I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 177 176 Is this really an art?

Chapter 177 176. Is this really an art?

"Art? Haha, you have good confidence. Then don't let me down."

The wealthy old man said, opening the silver suitcase, revealing a jelly-like substance inside. It was light blue, transparent, and looked very sticky and soft. Some strange impurities could be seen inside.

"This is the spinal cord of the devil. I need you to remove these excess parts, and the loss cannot exceed one-third."

The old man put forward his strict requirements.

The other two people present were stunned when they heard such a request.

Then Knight Commander Koral hurriedly defended his roommate next door:

"Teacher Elfreddy, is your request a bit too much? This is the spinal cord of the devil. Generally speaking, it can be preserved..."

He didn't finish his words, and suddenly there was no sound. Then a cartoon bubble box appeared above his head, showing a string of ellipsis.

It seems that the old guy has ‘banned’ me…

“This is my standard, can you accept it?”

The old guy continued to ask.

Lloyd was also shocked and puzzled by such ‘harsh’ conditions, and did not respond.

The loss cannot exceed one-third?

What kind of requirement is this?

A loss of more than one-tenth is a shameful waste, and I can’t forgive myself!

He couldn’t help but show a helpless expression, so he put on his gloves, picked up the scalpel, and prepared to respond to the other party’s request directly with practical actions.

The old guy on the opposite side released some kind of ability, and then Lloyd saw that the light blue jelly had small circles emerging, marking the impurities that needed to be removed for him.

Lloyd followed the marked positions, exuded inspiration, and locked them one by one.

Then a prompt from the panel came to my ears:

[Ding~ Madness value +1]

[Ding~ Madness value +1]

I knew that the [Intelligence] system just likes to ‘meddle in other people’s business’…

Lloyd complained in his heart, raised his head, and said to the old man:

“I am not used to being disturbed when I am dissecting.”


The old man smiled, and the small circles in the jelly disappeared.

But the Madness value is still +1+1

Lloyd had to add:

“No disturbance is allowed.”

The old man immediately showed a surprised expression and asked:

“Are you… ready to bear the mental pollution from the demon alone?”

“Yes, I’ve been used to it for a long time. If I don’t have it, I will not be able to adapt to it and my hands will shake.”

“This is your own choice!”

The old man warned righteously, and then revoked a certain ability.

The prompt in Lloyd’s ear instantly made people feel happy.

[Ding~ Madness value +5]

[Ding~ Madness value +5]

That's about right...

He then made the first cut with a satisfied smile.

The texture of this piece of light blue jelly is very strange. It feels very soft and seems to be easily pierced with just a finger, but when the scalpel is cut, it feels like it is cutting on hard bones, and it will make a small "click~click~" sound from time to time.

If it weren't for the spiritual power attached to the blade, it would probably not be able to cut at all.

In addition to being difficult to cut, Lloyd also clearly felt that his spiritual power consumption was a little greater than usual, as if it was sucked away by something.

The difficulty of this dissection is obviously higher than the previous two times.

The Karma Demon is really a weird thing...

Not only will the texture change at any time, but the mental pollution emitted by each Karma Demon is also different. Even if you adapt to the previous one, you have to endure new mental pollution when you switch to the next one...

Although this is a good thing for Lloyd, it is probably very tricky for ordinary people.

It seems that to dissect a demon, one not only needs to have exquisite skills and rich experience, but also needs to have a strong enough rationality to resist mental pollution. It seems that one must also be a young man of low rank?

There are even certain requirements for spiritual power, otherwise it may not be able to keep up with the consumption of the spiritual blade.

There are probably not many people who meet all these conditions, right?

No wonder both Shandu and this old guy are so generous.

Lloyd summarized it secretly while dissecting.

Although he did not think that he was the only one in the world who could dissect a demon, he should be the easiest to dissect.

I hope there will be more such "clients" in the future!

Thinking of this, he successfully removed the first impurity from the blue jelly.

It turned out to be a gear...

It felt like an ordinary gear made of metal, but I don't know why it appeared in the "spinal cord"?

Lloyd was a little puzzled, but his hands did not stop moving. He was still accurately cutting out each cut, and unconsciously speeding up.

He felt that his spiritual power consumption was gradually increasing, and he didn't dare to consume it slowly. If he ran out of spiritual power and hadn't completed the autopsy, it would be embarrassing.

In order to resist the increasingly obvious sluggish feeling on the blade, he even used [Superb Sword Skills], which instantly increased the sharpness of the scalpel by several levels, making the cutting more convenient and smooth.

Of course... the spiritual power consumption was also faster...

So Lloyd gradually put aside the random thoughts in his mind, and regardless of the madness value, he devoted himself to the dissection process very attentively.

Naturally, he would not notice the changes in the expressions of the two people opposite.

"This is really... amazing... It is actually an art! It is really... too beautiful!"

The old man still looked serious on the outside, but the tone of his speech had already brought some obvious enjoyment.

He was communicating with the Knight Commander in his skull, and did not let Lloyd hear it, not wanting to disturb him.

"I have heard that he is very good before, but I didn't expect that Teacher Elfreddy would give such a high evaluation?"

Knight Commander Koral also said with surprise.

Because he went out early and came back late every day, he was not very familiar with Lloyd, his roommate next door. The limited understanding came only from the oral description of his colleague Wald, and he did not have a very intuitive understanding.

Today, he finally understood why Wald was so optimistic about this young man.

The old man snorted disdainfully and continued:

"Hmph~ I'm just strict, but I'm never stingy, including praise and appreciation."

After that, he turned around and reminded:

"Don't use inspiration to lock him, so as not to interfere with his performance. His rationality is enough to support him to complete the task successfully."

"Uh... okay..."

Koral silently took back the inspiration that was scattered around Lloyd.

This is actually a bit against the process regulations.

When performing such high-risk operations, someone should be prepared to prevent accidents and deterioration of the situation.

But since there are strong people in the [Intellectual] system, Koral doesn't have to suffer himself.

Thanks to Jueyin Fengmu for rewarding Wei Ya with 100 points to buy dried fish.

Thanks to JiongSir for the 100 points reward.

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