I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 238 237 Is this my [Projection]?

Chapter 238 237. Is this my [projection]?

[Ding~ Madness value +1000]

[Ding~ Madness value +1000]

[Ding~ Skill fragment +1]

[Ding~ Knowledge fragment +1]

A series of prompts came to Lloyd's ears again, and a large wave of mental pollution came over him. The Madness value began to rise rapidly, and the prompt sound stopped only after it rose by 7000 points of Madness.

This time I can upgrade again...

It seems that the "Double Experience" activity has been made permanent?

And with the temporary calming of mental pollution, the reaction in the flower bud also calmed down, and it no longer looked like a living thing.

But the touch was still warm and smooth, like the delicate skin of a girl.

Lloyd couldn't help but touch it twice more, and by the way, he gave out inspiration, wanting to see what was hidden in this flower bud?

As a result, the inspiration was blocked by a gentle force and could not enter. He could not see anything when he opened his spiritual vision. There was only a white mist in front of him, which was very mysterious.

Lloyd then withdrew his hand in dismay and sat cross-legged on the ground, wondering what was going on.

He speculated that this should be the guidance of the Rejection Saint, using the previous wood-colored wax marks and the saint's statue as materials to create a [Consciousness Projection Body]

He should be able to control it and bring it to the real level.

But perhaps because of the influence of the saint's statue, this [Projection] has established a mysterious connection with the Rejection Saint that he cannot understand for the time being.

The vitality and movement inside before, as well as the mental pollution that followed, can prove the existence of this connection.

And judging from the intensity of mental pollution, this should be considered a kind of "close contact", at least more intimate than [audience with the saint].

I also got some knowledge and skill fragments before, but they were meaningless and invalid fragments, which had been automatically classified by the panel into the "recycling bin" area in my brain.

This situation is very similar to that of Eloro.

So in summary, my action of touching the flower bud just now was equivalent to a "night attack" on Eloro?

The veto saint couldn't sit still when she saw that I was helping Eloro share the burden, and said that she also wanted to join this... party?

Then she took this approach?

Lloyd of course said that it was no problem. His character was a rational young man with a strong mind, and he could completely withstand such mental pollution!

It would be better to have more!

The only regret is that all the fragments obtained are useless...

When I helped Weiya and Buster share the mental pollution, I learned skills directly from them, but when it came to these two saints, I could only learn this?

Is this the difference between saints and ordinary extraordinary people?

After thinking for a while, Lloyd temporarily left the [Thinking Field], and then recalled the [Concrete] knowledge in his mind. While constantly associating with the huge flower bud, he began to mobilize his spiritual power and inspiration.

He wanted to try to control it and see if he could project it into the real world first.

But it failed?

The feedback from the inspiration was: 'The consciousness body is not fully ready yet, and it cannot be projected.'

This result was not surprising to Lloyd. After all, his current understanding of [Concrete] was limited to the basics and fur, and he had not even completed [Enlightenment]. It was impossible to control such a complex [Projection] that even involved a saint.

But from the feedback of the inspiration, he can still control it later, but he still lacks some heat?

So when will it be ready?

What is inside?

Will it be a beautiful and lovely girl?

Lloyd couldn't help but start a long series of imaginations, and finally shook his head with a smile, and recalled the knowledge of [Concrete] in his mind.

【Projection】, as the main route and path of 【Realization】, is actually a very profound knowledge, and it also presents the characteristics of being easy to learn but difficult to master.

At the beginning, it is often only possible to project some simple drawings or simple and easy-to-understand things, and it is just a phantom, without a physical body, just for fun.

In order to make it truly practical and reliable and to play the corresponding functionality, it still requires a long time of large-scale learning, research, and practice, and it becomes more and more difficult as time goes by.

In theory, there is no limit to the number of 【Projections】 for 【Realization】 transcendents who take the 【Projection】 route. As long as they can build a 【Consciousness Body】 and have enough spiritual power and inspiration to control it, then in theory, they can achieve the spectacular scene of "one person forming an army".

But even the orthodox 【Realization】 strongmen will only choose 1-2 【Consciousness Body】, and then polish, optimize, and maintain it with all their heart and soul, just like the life-giving magic weapon in the fairy tale novels.

The crudely made "paper man" projection is obviously no match for this powerful projection. No matter how many of them come, they are not enough to beat it.

However, the following content is still too far away for Lloyd at the moment.

He is very clear about his current situation. He has not even entered the door. This huge flower bud was completed with a little help from the saint.

Keep working hard!

At this moment, Lloyd suddenly heard a painful roar in the corridor outside, and hurriedly opened the door to take a look.

With the help of spiritual vision, he saw the current situation of his two competitors.

The scholar was lying on the bed, his face was pale, he was sweating profusely, and he seemed to have fallen into a coma.

The investigator was kneeling on the ground, holding his head in his hands, holding back some severe pain, and was sweating profusely.

But they should have all escaped from that [story], they just looked a little embarrassed.

Lloyd took out his pocket watch again and looked at the time. It was almost nine o'clock in the evening...

Is it so difficult to crack [the story]?

I've already created my own [Projection] here, but you guys just came out?

But it’s not your fault. After all, it’s Level 4 vs. Level 7. Only those who work hard enough and are truly talented can escape easily.

Lloyd cursed, pursed his lips again, and shook his head.

He didn't bother anyone, he just felt hungry and went to the first floor to find something to eat.

The butler has arranged for people to deliver sandwiches, barbecue, vegetable salads and other ordinary food below. The portions are large and nutritionally balanced.

It's a pity that his cooking skills are not good and he lacks creativity. It is far less creative than Lloyd's craftsmanship, which made him shake his head repeatedly.


At this time, on the third floor, the three big guys present had no intention of eating, but were confirming the results of the first day.

"So... add up the time it took the three readers to crack [the story]. Lloyd took 20 seconds, Sam took 5 hours, and Odes took 6 hours and 38 minutes. So Olga, your final time is 11 hours and 38 minutes. Zero 20 seconds, no objection?”

The butler asked, looking at the pocket watch in his hand.

"No...no, yes! Can you please remove those 20 seconds? Even for the sake of hush money?"

Boss Olga replied dejectedly.

This 'bet' is based on whoever has the longest time will be the final winner, and with Boss Olga's time, there is obviously no chance...

But he can't be said to be particularly frustrated, because through a series of painful bargaining, he and another big boss finally opened the housekeeper's mouth and made him accept a valuable hush fee, which he would not disclose. News about 'Secret Weapon' Lloyd.

Then, as long as Lloyd can be persuaded to help him win the next game, he can still complete the eighth [Transcendence].

But there is probably only one chance. If you have to compete with the boss of Inisa, it will definitely be a hemorrhage.

The three of them had agreed on the follow-up matters earlier, and then they had the time to pay attention to the situation of the other two 'readers'.

As a result, I happened to see the scene where Boss Olga was "trapped in a cocoon".

The assistant he found was an experienced investigator from the Law Department named Odes.

The 'plot' that Olga laid out for her was prepared with various explicit instructions at the beginning and arranged many things that investigators are familiar with. I believe that as long as the other party can regain their self-awareness, they will immediately realize that this is Olga. 's [Story]

Then he can adjust the rhythm with ease, easily cope with the unfolding of the 'plot', and control the time and rhythm to help Olga obtain the maximum benefit.

But precisely because there were so many more familiar people and things, the investigator was deeply involved in it. He only regained his self-awareness very late, and did not take advantage of the [Laws and Orders] system to facilitate the retrieval of self-awareness. , and ended up being the last one to escape from the [story].

Although this bet was originally slower than anyone else, the investigator helped delay Olga enough time, but it also made him very exhausted and embarrassed, which seriously affected his state. When he enters other people's stories tomorrow, , I’m afraid it will be ugly.

Therefore, it is still a risky operation to arrange links in the 'plot' that can reveal the identity of the 'author'.

"Alas... He is the child of a cousin of mine. He was originally a gifted genius. His family had high hopes for him, and he was even more pampered. He was even specially arranged to choose the [Laws] system. I hope he can choose the [Laws] system with me in the future. Become the backbone of the family...

I didn't expect that he would end up in such an embarrassing situation... Sigh, I can only hope that he won't be devastated by this. "

After Olga sighed with emotion, he could only swallow the bitter pill helplessly.

At the same time, it was inevitable that I felt a little unhappy with this nephew who I originally valued and liked very much.

You look at other people’s children, and then look at you?

Why don't I have a nephew like Lloyd?

Eh? No...maybe?

Doesn’t my useless cousin have a 9-year-old daughter? Although it's not very cute, she is not married yet, so can she do something about it?

Boss Olga's thinking became more and more biased, and he had already embarked on the path of illegality and crime.

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