I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 219 Chapter 218 You are clearly already like this

Chapter 219 218. You are obviously already like this

Along with the continuous 'buzzing' tinnitus, Lloyd heard those indistinct murmurs and those few panel prompts:

[Ding~ A large amount of taboo knowledge has been detected, please stay conscious]

[Ding~Insanity value+? ? ? ? 】

[Ding~Insanity value+? ? ? ? 】

[Ding~Insanity value+? ? ? ? 】

[Ding~Skill Fragments +1]

[Ding~Skill Fragments +1]

[Ding~Skill Fragments +1]

With 150 points of [Rationality] and a level 5 [Stun Resistance], Lloyd did not panic.

He listened to the familiar tinnitus in his ears, endured the familiar severe pain and dizziness in his head, looked at the familiar characters and scenes in front of him, and a strange smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, sighing with a somewhat nostalgic tone. road:

"It's really...long time no see..."

"Come directly!"

Then, a symbolic starry sky appeared in front of his eyes. A stick figure was lying on the ground in a dark place, looking up.

It's like being in hell, looking up to heaven.

After looking up for an unknown amount of time, the stickman began to peel off the dust and sand around him, and stood up staggeringly.

He tried to reach out and touch the starry sky in front of him, but the distance was too far and he couldn't touch it.

So He stretched out his hands with all his strength, grew taller with all his strength, and stretched his body infinitely until the top of his head could touch the clouds, and until he lowered his head and could overlook all living beings.

But He is still so far away from the starry sky...

Then, the scene changed, and the giant stick figure that had stood tall on the ground seemed to no longer look up, but began to wander meaninglessly on the ground.

While walking, He saw a bunch of delicious huge mushrooms, so he bent down, picked them off, and put them into his mouth.

While walking, He saw a group of disgusting crawling reptiles, so He stretched out his feet and trampled them into the dust.

As he walked, he saw a strange twisted vortex, so he stretched out his hand, crushed it into pieces, and absorbed its flesh and blood.

The scene turned again, and the giant stick figure seemed to be unable to find anything that could make him care. He no longer walked or looked up, but just sat quietly, enduring the loneliness and silence brought by the world.

Until one day, a meteor streaked across the sky.

The giant stickman finally raised his head again and stretched out his hand towards the star.

The picture ends abruptly here, just like the ancient mural-style narrative, which always has no beginning or end.

And the small murmurs in Lloyd's ears had already become clear, high-pitched, loud, and crazy as the murals unfolded.

"Praise the supreme great existence! Let go of reason with him and embrace...the madness that my Lord desires, without hesitation or regret, that is...what my Lord wants, that is...our destination... …”

"Praise the supreme great existence! Destroy the order and enjoy the grace with it...The disorder given by our Lord, no need to be restrained, no need to follow the rules, that is...the gift of our Lord, that is...we The glory..."

Damn it, why is it getting weirder and weirder? Listening to it makes your hands and feet feel cold and your whole body trembles.

Lloyd shook his head subconsciously, trying to dispel these increasingly weird and evil ravings.

But contrary to expectations, those voices became increasingly clear, as clear as a carving knife, writing and inscribing deep in his memory.

As he continued to listen to those murmurs, it seemed that they were no longer so harsh. Lloyd began to feel familiar and familiar, and even whispered unconsciously:

"Falling... into the abyss..."


At this moment, Lloyd suddenly felt a soft thing slipping into his hand, like a soft little fish, gently rubbing his palm.

Then, he heard a weak and extremely delicate voice coming over:

"Lord Uther...are you here to save me?"

In an instant, the murmurs in his ears disappeared, and the vision in front of him returned to normal.

Lloyd saw that Elolo had opened his eyes slightly. Although his face was still pale and his lips were still black and blue, he was forcing himself to smile, showing a sad and beautiful look that made me feel pity for him.

Although he was already so weak, he was still trying hard to reach out his little hand and tug at Lloyd's palm, trying to help him.

"Ahem... You look like you're feeling very uncomfortable... Will this... make you feel better? Ahem..."

But you are already like this...

Lloyd suddenly felt distressed, and he quickly bent down, gently hugged her delicate body, and put his forehead against hers.

[Ding~Insanity value +211]

[Ding~Insanity value +314]

As the madness value jumped, Elolo's condition improved visibly to the naked eye, and a bit of blood appeared on her cute face again.

"Hehe...your embrace...is very warm?"

She whispered softly into Lloyd's ear.

Then he suddenly felt something and quickly exclaimed:

"Oops! They seem to have... found you! Hurry! Hide under the quilt!"

As she said that, she used the strength she had just recovered to hug Lloyd's neck tightly, really trying to tuck him into bed.

Obviously, this childish move does not solve the actual problem.

As the door next to her made a series of gear clicks, the heavy airtight door was forcibly pushed open by external force, and Miss Shebeleda's burly figure appeared outside the door.

Then she whispered in a mechanical tone:


And on the balcony next to her, another Miss Shebeleda climbed up like a gecko, blocking the possible retreat.

Then, there were several muffled sounds from the ceiling, and three large holes were smashed open by brute force. With a splash of cement debris, three more Miss Shebeleda jumped down from the holes, just surrounding Ai Luoluo's small bed.

These Miss Shebeleda had the same appearance, the same body shape, and the same mechanical iron-green complexion.

Ai Luoluo was frightened and quickly shrank into Lloyd's arms.

She had never imagined that there would be such a picture of five Miss Shebeleda in the same frame.

At this moment, she felt a pair of invisible warm palms rubbing her head gently.

Although she couldn't hear the voice from the other side, she could vaguely feel that it seemed to say:

"Don't be afraid..."

"Close your eyes."

Ailuoluo quickly closed her eyes obediently.

At this time, the ladies Shebelida, who were still searching for the enemy, seemed to have discovered something and began to approach Ailuolu.

Then, they heard a voice that should not have been heard, with obvious anger.

"It seems that you don't know what the way to death is!"

Thank you for the reward of Xinfan Xinfan for Everoel 100 points to buy a small sweater for the winter.

In addition, I apologize to everyone. There will be a power outage for 6 hours here tonight, and it will not be restored until tomorrow morning, so tomorrow's chapter may be a little late, but it will definitely be updated, without leave or delay.

I hope everyone will bear with me.

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