Chapter 169 168. Vase

What to do with the ‘ghost’ Geras and his ‘perfect girlfriend’ is not Lloyd’s concern. Since the matter has been taken over by Sheng Enting, let’s leave it to professionals.

Lloyd was a little tired today, so he went to the public bathroom to take a shower and planned to rest early.

But when he lay on the bed, he couldn’t help but take out the amethyst pendant, holding it in his palm, and repeatedly fiddled with it, hoping to hear Via’s voice.

After seeing what happened to Geras, he inexplicably wanted to talk to Via...

But the crystal didn’t respond at all. The distance between the two was too far, so it was useless.

It seems that I have to find a way to get some more advanced communication equipment in the future...

Lloyd pondered in his heart and fell asleep.

And in a luxurious apartment far away in the City of Brilliance, there was another beautiful woman who was thinking about him.

The woman had just finished a shower, her hair was wet, and she was wearing a translucent gauze nightgown, her enchanting curves were faintly visible inside.

She was sitting in front of the dressing table. There was no light in the room, only a few candles were lit in specific locations. The flickering candlelight emitted light from different angles, casting her shadow on the wall, forming a strange shape.

The mirror in front of the woman reflected her beautiful face, and next to her was a pair of golden rattles and an exquisite silver table knife. She picked up the table knife and gently scratched her index finger, oozing a few drops of blood.

Then she smeared the blood on the surface of the rattle, and then gently shook it twice.

As the bell rang three times, the mirror in front of her suddenly became pitch black, and then a string of white words appeared on it:

"Have you found that person?"

The words looked extremely sloppy, as if someone was struggling and trembling while enduring some severe pain. They kept flickering, and sometimes a stroke was missing, like the announcement image played by an old-fashioned projector.

The woman lowered her voice and answered the question raised by the 'mirror':

"After asking around, I have temporarily identified eight candidates. They all meet the conditions you put forward: 'young', 'veto', 'outstanding talent', 'parents dead', 'passionate about killing', and 'loved by others'. The person you are looking for should be among them...

But I still need time to verify them one by one. My lover is also trying to approach one of them, but I haven't heard from him today. However, I think his progress should be smooth. He is quite prestigious among the young people in the cult."


The 'mirror' responded, but the words immediately changed:

"I saw your end in the Book of Destiny, you, and your toys."


The woman's eyes widened immediately, with an unbelievable look, as if she had seen very bad news.

Then she quickly stood up from the dressing table, trembling and slowly backing away.

But the mirror continued to say:

"No need to escape, offer your last faith to our God."

Even if it was just a line of text, it was emitting a chilling coldness.


The woman picked up a vase at hand and wanted to smash the mirror.

But when she put all her strength into it, she found that the vase was still in her hand.

She looked down and found that her hand had merged with the vase, showing a smooth ceramic color.

She was stunned in place, completely forgetting to continue to resist, and let the ceramic color and texture spread along her arm to her whole body.

Until the end, she turned into a beautiful human vase, standing there blankly.

This vase perfectly restored all the details of her body, even every strand of hair and every wrinkle on her clothes were preserved, and the expression of fear and unwillingness on her face was even more vivid, frozen in the moment when she tried to resist.

The mirror opposite suddenly shattered, scattering into glass shards on the ground, and the flickering candlelight in the room was extinguished, making the place instantly swallowed up by darkness.

About five minutes later, the lights in the room came on again, and then the door was kicked open from the outside, and several Saint Grace hunters rushed in and saw the lifelike human-shaped vase.

The beautiful and realistic image scared several hunters, and they felt a burst of hair standing on end.

After several seconds, one of them spoke:

"We are late, she has been silenced..."

"I can't understand it. After we received the secret message from the other side, we took action as soon as possible, but we were still a step slower? Did someone leak the news in advance?"

"What kind of evil power is this? Why can it turn people into vases?"

"Wait? You said vase? The same as my perception? Not a sculpture or something like that?"

A hunter said, approaching the vase, and then courageously touched its arm gently.

The next second, cracks appeared on the surface of the vase and began to spread rapidly.

At the same time, a strange force emerged from the inside of the vase and could explode in all directions at any time.

"Not good! Retreat!"

A hunter shouted.

But after all, they were still a step too late. Before they could leave the room, the vase shattered into pieces and turned into tiny pieces. The strange power in it instantly burst out and swept through the entire luxury apartment.

Several hunters suddenly stood there motionless.

Their eyes gradually closed, as if they had forgotten their vision.

Their thinking gradually stagnated, as if they had forgotten to think.

Their breathing gradually stopped, as if they had forgotten to breathe.

Finally, their heartbeats gradually became quiet, as if they had forgotten their heartbeats.

Then they fell down one by one and died silently...


Lloyd opened his eyes suddenly and sat up from the bed, as if he had woken up from a nightmare.

He tilted his head, rubbed his eyebrows, and thought about the dream just now. It should be considered a sweet dream, right?

In the dream, he saw his sister wearing a gorgeous white wedding dress with a happy and sweet smile on her face. She looked extremely beautiful and holy.

She was holding her arm affectionately, her cute face full of anticipation, walking with him on a red carpet.

Soft music was playing all around, and white petals were flying all over the sky, adding a bit of romance to this scene.

But Lloyd's heart was empty, he was not happy at all, and his face was full of disappointment.

Until Everol gently tugged on his arm and asked softly:

"What's wrong, Xiao Yi?"

"No... nothing... I just can't bear to leave my sister. You must be happy in the future!"

Lloyd choked up and said.

Then suddenly I woke up...

So, this should be considered a sweet dream, right? Dreaming about your sister getting married, no matter how you think about it, it should be considered a sweet dream, right?

As a younger brother, I can't bear to be separated from my sister, so it's normal to feel sad, right?

It's a pity that I didn't see what the 'brother-in-law' looked like? How much strength does it have? What system? Can you protect your sister?

Lloyd thought of this, smiled, shook his head, and lay back while he was still sleepy.

I hope this time, I can have a truly sweet dream.

As a result, I didn’t dream about anything, my sleep quality was extremely high, and it was already six o’clock in the morning when I woke up.

Lloyd got up quickly, mobilized his spiritual power according to the content in the "Fitness Manual", did a few sets of simple morning exercises, and then prepared to go out to get breakfast.

As soon as he went out, he saw two knight captains standing at the next door.

The two of them didn't speak. You looked at me and I looked at you without saying a word, as if communicating with your eyes.

Until more than ten seconds later, the knight commander in the bubble box above his head nodded. A bunch of messy black lines appeared in the bubble box, as if to express doubts, and then turned around and left, passing by Lloyd.

The remaining knight commander who could talk turned back and said to Lloyd:

"Something happened last night. Geras's vase died in the high-end apartment the two rented. Sheng Enting also hired a group of hunters."

"Ah? Did someone leak the news?"

Lloyd asked very surprised.

He remembered Geras's vase but...

Huh? etc!

Why a vase?

Lloyd realized something was wrong and shook his head vigorously.

But the knight commander on the opposite side spoke to comfort him:

"Don't be nervous. You'll be fine this way. This is the power of the taboo system [forgetting]. You'll be fine in two days."


Lloyd quickly recalled the butler's PVP notes, and there was no mention of such a system that could turn people into vases.

Then he quickly went back to the room, found yesterday's transcript, and looked through it.

Good guy, all the records about a certain person above have become the word 'vase'.

"There is such a strange power in this world? Can it affect everyone's memory and cognition?"

Lloyd suddenly felt a shudder.

"It's not that exaggerated. There will be deviations in memory and records. It's just because we only know this person through the transcripts and are not familiar with and understand him enough. It will become a 'vase'. We will have to wait until two days later." Remember who it is."

The Knight Commander also walked in and briefly introduced this terrible [Forgetting] system:

"This is a very rare taboo system. The number of people who master its power should only be slightly more than the legendary [distortion], right? Its characteristic is that as you can see, it can affect other people's memories and memories on a large scale in a short period of time. Cognition, the forgetting of something and replacing it with a false concept...

It's like you forgot an unfamiliar classmate from your past and mistakenly remembered him as another person...

But fortunately, it doesn't affect everything. There should be many restrictions. Otherwise, those who get involved in this system may have ruled the world long ago. "

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