I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 195 194 Another poor imitator

Chapter 195 194.Another poor imitator

"What do I need to pay?"

Lloyd understood the hint in the other party's words and asked directly.

"Emmmm, since it's such a tricky thing, then..."

The waiter murmured in a low voice, and then froze in place, motionless, and even stopped breathing.

It wasn't until three minutes later that he came back to life and gave a shocking answer:

"We have decided to recover your five ordinary points as a price, and also require a commitment from you, promising to come often and experience our various new projects."

Lloyd didn't expect that the price offered by the other party was actually like this.

Isn't this too cheap?

It's so incredibly cheap that it makes people wonder if it's a scam?

According to the price on the redemption list, five points can basically only be exchanged for some unpopular things that no one wants. Popular things, such as the [Blood Spurting Fountain] used for [Veto] and Transcendence, require a full 20 points. Points can only be redeemed.

And even if a large truck of this tonnage rolled into an ordinary ditch, the cost of getting it out would be enough to buy a piece of [Spring of Blood].

Therefore, the quotation of 5 points made Lloyd couldn't help but confirm:

"5 points? Did I hear that correctly?"

"Of course not!"

The waiter quickly explained:

"Actually, if it weren't for the objections of several other waiters, I would have advocated waiving even this nominal fee. After all, it is a rare opportunity to serve a being like you who can touch greatness."

Through these remarks, Lloyd could clearly feel that what they really cared about was the promise of letting him come to play often.

"You really want me to come and play often?"

Lloyd asked again.

The waiter replied unabashedly:

"Of course, we welcome all qualified players to come in and play every day, especially those like you."

Lloyd originally wanted to continue asking and find out why they did this, but the waiter seemed to have guessed his curiosity and answered first:

"I'm sorry, I can't explain to you a more specific reason. I just hope you believe that we have no ill intentions. We have no ill intentions towards anyone, especially a great being like you. This is a great thing for both of us. It’s a win-win choice.”

Although Lloyd didn't quite believe this high-sounding rhetoric, it was not the time to delve deeper now, so he nodded and agreed:

"Okay, I accept it. When can we get this car out?"

"Please be patient. This is a very tricky job. Why don't you go for a tour first? I will bring you good news as soon as possible."

"All right."

The waiter then took a step aside, revealing the black wooden door behind him, and asked again:

"So, let's start with our current hot item?"

"Wait a minute, I want to play Hit the Bullseye first."

"As you wish."

The waiter stood on the other side again, revealing another door behind him.

Lloyd then walked in and came to the quite busy bowling alley.

Compared with last time, there is no change here, except that there are more people and it is more lively.

As soon as he entered, there was a burst of cheers.

"Come on, come on! Come on, boss! There's still one more to go!"

"Boss Magic Bullet Hunter, today is the day you break the record!"

"Go, go, go!"

Lloyd looked up and found that the only boss here, the 'Magic Bullet Hunter', was challenging the 'Difficulty 6' level.

The scene in front of him was a cartoon fairy tale style town, with a bunch of two-headed little people jumping around and looking leisurely and comfortable.

Not far away, the boss was holding a bolt-action rifle, searching for a target to hit.

But something was wrong with his state. His body was trembling slightly, and the muzzle of the gun was shaking.

Finally, he pulled the trigger, and then he fell to the ground all of a sudden and started breathing heavily, without even looking at the final result.

Obviously, the shot was misdirected...

"It's such a pity. We were only one shot away from breaking the difficulty level of 6. It's a pity that we fell short in the end..."

"Don't you think the difficulty design behind this is unreasonable? Can human beings really be able to carry out precise aiming despite mental pollution?"

"Why not? Isn't it just a little bit short of the magic bullet hunter boss? What's more, someone has already completed the challenge of difficulty 7, right?"

"Having said that, the boss named 'Mengxin' has never appeared again... This makes me wonder if he had suffered excessive mental pollution and was admitted to a mental hospital?"

"I also think so. The intensity of mental pollution at difficulty level 7 is much higher than that at difficulty level 6. It is almost unbearable for human beings... What's more, I was also present on the day when 'Meng Xin' broke the record. He didn't talk to anyone at the time and was silent. Leaving made me suspect that he was just trying to hold on."

"What you said makes sense. He gave up such a good opportunity to shine, which shows that he can no longer hold on to his rationality."

"This is really... a record earned with one's life. It's quite pitiful when you think about it..."

"By the way, what does the word 'newbie' mean? Has anyone figured it out?"

The gossip of these people made Lloyd speechless...

Just like others couldn't understand why he gave up the opportunity to be in the limelight, he couldn't understand why someone would indulge in games every day and not work hard or make progress?

Playthings will ruin one's ambition...

Lloyd shook his head and walked silently to an empty fairway, then turned his head to look at the big boss of the magic bullet hunter next to him.

He stood up from the ground with the help of two followers, then looked up at the result of the battle that failed, sighed, and shook his head.

"Alas... If my rationality could be stronger, maybe I could break the record today."

Someone next to him handed over a thermos cup and a towel, and then said:

"It doesn't matter, even if you can't pass difficulty 6, we are still willing to cooperate with you."

But the boss did not accept the other party's kindness, waved his hand, and replied politely:

"Thank you, but my answer is still the same, you should go to find that 'newbie' to cooperate."

"Uh... boss, do you still mind that we didn't find you first?"

"This is not the main reason. I am not so narrow-minded. Didn't I explain it to you before? I don't have so much time... Okay, I should go back, sorry..."

After the magic bullet hunter said this, he rubbed his eyebrows and walked towards the exit.

Although he looked quite embarrassed before, he can move freely now, which shows that he has a good grasp of the scale of mental pollution and is not stubborn.

This is difficult for ordinary people to do. It requires quite hard practice and a high price.

When passing by a fairway next to him, the Bullet Hunter glanced at it from the corner of his eye and found a strange new player standing there, who had not yet chosen the difficulty.

He didn't care much about other people's affairs, and didn't like to point fingers at others, so he retracted his gaze and passed by the man.

But at this moment, he heard the man say something inexplicably:

"Sorry, I also need precious points."

After that, a wooden sign fell from the man's head with '6' written on it.

But there was no player code marked next to it, indicating that it was a new player who had not yet given himself a nickname.

The Bullet Hunter was stunned and stopped.

Then, he saw a cartoon-style zombie and a funny huge slingshot appear in front of the man.

Another 'newbie' imitator?

The Bullet Hunter said in his heart, and laughed at himself.

In fact, he himself is also one of these poor imitators.

Since that ‘newbie’ broke the record, the cartoon scene he constructed at that time was recorded by the game and directly became a set of fixed templates that can be applied to various difficulties.

Many people followed suit and chose such cartoon scenes. During those days, the entire stadium was full of scenes of slingshots hitting zombies, as if a zombie crisis had broken out...

But people soon discovered that they couldn’t control this weird cartoon template at all!

That large slingshot had no accuracy at all, and basically couldn’t hit anything, just wasting points.

The group of cartoon zombies was even more outrageous. Although they were stupid now, once one was attacked, the rest would immediately flee at high speed, and it was even more impossible to hit.

To get rid of them all at once, not only did you need extremely strong inspiration to lock them one by one, but you also had to have the ability to attack over a large area, which was exactly the ability that low-level extraordinary people lacked.

Moreover, after the difficulty level is raised to 6, these zombies will emit mental pollution, and they dare not lock on at all...

So some people chose to give up and exchanged for things they were familiar with; some people chose to adjust the cartoon template, changing the weapon to one they were familiar with, not using that weird slingshot, and then changing the target to a cute one, not using those stupid zombies.

This is how the scene that the Magic Bullet Hunter challenged before came about.

And the new player in front of him, who he didn't know, didn't seem to understand it very well, and still used this cartoon scene to throw points into the water.

But he didn't rush to make a move, but stood there motionless, as if he was thinking about how to save it.

The Magic Bullet Hunter gradually lost his patience and prepared to leave.

In fact, he didn't mind if someone else challenged the difficulty level 6. If this person hadn't suddenly said something inexplicable, he wouldn't even stop.

In fact, since the appearance of that 'newbie', the players here have started a wave of sprinting records, trying to break the record of difficulty 6 to grab those precious points.

However, all failed...

So far, the closest to breaking the record is still the Magic Bullet Hunter.

So he knew very well what kind of challenge the difficulty level 6 was, and he was not worried that someone would suddenly surpass his progress.

It was impossible that the "newbie" who had disappeared for a long time would suddenly appear again, and then lower the difficulty to deliberately snatch precious points from him, right?

He also believed in the analysis of others to some extent, thinking that the "newbie" must have been holding on before, and probably had been admitted to a mental hospital or the Holy Inquisition?

But at this moment, the new player who didn't know how to play ended his daze and took action.

He casually pulled the slingshot and ejected the bird-like cannonball.

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