I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 20 20 Divination Medium

Chapter 20 20. Divination Medium

Jiu Mengzi, the administrator, saw Lloyd's tough attitude and laughed in a weird way:

"Hehe, like a loyal little puppy."


Lloyd suddenly felt that her fists were hard. If it weren't for the fact that the opponent's attributes were all '? ? ', she would have understood what it meant that this key fairy came from Earth.

"Hehe, try your best to survive, maybe that vicious woman will look at you more."

Jiu Mengzi said, while looking up and taking a few more sips of wine, and then walked out drunk.

"What did Miss Wei Ya do to you?"

Lloyd asked.

"No, it's just that as the worst and most vicious woman in the world, it's natural for me to hate a beautiful woman like her, right?"

Jiu Mengzi said without looking back, and disappeared at the door.

The empty prayer room left only Lloyd.

He looked back at the statue of the saint girl in the depths and asked in a low voice:

"You're going to give your power to this kind of person?"

The statue naturally wouldn't respond to such a meaningless question.

"Forget it, after all, he's already [mildly insane], so it's normal for his brain to be abnormal."

Lloyd shook his head, walked out of the prayer room, and took the elevator back to the first floor.

The outside of Tower 9 looked a little more lively than usual. A bunch of black-robed priests were busy sealing off the scene, moving supplies, and then drawing various lines and patterns on the ground, as if they were going to arrange a large ritual to carry out the relevant aftermath.

Why is it so troublesome? It seems that the Holy Court is very cautious about this kind of taboo knowledge. If they knew that I had been exposed to those things and had gone astray because of them...

Lloyd had a thought, and his heart, which had just been put down, was hanging again. He didn't dare to watch from the side, and hurried to take the "subway".

A moment later, he walked out of Pastor Mad's church. Under the effect of level 3 [Dizziness Resistance], he did not feel dizzy, but felt refreshed and did not cough hard.

"Cough cough!"

But Lloyd still heard a reminder in his ear:

[Ding~ Madness Value +50]

The skill fragments are gone, which means that this method can no longer improve his dizziness resistance.

But why is the Madness Value not reduced at all?

So strange...

Lloyd pondered secretly and took out his pocket watch to check the time.

It was not yet 4 o'clock in the afternoon, which was considered an early shift.

"Anyway, I can rest at home for two days next time, just like a weekend, so I can spend more time with my sister."

As he said, he hurried back home.

At this point, it was still early for Evelor to go home, so Lloyd simply slumped down on the sofa and called out the panel again, looking at the [Divination] and [Stun Resistance] that had suddenly been upgraded to level 3.

[Divination (LV3) - Advanced mystical skill, can use two divination techniques, only needs some simple props to perform, the accuracy rate is affected by the mystery of the target and the question, continue to learn to improve the skill level]

[Stun Resistance (LV3) - Passive enhancement of physical fitness, can resist most physiological stuns, and can resist certain physical stuns, continue to practice to improve the skill level]

The text descriptions of the two skills have not changed much, even the small words below the supplementary explanation have not changed, but the actual effect is really enhanced.

[Stun Resistance] has substantially improved Lloyd's experience of riding the "subway", and it can also defend against physical stuns. It shouldn't be a problem to block a club or something? Anyway, it's much stronger than when it was level 1.

[Divination] The text description here has not changed much either, it is still very simple, but Lloyd has more relevant knowledge in his mind, which has basically formed a qualitative change.

He can now use two divination techniques.

One is still spinning pencils and throwing erasers, which can only be used to guess multiple-choice questions and crossroads, or to divine some more complicated questions, but the accuracy rate has increased, and the simpler the question you want to divine, the higher the accuracy rate.

If you use it to guess multiple-choice questions, you can probably get more than 90% accuracy for the first use.

But you must keep a certain time interval. If you use it for the second or third time in a short period of time, the accuracy rate will drop sharply. If you really want to rely on this to take the exam, I'm afraid the score will not be much higher than all-choice 'C'.

But no matter how you say it, it is much more useful than before at level 1, but the key change is the second divination technique - [medium divination]

In simple terms, it is to make a [medium] and give it to the target you want to divine; then find a [spiritual object] to use it to divine the various situations of the target.

The accuracy rate also varies. The simpler the target and the simpler the question, the more accurate the answer.

This is also a divination technique with a wide range of applications, and is often used to monitor important people or objects.

"Since my sister won't be home until after 7 o'clock, I'll try this new [divination]..."

Lloyd thought about it, got up from the sofa again, and then took the hush money he had just received and went out to the street.

He wandered around the street for a while, and finally walked into a toy store on the next street.

When he came out again, he had a furry hammerhead shark puppet in his hand.

This puppet looked round and fat, with a gray back and a snow-white belly. It looked naive and cute.

Lloyd picked up the hammerhead shark puppet again, deliberately stood on the busy street, and injected a wisp of spiritual power into the puppet's soft belly.

Then he used inspiration to guide and control the spiritual power, and formed a simple drawing pattern in the puppet's belly:


This formed a simple [mark] that could point to oneself and establish a connection with it, which was equivalent to leaving a "signature".

The "medium" required for [medium divination] was also ready.

But Lloyd scratched his head in confusion.

"Although it is simple, it feels a bit strange? I remember that the books related to mysticism emphasized that things related to divination should be done in a sparsely populated environment, where there is almost no air, to reduce interference and improve accuracy..."

"But the knowledge in my mind tells me to try to find a lively and noisy place? This is different from what the book says?"

But he didn't care too much about it. In the contradiction between book knowledge and panel knowledge, he definitely chose to believe in the panel.

With the [medium], the next step is to find a suitable [spiritual object], that is, an object with certain extraordinary properties or mysteriousness and unique spirituality.

But spiritual objects are not everywhere. Some require money, and some require fate.

Lloyd wanted to try the [simple divination] method to see if he could find a spiritual object that is destined for him.

Thanks to retni for the 500 points

Thanks to book friend 20231003214214735 for the 600 points

Thanks to prprparaquat_miha for the 1500 points

Thank you very much for your support, I will write a good book! !

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