I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 157 156 Temporary Transfer Order

Chapter 157 156. Temporary transfer order

Lloyd had already arranged the [Concentrated Concentration] in the office in advance to help him study. Once Jenkins's mumbling stopped, he quickly entered the state of study, staring at the black and white double helix tower, and began to absorb the knowledge from the veto saint.

He sat cross-legged on the grass and soon entered the state of selflessness that eliminated distractions. He studied very seriously and devotedly, and even the panel prompts that sounded from time to time in his ears were automatically filtered out.

Unconsciously, his sight was no longer focused on the white part of the double helix tower, but also included the gray part that made him dizzy when he saw it.

Naturally, he did not feel that a pair of invisible slender hands gently hugged him from behind, then one hand was on his chest, and the other hand gently stroked the back of his hand, and from time to time touched his cheek, which seemed very intimate.

It was not until the duration of [Concentrated Concentration] outside ended that Lloyd gradually recovered from the state of selflessness.


He tilted his head, scratched his chest, and rubbed his face.

He felt a little weird, as if someone had flirted with him?

It should be an illusion, right? This is his absolute domain, who dares to come in and act recklessly?

Lloyd didn't delve too deeply into it, and quickly traced back the panel prompts to see if he had found any skill fragments.

Then he was stunned.

[Ding~ Madness value +500]

My family, meeting the saint will actually cause mental pollution?

This is a very outrageous phenomenon in theory. [Meeting the Saint] is a formal process of the formal system, and safety is its greatest competitiveness. With the protection of the saint, it is theoretically impossible to suffer from mental pollution.

Could the saint also slack off?

But it is reassuring, or regrettable, that there is not much mental pollution, just a line of prompts popping up from time to time, and the values ​​range from 100 to 500.

In the end, the total was only about 3,000 points, just enough to upgrade 1 level and have a little extra, which seemed a bit less.

Lloyd didn't care about the source of the mental pollution for the time being, and added the points first.

5 points of [Spiritual Power], add it to me!

[Ding~ Adding points completed]

[User: Lloyd]

[Status: Normal]

[Madness value: 1750/5500, upper limit: 12500]

[Rationality: 125]

[Spiritual Power: 125]

[Inspiration: 75]

[Cognition: 120]

[System: Distortion LV3, Veto LV2]

The following skills were not upgraded or increased, but Lloyd saw several tips for skill fragments and knowledge fragments. It should be that they have not been accumulated enough, right?

This is also normal. According to what the chief judge said in his notes, the [Veto] system has always progressed slowly, and is generally calculated in years. Therefore, in addition to reminding "saving money" in his notes, he also emphasized "patience".

Our [Veto] system is really amazing...

Lloyd read it in his mind, and searched his brain again to see what new things have grown.

First, there are some scattered knowledge of the [Veto] system, but it is not complete yet, and it can only be roughly seen that it is about restricting the target's mobility.

Maybe when the knowledge is gathered, [Veto Declaration], or [Gift Distortion] can be upgraded, and then it will have the effect of restricting the enemy's actions?

In addition to these normal knowledge, Lloyd actually found some knowledge in the [Distortion] direction?

He seemed to guess where those madness values ​​came from. It is very likely that they are taboo knowledge in the [Distortion] aspect. Because there is no protection from the saint, it has caused mental pollution...

But doesn't he hold the "Book of Truth"? Shouldn't he be resistant to this kind of knowledge like Goldron?

Lloyd was a little confused...

But no matter what, there is madness value to earn, and it can also prompt the [Distortion] system, which is a good thing, so he didn't delve too much into it.

However, this [distorted] knowledge seems more obscure and fragmented. Many of them are flickering symbols, or a few meaningless words popping out in the darkness. They are completely unformed and cannot be specifically interpreted, nor can they be judged for their use.

Maybe I have to wait until I collect more and put them together before they can be put to use.

"That's it for today."

Lloyd stretched and prepared to end this round of learning.

Before leaving the [Thinking Field], he turned his head and asked Tentacle Grass:

"Any progress?"

Tentacle Grass shrugged and shook his head.

It seems that the progress on Lao Zhan's side is slower than his own...

Lloyd seemed to have found some kind of strange psychological balance, and his mood inexplicably improved.

But as soon as he returned to reality, he suddenly felt something wrong with his hand? It seemed that he was holding something soft and slippery?

Looking down, the statue of the saint that was originally placed in the middle of the desk somehow ran into his hand?

Could it be that the hand was moving by itself?

And when I pinched it, it looked more and more like a girl's hand.

Just at this moment, Wei Ya's voice came from outside the door:

"Lloyd, is your audience over? I brought you food from the cafeteria."

Lloyd jumped up suddenly, and hid the saint statue in his desk like a guilty thief, then adjusted his expression and ran to open the door.

Viya stood outside the door, holding a thermos lunch box in her hand, which was still emitting the aroma of food.

"Thank you, Viya."

Lloyd felt warm in his heart.

Viya is so nice...

Viya also looked at Lloyd seriously, and then asked a strange question:

"Why is your face a little red?"

"Uh... refreshed!"

Lloyd made an excuse casually.

"Is that so? Then you should eat first, and there will be a transfer order from above later."

Viya said, and took out a wax-covered letter from her pocket, on which was the emblem of the Holy Inquisition's iconic matchlock gun and command knife intertwined in the fire.

Lloyd took it with some confusion, and then ate the food brought by Viya while reading the content of the transfer order.

It turned out that he was temporarily transferred to a place code-named "Base No. 22" to complete the corresponding execution task there for a week.

I have to take the airship to leave at 2 pm tomorrow.

And the person who signed this transfer order was actually his cheap big brother?

At the end of the letter, he also reminded Lloyd in a personal tone to remember to be prepared, seize the opportunity, and bring the statue of the saint.

Lloyd quickly looked up at Weiya, who was sitting opposite him and playing with the kitten.

"What is this No. 22 base?"

"It is a temporary fortress built to promote the great development. I don't know much about the specific situation. I just know that it should be quite far..."

Weiya said in a businesslike tone, but her beautiful face showed visible worry and reluctance.

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