I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 210 The sense of disharmony in room 209

Chapter 210 209. The sense of dissonance in the room

After that, the client, Hoylandi, was imprisoned in a separate tent and never came out again. Whether he was still alive or not, he became a "cat in the box."

Jenkins noticed a heavy force emanating from the tent. The power of the [Veto] system let him know that there was a strong person in the [Veto] system in this camp. It seemed that his client was completely There was no hope of escape.

After that, Jenkins expressed his intention to everyone here, and he was relatively vague, and the key parts were used to explain away the "fuzzy prophecy".

The leader, Judge Tiltus, thanked him for helping deliver a wanted criminal and arranged for Jenkins to spend one night in the camp before returning to the Eternal City tomorrow.

Then, the two began to talk further. Jenkins described Hoylandi's [fate] in great detail, and carefully reminded:

"In order to avoid his terrifying mentor, he did not hesitate to become a prisoner. He must be an extremely powerful man, right? Please be careful, sir."

Then, a gentle voice sounded in Jenkins' head:

"Please don't worry about this. His mentor... I'm afraid he doesn't have the energy to take care of him for the time being."

oh? It seems that Lord Tiltus understands the situation very well? That's right, they are both from the Brilliant City...

Jenkins was thinking, and the other party's voice continued to come to his mind:

"Compared with his mentor, I care more about what you mentioned before. His [destiny] cannot see the fork in the road. Can you tell me in detail?"

After saying that, the other party smiled self-deprecatingly and added:

"Although I am not very good at [prophecy], I also know that this situation is very special. Maybe it is related to the important task of our [intellectual] system?"

The rhetoric Jenkins used before was that he couldn't see clearly the fork in his fate. Later, he got some vague guidance with the help of an ancient relic that was inconvenient to reveal, and then he brought someone over to surrender.

Of course, there are loopholes in this statement, especially for people who understand prophecy. Jenkins has no choice but to reveal the existence of the Supreme Being, so he can only focus on describing the special characteristics of Hoylandi, and the "ancient relics" 'The matter was put off.

Fortunately, the presiding judge on the opposite side did not continue to ask further questions and said instead:

"Thank you very much for your help... I have a hunch that the wanted criminal you brought today may be of vital help to us."

The conversation between the two ended here, and Jenkins had a narrow escape. He couldn't help but feel wary of the Tiltus judge, saying that he couldn't afford to offend him, he couldn't afford to offend him.

But he didn't stop for long before he received a letter from Valdez, and then the previous rounds of exchanges of letters.

Therefore, in order to show his value to the beloved of the Supreme Being, and also to show his sense of responsibility as a prophet, Jenkins bit the bullet and found the enigmatic Lord Tiltus and had a discussion with him. A simple discussion.

Of course, necessary details are hidden.

As expected, the other party was well-informed, and he quickly noticed a detail in the few words:

"I am still unmarried and don't know much about family ethics, but I know that this method of sealing consciousness in the body is indeed extremely cruel, but it is not so easy to achieve. After all, human thoughts are always free. , difficult to restrain...

Therefore, this requires specific rituals or sacred objects for assistance, which is difficult to maintain for a long time... But on the contrary, few people can persist in this almost endless black prison environment for too long. If this situation cannot be mediated as soon as possible, In the event of a family conflict, your friend's consciousness may be wiped out. "

"You are indeed a strong person in the [intellectual] system. As expected, you discovered a problem that I couldn't see, just like a needle pricking the skin and bleeding... From this point of view, my friend's situation is very urgent. Then I can pass Some means to force her consciousness out? "

"Although I don't know what your method is specifically, it's best not to make such an attempt without certainty. It may cause irreparable harm to your friend... It's like trying to do something without destroying the cage. , forcibly drag the prisoners out."

"I understand, that will only fragment the people inside...so we have to find a way to open the cage first."

The exchange between the two people almost ends here. Because they have not actually seen it, even the well-informed presiding judge cannot give more detailed suggestions and guidance.

Jenkins then returned to his tent and began to write rapidly, writing two letters one after another.

One was sent to Elolo, and I wanted to see if she could receive it.

As a result, the letter could not be sent directly...

To be precise, even the spatial rift failed to unfold.

This shows that the place where Elolo is located has a strict space blockade, and even small cracks have been blocked.

This was a situation that had never happened before, and it also indirectly proved that the favored person's judgment was correct. Ai Luoluo was indeed under too strict supervision.

Jenkins had no choice but to send another letter to Valdez, which recorded in detail the opinions of the presiding judge just now.

"I hope the favored one can rescue her safely, right?"


On Lloyd's side, after reading Jenkins' latest letter and seeing the name 'Tirtus' mentioned in it, he couldn't help but sigh:

The presiding judge must be reliable! As expected, he was able to spot the problem sharply. He was worthy of being a dual-system boss, and he was well-informed!

But having said that, the presiding judge was far away in the Eternal City, so it was really a coincidence that Lao Zhan happened to meet him and gave him some advice through Lao Zhan.

Fate is wonderful...

Valdes also read the letter carefully, and then said from the perspective of a transcendent person in the [intellectual] system:

"Since this Judge Tiltus is a strong person in the [intellectual] system, his understanding of human consciousness must be deeper than mine, and his judgment must be correct. This guy, 'White Bishop', is It’s really dangerous.”

Lloyd nodded and replied:

"It seems that we don't care about other people's affairs. We have to find a way to get her out first... Since you are also a strong person in the [intellectual] system, can you find any way to break this [consciousness blockade]? Any solution?"

"I'm not considered a strong person yet, and I haven't mastered [Conscious Blockade] yet. That is an ability that can only be accessed at the fifth level. However, I have some understanding of this ability in advance, and I have some immature opinions..."

Valdez first waved his hand and showed some humility, and then gave Lloyd a brief introduction to how [Conscious Blockade] works.

This is actually an ability of the [intellectual] system, and it is also a 'killer' level. It can seal the enemy's consciousness in that terrifying dark prison of consciousness, and it is difficult to break free.

In PVP, it can very powerfully restrict the enemy's thinking; in PVE, it protects teammates' consciousness from some strange damage, and its usage is very flexible.

However, this useful ability cannot take effect for long, and it consumes a lot of money. Even if it is used by a powerful person, it will only last for about half an hour.

And it also depends on the situation on the other side. If it is also a high-ranking and powerful person, with high enough rationality and good enough mental state, the duration will be shorter, probably only a short moment.

Therefore, what happened to Elolo must have been influenced by rituals and sacred objects.

Since rituals are involved, this is Valdez’s strength.

"When you went to 'visit' her, did you find any rituals or anything like that?"

Valdez asked.

"Yes, and it's very strong."

Lloyd then described the situation in Elolo's room, and with his excellent memory, he roughly copied the ritual patterns on the walls, floors, and ceilings. Although some details were missing, it was enough. Valdes made his judgment:

"Does she have any deep grudge against her father? Even our Holy Inquisition Tribunal doesn't use such cruel rituals."

Lloyd shrugged helplessly, indicating that he thought so too.

"Well...the rituals in these rooms are part of a large-scale ritual array. They can be connected into a whole, with powerful performance and flexible functions. The person who presides over this set of rituals is also a powerful character..."

Valdez pointed to several patterns on the ritual track to introduce, and then highlighted one of the patterns:

"Look here, if you want to add the effect of [Consciousness Blockade], you only need to add it outside the room, and then connect it to this contact point."

"How about directly destroying this connection?"

Lloyd asked quickly.

His understanding of rituals mainly focused on portability and miniaturization, and he didn't know much about this large array.

Valdes also discovered this through previous exchanges, and patiently explained:

"It's hard to say... After all, besides here, there are two other places that can be used as connection hubs. The function of [Consciousness Blockade] may not be connected here. It is probably connected to some kind of anti-destruction counterattack ritual. If not It can be very dangerous if you trigger it carefully!

Unless you can get an overview of the entire ritual arrangement, it’s difficult to make a judgment. Hmm...let me think about it..."

As he spoke, Valdez put his head in his hands and scratched his hair, entering a state of deep contemplation.

No wonder Lloyd feels that his hair is obviously thinner than that of ordinary young people...

After a while, he raised his head and asked:

"By the way, do you still remember that there is anything obviously wrong in her room? Or something that is obviously inconsistent? For example, the mirror hanging on the ceiling and the candlestick placed under the bed?"

Lloyd also recalled it carefully, and then tentatively said:

"No mirror?"

Thanks to Mo Moqiufeng for tipping me 100 points.

Thanks to the glass beads in the glass bag for tipping Yifrol 100 points, which he used to buy fluffy gloves for the winter.

Thanks to Light and Dark for giving 200 points to Wei Ya and 100 points to Evelor, which were used to buy fragrant and sweet lip gloss.

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