I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 214 213 Does this guy want to do something big?

Chapter 214 213. Does this guy want to do something big?

After having breakfast and combing his sister's hair, Lloyd rushed to District 18 early.

[Ding~ Madness value +50]

Coming out of the subway tunnel, there was no Weiya waiting for him today, which made him feel a little disappointed, but also a little fortunate.

After all, he ran to other beautiful girls' rooms last night, hugged, touched and hugged them. If he really saw Weiya again early in the morning, he would probably feel a little awkward.

"Meow meow..."

The little kitten also poked its furry head out of his pocket, but it didn't find Weiya's figure, and it looked very disappointed.

"It's okay, mom will be back next week."

Lloyd scratched its head and comforted it.

Now that Weiya was not around, Lloyd felt as if something warm was missing in his hand when he walked, so he subconsciously put his hand into his pocket, and his fingertips just touched the statue of the saint.

In an instant, he felt his hand being held by a pair of hands, with their fingers intertwined, afraid that he would break free.

Those hands were soft and slippery, not as powerful as Wei Ya's, but more gentle.

But it was inevitable that they would be suspected of taking advantage of the situation?

Lloyd did not dare to think too much, so he planned to walk quickly to Tower 9.

As a result, as soon as he quickened his pace, he felt his hand being pulled by someone, indicating that he should walk slower.

There was no way, Lloyd had to slow down his pace and slowly moved to the door of Tower 9 at the speed he usually walked with Wei Ya.

At this time, he felt his hand being gently released, which was considered a pass.


Lloyd breathed a sigh of relief, seized the time, and devoted himself to the cause of fighting against monsters.

[Ding~ Madness value +300]

[Ding~ Madness value +300]

[Ding~ Madness value +2000]

After solving the five monsters today and the "three-day sign-in" for analyzing the unknown fragments, it is not far from the next point increase.

Lloyd cleaned up the scene and quickly returned to his office, letting the kitten lie on his head to bask in the sun, and then took out a pile of white paper and wrote and drew on it.

These are the ritual patterns in Ai Luoluo's room, which he was forced to memorize last night.

After drawing all these complicated patterns, Lloyd rubbed his chin again, recalling the knowledge taught by Valdes yesterday, and pointed with a pencil in his hand.

"Well... According to Valdes, the node we are looking for... may be here, or it may be here. It must be these two places. Well... these two places correspond to the positions in the room... should be the dressing table and the wardrobe?"

"And this one and this one, under the bed and behind the door respectively, are probably used for early warning and anti-destruction, which is almost the same as Valdes's speculation..."

"Valdes is really amazing. He has never seen the prototype, but he can deduce it to such an accurate degree. He is worthy of being a young talent that I value!"

After Lloyd finished this review, a prompt came from the panel:

[Ding~ Sufficient knowledge fragments have been obtained, skill level has been upgraded, ritual control (distortion) LV3→LV4]

This skill upgrade is not surprising. In fact, when the two were discussing yesterday, he obtained several skill fragments. In addition, it is normal to get an upgrade after reviewing the ritual in Eloro's room.

The specific improvement is also predictable. It is the direction of large-scale rituals and array-type rituals, which can save Lloyd the time of specific hands-on practice, and accurately arrange this set of large-scale rituals that he already knows well enough, avoiding various wastes.

The skill of [Ritual Control] is powerful in the two points of "saving time" and "accurate" -

Otherwise, such a complex and precise large-scale ritual, no matter how much you understand and master it, it is easy to make deviations and mistakes in actual operation. From theory to practice to practice, there is an inevitable long span in between.

However, this set of rituals in the room is only a part of the whole array. Even if it is restored intact, the effect it can play is "suppression", and it does not have other more complex functions for the time being.

If you want to fully master this whole array, I am afraid it will take a long time to make up for it.

Fortunately, Lloyd's main purpose is not here. Whether it is "upgrade" or "skill upgrade", they are by-products of the process of rescuing Ai Luoluo. He is not going for these benefits, just as "good people get good rewards".

After finishing the ritual, Lloyd went to ask for leave from the judge who was temporarily taking over Weiya's position.

The other party agreed so readily, and even kindly said:

"As long as the execution is completed, you can arrange the rest of the time freely, and you don't need to tell me... If you need help with finding materials, just ask, you are now shouldering the hope of our 18th District."

"Well, I will try my best!"

Lloyd nodded vigorously.

Speaking of which, the judge who took over temporarily looked like a gentle scholar, and looked more like a teacher than the chief judge.

But Lloyd still remembered that when he was on the line with the people of the Holy Grace Court that night, he was the only one in the whole audience who jumped on the table and swore, and all kinds of dirty words and vulgar words continued, scolding the opponent so angry that he almost took action directly.

So, the appearance of the extraordinary is deceptive, and only a simple, honest and loyal young man like me can be consistent in appearance and reality.

Lloyd encouraged himself in his heart, then took the subway to the club, and then went into the basement to take out the materials exchanged at the "Dream Theater" yesterday.

He needed to set up a "corrosion ritual", or "cracking ritual".

That was the new idea that Valdez shared with him yesterday. There is no clear name yet, but he patted his chest to guarantee that it is absolutely effective. He has repeatedly verified it and asked Lloyd to swear in the name of the "Venerable" that he would never leak it.

Lloyd did not think of leaking other people's inventions. He raised his hand and swore without pressure that he would never leak it.

Then he vaguely felt that there seemed to be some changes in his body, but it was not clear and could not be said. It seemed more like some kind of illusion?

Sure enough, swearing to yourself is still too strange?

In short, relying on the strong learning ability brought by high cognition, Lloyd mastered Valdez's new invention easily.

The specific effect of this set of "corrosion rituals" is like pouring a little bit of low-concentration acid on the lock of the cage, which will make the lock core become brittle and soft little by little until it can be unlocked by scratching it with a wire.

The process may be a little slow, especially for such a complex and large ritual, but it is hidden enough and not easy to be discovered, and it will not even interfere with the daily operation of the ritual.

In general, this is a very powerful and practical new invention, but it makes Lloyd somewhat puzzled. Why does Valdez, a young and promising craftsman, want to study this slightly sensitive and strange ritual?

He has even conducted many tests?

He can't be a "locksmith" at ordinary times, right?

Lloyd didn't think too deeply about it, so he started to miniaturize and carry this set of rituals according to the plan they had made.

The only problem at the moment is how to transport the other materials for arranging the rituals to Eloro's room.

Although Lloyd's [Infiltration] can bring spiritual power and inspiration, the storage bag will definitely not pass through.

So the way he thought of was to use the transaction function of the seminar and send the things to Eloro's room through the chessboard.

But after the things were sent in, Lloyd had no way to touch them with his hands because they had no entity, so he had to prepare a miniaturized corrosion ritual outside in advance so that it could take effect as soon as it entered the room.

This is related to a key material that Lloyd exchanged yesterday: [Disappearing Canvas]

This thing is a kind of paper specially processed by mystical technology, but it can be used as an ordinary canvas. However, once a certain amount of spiritual power is injected into it, it will automatically decompose and melt after a corresponding period of time, and finally evaporate completely in the air, leaving only a faint odor.

Because of this particularity, this special canvas is often used to write secret letters, pass secrets, etc., and only Valdes can think of using it to carry rituals.

So Lloyd always feels that there seems to be something wrong with this guy's research direction?

He must not have thought of these methods temporarily. I am afraid he is planning to make a big deal? It just happened to be used in the rescue of Eloro this time?

Lloyd did not think deeply about it. He used several other materials, mixed them into a unique ink, and then wrote and drew on the [Disappearing Canvas] to arrange a miniaturized corrosion ritual.

About half an hour later, the first corrosion ritual was completed.

Lloyd tried it and injected a little spiritual power into it, which was probably enough to make it start to dissolve after ten minutes. Then he kept a good distance from the ritual and monitored the operation on it with inspiration.

When the ritual began to take effect, he felt that the inspiration touched a sticky and slightly tingling force.

So he quickly activated the side effect of [Ritual Control] - remote control through reserved marks and other methods.

He found a glass test tube nearby and used his spiritual power to leave a temporary mark on it, similar to the one he left in the belly of Evelor's hammerhead shark puppet.

Then, he controlled the corrosion ritual to take effect at the location of the mark, and then began to wait patiently.

About ten minutes later, the time set by the [Disappearing Canvas] ended, and it began to decompose and melt.

And on the unfortunate glass test tube, several dissolved holes were left.

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