I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 249 248 Butler, do you believe this too?

Chapter 249 248. Butler, do you believe this too?

"However, they are willing to pay such a high price because you are good enough to help them win this important gamble... So, have you decided whose invitation you want to accept?"

The butler continued to ask.

"It should be Ms. Olga? I always feel that something is wrong with Madam Inissa?"

Lloyd answered truthfully.

"Well, it's just as I guessed."

The housekeeper nodded and added:

"Olga's family is very old, well-off, and has a deep foundation. They are very influential in the City of Illusion. It is a very smart choice to establish a relationship with him; as for Inesa... there is nothing wrong with her, but she is a little too cheerful and enthusiastic."

"Is that so? I'm just a little worried about that... Ms. Olga... doesn't she really like men?"

"How is that possible? His two grandsons are the same age as you, and they just got married this year. Don't believe Inesa's nonsense."

The housekeeper said with a smile, stood up again, took Lloyd to the last high-end black steam car downstairs, and drove him to the city.

"After that, I will be away for a while. You should be careful and protect the lady for me if possible."

The housekeeper suddenly said another sentence.

Lloyd thought that he still needed some time to complete the final ritual and digest the gains after [Transcendence], and he nodded without hesitation without thinking too much. He was still secretly happy that he had another eighth-level thigh to hug.

"Will you be promoted to the ninth level later?"

Lloyd asked casually.

The butler was silent for two seconds before answering:

"If there is a chance, maybe I will try it?"

"Speaking of which... there is already a saint in the [Embodyment] system, right? If you want to [Transcendence] again..."

"I will try different routes such as [Story] or [Projection], just like [Redemption] and [Law]."

Lloyd was slightly stunned after hearing this, and then hurriedly asked:

"Huh? You mean... [Redemption] and [Law] were once a system? Then they split into two paths?"

"Yes, [Redemption] is the first extraordinary system controlled by humans in the doomsday era, and [Law] is the second, extending from [Redemption] "It seems that [manifestation] is similar, extending from [intelligence], just like a branch that keeps branching out."

"What about [veto] and [protection]?"

"They are different. For a long time in the past, the [veto] system was actually a taboo system without the protection of a saint. It was not until a saint appeared in this system that it was accepted by the world... As for [protection], I don't know much about it. I only know that the saint is very young and a little immature in all aspects."

"Is that so?"

Lloyd now understood why the butler had many records of fighting with the extraordinary people of the [veto] system in his notes.

In this case, how old should the butler be? Isn't he older than the Brilliant City?

The life span of a superhuman is really incredible...

After Lloyd sighed in his heart, he asked the question he wanted to ask the most:

"So according to what you said, if saints can emerge in systems like [Pain] and [Curse], can they also become legal systems like [Veto]?"

In fact, he didn't care about these two systems. What he really wanted to ask was his own [Distortion], but he could only take this indirect approach.

But the housekeeper only gave a vague answer:

"In theory, there is indeed such a possibility, but it involves many interests and contradictions, which makes it difficult to explain... In short, [transcendence into sainthood] is not so easy, and it may not necessarily depend on one's own will...

Moreover, becoming a saint is not necessarily a good thing. Although it symbolizes supreme power and status, it also requires endless responsibilities and sufferings... Not everyone is willing to face these, and I don't know if I can have such will and awareness."

"From this point of view, saints are really great..."

"Of course, they are all great people who have made great contributions to mankind and endured heavy pain... So even now, I dare not be disrespectful to them. Under their gaze, I will feel my humbleness and insignificance."

The housekeeper said very seriously, with a tone full of that kind of pious respect.

I think... Saints are quite gentle, at least my one is like that...

Lloyd complained in his heart, and then continued to ask:

"What about above Saints? Are there more powerful beings?"

After hearing this, the housekeeper was slightly stunned, and then turned his head to look at him, as if wondering why he asked this?

But Lloyd looked innocent and curious, and didn't seem to have any other intentions.

The housekeeper then replied:



"But that is not necessarily a human being. No, it should be said that such a being, even if it was once a human being, has already left the category of humans, so it is generally called a 'great being', or it can also be called--

'the Supreme Being'

Although many people do not believe in their existence, thinking that it is just a theoretical speculation and hypothesis, I don't think so, I believe that they really exist."

Hearing the terms "great existence" and "Supreme One" from the butler's mouth, Lloyd felt that it was somewhat unreal.

In his impression, the butler should be a more pragmatic person and should sneer at such controversial hypotheses.

But he actually believed it more than himself?

So can I... trick him into joining?

Uh... forget it, he is really an eighth-level, and my little trick of disguise will be exposed in one shot, right?

After a while of random thoughts in his mind, Lloyd showed a surprised expression on the surface, and sighed in a low voice:

"Ah, this... is it really true? I thought that the 'great existence' and 'Supreme One' described in the street stall novels were all made up."

"Of course those things are made up, but those authors heard a term from somewhere and wrote it into the book. You should read less of these books..."

The housekeeper said with a smile, and then added:

"In fact, with the current human cognitive system, it is not enough to understand and touch this kind of great existence, so many people think that they do not exist. Maybe only when you reach the saint who can also be crowned as 'great' can you really touch this level?"

Thanks to the book friend 20231004001049925 for rewarding me 100 points

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