I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 160 159 Is there something wrong with this guy?

Chapter 160 159. Is there something wrong with this guy?

Lloyd was stunned by the description of the executioner Geras.

Why is he talking about "mystery", "sublime", "great", "serious", "dizzy", and "suffocating" all the time? Were you glanced at by the saint or the evil god?

Oh no, there seems to be no evil god in this world? Anyway, I haven't heard anyone mention it...

In short, Lloyd felt that the saint he described was completely different from the one he met.

The saint's eyes were obviously very gentle and peaceful, right? It gave people the feeling of a childhood sweetheart next door, who would follow you no matter what you did, and understood you very well...

There was no feeling of being high above, awe-inspiring and terrifying. Instead, it was very kind, and I wanted to hold her soft little hand and travel around the world.

Uh... cough, would this be disrespectful to the saint?

Lloyd shook his head quickly and didn't dare to continue thinking.

So this Geras... is there something wrong?

But seeing his eloquent description, and his solemn vow to disappoint the Saint's expectations, it doesn't seem like he is lying...

Is the Saint really that scary? Could he be guilty?

Could it be that... this guy is also a traitor? Or is he guilty?

It's not uncommon for traitors or traitors to appear in the regular system. Even Lloyd has dealt with a traitor.

And the butler, in his notes, has dealt with traitors from many systems, and even participated in the suppression of high-level traitors of the fifth level.

So it doesn't mean that if you choose a legal system, you will definitely be a good person.

After all, even the Saint cannot spy on other people's thoughts and memories, let alone pay attention to everyone in the system.

What's more, it is a system like the [Veto] system that progresses slowly and has high prices. It is inevitable that some people will have bad intentions.

Moreover, the management measures of the six existing cults are sometimes a little loose. There are small figures like Andrew, the quartermaster priest, who has his own little calculations, and strong people like the butler and Ms. Landis who originally came from the cult but left the organization.

This may be because the cult does not talk about faith, but only about following and ambition, and focuses on "like-mindedness", and cannot do the kind of harsh and high-pressure things.

Of course, looseness and freedom also mean that many times you have to rely on yourself to find ways to learn and improve, and you have to solve the resources needed for improvement.

Power and obligations form a subtle balance...

It may be because the current human civilization has come out of the brink of extinction, and the form of civilization is not the state system on Earth, but it is more united and more like a whole.

After Lloyd's random thoughts, he always felt that this Geras was a little bit wrong, and he was quite curious about himself. Whether it was an insider or a ghost, he had to be careful.

But in the absence of clear evidence, it is certainly impossible to characterize a person, so we can only say that we should pay more attention.

In this way, the airship continued to float, the cabin continued to chat, and Lloyd continued to be quiet.

At about 8 o'clock in the evening, the airship gradually lowered its altitude. The previously taciturn knight commander and the particularly enthusiastic adjutant walked into the cargo hold and began to call everyone to line up one by one to draw lots for some unknown purpose.

Lloyd never argued for this, and consciously lined up at the end of the line.

The people in front quickly drew their own results, which turned out to be the "temporary prison cell" they would be responsible for next, and the residence in the base.

Lloyd didn't care about this anymore, and walked slowly at the end. As a result, when it was finally his turn, the adjutant reached out to cover the cardboard box for the lottery, and then whispered:

"You are responsible for prison cell No. 1, and live in room No. 233."

Then, he handed him two keys.

Lloyd was stunned, wondering if the lottery was finished and only this combination was left, or if the other party had other arrangements?

But not long after, when he got off the airship, he understood.

The airship landed on a valley plateau, with a canyon with a drop of nearly 100 meters below. There should have been a rushing river, but now it is completely dry and completely occupied by gravel and weeds.

On the other side is a mountainous area with complex terrain. In the darkness, you can see endless ridges and dense forests of pristine ecology. Their vague outlines in the darkness look like a giant beast lurking in the shadows.

The terrain on this side of the valley is relatively flat, and it already has the prototype of a large military base. A large area has been created with sandbags, fences, barbed wire, and concrete that has not yet completely solidified, and more than a dozen tall sentry towers have been piled up.

Trenches are being dug on the periphery, and bunkers and shelters are being piled up.

This place is far from finished, and there is a scene of a passionate construction site everywhere. You can see various large machines running at full speed, and the messy noises are endless, which makes Lloyd almost think that his university major can finally come in handy.

When this place is truly completed, with the strategic terrain and fully solid defense, it is hard to imagine the possibility of collapse.

After that, it should be based here, gradually clean up the surroundings, expand and control the territory bit by bit, and lay a wider living space for humans.

Of course, such a far thing is not something Lloyd should consider. He only needs to do his job well, which is considered to be a contribution to mankind.

What he should do now is to find his own place to live, settle down, and then get familiar with the cell he is in charge of.

Lloyd originally followed the other twenty or so executioners to the accommodation area, but when he got there, he found that the sign here was marked with "Accommodation Area No. 5", and there was no "Room 233" assigned to him.

And the accommodation conditions in this place... looked quite difficult. They were all board houses surrounded by iron sheets, leaking wind and rain, and four people squeezed into one room, which seemed very "temporary", very much like the style of civil engineering.

Looking at such accommodation conditions, Lloyd felt that he had to use his university major again...

He randomly found a worker on the side of the road and asked him in which direction the "Room 233" should be.

The worker looked at him seriously, pointed to the depths of the residential area, smiled, and joked:

"I didn't expect that you look so young, but you are actually a big shot?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Accommodation Area No. 2 has the best conditions in this damn place. Although it can't be compared with the city, it is much better than other places. Only big shots live there...

Damn, I'm so angry when I say this. Why did I believe the lies of you big shots and come to this damn place?"

Thanks to Shuoying Yuchang for the 1500 points

Thanks to Chen Jiuling Feiling for the 1000 points.

Thanks to my Chao Zhouchu for the 100 points.

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