I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 125 124 The Second Transcendence

Chapter 125 124. The second transcendence

Lloyd took his pay slip, looked at it carefully, and counted the digits.


As a newcomer who has just entered society for the second month, this income should be considered...

So-so, right?

It was actually a bit lower than he expected, and a huge amount of tax was deducted...

After receiving his salary, Lloyd immediately approached Wei Ya and asked her to help arrange the room for the [Transcendence] ceremony.

Then he ran to the club and prepared to purchase the most important material, the fountain of blood.

As soon as we entered the door, the club manager greeted us warmly.

"Oh~ Mr. Lloyd, you are here again. I wonder if you will..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking, this is my membership fee."

Lloyd couldn't help but took out a stack of coins, and then found that the manager was not very happy, but looked relieved.

"Huh~ I finally convinced you. If you don't agree again, I will wonder if my words and strategies are not suitable for today's young people? Should I learn something new?"

The manager explained quickly.

"You should study, but you should help me compile a list first. It's the thing I mentioned to you before. This should be one of my membership rights, right?"

"Okay, please wait."

The manager quickly brought over several pages of the 'Member Exclusive List', which recorded the quotations of the 'Fountain of Blood', as well as past transaction prices, and also included a market trend analysis.

As a popular material nowadays, the lowest bid for this special gemstone is over 100,000 yuan, and the highest price is more than 20 million yuan...

The gap is ridiculously large...

The main factors that determine the price difference are the spiritual quality and size.

Spirituality will directly affect the effect of the transcendental ritual; the size determines the duration and fault tolerance of the ritual.

The one with the highest price at present not only has excellent spirituality, but also has specifications that are rare in the market. It has a round and full color. It can not only be used for "transcendence", but also has extremely high value and room for appreciation when processed into jewelry.

But at this price, just look at it...

Lloyd went through the list and finally picked one with a price of 250,000.

The spirituality of this piece has been verified by a third party and is also of 'excellent' quality. Unfortunately, the specifications are a bit smaller and the effect is estimated to only last for two hours.

According to the experience imparted by the chief judge in his notes, what is more important is the quality of the gems, which will affect the effect of the entire ritual.

The better the effect, the higher the success rate, and the greater the improvement after completing [Transcendence], which will even affect the efficiency of subsequent practice.

But the duration is also important, because the second [Transcendence] process is much more complicated than the first, requiring enough patience, enough caution, and it is best to have extra time to provide fault tolerance.

And this gem can only last for two hours. This time is a bit too stressful for ordinary people. It is not easy to complete the process smoothly. There is no room for error at all, resulting in its excellent spiritual quality and cannot be sold. on price.

But for Lloyd, he didn't have so many worries. He was still confident in himself.

Choose this one, the price/performance ratio is the highest.

Moreover, this piece is consigned to the trading floor. As long as you pay, you can get the goods immediately without waiting.

So Lloyd gritted his teeth and called the manager.

A moment later, 250,000 yuan was missing from his account, and a gem the size of a ring appeared in his pocket, exuding a full spirituality that made people feel relaxed and happy, but also felt like a knife.

This thing is all red and crystal clear. When the light shines on it, the inside will show water-like lines, as if there is real blood flowing.

Really excellent quality material.

It's just that Lloyd didn't look too much, always feeling that what was flowing inside was the blood in his heart...

Just like that, everything is ready and waiting for tomorrow's arrival.


[Ding~Insanity value +50]

When Lloyd got off the subway, he shouted in his heart:

5 points [rationality], add it to me!

[Ding~Add points to complete]

[User: Royd]

[Status: normal]

[Insanity value: 0/5000, upper limit: 11000]

【Rationality: 110】

[Spiritual power: 105]

【Inspiration: 60】

[Cognition: 105]

[System: Distort LV2, reject LV1]

[Skills Mastered: Efficient Learning; Exploration; Divination LV4; Stun Resistance LV4; Extraordinary Swordsmanship LV1; Distortion Realm LV5; Offensive Speech LV3; Gift Distortion LV1; Ritual Control (Distortion) LV2]

[Unanalyzed fragments: unknown fragments with unknown composition*1, current analysis progress is 10.5%]

[Unread book: "The Book of Truth·Volume 1", the current reading progress is 7.8%]

In the past few days, he has advanced to level 3 again, and then accumulated some insanity points, just in time to pass today's 'subway' and go to another level.

After completing [Transcendence], there will be a wave of attribute improvements, which is wonderful.

Lloyd squeezed several pairs of oil paper bags in his pocket, which also contained materials needed for the [Distortion] system.

But in fact, he was not sure whether the [Twist] system could be promoted to level one this time. After all, according to the knowledge he had obtained before, it often takes several times to advance through the [Twist Transcendence Effect], and there is even a possibility of failure...

As we all know, [Transcendence] becomes more and more difficult as time goes by; and if you choose to get involved in multiple systems, the mental pressure on yourself is particularly huge.

But even so, it is much better than taking those orthodox processes that cost lives.

I can only say that this [Twist] system is really difficult to get through...

So Lloyd gave himself a "vaccination" in advance last night. If the [Twist] system is not promoted this time, then try the [Realization] system.

This is all I can do, and the rest can only be left to the panel.

You don't want me to get involved in too many systems and add pressure and burden to you, right?

Lloyd looked at the panel in front of him and said in his heart.

I have tried my best, and you should also learn to work hard, right?

Of course, the panel will not respond.

Lloyd had to smile, relax himself, and then walked out of the "subway" hole.

Wei Ya was still waiting for him outside as usual.

As soon as the two met, Wei Ya was keenly aware of Lloyd's mood changes, and quickly comforted him:

"Don't be nervous, I believe you can succeed. After all, you are the first person I know who has performed [Transcendence] twice in two months. Your talent is as bright as the stars."

Lloyd smiled and replied:

"Thank you, you are just as bright."

"Eh? I dare not compare with you. My talent is actually very ordinary. You only took two months to catch up with me..."

As Wei Ya said, her face suddenly showed a bit of loneliness, and then she said in a low voice:

"Soon, I will There is no way to walk side by side with you, right? "

"How could that be? If I don't meet you here one morning, I will be very disappointed. "

Lloyd answered seriously, and then added:

"Viya, your brilliance is not in your talent, but in other places."

"Really? Thank you..."

Viya lowered her head, a slight smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and added in her heart:

Lloyd, your brilliance is not just in your talent...

The two chatted and walked, and along the way, Viya shared all her experiences and feelings about the second [Transcendence].

It can be felt that she really hopes that Lloyd can pass it smoothly.


Soon, Lloyd came to the luxury suite on the 8th floor.

In addition to the classic incense, candles, and mirrors, there is also a slightly spiritual antique kettle, a drawing board and a white canvas on it.

There is also a pair of oil paper bags in the corner, which contain some auxiliary materials such as spiritual ink that need to be used.

Lloyd turned back and locked the door, then heaved a sigh of relief, took out the oil paper bag he had prepared from his pocket, and began to prepare the ritual.

The second [transcendence] of the [veto] system requires the extraordinary person to [veto] the "error" in the picture during the duration of the ritual.

Specifically, it is to put the "spring eye gushing blood" into the antique kettle, and then use auxiliary materials to mix a pot of special "blood spring water", and then splash it on the blank canvas.

Under the influence of the ritual effect, some patterns will appear on the canvas, forming a unique picture.

But there are several "errors" hidden in it, requiring the extraordinary person to [veto] them.

This is the whole process.

As for what the "error" is, why it appears, and how to find it, there is no clear theory to explain these problems.

Even the presiding judge was vague in his notes, just imparting some experience.

The key lies in [inspiration] and [intuition], as well as relaxing the body and mind and eliminating distracting thoughts.

Lloyd had no way to delve into it, so he could only follow the steps.

He first lit the incense, spread the canvas flat on the floor, and then placed a mirror in front of him.

Then he began to mix the spiritual ink and threw the gems he bought for 250,000 into it.

Then he added the "crystal block shaped like a brain" into it.

The antique kettle suddenly began to boil slightly, but the temperature did not rise, only a fishy smell emanated from it.

Maybe this is the smell of brain matter?

Lloyd took out the group of "high-risk monster nerve endings" again, shook it as much as possible, and then spread it on the canvas.

Then, he opened the lid of the kettle, splashed the "blood spring water" that had changed its taste on the canvas, let it blend with the group of nerve endings, and then quietly waited for it to flow and spread.

The [Transcendence] ceremony officially began from this moment.

Lloyd's [Twisted Ritual] was also activated at the same time.

If he could successfully complete [Transcendence] under this situation, and finally take a sip of the 'old wine that induces madness', he would be able to achieve the desired twisting effect.

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