I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 140 139 This is unexpected

Chapter 140 139. This is unexpected

"Are you satisfied with this [story]?"

The blacksmith, who was still in the form of a muscle man, stood still the moment he heard these words.

He stared blankly at the butler who suddenly appeared in front of him. He was well-dressed and elegant, and he met all his imaginations of the term "butler".

But he seemed to be just an ordinary person, an ordinary person who should not appear here.


The blacksmith squeezed out a beast-like roar from his throat, staring into the butler's eyes, and while launching the [Painful Gaze], he swung his fists as big as a casserole to the left and right, trying to make the butler into a sandwich.

The butler did not dodge, but smiled calmly and said:

"In the next [story], you are just a weak and pitiful creature."

As soon as the voice fell, the blacksmith felt that the fist he swung out had lost its strength and fell down softly.

The [Painful Gaze] that he was so proud of did not work properly, and he could only stare at the other party without any threat, as if he was in a state of impotent rage.

The previously inexhaustible spiritual power and physical strength in his body, and the system power that he could control at will, all failed at this moment. Even the blocky muscles that were enough to resist bullets seemed to have been drained of blood and flesh, becoming shriveled and shrunken, as fragile as a withered tree branch.

The blacksmith was stunned again, and hurriedly turned his head back, wanting to confirm the brilliant results he had created before.

He still vaguely remembered that he had killed a lot of people before, killing a sea of ​​blood and corpses.

But when he looked back, there were only a few corpses left on the ground. They were wearing the blacksmith's overalls that made him feel very familiar. They were no longer human-shaped and extremely miserable, as if they were torn into this state by human hands.

The blacksmith seemed to realize something, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something.

But what came out of his mouth was just a low humming with no meaning.

It was like the sound of a cricket or other insect.

As a powerless poor creature, he could only make such a sound.

Then, he saw the butler turn slightly, facing a dim shadow, then put one hand on his chest, and bowed slightly.

It was as if he was inviting an elegant lady to dance.

Then, a slender and tall lady walked out of the light and shadow.

She was covered with a layer of gorgeous armor all over her body, and a metal human face mask covered her face, which made her look particularly mysterious and elegant.

Her hands were like a pair of sharp swords, her legs were like slender cones, and her feet were a pair of spears shining with cold light. Her whole body was a deadly weapon.

At the butler's cordial invitation, the lady in armor began to dance around him, her blade-like hands and legs drew shining arcs in the air, graceful but deadly.

The blacksmith suddenly felt a chill on his neck, followed by a dizzy spell.

At the last moment when his thoughts dissipated, he saw his headless body kneeling on the ground helplessly, and a large amount of property scattered from his overalls.

A sixth-level [Pain] strongman met his end in the [Story] in this way.

After the blacksmith's life completely dissipated, a sound of gasping for air came from behind the housekeeper.

"Hiss... Is this the [Story] of the [Reification] system? It's really... creepy..."

The captain wearing a fox mask said as he walked over and kicked the headless body of the blacksmith.

From his perspective, this group of criminals just slipped out from behind the bar and froze in an instant.

Then he saw one of them shouting "surrender", and then vomiting blood and committing suicide.

Then the leader suddenly jumped up for no apparent reason, wasting his spiritual power in the air, and then turned around to attack his companions, twisting their necks and tearing their limbs...

In the eyes of the onlookers, he seemed to have fallen into madness, attacking everything around him indiscriminately, as if he was performing a bloody one-man show.

When he had squandered all the spiritual power in his body, the butler slowly walked up to him and whispered something.

The blacksmith was stunned and something was wrong. Like a deflated ball, he watched the opposite side pull out an armored puppet from the shadows and chop off his head with fancy swordsmanship.

Captain Fox was not in the [story], and didn't know what the plot was there. As for what he saw, it was really chilling.

He suddenly froze again, remembering that what he said just now seemed a little inappropriate, and quickly changed his words:

"Sorry, no offense, it's just that this is my first time to cooperate with a strong person from the [materialization] system, so I'm really a little surprised."

"No need to be like this, I've long been used to it."

The butler said indifferently, bowed gracefully again, invited the armored lady back to the shadows, and disappeared.

Captain Fox saw this scene and said:

"Your strength amazes me. This is the first time I know that the [materialization] system can master the two powers of [story] and [projection] at the same time."

According to some of the [materialization] system extraordinary people that the captain had come into contact with before, either they choose the [story] route that interferes with human thinking, making people deeply trapped in it and unable to extricate themselves, and gradually follow the author's arrangement to the end of the [story];

Or they choose the [projection] route, which can project some strange things in their minds into reality, and it is almost the same as the real thing.

Those who choose the [Story] route are good at dealing with humans, but they have no way to deal with monsters. With the brains of monsters, it is difficult to understand the 'plot', 'development', and 'ups and downs', so naturally it cannot be effective against them. .

Therefore, there will also be those who choose the [projection] route, giving up the interference of thoughts and choosing combat effectiveness on a realistic level.

It is said that in the City of Illusion, the headquarters of the [Reality] department, the Holy Inquisition Tribunal and the Holy Grace Tribunal of their sect are following two completely different routes, almost becoming one faction each.

Therefore, many people familiar with the matter speculate that the seventh saint of mankind is likely to come from the City of Illusion.

In this context, the butler Mr. Randolph in front of him, who mastered both routes at the same time, seemed extremely rare and powerful.

While the captain was secretly thinking about it, he arranged for his subordinates to come over to clean up the scene and channel the spirit. Then, taking advantage of this little leisure time, he continued to chat with the housekeeper:

"I didn't expect our task here to be so easy before. The [Embodiment] system is indeed the most creative system. It can actually affect both consciousness and reality at the same time. It should be the only one among all systems currently. Can it interfere with both levels?

Of course, the [Pain] system does not count as half-hearted. What they call interfering with consciousness is just affecting other people's pain nerves. "

In the captain’s opinion, this magical [embodiment] system is really amazing! Although my own [veto] system is not bad, it pays more attention to the practical level and less impacts on the consciousness level.

But the housekeeper disagreed with him and shook his head.

"It's not just [Incarnation] that can do this, there's actually the one you've been tracking."

"Uh...you mean...[distortion]?"

"Yes, it is even more powerful and direct than [Reality]. This is what makes it scary, and it is also the reason why 'Advisor' Eskimir has been pursuing...

As for "Representation", it actually has many disadvantages that you don't know about, and it is not an easy path to take. If you want to get involved in it, you have to consider it carefully. "

"Well, I don't actually seem to be involved in two systems, I just chatted casually, but anyway, thank you for your help, otherwise things may not go so smoothly."

"That's very kind of you. I'd rather things went smoother elsewhere."

The steward said, turning around and looking in the direction of the center of the Brilliant City, as if he was looking at the Sanctuary of Veto that was so far away that he could no longer see clearly.


It was already approaching 11 o'clock in the evening, and the entire dazzling city gradually became quiet and slowly fell asleep.

The consultant was walking alone through the streets in the south of the city. Next to him was a remote civilian area, and the lights were being extinguished one by one.

This place is close to the outskirts of the city, and except for the occasional few workers who have just finished the night shift, there are no people walking around on the street.

If he continues southward and passes through an industrial area, he will be very close to District 18.

"My power is out of control, probably from the influence of [distortion]. It seems that the other participant is more powerful than I expected. It was just a risky divination, and he caught the flaw, causing continuous harm to me. The impact I didn’t even realize…”

"After all, the Book of Truth is in his hands...so, I must kill him."

"Even...this will be a trap..."

The consultant whispered to himself, hiding his tattooed face in the hood of his windbreaker, lowering his head, and happened to pass by a few drunk passers-by.

These people were still in high spirits due to their drunkenness, but suddenly they became quiet, and then ran around in a panic, as if they were so drunk that they forgot the way home.

In the end, he either hit a wall or a telephone pole, knocking himself unconscious.

After a while, another policeman on patrol passed by the consultant.

He took the flashlight and shined it at the consultant who was covering his head and face, and then froze.

He suddenly discovered that the beam of light from his flashlight was twisting and changing as if shining on water.

This frightened him so much that he hurriedly wanted to escape. As a result, he bumped into someone else's window. He suddenly suffered a bloody head and passed out.

The consultant continued walking until he walked out of the last street and came to a deserted road.

He could feel that at the end of this road was another trespasser.

But he didn't expect that the other party would appear directly in front of him...

Just stand on the other side of the road and look at yourself quietly.

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