I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 117 116 The Vicious Consultant

Chapter 117 116. The Vicious Consultant

Although there was indeed more good news, Captain Fox was not happy at all, and one could even feel the sadness on his face through the mask.

He threw a piece of chocolate into his coffee cup, and then shook it while asking:

"What about the witnesses? Did you get more information from the interrogation?"

The subordinate shook his head and replied:

"No... The first batch of witnesses, the boatman, the child, and the robber, all provided completely different confessions. Some said that the suspect was a young woman in a gorgeous long dress; some said that he was dressed like a student; and some said that he looked like a delicate and tender pretty boy who had just been taken out of prison...

As for the service worker who had the longest contact with the suspect, she insisted that the other party was a middle-aged gentleman wearing a bowler hat and a monocle, and she was fascinated by her charm as soon as she met him."

As he said, he also took out a few sugar cubes from his pocket and threw them into the coffee cup. He also turned out a silver ladle like a magic trick, stirred it slowly, and then lowered his voice and asked:

"Since the confessions are inconsistent, should we try psychic communication?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt a sharp gaze from the opposite side, which scared him.

Of course, psychic communication can only be used on the dead, and those witnesses are still alive...

Then, the captain was heard to warn in a low voice:

"We can be overbearing and tyrannical, but we must not have no bottom line."

"Yes, I remember."


The captain sighed, shook his head, and continued:

"Now I also have good news and bad news... The bad news is that our vacation may be ruined."

"Ah? I have promised my girlfriend that I will take her to the City of Joy after this mission is completed..."

"Then maybe you can consider changing your girlfriend? Anyway... our mission is to chase Investigate the criminals involved in the taboo system [Twist]. The "Dawn Hermits" that has been wiped out is just a bait thrown on the surface. It is probably too early to complete the task..."

"What's the good news?"

"The good news is that there should be someone else to accompany us as a headless fly, and it is also a master-the suspect's strength is obviously beyond our ability. It is very likely that he is the legendary "consultant." "


When the young team member heard the name of "consultant", he shuddered. The hot coffee in his hand could not stop the chill in his heart.

That is a vicious, insidious, cruel and vicious super wanted criminal. He ranks fifth on the total bounty list. The accumulated and converted bounties from different channels have broken nine figures.

The crimes committed include but are not limited to anti-humanity, anti-social, massacres, poisoning, spreading dangerous knowledge, killing members of the cult, creating terrorist attacks, etc.

In addition, he also colluded with many evil forces and was honored as "mentor", "saint" and other titles.

He used to commit crimes in many cities. Currently, there are records of his crimes in all six cities. Naturally, he was wanted by six cults, many civilian forces and individuals. He deserved to be the public enemy.

According to rumors, this beast has at least the eighth level of strength and is infinitely close to the saint. Many people believe that he is the strongest under the saint.

But no one knows his true strength, nor does it know which system he belongs to. All those who have fought with him have not been able to leave alive...

Similarly, no one knows his age, appearance or even gender. When he was first listed on the wanted list, the Brilliant City had not yet been established...

So not only the young team members, but even the captain himself did not expect that this mission would involve this big devil.

But from the traces at the scene, the testimony of eyewitnesses, and the feedback from divination, they are all very similar to the style of the "consultant".

Especially those people in the reservoir, none of them died, which is very much like the style of the "advisor".

Although this beast is extremely cruel and dangerous, he is very magical and does not like to attack civilians.

According to the clues currently available, this beast is arrogant and arrogant, and he disdains to bully the weak who have no power to fight back.

At the same time, he seems to regard civilians as some kind of resource and likes to use them to brew some evil plans.

In short, although I am reluctant to believe such a result, the current clues all point to this guy, and the captain can only bring such "good news".

"Captain, this is bad news, right?"

The team member said helplessly, and a sad face could be seen through the fox mask.

"That's why I suggest you change your girlfriend."

The captain said, took a sip of coffee, and then spat again.

Bah~ It's so bitter!


“Don’t worry, sister. There’s still time. Don’t choke.”

Lloyd stood in front of the dressing table, combing his sister’s hair in a hurry, still comforting her.

“Woo woo!”

Everroel, holding a small cake in her mouth, could only make vague sobs.

Holding a pair of white silk stockings as smooth as milk in her hand, she raised a crystal clear foot high and was busy putting it into the stockings.

As the stockings wrapped around the tight and round legs little by little, she kept brushing the slightly shiny white stockings with her hands to smooth the silk threads evenly.

Finally, she used her fingers to twist the tip of the socks a little, so that the toes could be aligned with the seams of the socks, and the texture of the stockings suddenly became more transparent, revealing the cute pearl-like toes inside.

The reason why they were so hurried was because Everole got up late this morning.

Lloyd should have woken her up, but thinking of her tired look last night, he let her sleep a little longer, so he just knocked on the door and ran to the kitchen to heat up the desserts he bought last night.

As a result, the desserts were heated up, but Everole still didn't get up.

Lloyd was anxious and had to rush into his sister's room.

Everole woke up slowly, and then rubbed the hammerhead shark doll in her arms with sleepy eyes, and saw her brother standing at the door again, and smiled gently, squinting her sleepy eyes slightly, revealing a seductive look.

Then she stretched out her hands to Lloyd, as if she wanted him to pick her up.

Her childish appearance, coupled with such a smile and action, looked particularly charming and seductive.

Lloyd had no choice but to walk over quickly, grab her out of the bed like a kitten, press her against the dressing table, and then quickly run to get a hot towel, rub her face, and stuff a small cake into her mouth.

Everole gradually woke up, noticed the time, and was so anxious that she almost jumped up.

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