I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 224 223 Thank you, Lord Uther

Chapter 224 223. Thank you, Lord Uther

After sending his sister out, Lloyd also carefully dressed himself in front of the dressing mirror, and then hurried out and rushed to the second-hand book market.

His pace unconsciously became very fast and urgent, almost trotting all the way.

After a while, he arrived at the antique shop in the deepest part of the second-hand book market, and the guy who kept dozing off was still in front of the door.

This guy said he would sleep at night, but didn't he sleep for 24 hours?

Lloyd secretly complained in his heart, and didn't say hello, just thinking about sneaking up to the second floor.

As a result, the other party suddenly raised his head, spread his hands towards Lloyd, and waved again, as if he wanted to ask for something.

Lloyd: "???"

"Lend me your cat to play with."

The kitten: Σ(っ°Д°;)っ

"What are you afraid of? I'll give it back to you in a while. I don't like cats, but I think it seems a little special."

The waiter said with disdain.

Lloyd had no choice but to scratch the kitten's head and comforted him:

"Just bear with it for a while, I'll be down soon."

"Meow meow meow!!!"

The kitten called out fiercely, a bit like swearing.

But this couldn't stop Lloyd from putting it on the counter and running to the second floor.

He then casually dealt with the enthusiastic waiter and activated the special invitation letter with high value.

A black wooden door appeared in front of him.

Before he reached out to open it, he was pushed hard by the opposite side, and then a delicate and beautiful Eloro jumped out from inside.

Even with the barrier of blurred mosaics, people can still feel her joy and excitement.

"Ding ding~"

Erolo made a cute opening speech, raised her hands high, and made an exaggerated appearance.

Then she glanced around casually, and focused her eyes on Lloyd in front of her.

She blinked quickly again and asked tentatively:

"You are... my Lord Uther?"

Because the two of them had not had any substantial communication before, it was all Erolo who talked to herself and Lloyd listened quietly, so she had to confirm it first.

However, she bit the word "my" very hard, as if to emphasize it.

Lloyd did not notice such details, so he nodded and replied:

"Well... should be considered, right? I am following the instructions of the Venerable..."

He was about to introduce himself seriously, but suddenly felt a fragrant and soft body rushing into his arms.

Although it was only their first official meeting, Eloro acted very strong and proactive, and threw herself into Lloyd's arms.

Then she used both hands to touch his chest, secretly listened to his heartbeat, and sniffed her cute little nose, as if she wanted to smell his scent.

Then she suddenly laughed happily:

"Hmm! The same smell, the same feeling, the same warmth, you are my Lord Uther!"

What kind of weird way of recognizing people is this?

Lloyd was complaining in his heart, and felt Eloro in his arms opening his arms and giving him a big, tight hug.

She was still rubbing her chest with her soft cheeks, and said softly:

"Thank you, Lord Uther, thank you for saving me."

Seeing this, Lloyd also gave her a friendly hug and whispered:

"You're welcome, I'm glad you're okay."

His hands could clearly feel the delicate body in his arms trembling slightly. Even if he couldn't see the expression on her face, he could feel her excitement.


Eloro nodded, and then took the initiative to leave Lloyd's arms, and then naturally took his arm, and continued to ask:

"Okay, where should we go next?"

"Let's go to the Brilliant City that you are most looking forward to?"

"Okay! Let's go!"

Eloro grabbed Lloyd's arm, eager to leave the small garden in front of him.

After the two of them left, the waiter who had disappeared inexplicably appeared again, and then looked at the direction where the two left, scratching his head constantly, as if thinking about some very complicated problems.

Then he showed a wandering expression, stood still, motionless.

On Lloyd's side, with a series of preparations before, he really appeared in the previous room with Eloro smoothly.

Without the blurry mosaic on his face, the two of them could finally look at each other's face for the first time.

Lloyd had known that Eloro was pretty and cute, so he was not surprised. He just found that she looked even more beautiful with her careful dressing today.

As for Eloro, her eyes suddenly lit up, her pretty face blushed slightly, and she said directly:

"Ah! Lord Uther is so handsome, much more handsome than I imagined!"

After that, she took the initiative to hold Lloyd's arm tightly, as if she was afraid that he would run away, looking like an intimate couple.

She even boldly put his arm against her chest.

It's a pity that her figure and chest are flat, so it's impossible to form an effective clamp.

Lloyd said with a smile:

"Let's go, go out and take a look."

The two of them walked down the stairs quickly.

As soon as I got downstairs, I saw the waiter holding the little kitten next to his face and rubbing his cheek hard...

Seeing Lloyd coming down, he quickly put the kitten on the counter, then coughed twice and explained:

"Well...it's really special, it actually understands what I'm saying."

As soon as the little milk cat escaped from the clutches, it hurriedly ran towards Lloyd along the long and narrow counter, so fast that its short legs waved into afterimages.

As a result, another pair of hands took the lead and took it into their arms.

"Hehe~ What a cute little thing!"

Ai Luoluo let Lloyd go for the time being and turned to the little milk cat, rubbing and rubbing it.

The little cat looked at Lloyd with a puzzled face and meowed twice, as if asking who this strange woman was?

Lloyd didn't know how to explain it better, so he gently pushed Ai LuoLuo's shoulder, indicating that he should go out first.

After the two people and the cat left, the doorman also showed a puzzled expression, scratched his head, then shook his head, and then continued to lie down and doze off.

But before he could sleep for a few minutes, he suddenly jumped up as if he was electrocuted, and quickly chased out, trying to find Lloyd.

Where can I find it?

The waiter then showed a look of deep contemplation and fear, and murmured in a low voice:

"You little bastard, how dare you?"


"Wow! There are so many books here, can I get some?"

"Wow! That one over there looks delicious. Lord Uther, buy it for me~"

"Eh? Is this the tram mentioned in the book? It's so interesting, it actually makes a jingling sound when it runs."

Elolo is like a curious baby. Anything can attract her attention and curiosity. She always has that surprise smile on her face like discovering a treasure, attracting the side glances of passers-by around her.

This also made Lloyd feel cheerful and joyful, with a slight smile on his face.

Just on the short walk from the second-hand book market to the commercial street, Lloyd bought a lot of things for her, including outdated fashion magazines, rough street stall accessories, and childish plush dolls. They were already in a recently opened store. hash burrito.

Other things can be temporarily stuffed into the storage bag, but not the chowder burrito, so Lloyd can only hold it in his hand.

"The Brilliant City is very big. Don't be anxious. Eat something first. Didn't you say you were hungry before?"

Lloyd handed the burrito over and took Elolo to sit down on a bench by the roadside.

Elolo quickly took a small sip, her eyes suddenly narrowed into the shape of a crescent moon, her smooth legs rose straight, and her feet wearing exquisite leather boots swayed happily.

"Yeah! It's delicious! It tastes better than small cakes!"

Then she started eating carefully, looking like a little squirrel holding a pine cone, which was particularly cute.

But when she was halfway through eating, she suddenly realized something and handed the burrito to Lloyd.

"Lord Uther, try it too, it's delicious!"


Lloyd hesitated for a moment, but still picked an area that had not been nibbled for the time being and took a shallow taste.

"How about it?"

"Well, not bad, just a little bit worse than my craftsmanship."


Elolo smiled sweetly, and then, as if he didn't notice it, he bit into the area that Lloyd had just tasted.

"Yeah! Even sweeter!"

After patiently waiting for Airolo to finish eating, Lloyd stopped another taxi and prepared to take Airolo to the central area.

There are many places to see and play in the Brilliant City. Even in the south of the city, it is enough for Eloro to change her tricks for a long time. However, as a member of the cult, Lloyd still feels that she should be taken to the core area of ​​the city first. , look over there at the Sanctuary.

According to newspapers and various magazines, it is the first stop for many tourists.

It just so happened that Lloyd himself hadn't been there either.

While driving, Ai Luoluo kept holding the car window open with both hands, curiously looking at the streets and pedestrians around him, and then whispered:

"This is my first time coming to such a big city. It is indeed more exciting than I imagined. It would be great if I could stay here forever."

"I can prepare a place for you to stay as long as you want."

Lloyd said very generously.

"Well, thank you, Lord Uther."

Ai Luoluo smiled, withdrew his gaze from the window, moved on the seat twice more, and leaned closer to Lloyd, then naturally rested his head on his shoulder, and then hugged him tightly. arm.


Lloyd's body couldn't help but stiffen slightly.

But after thinking about it, I still couldn't bear to push her away.

Thanks to Momo Qiufeng for tipping the little milk cat 100 points, which can be used to... buy catnip?

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