I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 206 205 Have you also learned sneak attacks?

Chapter 206 205. Have you also learned how to sneak attack?

Lloyd then briefly flipped through the panel prompts.

Although the mental pollution suffered by Elolo has been fluctuating up and down, both the value and the frequency are still showing a slight downward trend, indicating that his body is gradually adapting.

It's just that the downward trend is not very obvious, which shows that he adapts very slowly, at least slower than the karma demon.

What a beautiful girl full of mysteries...

Lloyd sighed and added some points first.

After assessing his current situation and thinking about the needs that might arise next, he chose a different point-adding strategy than before.

5 points of [Spiritual Power], 5 points of [Inspiration], 5 points of [Cognition], add them to me!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

[Status: normal]

[Insanity value: 2018/6000, upper limit: 13500]

【Rationality: 135】

[Spiritual power: 135]

【Inspiration: 85】

[Cognition: 135]

[System: Distort LV3, reject LV2]

[Skills Mastered: Focused Learning; Exploration; Divination LV4; Stun Resistance LV5; Extraordinary Swordsmanship LV2; Distortion Realm LV6; Offensive Speech LV3; Gift Distortion LV4; Ritual Control (Distortion) LV3]

[Unanalyzed fragments: unknown fragments with unknown composition*1, current analysis progress is 13%]

[Unread book: "The Book of Truth·Volume 1", the current reading progress is 23%]

Huh? Why has the reading progress of "The Book of Truth" increased?

Lloyd clearly remembered that at least before falling asleep last night, the reading progress of "The Book of Truth" was still 20%. But when he woke up, it had inexplicably increased by 3 points?

But he was not sure what specific behavior caused the progress to increase. Was it a 'visit' to Elolo? Or did you leave the bottle of liquid metal in the [Thinking Realm]? Or could it be that while I was asleep, the "Book of Truth" moved on its own?

Lloyd quickly searched his memory to see if anything had appeared out of thin air, but found nothing. He did not gain any brainpower due to the improvement in reading progress.

I don’t know where this book went…


"Lloyd? Are you...have something on your mind?"

Lloyd had just met Weiya at the entrance of the subway. Before he could hold her hand, he heard Weiya ask this question inexplicably.

He denied with a guilty conscience:

"I'm not, I didn't..."

"Lloyd, do you know that you can't lie at all?"

Wei Ya glared at him, then took off the black silk gloves on her hands. She first snatched the little kitten and put it on her head. Then she took the initiative to hold Lloyd's hand, and the ten fingers were clasped tightly. Close to each other.

Lloyd originally planned to be tough, but now he gave in and could only ask helplessly:

"Okay, how did you know?"

"When you saw me in the past, you always looked at my face first, and then secretly glanced at my legs... But before, when you said 'good morning', you didn't dare to look into my eyes."

Wei Ya explained first and then asked:

"So, what are you worried about? Can you tell me?"

"Well, I did encounter a troublesome problem, something like this. I have a friend who made her father angry..."

Lloyd briefly talked about Airolo's situation, but concealed many details, such as Airolo's origin, figure, and appearance.

And the reason why he felt guilty when he saw Wei Ya was because he didn't sleep last night and ran to other beautiful girls' rooms. Not only did he see her whole body, he even fainted from exhaustion in other people's rooms...

Although it was to save people, he was not a medical student after all, and there was a hurdle in his heart that he couldn't overcome.

Fortunately, Wei Ya didn't think too much. Instead, after thinking for a while, she carefully considered her words and replied:

"Since you said that his father is a high-ranking man and seems to be very strict with him and does not allow him to go out casually, then it is best to solve the problem through communication, right?"

"I also think this is best. After all, it is someone else's housework. But the problem now is that my friend has been grounded by her father through some overly strict means. So as a friend, what can I do to help her? "

"Prepare some gifts and visit him? Help him intercede? Or invite him to attend important occasions? Well... you can also discuss it with his other friends? After all, I am an outsider and can't give you much advice."

"Well, I will consider it, thank you Wei Ya."

"Well... then... now that we've talked about Lloyd, I have two things to tell you."

Wei Ya said, stopped and lowered her head.

Eh? Is this... a formal confession?

Although the two of them have held hands and some words have been tacitly understood, the formal confession has not yet been made. I always feel that a necessary link is missing. It is better to complete the complete process...

Lloyd was thinking secretly in his mind and looking around secretly.

Well, there are green trees and a beautiful environment. Although there are no scattered cherry blossom petals, it is enough. We are not two-spined salamanders.


Wei Ya hesitated for half a minute, but what she mentioned was the business of last night.

"The theft case has been properly solved. The chief judge personally came forward. I guess this kind of thing will never happen again, right? So... I have to thank you for your timely help in recovering the goods. Please let me represent Eighteen District, on behalf of the Holy Inquisition, thank you for your contribution.”

When Lloyd heard these serious words, his excitement suddenly dropped sharply.

Damn it, I had already thought about how to respond, but then you told me this...

But just when he felt unwilling for a while, he suddenly felt a fragrant and soft touch on his left cheek, and then he felt numb all over.

He was actually kissed secretly by Wei Ya?

Is this her way of saying thank you?

It seems pretty good, right?


Lloyd couldn't help but laugh.

Wei Ya's pretty face blushed slightly, becoming particularly moving, and then whispered the second thing:

"I will probably be away for about a week, and my work will be handed over to another inquisitor."

When Lloyd heard this, he couldn't help but hold Wei Ya's hand tightly and asked quickly:

"Ah? You also have to go out on business?"

"No, I plan to complete the third [Transcendence]"

Wei Ya explained.

The third transcendence of the [Rejection] system was not done ‘behind closed doors’ in a luxurious and comfortable room, but directly entered into actual combat.

And the requirements can be said to be quite demanding...

You need to be alone, under the influence of the ritual, to kill a healthy monster with a danger level of no less than 3, and you can only use the power of the [veto] system in the process.

In other words, you cannot use swords, guns, or holy objects, and you cannot have extra rituals or even medicines to assist you.

This is very troublesome...

After all, the power of the entire [veto] system is not very effective in direct damage. Even at the level of Big Brother, you have to rely on the two-handed heavy sword in your own hands to deal with the consultant.

The main means of damage output is to use various weapons in hand. After defeating the enemy's defense, the power is still considerable.

So it’s troublesome if you can’t use weapons...

What's more, the second level Wei Ya is currently in, she probably hasn't mastered those 'increasing damage' methods yet, and is still in the stage of limiting enemies. [Declaration of Veto] can cause very limited direct damage, which is probably equivalent to hitting her head with a hammer. degree.

It is still very troublesome to kill a monster with a danger level of 3 by this. You can only scrape it slowly bit by bit. You must have enough spiritual power to support the use of the ability, and you must have enough rationality to withstand mental pollution. At the same time, you must have experience and skills in dealing with various monsters.

But fortunately, the presiding judge had already pointed out a shortcut to ‘skipping class’ in his notes——

Go and find those weird, incorporeal derivatives to fulfill the ritual requirements.

This type of monster is a bit similar to 'ghosts' and 'undead'. They are pure spirits without entities. [Declaration of Veto] has an outstanding effect when smashed, and can be taken care of in a few or two hits.

However, this kind of monster is not easy to find, at least it probably doesn't exist in the city.

At the same time, they themselves are also very dangerous. They can take advantage of the various conveniences of the spirit body. They are elusive and difficult to detect. The spiritual pollution they emit is also very strong. It is quite difficult to deal with them without the assistance of equipment and rituals.

Therefore, although the presiding judge gave a shortcut, he still suggested not to take this path when you are not completely sure and don't know enough about the weird derivatives. It is safer to scrape slowly and honestly.

"Then...what kind of monster does Wei Ya plan to deal with?"

Lloyd asked with great concern.

Wei Ya smiled, reached out and patted the back of Lloyd's hand, comforting:

"Don't worry, my dad has arranged everything for me, it's just that the distance is quite far."

Although Wei Ya did not directly say what her father did and whether he was a transcendent, judging from the information revealed in daily life, it was obvious that he was not an ordinary person who was easy to get along with, and he should be quite capable.

This reassured Lloyd a lot.

Let’s look back at Elolo’s ghost father...

Lloyd complained in his mind and then asked:

"By the way, Wei Ya, weren't you still saying before that you were not fully prepared and wanted to accumulate some time before doing [Transcendence]? Why are you so anxious all of a sudden?"

A sweet and slightly helpless smile appeared on Wei Ya's face, and she explained:

"I haven't dared to tell my father what happened between us. He... always thinks that I am still young and opposed to this, so I want to break through the third level as soon as possible. This should make my father change his mind, right?"

Uh... Wei Ya's father is indeed a formidable 'strong enemy'!

Lloyd couldn't help but think of the strange dream from before...

As a result, with just a blink of an eye, I felt a fragrant and soft touch on my right cheek.

Was secretly kissed by Wei Ya again...

"Hehe, when I come back, I will tell my father about us, and then we can officially be together!"

Wei Ya blushed and said with anticipation.

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