After a short observation, Shen Xing had a rough understanding of the level of civilization and technology of the people on earth.

This made him feel a strong desire

People on Earth have been able to cross such vast distances

And they seemed to have used some wonderful means. Shen Xing was able to sense some of the remnants of space force on the Earth ship.

In other words, they are very likely to have experienced a space jump.

Compared to the science fiction novels Shen Xing read before his rebirth, this is considered a relatively luxurious level of technology.

I don’t know how many years it took for the people on earth in this universe to climb step by step from the technological level of the 21st century to today’s heights.

Shen Xing knows very well that if we take the current technology of Tianqiong Star as a starting point, it will take at least thousands of years of hard work to achieve the current achievements of people on earth.

If it can completely absorb and integrate the technology of the earth, the sky star will be able to bridge the development gap of thousands of years. This is a qualitative leap.

Although the current technology of Tianqiong Star is still lagging behind compared with that of Earth, Shen Star has its own unique advantages.

First of all, he now understands the scale of the people on the earth almost to the bone, while the people on the earth know nothing about the civilization of the sky star.

Even if the people on Earth conduct reconnaissance, the information they have must be limited.

After all, the sky star has the unpredictable variable of star father

Secondly, Shen Xing fully possesses the power to destroy the entire Earth fleet.

Even if the main fleet of the earth civilization arrives, Shen Xing has no fear

People on earth can only rely on the power of technology

The Sky Dome Star is guarded by countless celestial bodies in the universe.

Even without using all his strength, Shen Xing was enough to intercept the Earthlings' main fleet and launch a counterattack, causing the Earthlings to pay a heavy price.

What makes Shen Xing even more confident is the trump card in his hand - Tianyuan Star

From the moment he sensed the Earth's fleet, Shen Xing summoned his Tianyuan Star clone and let it head towards the Sky Dome Galaxy at an astonishing speed.

Nowadays, the huge star of Tianyuan Star cannot even be defined as a star, and the small black hole carried in the core of the star makes Tianyuan Star an incomprehensible cosmic object.

Once Tianyuan Star's huge gravitational pull is fully released,

Will completely tear the entire galaxy apart

Shen Xing believes that as long as it is used properly, Tianyuan Star will become the key to determining the situation of the battle.

Therefore, Shen Xing has no panic in his heart at this moment.

Faced with the coming crisis, he did not even plan to inform the people of Tianqiong Star for the time being.

He hopes to take this opportunity to make mankind realize more deeply that only by uniting as one and developing civilization with all our strength can we survive in the torrent of the universe.

After a short voyage, the Earth civilization’s reconnaissance spacecraft finally arrived above the Sky Dome Star.

Through the huge screen on the spacecraft, the members of the reconnaissance team stared at the blue planet below.

The torrent of emotion surged in everyone's heart, and many people couldn't help but burst into tears.

Hundreds of years of lonely travel, countless generations of perseverance and sacrifice

Now, they finally arrived at their dream new home

This planet, called their new home, appeared in front of them with its splendor and splendor similar to that of the Earth hundreds of years ago.

"Activate the hull concealment system, release satellites, and conduct further investigation!"

Major General Lu Hongfeng's voice also contained rare uncontrollable excitement, and he quickly issued the order.

As the order was conveyed, dozens of satellites were released from the reconnaissance spacecraft

They each entered different orbits of the Sky Dome star and began detailed exploration of the planet.

"The satellite is operating normally, the detection equipment is started, and various data are beginning to be detected."

With the sound of the system, the large screen was divided into multiple small screens, showing the magnificent scene of the sky stars from different angles.

The machine broadcast in the spacecraft began its broadcast, and each piece of data shocked the scientists even more.

"The planet's surface temperature is being measured...the surface temperature is about 14 degrees Celsius."

"The current rotation and revolution period of the planet is being detected...the rotation period is about 23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds...the revolution period is about 365.24219 days..."

"Detecting satellites..."

"The distance between the target satellite and the about 363104 to 405 and is rotating counterclockwise from west to east around the target planet."

"The satellite's rotation and revolution period are being detected...the rotation period is approximately 27.32 days of Earth time...the revolution period is approximately 27.32 days of Earth time..."

Chief Scientist Alibert looked blankly at the data on the big screen.

"Perfect... simply too perfect... almost exactly the same environment as the Earth!! Only the continental plates are similar to the theoretical supercontinents, and all other data are even more perfect than the Earth!!"

Other scientists were also shocked by this series of findings.

They couldn't believe that there was a planet so similar to the Earth in the universe

"This is nothing short of a miracle!!"

"I can't believe it either!! There are planets in the universe that are so similar to the Earth!!"

What shocked the scientists even more was that the reconnaissance spacecraft also inspected Skystar's little friend, the moon, which is similar to the Earth.

Except for a slightly different color, its mass, diameter, and distance from the Earth to the Moon are exactly the same as the Earth's Moon.

"So, are we coming to another dimension of Earth?"

A scientist suddenly asked this question with a confused look on his face.

Professor Alibert shook his head and rejected this hypothesis.

"It's unlikely. Apart from the Earth-Moon structure here, the surrounding environment is completely different from the Earth."

"The universe is too vast. It is very likely that there is a planet similar to the second Earth. We should just be lucky to find it."

As the investigation deepened, the scientists' mood gradually changed from shock to awe.

They realized that Tianqiong Star was not only a planet similar to the Earth.

Its existence itself was a miracle of the universe and the best proof of their exploration of the unknown.

But before everyone could get out of their obsession, they were suddenly broken by a burst of urgent alarms.

"Warning! Warning!!"

The machine's broadcast became urgent, and every word seemed to be knocking on the heartstrings of the members of the investigation team.

"Artificial buildings have been found! Artificial buildings have been found!!"

"Technological creations have been found in outer space! Technological creations have been found in outer space!!"

Everyone hurriedly checked, and a towering building on the screen came into view.

Its top pointed directly at The sky was solemn and sacred, exuding an awe-inspiring aura.

"Impossible! They had never launched any satellites before!"

"Their technological civilization has reached the level of the 21st century..."

"What on earth is going on?!"

Before they could recover from the shock of the building, the scene changed and an even more shocking scene appeared before their eyes.

"Higher intelligent life was discovered! Higher intelligent life was discovered!"

On a busy street, people from the Sky Star shuttled through.

Everyone's face instantly became solemn, and Lu Hongfeng immediately made a decision.

"Zoom in! I want to see their appearance clearly!"

His eyes narrowed into a slit, as sharp as an eagle.

As the camera zoomed in, the full appearance of the Sky Star people was revealed to everyone.

When the members of the reconnaissance team saw these higher intelligent life forms, they were stunned as if they were struck by lightning.

They were dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

These people... actually look like people on Earth! ! !

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