I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 144 143 Still unwilling to believe this guy's identity

Chapter 144 143. Still unwilling to believe this guy's identity

800 Madness Value? ? ?

Killed a dangerous 8?

And 3 consecutive skill upgrades, the improvement is comparable to completing a [Transcendence].

Lloyd was stunned for a moment, and glanced at his panel again, and found that the reading progress of "The Book of Truth" suddenly increased by 5%, and the total progress was already 20%.

But he didn't have time to sort out more specific gains, and heard the armored knight's shout again:

"Hey? Brother Lloyd? Are you still fucking alive?"

"Not yet..."

Lloyd responded, slowly stood up, and felt that his physical condition was recovering rapidly.

"Really not dead? Then come and pull me out, and help me tighten the screws on my arm... No, you should go see Tiltus first, he was struck by lightning just now, I'm afraid he's almost cooked?"

The armored knight was speaking hurriedly again.

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of the Chief Judge floated over from afar.

"Thank you for your concern, I'm fine, Lloyd, please go help the Chief Judge first."

"Aha! I knew you would be fine, come on, Lloyd, come and help me."

No, this guy... is he really the Chief Judge of the Holy Tribunal? His own boss?

Lloyd couldn't help but complain in his heart.

He didn't question the other party's strength, although he looked quite embarrassed at this moment, but considering that he was facing the consultant who was known as the 'strongest under the saint', it seemed normal.

When Lloyd was watching the battle 'out of the world' before, although he didn't dare to derive inspiration, he could secretly open his spiritual vision, allowing him to see the situation more intuitively.

Since the consultant entered the full power state, his body was like a volcanic eruption, and the power of [curse] and [disaster] burst out crazily, escaping everywhere.

Although the armored knight did not shout slogans all the time, he was constantly mobilizing his strength and performing [Veto], restricting the power of the consultant to the nearby area and preventing it from escaping to a farther place.

If not, the town and District 18, which were not too far from here, would probably have been shrouded by thunderstorms, storms, even hurricanes and meteorites, plus a mess of curses.

In order to control the scale of the battlefield, the armored knight consumed a lot of spiritual power and inspiration, so he was forced to choose a more effective melee as a means of attack.

Every time he swung his sword, it was accompanied by several [Veto] powers. As long as it could hit, it should be able to cause serious damage to the consultant.

But the consultant also had the power of [Twist], which deflected his sword several times at critical moments, and used an "accident" to trap the armored knight's actions and dragged him into a very dangerous situation.

When the two sides fought at close range, it seemed that they were competing in crude brute force, but Lloyd could no longer see how much power was colliding, and he could not understand the use of power by both sides.

This level of battle was obviously beyond Lloyd's scope, the pace was too fast, and the process was too complicated.

The main reason was that it lacked some visual effects such as "the sun and the moon are dark", "flying sand and rocks", and "the road is obliterated". If it were replaced by an ordinary person without spiritual vision, he would not even be able to see their battle process.

But even so, Lloyd gained a lot of knowledge from watching, and he had a general concept of the battle mode between high-ranking strongmen.

While summarizing his gains in his mind, he came to the armored knight and looked at his legs stuck in the crack.

Not only was it covered with mud and sand, but there were also countless roots tightly entwined, as if it had encountered an "accident" of explosive growth of some plants.

"Can't this be [vetoed]?"

Lloyd asked.

"Don't you think that [veto] is omnipotent like those people outside? I'm an old man who is about to retire, and it's time to enjoy the care of you young people."

The armored knight said unhappily.

As expected, it was still a little hard to accept that this guy was actually the Chief Judge...

Lloyd complained in his heart again, and could only draw out his dagger and help him remove the plant roots on his legs bit by bit.

The other party was enjoying the "care of the young man" with peace of mind, and continued to say:

"Yeah, you are a good guy. When Tiltus takes my position in the future, his position will be yours."

As soon as the voice fell, the chief judge's defense immediately came to their minds:

"Ahem... Your Excellency the Chief Judge, this kind of thing cannot be decided casually."

"Haha, you are so serious, you should learn to relax yourself and enjoy life..."

The armored knight still spoke in that indifferent and carefree tone, and looked up at Lloyd again, and suddenly changed the subject:

"By the way, give me my scarf back, and don't wear it all the time, it looks creepy."

Lloyd was stunned, and quickly untied a strange leather scarf from his neck.

This thing is also a holy object. After wearing it, the face will become blurred and no matter how you use your spiritual vision, you can't see the real face. It's very magical.

But I don't know what material it is made of. It feels weird and uncomfortable to wear. Lloyd has long wanted to untie it.

Unlike the vest, this scarf is not a "greeting gift", but something that the armored knight lent to Lloyd earlier.

It was still lunch time, and Lloyd had just gone to the cafeteria to eat. When he was about to go back to the office to read, he saw an armored geek in the office, secretly trying to take off the command knife hanging on the wall as a decoration.

He thought the other party was playing some kind of cosplay, so he quickly shouted.

As a result, the other party turned around and said that he was the chief judge who commanded the entire Holy Inquisition Tribunal.

Then he said that he saw that the craftsmanship of the command knife was quite exquisite, so he wanted to take it off and appreciate it.

How could Lloyd believe such nonsense? He immediately wanted to capture this lunatic who escaped from who knows which mental hospital.

As a result, the presiding judge was one step ahead of him, floated in through the window, and then hovered respectfully in front of the armored monster, and directly confessed with his mouth:

"It's a shame to meet you from afar, Your Excellency, the Grand Judge."

Even through a mask, his voice was still gentle and gentle, like a university professor.

But Lloyd was shocked and dumbfounded by his words...

Is this crazy guy really the boss?

He quickly and secretly used [Exploration]

As expected, the attributes are all ‘? ? ’, and his mental state was, as expected, ‘mild madness’.

It's just that the other party's crazy direction is a little unexpected...

Fortunately, the Grand Inquisitor did not pursue Lloyd's offense. He just smiled evilly and said:

"Hey, do you believe me now? Little brother."

Can he still call himself a brother?

"By the way, where is your statue of the saint?"

The other party continued to ask.

Lloyd was stunned, and quickly opened the deepest file cabinet and took out the statue of the saint with only the outline of the girl.

Immediately afterwards, he felt a gentle gaze cast from above, and a quiet and sweet voice came to his ears:

"No need to panic, no need to be afraid, just meet your destiny."

That voice was probably the second most beautiful voice in the world that Lloyd had ever heard, only slightly worse than his sister Evelor.

Just listening to it can make people feel relaxed and clear-headed, and their ears and brain become itchy, which is very comfortable.

If it were a card-drawing mobile game on the other side of the earth, just this sentence would make people lose money.

But before Lloyd could recover, the armored knight spoke again:

"Okay, now you know why I came to you, right?"

As he spoke, he directly reached into his helmet and took out several items one after another.

The first thing that came to mind was a map, spread out on the table, with a red 'X' drawn on it, marking a suburb not far from District 18.

"The location has been chosen here. As for the personnel, we can't call too many people. They won't be able to help. It's just you and me, plus Tiltus... As for the specific tactics, um... Tirtus, you can tell me. Let me give you a chance to show off."

The gentle voice of the presiding judge sounded in their minds at the same time:

"Okay, 'Advisor' Esquimir is undoubtedly an unusual enemy. He has the title of 'the strongest among saints' and controls three systems: [Curse], [Disaster] and possibly [Distortion]. , very tricky...

Because of the influence of [Disaster], we cannot rely on holy objects to gain advantage and take the initiative. It is likely that various 'accidents' will backfire on us, and our current state is not suitable for using those powerful holy objects...

But Lloyd should be able to use this 5-673 to protect himself..."

The presiding judge roughly stated his plan in this way, which was similar to what Lloyd had experienced before.

After arranging the general plan, the armored knight handed the dusty vest to Lloyd, saying it was a 'meeting gift' for him.

Then he took off the command knife on the wall with his backhand and said it was his 'meeting gift'...

What can Lloyd say? He couldn't care about this now and asked quickly:

"Please wait a moment! Two bosses, the consultant you are talking about is obviously a very powerful guy, right?"

"Yeah, he's super powerful. I'm definitely no match for him on my own."

The knight in armor answered frankly.

"Then why would you let me participate in this level of action? It's not that I'm afraid of him, it's just... I'm afraid of holding you back."

Lloyd continued.

He really didn't know why he wanted to participate.

"This...I don't know either. Why don't you ask her?"

The armored knight said in a half-joking and half-serious tone, pointing to the statue of the saint in front of Lloyd.

At this time, another line of sight came from the saint's statue and landed on Lloyd.

It was still extremely gentle, but it was a little more comforting, as if it was telling him not to worry.

I saw some readers saying that they hope to update it in a centralized manner.

Of course I also know that the reading experience is better with centralized updates, but I really can’t guarantee it.

I am currently updating 3 chapters a day, totaling 8,000 words, which is quite stressful for me...

In terms of my own writing habits, I am used to pausing between each chapter and each chapter to think about the subsequent development. Sometimes I may think about it for a long time, so there will be gaps in updates.

Of course, I know that centralized updates are better, and I will definitely work hard to adjust.

But this requires a process of adaptation, and I can’t guarantee anything. I can only ask for your patience and let me give it a try.

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