I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 217 216 This is the real me

Chapter 217 216. This is the real me

As soon as the team leader said this, the entire control room suddenly became quiet for a few seconds. All the scholars present put down their work and looked back at the team leader.

After a moment of silence, the team leader took the initiative to speak and broke the awkwardness:

"What's wrong? Is this question difficult to answer?"

The nearest scholar hurriedly tried to dissuade:

"No... just... is this a bit too hasty? Our current experiment has just started not long ago. Even if [Ailolo] is in a good state, but..."

Before he finished speaking, the team leader waved his hand coldly, interrupting his next words.

"No buts, our project must be completed as soon as possible, and there is no room for delay!"

After that, she raised her voice again and said loudly:

"Everyone, the hope and future of mankind are right in front of us. Do you still want to stop? Don't you even have the courage to do this?"

Such a big and high-sounding hat was put down, and no one in the control room dared to speak again.

After all, this team leader is notorious for his risk-taking, radicalism, and unscrupulous means. Although he has indeed achieved quite fruitful academic results, under that layer of glory, I don’t know how much immorality and sin are buried.

If they can choose, no one wants to be the shadow under that glory...

The team leader looked around, and the silence of her subordinates made her nod with satisfaction, and then continued:

"Since no one objects, let's start as soon as possible."

"Yes, start preparing to carry the forbidden knowledge for [Madam Heweima]... Be careful and report the readings at any time."

"Yes, the forbidden knowledge is being transmitted, and the readings fluctuate... It is still within the theoretical tolerance range."

"Pay attention, [Madam Heweima]'s appearance is changing..."

"Don't worry, just keep an eye on the readings... Where is [Miss Xie Beileda]?"

"In good condition, report at any time You can fight. "

"The forbidden knowledge with a base of 1 has been loaded. Do you want to continue?"

"Continue! The original design standard is base 3. "

"Attention! The appearance of [Madam Heweima] has changed dramatically, and the mental pollution is detected to be rapidly increasing. "

"Start the protective ritual! "

"Yes... The ritual is starting... [Ailuo] is eating. Do you want her to speed up the process? "

"No, follow our pace. "

As the orders in the control room were issued and executed one by one, Ailuo, who was eating breakfast alone in the cafeteria, suddenly raised her head and looked out the door.

She felt that there seemed to be something behind the door that made her feel uneasy?

But just a little movement like this, Miss Xie Beileda behind her immediately said in a threatening tone:

"Ladies should not look around when eating."

Ailuo was startled and quickly retracted her sight. She honestly followed the breakfast process of the reservation and stuffed the tasteless white bread into her mouth one bite at a time.

For the past sixteen years, I have been eating breakfast like this...

No, that's not right!

Ailuo was stunned and shook her head in her heart.

I used to be different!

I have a dad, I have sweet little cakes, I have a lot of dolls, I have a lot of toys...

I can go to the town outside, I can ride the Ferris wheel and carousel alone, I can attend seminars, I can go to the mysterious 'Dream Theater'...

I also have my Lord Uther!

Ailuo felt that her memory was clearer than ever, her heart was stronger than ever, and her mind was clearer than ever.

She seemed to understand her current situation in an instant, and she also knew what she should do in this state.

Exposing flaws will only lead to terrible punishment; rash escape will lead to terrible torture; daring to resist may be strangled to death by Miss Shebelida!

They will make me forget my dad, forget the little cakes, forget my Lord Uther...

I have to hold on, I have to hold on until night, and wait for my Lord Uther to rescue me out.

Ailuo! Don't cry! You must be strong!

She repeated this sentence over and over in her heart, but on the surface, she finished the tasteless breakfast in a standard process as usual.

Then, according to the established process, Miss Xie Beileda took out a small mirror and gave her a few seconds to tidy up her appearance.

Ai Luoluo looked at herself in the mirror. She was no longer crying or weak, but her eyes were firm and her expression was dignified.

This is the real me!

"Next, Mrs. He Weima has prepared today's course for you. Go over quickly."

Miss Xie Beileda continued, and then grabbed Ai Luoluo's wrist, not giving her any chance to escape or object.

Ai Luoluo said nothing, but followed her silently to the other side of the mansion.

Half of this mansion, which looks very luxurious and has a bit of fairy tale castle style, is a teaching area specially prepared for Ai Luoluo.

The knowledgeable Mrs. He Weima prepared a variety of courses for her, from etiquette to music to painting, everything is available, ensuring that every day is different.

But today's class seems to be particularly different.

After pushing Ailuo into the classroom, Miss Heweima quickly closed the door. With the operation of the gears, the door made three consecutive muffled sounds of locking, followed by a 'hissing' sound of steam being discharged.

Mrs. Heweima was standing in front of the blackboard, with her back to Ailuo, hunched over, and her hands almost hanging on the floor.

This was completely different from her usual image of a knowledgeable and intellectual strong woman. It looked very indecent, and even a little weird and evil.

After noticing Ailuo coming in, Mrs. Heweima slowly turned her head.

This scared Ailuo so much that he almost fainted.

Mrs. Heweima's face was no longer in human form. There was only a layer of gray-black dead skin where her eyes were originally. Her chin was wide open to the left and right, all the way to her chest, and layers of tentacles and fine saw teeth could be seen inside.

As soon as she opened her mouth, she let out a hysterical scream, like a monster roaring.

Ai Luoluo couldn't hear what she wanted to say, but she felt a headache, so painful that she was about to faint.

She felt that something terrible was forced into her mind, and tears flowed out again.

Her body quickly fell to the ground, holding her head with both hands, squeezing hard instinctively, as if to force those things out of her head.

She screamed loudly, trying to vent her pain, her consciousness was as confused as a ball of paste, and she almost lost all her thinking ability.

The only thing she could remember was the last thought of "strength".

Then, her consciousness became heavier and heavier, and her body gave up struggling, collapsed softly to the ground, and fainted.

But her figure was still a beautiful and lovely girl, but her clothes were a little messy because of the previous action, but she did not become a monster like Mrs. Heweima.


“The readings…are tending to stabilize? We…succeeded?”

“Don’t be too happy, keep testing! How is the damage to the ritual? I mean the suppression and protection parts.”

“The protection ritual was almost completely penetrated by her scream, but fortunately it held on in the end, but the damage is as high as 80%…”

“It doesn’t matter, notify the maintenance department to repair it as quickly as possible! What about [Ailolo]’s readings?”

“Rationality is gradually stabilizing, and there is no abnormality in the body shape.”

“[Hevima Madam] is unable to move, and will soon be completely out of control! "

"Immediately ask Miss Xie Beileda to recover it! Quick! It doesn't matter if she is damaged! "

"Then... what about Ai Luoluo?"

"Let's recover Madam Heweima first. Ai Luoluo's condition is more optimistic than we expected."

With a series of reports and instructions in the control room, all scholars entered a state of panic, running around, pulling a valve, turning a few switches, or operating various dense buttons.

This chaotic state lasted for nearly half an hour. As the various instruments and counters returned to stability, the narrow and long colorful test tubes slowly calmed down, and the color began to change to green.

Until all the colors in the test tubes turned into a uniform emerald green, a series of cheers inevitably broke out in the control room:

"Success! We really succeeded! I just thought we were all going to die!"

"Praise the saint! Praise the church! Praise humanity!"

"We have created the future of mankind! We are the saviors of human destiny!"

"Hahaha! I can finally go home and tell my daughter what kind of work I am doing."

Facing this group of overly excited scholars, the team leader's expression was still serious and calm. She just stretched out her slightly trembling fingers, adjusted her slightly tilted monocle, and then took the opportunity to wipe the sweat from her forehead.

Then, she had to play the role of an atmosphere destroyer and shouted:

"Everyone! How long are you going to lose your composure? This is just the first step of the experiment. Can the taboo knowledge of only 3 cardinal numbers make you so excited?"

As soon as these words came out, the scene suddenly fell into an ice cellar, and everyone embarrassedly put away the smiles on their faces.

"Okay, clean up the scene as soon as possible, prepare a new [Mrs. Heweima], and then send [Elolo] back to the room."

The team leader continued to order.

At this time, someone next to him suddenly asked cautiously:

"She performed very well, can you reward her with a small cake? She has always liked sweets..."

The team leader replied coldly:

"If you reward her with a small cake today, your daughter may never be able to eat small cakes in the future...Put away your ridiculous sympathy! She is just a container."

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