I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 240 239Isn’t this turn too abrupt?

Chapter 240 239. Isn’t this a sudden turn?

Lloyd looked at his sister ‘Evelor’, who was busy in the kitchen, served breakfast to the table, and then packed up her clothes, said she was going out to work, and left in a hurry.

He couldn’t help it for a moment, and complained wildly in his heart:

Fake~too fake!

My sister hasn’t combed her hair for a long time, and I combed it for her...

Whenever my sister goes out, she must wear a skirt and white stockings, how could she wear pants?

My sister will definitely finish breakfast with me, and then hug each other before going out, how could she leave me alone?

And this cooking skill... She is almost catching up with me, which is absolutely impossible. My sister’s real cooking skills have long been far surpassed by me...

Fake~too fake...

It seems that even a big boss like the butler can’t write a perfect ‘plot’?

After actually experiencing the beginning of this round of plot, Lloyd, who remained sober, can of course find a lot of flaws. If you want to crack it, you can start now.

But since this is the butler's story, of course it has to be as slow as possible.

He dragged a chair and sat down, and then added the 10 attribute points that had not been used to [rationality] and [spiritual power], making these two attributes exceed 180 points.

This is the madness value he accumulated through contact with the giant flower bud, the 'night attack' on Ai Luoluo, and the 'three-day sign-in'. He just didn't rush to add it, but wanted to try whether he could add points normally in other people's [story].

The result is naturally no obstacles, and it can still be improved, proving that the priority of the panel is still higher than the [story], and all functions will not be restricted by the [story].

So the next plot is...

Lloyd waited for a while, and heard the 'narration' in his ear again, describing that he was about to go to the Holy Court station in the town to work.

So his sight blurred, and the scene around him changed. He had arrived at a gate that looked like a military camp. It looked like a regular station to protect resource points. He happened to meet a team of Crusaders on patrol, and the two sides greeted each other in a friendly manner.

Alas... It seems that the housekeeper has no idea about my daily life. Every day when I arrive at the Holy Court, the first person I meet must be the beautiful and lovely Weiya.

Lloyd continued to complain in his heart.

Then the next second, he saw a female character similar to Weiya, waving at him, and reminding himself to hurry up and complete today's execution task.

Alas... It seems that the housekeeper has no idea about my work status. No one has ever urged me to complete my work. Instead, they are afraid that I will take over other people's work.

Next, Lloyd experienced a slightly clichéd "reversal" plot. It was probably that he accidentally made a mistake during the execution, causing the monster to suddenly hurt people, causing chaos around, and then the previous "Weiya" jumped out to blame himself.

I took action and properly resolved the crisis, so that 'Viya' would look at me with new eyes.

To be honest, it's a bit vulgar, and it feels like reading those novels in the second-hand book market...

And this 'Viya' is too direct. When she saw that I performed well, stars began to appear in her eyes. It was obviously not reserved enough.

Then, accompanied by the narration, Lloyd entered a relatively plain but comfortable 'plot'. He began to be promoted and raised gradually. 'Viya' also became more and more fond of him, and his relationship with his colleagues around him became better and better. He began to develop towards the personality of 'leader' and 'idol'.

It's a bit fake, and some plots are a bit vulgar, but overall it's still happy, which is the life state that Lloyd prefers.

He can roughly feel the housekeeper's 'plot' arrangement idea, which should be to use this very plain but very nourishing daily life first, so that readers can gradually enhance the 'sense of substitution' until they completely enter the role.

He must have considered his own personality. He is not the type who likes excitement and acts in a high-profile manner, so he chose this gentle start.

If I had not maintained self-awareness from the beginning, I might have really been deeply involved, right?

Lloyd briefly summarized it.

But such a peaceful life did not last too long. With a few lines of narration, the originally comfortable days suddenly took a sharp turn for the worse.

First, the "sister" was bullied at work, and he stood up for her, but provoked the town's dignitaries and got into big trouble.

Later, after several struggles and several scenes of deep sister-brother love, he met the town's nobleman "Miss Desda" by chance, and then solved this crisis.

But one wave after another, "Miss Desda" soon encountered troubles, and various supernatural events began to occur at home, and she was implicated again.

In short, the plot suddenly took a 180-degree turn, from the previous relaxed daily life, it suddenly developed towards the weird side.

Uh... Is this too abrupt?

Lloyd couldn't help but start complaining again.

It felt like, in a school romance text adventure game that was originally playing well, there was a wave of alien invasion, and everyone in the school had to ride on a giant robot to fight the aliens, and then watch the beautiful girls around them die because of it...

It seems that the butler is not very good at telling stories?

But it is also possible that this plot was deliberately arranged? Want to help me regain my self-awareness through such ups and downs?

While Lloyd was speculating, he found the source of the "haunting" in the basement of "Miss Desta" and eliminated a strange derivative with [Gift Distortion].

However, when he used his power, he felt that the scene around him also had some fluctuations and flickers, as if this "plot" was loose.

This should be a sign of cracking the "plot", right?

Lloyd still remembers the narration when he entered this plot, saying that he couldn't handle this incident at all, and he forced himself to muster up the courage and bite the bullet.

By analogy, he should flee in panic or encounter a greater crisis next?

But he acted brazenly and solved this monster that the plot setting could not deal with, which also interfered with and affected the "plot".

This kind of "destroying the plot" is not without cost. With this "accident", I naturally became famous in the town, and more people began to come to me for help, leading me to more dangerous events.

If I continue like this, the strength of the "enemy" will definitely increase gradually until I can no longer cope with it and finally collapse completely...

Thanks to I'm afraid I'll die at home for the 100 points reward

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