held him firmly in place.

Why is this happening?

The pianist's cheek was pressed against the floor, and someone put his knee on his neck, his face full of disbelief.

Where is my power...the protection from the Lord?

Could it be that...the master has given up on me?

Or should I say...

Did He really fall into a deep sleep because of his injury?

Before he had time to think clearly, he suddenly felt his eyes blurred, and bursts of 'narration' began to penetrate directly into his brain:

"You are a homeless man wandering the streets. Under the influence of an unexpected opportunity, you witnessed a cult ritual and decided to report it to the cult..."

This is the real [story]

Although the pianist still wanted to resist, he was completely unable to resist the invasion of the 'narration'. He quickly assumed his own 'role' and began to explain all the cult activities in his memory.

At the same time, at the bar counter of an underground bar, the pianist's waiter handed a whole bunch of envelopes to the bartender in front of him.

The other party is the ruthless character that the pianist wants. He is known for being ruthless, cunning and cunning.

But the waiter was not afraid. He came with the deacon's handwritten letter, and the other party did not dare to do anything to him.

After opening the envelope at the bar, he continued:

"This man is in the Brilliant City. Find him and bring him to me."

The bartender took a look at the contents of the letter and winked at the broad-shouldered subordinate next to him.

The latter grabbed the waiter's neck and pushed him down on the bar. Then he took out a dagger, wiped his cheek and stared at the table.

"Aww...my neck...what are you going to do?"

the waiter asked while screaming.

"It seems you don't know yet, I hate being fooled the most."


"Is this the person you're looking for?"

The bartender slapped the letter in front of the waiter's face.

The waiter rolled his eyes with great effort and glanced at the contents of the letter.

A vivid pattern is painted on it with simple brushstrokes:



The waiter hesitated for a while, not knowing how to explain. The letter the pianist gave him actually contained this content?

Thanks to Tianlong Jiubian Jiu Yingbian for rewarding me with 100 points!

Thanks to Uncle Shooting Mantou for rewarding me with 5,000 points!

Thank you so much!

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