I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 233 232 Another Arkham Town

Chapter 233 232. Another Arkham Town

Comparing the knowledge taught by the butler and the knowledge interpreted by the fragments, the starting point is still the same, both need to maintain self-awareness.

It’s just that the butler’s focus is on how to maintain self-awareness, while the fragments are too simple and crude...

The main difference between the two sides is how to "crack" this aspect.

The butler’s method is to jump out of this [story] and return to reality by discovering various loopholes.

The method provided by the fragments is, I’m going to explode with you!

After thinking about it, Lloyd felt that the butler’s method was more reliable...

He believed that as long as people have no problems with their brains, they will definitely believe in the butler.

"I can teach you, probably these are all, and I can’t teach you more specific theoretical knowledge. This is the rule of our "gambling game."

The butler said, and then asked:

"You should have a lot of questions, right?"

"Will we encounter any dangers in it? And how can I tell which story is yours?"

Lloyd quickly raised the two most important questions.

The butler answered them one by one:

"In order to ensure the 'truth', you may encounter some dangers, but your life will not be harmed, and you cannot retaliate afterwards. This is also the rule of the game..."

"As for distinguishing my story...you don't need to care, just treat each [story] as someone else's, and I can't reveal the specific plot to you."

"Is this also your game rule? What if they cheat?"

The butler explained again:

"Of course not, the rules of this game have been certified by the strong men of the Order Cult. Once signed, they cannot be violated, otherwise they will be sanctioned by the [Law]."

So the [Law] system also has this function? No wonder their city is called 'Order', and 'Contract' is obviously an important component of 'Order'.

Lloyd pondered in his heart and continued to ask some details.

For example, whether he can use extraordinary abilities and whether he can use holy objects.

The two chatted until it was getting dark, and the butler suggested that he 'don't think too much, don't ask too much', go back and have a good rest first, and recharge his energy.

As soon as Lloyd got home, he saw his sister Evelor had changed into the cartoon crocodile pajamas and came to greet him.

"Xiaoyi, are you going out with Mr. Randolph for three days? I heard from Miss Desda."

"Yes, it's the favor I promised to help Mr. Butler before."

"Yeah! Then you have to work hard! Don't worry about me, Miss Desda has made an appointment with me, and will pick me up tomorrow to stay with her temporarily."

The housekeeper did things very well, and even arranged everything for Lloyd at home, which made people feel very comfortable.

Lloyd said confidently:

"Of course, this time I will join forces with Mr. Butler, but it's a strong combination, and we will definitely be able to kill people!"

Then, he took a bath, changed into the same cartoon hammerhead shark pajamas as his sister, accompanied his sister on the sofa for a while, and then went back to the room to rest early.

Of course, he still had to "hold" Eloro to "sleep" together tonight.

But when Lloyd [sneaked in], he found himself in a misty bathroom, and in the bathtub next to him was a beautiful woman lying on the ground.

He immediately felt a surge of blood, and while saying an apology that he didn't know if he could hear, he quickly looked away.

Don't look at anything indecent, don't look at anything indecent...

But wouldn't that be a bit worse than an animal?

Oh, by the way, I haven't [explored] Eloro's condition today, so it shouldn't be a big deal to take a sneak peek, right?

Lloyd found an excuse for himself, and then he turned around secretly and glanced at Eloro's pair of crystal jade feet that just happened to be sticking out of the bathtub, showing a white and red attractive texture.

The results of [enhanced exploration] are also out.

[Target: Eloro]

[Status: ? ? ]

[System: ? ? ]

[Rationality: 20]

[Spiritual power: 20]

[Inspiration: 20]

[Cognition: 20]

The results are the same as yesterday, with two inexplicable '? ? ', which may be related to her current identity.

The attributes are neat and tidy, just like her figure, without any changes or growth.

As for the [Threat], it is a large area of ​​shocking red...

It is all pink peach heart patterns, a total of 98, representing the girl's fiery heart, which makes Lloyd's sight warm.

As for why the number is 98 instead of 99, it may be because the remaining one is in the girl's fiery chest?

Lloyd smiled, but he was embarrassed to peek at her, so he was inspired and groped to touch Ai Luoluo's body, and began to help her share the mental pollution.

[Ding~ Madness value +6]

[Ding~ Madness value +66]

Overall, it is still the same amplitude and frequency as yesterday.

Ai Luoluo also fell asleep in the bathtub like yesterday, with no defense against Lloyd at all, as if he was ready to be picked.

But then again, with her open-mindedness on par with Evelor's, it seems there's nothing to pick...

Lloyd waited patiently for half an hour. When the insanity value he had absorbed reached one level, he added the newly acquired 5 points to [Inspiration] before he fell asleep, bringing the total to 105 points.

The housekeeper said before that after entering the [story], [spiritual power] often does not play much role. It mainly tests the other three attributes, so it is better to add more points to increase the chance of winning.


Time soon came to the next day. Lloyd had just sent his sister out when the housekeeper drove a high-end black steam car and parked downstairs in the apartment.

Lloyd took the simple luggage he had prepared last night and got into the car.

Then it wasn't until lunch time that the two arrived at a remote and uninhabited town.

There is desolation all around here, not even a human figure can be seen, the weeds on the ground are up to the top of the feet, the remaining buildings around are also dilapidated, and discarded garbage and debris can be seen everywhere.

"There used to be a mineral vein nearby, which made this town lively for a time. However, as the resources were exhausted, the place was completely abandoned, and the residents were collectively resettled to another town."

The butler gave a brief introduction and then added:

"I have hired someone in advance to help us pack up our accommodation, and I will send food and water every day, so there is no need to worry."

Lloyd nodded. He had heard about remote and desolate abandoned towns like this. There would be no 'nail house' in such a place when it could be threatened by monsters at any time.

"What's this place called?"

He asked curiously again.

The butler smiled and replied:

"It doesn't matter what it was called before, but from now on, this place will be called 'Arkham Town'."

Uh... actually called this name?

This is a ‘holy place’ in the eyes of all kinds of weird, supernatural, and folklore enthusiasts…

Are these three high-ranking bosses trying to 'join forces' to create a real Arkham Town?

While Lloyd was thinking about it, he followed the butler all the way to the center of the abandoned town.

There is a hotel that has been cleaned here. It is completely different from the desolate and dilapidated scenes nearby. There are also various supplies piled inside, which will be their residence for the next three days.

And this important ceremony, which will compete for an eighth-level boss, is also held in this place that is not grand enough or decent enough.

Is it because the big guys in the [Exhibition] department are very simple? Or is this also a requirement of the ceremony?

While Lloyd was thinking wildly, he saw another two groups of people approaching from other directions.

"Haha! Randolph, long time no see. I hope your [story] can satisfy and entertain me."

"Haha, Olga, if your confidence can be positively correlated with your [story], then I will be very pleased."

"Okay, okay, you two losers, don't you know how to maintain your grace in front of young people?"

"Hmph~ Inisa, you only have some words left."

The three leading bosses exchanged 'friendly' greetings as soon as they met, making the originally bleak atmosphere around them become heated.

The three 'readers' they brought were very sensible and said nothing, just silently observing everyone present.

Lloyd's observation was obviously more careful, and he threw [Enhanced Detection] at each person as soon as they met.

Three bosses, two men and one woman, all four attributes are naturally ‘? ? ’, the system is also a single [embodiment], and does not involve other systems.

They appear to be of roughly the same age, and are dressed in a low-key but decent style, not very eye-catching.

In terms of threat, the butler has a simple drawing of a ‘handshake’, indicating that he is a friendly force;

The other two had huge blood-red skulls with wide open mouths, indicating that they were very dangerous and looked quite scary.

As for the two 'readers' who were about to face off directly against Lloyd, their four attributes were basically around 80 points, with [Rationality] being the highest, close to 100 points.

The system is also very simple, one [law] and one [knowledge].

The appearance looks much older than Lloyd, probably in his thirties. One is dressed as an investigator, with a tall figure, broad shoulders and round waist, and a slightly rough style; the other is a standard scholar in a robe and monocle. , his temperament and demeanor are very quiet, and his painting style is exceptionally elegant.

As for their threat level, they are also at the same level. They both have a simple drawing pattern, which looks a bit like...

Big white goose?

Uh...what level of threat is this?

Lloyd had felt before that there was something wrong with this display of 'threat level', and it was expressed in a very strange way, as if he was unwilling to speak properly.

Considering that this skill was improved through Airolo, he had reason to wonder whether this was due to some influence from Airolo?

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