I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 192 191 A strange theft

Chapter 192 191. Strange theft case

Although Lloyd was quiet on the way back and did not say hello to anyone on the ship, it was not a secret operation. His name and records were on the member list, and two knight captains personally sent him to the airship. .

It's not surprising that someone will find him now.

"Yes, that batch of important recovered organs was stolen inexplicably, and you happened to be returning on that cargo airship."

Judge Riggs said with a solemn expression.

The other judge's attitude was completely opposite to his. He actually magically took out the coffee pot, coffee stove and coffee beans, and then asked symbolically, 'Is it convenient? ', then placed it on Lloyd's desk and started grinding coffee...

Wei Ya, who brought them in, had already stood behind Lloyd and put her hands on his shoulders, silently giving him comfort and support in this way.

Lloyd quickly clarified:

"Let me state first that I have absolutely nothing to do with this matter."

"I know, actually... we were the first to investigate you. After all, you were carrying a very convenient... uh, no, it was a magical sacred object, so we investigated you last night. "

"But you have records of using the 'Advanced Metro' system as an alibi, and you have almost no motive for committing the crime. And we later learned about the actual situation of the sacred object, which eliminated your suspicion. This will come to disturb you, Mainly I want to know about the situation of the escort team.”

"In addition, two knight commanders and a grand inquisitor are willing to vouch for you, so you are basically not suspected, so don't be nervous."

The two judges were singing in harmony, one of them was still grinding coffee beans.

Judging from their words, it is obvious that they have done enough homework and even figured out the functions of the small vest. They know that this thing is not a real invisibility cloak and is useless to people with high enough inspiration and knowledge.

In this case, Lloyd naturally felt relieved and said:

"I didn't expect that even my advantage...oh no, I mean my beloved Grand Judge was alerted?"

"Of course, that is a very valuable batch of materials, equivalent to a month's output here. If it cannot be found, I'm afraid everyone related to it will be blamed..."

"And it's best to do it as soon as possible, before the Court of Grace intervenes."

The two inquisitors spoke to each other again, making Lloyd nervous again and deeply aware of the seriousness of the problem.

The statement "all people related to it" was emphasized with emphasis by the other party, indicating that it was definitely not just the transporters and escorts, but maybe even Lloyd himself was included.

Since it was closely related to him, Lloyd didn't want to just be a 'witness', but took the initiative to ask:

"Can you tell me the general situation of the case first?"

The two judges looked at each other, then nodded, and then the coffee maker gave Lloyd a brief introduction.

After all, everyone is a member of the Holy Court of Grace, and Lloyd is a popular person in the eyes of big shots, so naturally there is no need to talk about so many rules of the Holy Court of Grace.

According to the inquisitor's description, this batch of valuable goods got off the airship, loaded onto a freight truck, and then had an accident on the way to the processing base under the jurisdiction of the Holy Family Court.

But the strange thing is that the specific location and time of the theft cannot be confirmed so far. I don’t know if it disappeared just after leaving the airport, or it disappeared halfway.

The entire team responsible for escorting the cargo also disappeared. Not even a single person could be found, and even the truck carrying the cargo disappeared.

What's even weirder is that no one seemed to witness the whole process. Judging from various inquiries from the shops along the way, drivers who often run this route, and others, it seems that no one noticed the sudden disappearance of a truck, and no one received the "truck" Bizarre reports such as "inexplicable disappearance".

Considering that everyone remembers this batch of goods and those people, the possibility of [forgetting] them is basically ruled out.

All in all, this case is too weird, and the most likely possibility is that it was 'incarceration and theft'.

Currently, the family and friends of these escorts are all undergoing the same questioning as Lloyd, and the process is very tight.

"Anyway, please carefully recall the situation at that time. We must find out as soon as possible before the Court of Saint Grace intervenes."

Inquisitor Riggs emphasized again.

It seems that he is very concerned about the intervention of Holy Grace Court.

Maybe there's some internal power struggle involved again?

Lloyd scoffed at this kind of thing and didn't think much about it. He began to proactively cooperate with the other party's inquiry and truthfully explained what he saw in the airship at that time.

He also emphasized that the other party remained quiet throughout the whole process, did not chat at all, and was always on high alert.

"Well... In principle, it is indeed necessary to maintain a high degree of alert when carrying out such an important escort mission without anyone from the Holy Court of Grace... But humans are not machines. It can last for several hours. It was strange not to say a word during the voyage."

As Judge Jin said, he divided the brewed coffee into four cups and handed them to everyone.

Lloyd picked it up and took a careful sip.

So bitter!


Is this coffee or Huanglian?

As a result, the two people opposite didn't drink at all. Instead, they looked at Lloyd and squinted his eyes in pain before looking at each other and quietly nodded.

Then Judge Jincai turned around and said:

"I brought eggs, sugar, and almonds. You drank too quickly."

After saying that, he took out this pile of things as if by magic.

Then you should take it out earlier!

Lloyd groaned and stuck out his tongue in pain.

Wei Ya, who was standing behind him, was not in a hurry to drink it, but seeing Lloyd sticking out his tongue, she actually pursed her lips, as if she wanted to taste the coffee?

"So...can my description help?"

Lloyd waited for half a minute before asking again.

Judge Riggs spread his hands and said helplessly:

"Just this little difference is not enough. On the contrary, it makes the case even more confusing..."

Judge Jin Ze then added:

"Yes, the entire escort team consists of fifteen people. Are each of them a cold-blooded desperado who doesn't care about his family? Just suddenly defected without any preparation or preparation? And... they have returned to the city and are going to Wouldn’t it be more convenient for the traitor to be outside?”

Even Lloyd was helping to analyze:

"Besides, the quantity of the cargo was huge. I remember that the cargo hold was packed full at the time. The truck transporting the cargo must have been a big one. There was no way it could have disappeared into an alley."

The two inquisitors each nodded, but did not speak to each other.

As a result, Wei Ya was afraid that Lloyd would be embarrassed, so she quickly said:

"Maybe some kind of unique holy object?"

"It must be a very powerful holy object, right?"

"Well, I've heard that this kind of space-type sacred object is very rare. I'm afraid its value has exceeded the goods itself, right? Wouldn't it be inappropriate to use it for stealing...?"

"Space system?"

When Lloyd heard what Wei Ya said, he suddenly thought of something.

This silent and without warning disappearance reminded him of the 'Dream Theater'.

Coincidentally, that place had a dazzling redemption list, and many people were curious about the source of their prizes, including Lloyd.

As for whether a whole large truck could suddenly disappear there, Lloyd couldn't say for sure, so it was just a speculation.

The judge on the side noticed Lloyd's reaction and asked quickly:

"What did you think of?"

"Have you heard of a place called 'Dream Theater'?"

Lloyd asked rhetorically.

Seeing that the other three people present were shaking their heads, Lloyd briefly introduced the situation in that place.

But it was limited to what he had seen. He didn't mention the process of playing the game, nor did he mention points or anything.

Anyway, his invitation letter was sent by the presiding judge, so there was no need to hide that he had been there.

After listening to Lloyd's introduction, Judge Riggs frowned and said with some embarrassment:

"If the situation is really as you said, then there is indeed some suspicion about this 'Dream Theater'. Although there is no obvious evidence pointing to it, without other clues, we can only investigate it. It's a pity... We can't get in."

Judge Jin also shook his head in embarrassment.

"Not only can't we go in, but even if we go in, given the complexity and mystery of that place, it will be difficult to find clues in a short time, right?"

After that, the two of them turned their heads together and looked at Lloyd with a tacit understanding.

Lloyd suddenly felt that they had tricked him, so he said with a wry smile:

"Okay, I will go in and take a look. After all, this matter is related to me... But I can't guarantee that there will be a result. In terms of time, I can only say as soon as possible... After all, why do you keep emphasizing time? "

Judge Riggs smiled bitterly and explained simply:

"This... involves some competition between the three major tribunals. If you are really interested in this, we can talk specifically about it another day."

As they said that, they drank the coffee that had been added with an unknown amount of sugar and milk in one gulp, then they cleaned it up like magic, and each said:

"In short, although there is little hope, I still have to ask you to investigate the 'Dream Theater'."

"If you find something, it's important to notify us as soon as possible."

The two of them said their own words and left in a hurry. They were very busy and there were still many places to investigate.

After they left, Lloyd shook his head and said to Wei Ya:

"They didn't quite agree with my speculation and didn't take that place seriously, so they just casually passed it on to me."

"Then will you still go?"

Wei Ya asked back, and when there was no one else in the office, she took the initiative to hold Lloyd's hand and gently rubbed the back of his hand.


Lloyd thought for a while and replied.

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