I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 114 113 The second fusion skill

Chapter 114 113. The second fusion skill

After this battle, Lloyd, with the previous accumulation, has risen by 8 levels in total.

If the inexplicably extra 20 points of [Inspiration] are converted, it is 12 levels.

The moment he touched the book, he didn't know how strong the mental pollution he suffered was, which made him feel "boiling", which was probably several times beyond the upper limit of rationality at that time.

Fortunately, his rationality has been high enough, and [Dizziness Resistance] is also strong enough, so that he can bite his teeth and stick to the edge of coma and absorb this huge amount of madness.

This [Dizziness Resistance] learned on the subway is really a life-saving skill!

But in the end...Why do I want this book so much?

Even if Lloyd calmed down, he didn't figure out where this sudden whim came from? Where did the strong possessiveness in his heart come from?

And his inspiration was still trembling slightly, reminding him "don't think too much".

Let's take a look at what this book has brought me first?

Lloyd first carefully reviewed the previous panel prompts:

[Ding~ Please complete the third transcendence as soon as possible]

[Ding~ Sufficient knowledge fragments have been obtained, skill level has been upgraded, Distortion Realm LV4→LV5]

[Ding~ Sufficient knowledge fragments have been obtained, skill level has been upgraded, Distortion Seed LV1→LV3]

[Ding~ Judging... Detected a fusionable skill, whether to merge with the veto declaration (distortion)? ]

Picked up a book, and then both skills of the [Distortion] system were upgraded, and a fusion option appeared.

Considering the power of the fusion skill [Super Swordsmanship], fusion must be done, but there is no rush now. Lloyd still looked at the specific changes after the skill upgrade and the extra knowledge in his mind.

The upgrade of [Distortion Realm] this time did not bring new distortion methods, but only strengthened and improved the existing three distortions - cognitive distortion, physical distortion, and supernatural distortion.

Specifically, he can now conduct a directional guidance to distort the perception, thinking, and cognition of the affected target in the direction of guidance.

But it is just a rough, general guidance, such as "optimism", "pessimism", "beauty", "funny".

For example, it can make vicious criminals feel that they are about to "die", but how and when they die depends on the association in their own brain, which cannot be interfered with or controlled.

It can also make the little match girl see the beauty in her heart in the firelight, but what kind of "beauty" it is depends on the little girl's own thinking.

In short, compared with the previous [distortion] effect, it is more controllable, but not too much more...

At the same time, the specific effect is the same as before, and will be affected by the target's mental state and four attributes. If it is used on a high-level strongman with a healthy mental state, it may not have a very good effect.

But against monsters with simple thinking and criminals with a long-term bad mental state, the effect is even better.

As for the physical distortion and ability distortion later, there is no change, but the intensity is improved, and it can distort things with higher intensity and distort stronger extraordinary abilities.

But the damage effect is still not comparable to bullets and psychic blades, and this skill is more inclined to control overall.

Then there is the change of [Distortion Seed]. It has been upgraded two levels at once, but it is still very weak.

In the past, this skill was very weak. It could only be used on targets with self-awareness, and then slowly distorted the opponent's perception, thinking and cognition. It also had to target the target's mental state and four attributes. It was slow to take effect, meaningless, and had to consume that inexplicable "consciousness seed" to be used.

The only advantage is that it is relatively obscure, and there is no distance limit. In addition to using it to sneak up on people, Lloyd can't think of any application occasions.

Now after the upgrade, in addition to the basic effect enhancement, there is a practical new function that allows Lloyd to secretly guide the direction of the distortion, which is similar to the new effect of [Distortion Realm].

Although the new function of [Distortion Realm] LV5 appeared at LV3, the effect and functionality are still not very strong. It can still only guide in a general direction, and still requires that inexplicable consciousness seed to be used.

But it doesn't matter, I'll fuse it right away.

Confirm! Fusion!

Lloyd shouted in his heart.

[Ding~ Skill fusion completed, new skill acquired - Gift Distortion LV1]

[Gift Distortion (LV1) - consumes spiritual power, relying on the guidance of inspiration, causes a veto judgment on the target, and comes with a certain distortion effect. If you choose to consume the consciousness seed, it will also come with the original effect of the distortion seed]

There is also a line of small words below to supplement the explanation:

"With piety and enthusiasm, praise the unknown, truth, and madness given by the Supreme."

Lloyd stared at this overly simple skill description for a long time and frowned.

[Veto Declaration] is the core and backbone of the [Veto] system, and all the subsequent abilities of the entire system are the strengthening and improvement of this skill.

After such a fusion, can [Veto Declaration] still have the original extremely high upper limit?

And the two systems of [Distortion] and [Veto] actually completed an intersection in such a place, which made Lloyd feel an indescribable subtle feeling in his heart.

I always feel that the change from ‘declaration’ to ‘gift’ may not be a simple change in the literal sense?

Inexplicably, he remembered the most unique double helix tower in [Thinking Field]...

However, judging from the successful experience of [Extraordinary Swordsmanship], the fused skills still have the original effects, and the actual improvement may be far more than the simple description in words.

It’s just that this new fusion skill is not easy to test specifically, so let’s try it out in the future to see the effect.

Lloyd is not short of such ‘testing grounds’, Tower No. 9 and Dream Theater, which can test the effects on monsters and humans respectively.

So far, the rewards on the panel have been sorted out, and the next step is to sort out the extra mess in my mind.

The progress of reading this "Book of Truth" is only in the single digits. In addition to improving his skill level, he also understood three theorems:

[The more unknown, the more powerful]

[The more real, the more powerful]

[The more crazy, the more powerful]

With Lloyd's current reading progress, he cannot understand the more basic principles behind these three theorems. He just regards them as a formula and forcibly imprints them deep in his mind.

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