I upgrade points in the Holy Inquisition

Chapter 102 101 Respect the laws of the market

Chapter 102 101. Respect the laws of the market

As soon as Lloyd walked out of the game room, he saw the waiter from before already waiting at the door.

"Congratulations on your first victory, and you have earned 10 points, which can be used to redeem various amazing rewards!"

The waiter said in an extremely exaggerated tone, then with a flick of his wrist, he pulled out a thick stack of lists like magic, and continued to ask:

"Do you need me to introduce you to the reward list?"

Lloyd was not in a hurry to ask about the reward, but said hesitantly:

"What happened here..."

The waiter probably guessed what he wanted to say, so he smiled and explained:

"Every player who comes in for the first time has the same worries as you, but don't worry, in Fantasy Casino, no matter what you experience here, what you participate in, what you redeem, or what you kill ...No outsiders will know, it will be kept strictly confidential.”

"After you leave here, you can return to your normal life. No one will harass you, and no one will remember you. You can completely treat this place as another world, a wonderful world, a world of indulgent entertainment. "

Seeing how confident he said it, Lloyd probably half believed it.

The confidentiality here should be trustworthy, otherwise the criminals at the table just now would not have dared to be so unscrupulous.

As for 'wonderful' and 'indulgent entertainment', forget it...

"Any more questions? I'm happy to serve a winner like you."

The waiter asked again with a smile, appearing much more enthusiastic than when they first met.

"Let's talk about rewards first. Do you have things like 'fountains spewing blood', 'nerve endings of high-risk monsters', 'crystal blocks shaped like brains', 'old wine that induces madness' on your list?"

Lloyd reported the materials he currently needed in one breath.

"Please wait a moment..."

The waiter said, quickly looking through the large pile of lists, and it only took five seconds to get the result.

"Three of them are temporarily missing the 'nerve endings of high-risk monsters' you mentioned. As far as I know, these are scraps with little use value... But if you really need it, I can help you as soon as possible. Prepared for you.”

"No need, how many points are needed for the other three items?"

"Please look."

The waiter handed over a piece of paper with the prices of the other three materials written on it:

The 'Fountain of Blood' requires 20 points, but the unit price of the other two items only costs 4 points?

Why is the price gap so big?

Lloyd was a little puzzled, so he asked:

"Why is it so expensive?"

He didn't ask why the other two were so cheap...

The waiter explained:

"Because the [Veto] system is currently the most fashionable system, the prices of materials related to it have naturally increased. Although the other two materials have some unique spirituality, they have no clear purpose so far, so they will naturally be cheaper. We It’s just following the rules of the market.”

"I understand. Exchange the two cheap ones for me."

Lloyd said calmly, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

The materials for the [veto] system can be bought outside with money, but what the [distortion] system needs may not be easy to find in the regular market. I'm afraid they can only be found in those messy underground black markets?

"Please come with me."

The waiter didn't ask Lloyd what he was doing with such an unpopular material. He just led him through the beautiful garden on the second floor. After going around twice, he came to a mailbox.

Then he opened the mailbox, took out two pairs of dark oil paper bags, and handed them to Lloyd.

"You have two points left. Do you want to check out other rewards or redeem some services?"

The waiter asked again.

"No need, keep it."

"Okay, then I look forward to your next victory."

Lloyd thought for a while and asked again:

"You should have a lot of games here, right? Are there any that won't kill people? I have always been a gentle and kind young man, and I am not suitable for such a confrontational gameplay."

"Of course, we have hundreds of different game rules here, there is always one that suits you."

The waiter replied with a smile.

"Well, let's try it again next time when we have time."

"Okay, hopefully we can meet again soon."

After some polite words, Lloyd's vision dimmed and he returned to the empty room at the beginning.

The dagger he carried was lying on the floor, and the little cat was pacing back and forth anxiously, his face full of worry.

As soon as it saw Lloyd appearing, it quickly jumped over with a 'meow' cry.

Lloyd bent down to pick up the little kitten, gave it a few strong strokes, and then asked:

"Did I just disappear?"

"Meow meow!"

The little cat nodded.

Lloyd took out his pocket watch again and looked at it. More than an hour had passed, which was almost the same as the time he spent in the 'Dream Casino', indicating that the time flow rate on both sides was consistent.

Then he reached out and touched his pocket. There were two pairs of oil paper bags lying there, faintly revealing a strange spirituality.

“What a magical place…”

Lloyd whispered, then bent down to pick up the dagger and left the room with the little cat.

As soon as he walked down the second floor, he saw the lazy guy again, still sleeping soundly on the table without raising his head.

Lloyd left quietly without disturbing him, then jumped on the tram and went all the way to the "Don't Ask" club.

The manager came up quickly.

"Mr. Lloyd? You came earlier today than before. Have you considered joining us?"

Every time he saw this guy, he would try every means to get Lloyd to become a member. He would not give up even after being rejected many times, and he was not annoyed at all.

Lloyd was really a little bit overwhelmed by his soft and hard persuasion. He would probably come to become a member after his salary was paid next month to shut this guy up.

For now, he could only patiently say:

"I want to find out some information. Have you heard of a place called "Dream Casino"? "


The manager was stunned, then quickly made a "hush" gesture, and then motioned Lloyd to follow and took him to the second floor.

Then he called another waiter and took dozens of black envelopes from him.

"The 'Dream Casino' you mentioned is also called the 'Dream Theater' and the 'Otherland'. Information about that place is a hot item on the second floor. These are all related investigation commissions issued by senior members, and the price is not cheap..."

The manager raised the pile of envelopes in his hand and continued:

"So do you want to issue a commission about that place? Or do you have some information to share?"

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