I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 104 103 Ancient, Mysterious and Powerful

Chapter 104 103. Ancient, Mysterious and Powerful

Because there was something important to do tomorrow, Everoel went to bed early with the Hammerhead Shark Doll in her arms, and didn't chat with Lloyd.

Lloyd went back to his room and flipped through the magazine that embodied his sister's hard work.

The first story was great, telling about a young man and woman living in the countryside who heard a legend about the "love clover" and decided to try to find it.

After a little adventure, the two actually found the legendary "love clover" in the wild, and then made a vow under the witness of the clover, and soon got married, had a child, and lived a happy life.

But soon, the man noticed that the child didn't look like him at all?

After a series of interrogations, he didn't even know who the father of the child was...

So he ran back to the wild in anger to find the 'love clover' and wanted to explain, but the clover had already transformed into a monster and swallowed him in one bite...

At the last moment of his life, the man saw the piles of bones in the clover's belly, and he didn't know how many people it had eaten.

The first story ended here, and Lloyd nodded repeatedly and gave a high evaluation:

"What a good story, concise and clear without losing the twists and turns, and it is also very educational. It can warn the world that love and happiness must be fought for by oneself, rather than pinning hopes on such illusory legends..."

"Putting this story at the beginning can also be regarded as an implicit expression of the tone of this magazine. Many legends are dangerous. Just read them, don't believe them, don't look for them."

He continued to read the next two stories, both of which were of extremely high quality, and one comedy and one drama complemented the tragedy of the first article, and the reading experience was excellent.

But this is only halfway through, and there are two more series as the highlight. But Lloyd looked at the time, closed the magazine first, and then carefully put it away.

"She is worthy of being my sister. The magazine she publishes is good! I will recommend it to my colleagues in District 18 tomorrow!"

Lloyd is also proud of his sister's achievements.

"So, I have to work hard on my side!"

As he said, he lay down on the bed, entered his [Thinking Field], and then found the tentacle grass and opened the glass cover.

"Let's get started."


Jenkins has not had a good time these days. He has been locking himself in the study and has left all the work at hand.

After he failed to predict the future in the basement and fell into a coma, he lay in bed until the next day before waking up, and then he quickly called his students to do another mental evaluation on himself.

The result is still normal, not crazy yet, still remembering who he is, his memory is not too far off, and his temperament has not changed much.

But the price was that the black and white grid of the chessboard became more distorted, and the original brand new and complete texture also showed signs of damage - several cracks appeared on the bottom, and the edges and corners became rounded due to wear and tear.

Jenkins knew that this was a terrible price that the chessboard had paid for him...

For a moment, he was both anxious and excited.

The reason for his anxiety was that the mysterious "audience" was more powerful than he expected;

The reason for his excitement was that He was definitely a "Supreme One" who surpassed the existence of a saint.

So Jenkins had been thinking about countermeasures alone for the past two days. Should he stay away from him? Or follow up with him? Or expose him?

Before he could weigh the pros and cons, he suddenly felt a dizziness in his head, his eyes went black, and he fainted in front of the desk.

The consciousness turned into the black soldier, landing in the center of the black and white chessboard.

Then, three more chess pieces appeared around him, and then the white bishop exclaimed:

"Hey, hey, hey? What's going on? Why do you want to drag me into the meeting? I finally escaped last time, but it hurt so much!"

Except for her, everyone else remained silent. Even if you couldn't see the expressions on their faces, you could feel the solemnity on them.

White Bishop Ai Luoluo was stunned and turned his head to glance at the edge of the chessboard.

There was a figure that was not there before.

He was wearing a set of rotten and dilapidated armor, and the original shape and color could no longer be distinguished. It seemed that it would break into a pile of powder if touched casually.

He was sitting on a black high-back chair, supporting his chin with one hand, lowering his head slightly, and quietly looking at the chessboard in front of him.

He was not sitting where the chess players sat, but from the side of the audience, but everyone on the chessboard was like a small chess piece in front of him. He could easily hold it with one hand and decide the direction of the whole game.

In this chess game, there should only be two colors, black and white, but on this spectator, Ai Luoluo can see the dilapidated gray, the decayed earth color, the rusty copper green, and the dark red that is faintly visible under the rust.

In many cases, only the chess players and chess pieces must respect the rules, and the spectators can be more casual.

Behind the high-backed chair, there is an extra layer of gray mist, in which two spiral towers can be vaguely seen, winding and climbing, as if they can reach the sky.

Ai Luoluo only looked at it for about two seconds, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, and his ears began to "buzz".

"Don't look!"

The black chariot Goldron reminded him hastily.

His voice sounded obviously panicky, not as calm as before.

"What should we do? Should we say something?"

The white knight Valdes asked in a low voice, his voice sounded a little weak, without the confidence he had before.

At this time, only Jenkins could stand up.

"Let me negotiate with Him..."

After saying that, he turned around carefully, lowered his head, and could only look at the chessboard under his feet, and then greeted him neither humbly nor arrogantly:

"Hello, mysterious [Supreme], it's an honor to meet you here."


The remaining three people were shocked when they heard this address.

Is this actually real?

Although they joined Jenkins's society, they did not completely agree with all his ideas. For example, the existence of the Supreme was often just a story.

Only Jenkins believed it.

But in this situation, they had to believe it.

The three of them knew that this [chess game] was mysterious and powerful. It had been running smoothly for several years without any accidents. Except for the owner, the black soldier, even the saint could not interfere with or affect this ancient relic.

Now even the owner here was helpless against this mysterious audience, which was enough to prove the black soldier's statement.

[The Supreme] really existed, and there was really a way to surpass the saint!

Such a discovery eased the fear in the hearts of the three people a little.

And Lloyd outside the screen was also surprised by this title.

What does [The Supreme] mean?

This was the first time he heard of this term.

After all, he had been reading things in the library, and of course it would not include such speculations at the level of street stalls.

Then how should I respond?

Lloyd thought about it and sent an ambiguous "bullet screen":

"Interesting title."

The four people in the chess game looked at the line of words floating in front of them and wanted to close their eyes, but it was useless. The line of words still slowly floated in front of them and finally disappeared on the left side of their vision.

But compared to before, they didn't feel very uncomfortable, their heads didn't hurt, and there were no strange whispers in their ears.

It seems that the 'audience' showed mercy...

Jenkins chewed on this sentence seriously, and his mind was thinking hard again.

The other party did not deny the definition of [Supreme], but it seemed that he had heard this title for the first time, which means that His existence is very old, and it is very likely to be isolated from the world, and even does not exist in the world under the general definition...

While Jenkins was thinking, he mustered up the courage to look up and secretly glance at the other party's image, and then quickly retracted his gaze.

But that ancient and decayed image also confirmed his guess.

He may be as ancient as [Chess Game], and he may have just woken up?

No wonder He said before that he had no ill intentions, just wanted to get to know us, and probably wanted to understand this world through us?

Jenkins made a bold assumption, and then began to carefully verify:

"This is what humans today call you. It's not an offense, because in our eyes, you are ancient, mysterious, and powerful."

Uh... This guy seems to have some strange misunderstanding of me?

Lloyd scratched his head outside the screen, feeling that things seemed to have gone off the expected track.

He never thought of playing tricks in front of others, just wanted to communicate normally, then build trust, and then make a lot of money together.

How did things develop into what they are now? How did it become 'ancient, mysterious and powerful'?

But Lloyd thought about it and thought that this seemed to be good. If he could really establish an image of the Supreme in their eyes, it would save a lot of trouble for the successor.

So he carefully considered the wording and sent a barrage of old-fashioned comments:

"You guys are very interesting. I like to listen to your discussions."

The four people on the chessboard saw this sentence floating in front of them, and the tension in their hearts was instantly eliminated.

This [Supreme One] did not show any malice, but showed interest, and his methods were relatively gentle, so his life should not be in danger for the time being.

As for why the other party likes to listen in, maybe it's just like adults occasionally listen in on children's conversations and find it fun and interesting, right?

The four people present did not dare to speculate too much about the other party's thoughts, but since the other party said that he likes to listen in, then...

Jenkins cleared his throat and said loudly:

"Ahem, let's start today's seminar."

Thank you cat_ED for the 100 points of reward

Thank you dragon for the 100 points of reward

One chapter first, the rest later

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