Chapter 23 23. Heh~ Want to run?

"Although the Brilliant City is not as safe as it is in the newspapers and news, it is already the most livable place. I saw other cities introduced in travel magazines, and they are still in dire straits..."

"After all, in such an era, where can there be a truly safe utopia? I can only work hard to improve myself and become an outstanding young man with strength and revenge to protect myself and my sister."

Lloyd talked to himself and turned around, just in time to see the strange little kitten trembling on the edge of the box, wanting to jump but not daring to jump.

Heh~ Want to run?

Since the little kitten was so hesitant, Lloyd decided to help it.

The little kitten looked back and saw a hand bigger than itself reaching out. It didn't care about so much at once, and plucked up the courage to jump down.

As a result, the balance was not controlled well, and it failed to stand firmly. It rolled twice on the box on the second floor before standing up again, and then quickly stepped on its short legs, trying to escape from Lloyd's clutches.

But it was too cute, and its head was too big and round. It ran a few steps and fell three times on the ground. It couldn't run fast.

Finally, Lloyd easily turned over the box and grabbed it in his hand.

"Pick up a cat, family!"

Lloyd rubbed the kitten with a sly smile.

Although the little thing behaved a little strangely, it was really cute. Its tabby fur was very beautiful and round, like a fat caterpillar. The soft fur felt great to rub.

Of course, it was checked with inspiration. There was no problem. It was just an ordinary kitten, without the standard mental pollution of monsters.

But the kitten didn't intend to give in. It roared at Lloyd in a baby voice, and raised its little paws with white gloves, baring its teeth and claws, looking fierce and fierce.

"Meow meow meow!"

Lloyd smiled disdainfully and rubbed his belly with his other hand.

"Come to think of it... I'm a little hungry too. You don't look too happy. How about..."

Little Kitten: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

It suddenly became quiet, lowered its big head, and looked like it had lost all hope in life.

Lloyd then stuffed the little kitten into the pocket of his uniform, leaving only its furry round head exposed. He scratched its pointed ears with his fingers and comforted it:

"Don't worry, follow me in the future, eat well and pursue a good career. Why starve and freeze outside? I promise that in the future, if I have a bite to eat, you will have a bite to eat."


The little kitten responded weakly, not knowing whether it believed it or gave in.

In this way, Lloyd left the neighborhood, took the tram again, and returned to his residence.

On the bus, he also briefly summarized what he had gained from this trip. In general, the level 3 [Divination] is really amazing.

Even with the simplest divination technique, it only took an hour to find the spiritual object that was destined for me. Although the final result was not satisfactory, the accuracy was still quite good.

Of course, my interpretation of several omens was also quite accurate. In the end, it was with such interpretation that I successfully escaped danger and gained quite valuable practical experience. When I encounter such rituals in the future, I will know how to deal with them.

It's a pity that I didn't get the spiritual object I wanted, but there's no need to rush. There are still two days of vacation, right?

After summing up, Lloyd was quite satisfied with his performance on this trip, which was in line with his progressive young persona who had received higher education.


After returning to his residence, Everoel hadn't gotten off work yet, so Lloyd went to the bathroom to fill a pool of hot water, and then threw it in despite the kitten's fierce opposition.

"If you want to learn to be a mature kitten, start by bathing yourself."


The kitten drooped its round head and fluttered softly in the pool. When Lloyd thought it was almost done, he picked it up, wiped it with a towel, and put it on the windowsill of his room.

"If you want to learn to be a mature kitten, start by drying yourself."

Then, Lloyd replaced the hot water in the bathtub with another one, which was prepared for his sister Evelor.

Finally, he lay down on the sofa, picked up the travel magazine he had bought earlier, and flipped through it casually.

Not long after, the door of the apartment was opened, and Evelor came home with large and small bags of food in her hands, looking exhausted.

As soon as she entered the door, she rubbed off the black leather boots on her feet, and a pair of small feet tightly wrapped in white stockings poked out of the shoes, looking like ice cream leaving the lunch box.

Then she put down the bags in her hands, untied the ponytails on her head, shook her head vigorously, made her long white hair fluffy, and then wiped the sweat on her forehead, but noticed that the hair on her forehead was standing up high.


Just as she was wondering, Lloyd suddenly jumped out from the side, holding the newly bought hammerhead shark doll in his hand, wanting to give his sister a surprise.

"Hehe, Xiao Yi, you came back so early today?"

Everro smiled sweetly, pretending to show a surprised expression.

In fact, looking at the shoes at the door, you know that your brother has returned home.

"Yes, even if it is the court of justice, you have to rest."

Lloyd said, stuffing the hammerhead shark puppet into his sister's arms, and then took the large and small bags of food on the floor.

"A little gift for you."

"So cute!"

Everroel's emerald eyes lit up slightly, and he quickly picked up the hammerhead shark puppet, rubbed his cheek against the snow-white belly, and the smile on his face became relieved and sweet.

"Do you like it?"

"Yeah! As long as it's given by Xiao Yi, I like it."

"Hehe, sister, go take a shower first, I've put the hot water, I'll cook tonight!"

"Okay~ I haven't eaten Xiao Yi's cooking for a long time."

In this way, Everoel went back to her room first, placed the hammerhead shark puppet neatly next to her pillow, and then changed into a set of home cartoon pajamas, and finally took off the white stockings on her legs little by little, letting the sweet and delicious skin show bit by bit.

But I don't know whether she was negligent or didn't care, she didn't close her door...

Fortunately, Lloyd was busy in the kitchen at this moment, I don't know if he was cooking or refining medicine.

After a while, Everoel came out of the bathroom, fragrant and wet.

Lloyd also came out of the kitchen, holding two plates of simple earth-style dishes.

Stir-fried tomatoes with green peppers and scrambled eggs with potatoes.

It doesn't look like there's anything wrong with it, it's definitely not deadly.

Thanks to Benares No. 114 for the 100 points reward

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