Carl stood up, and Lily spread out her notes to help him. Carl's memory was of course very good, and it was also the result of years of training. He had to remember most of the main outlines and read them in his mind anytime and anywhere. If his memory was even a little bit worse, those fragments would slowly fade away over time.

Carl's hand drew a few smooth gestures in the air, simulating the appearance of casting a spell, and then accurately said the spell "Wingardium leviosa, Incarcerous and..." But Carl didn't have time to say the last one.


A few beams of light were emitted in the air as Carl moved, and then two spells burst out with Carl's movements.

"!" Carl opened his blue eyes wide, looked at his hands in disbelief, and his native language almost jumped out of his mouth, damn!

And because he was standing right in front of James, the two spells went straight towards him.

James didn't have any problems. He had good reflexes. He quickly scanned the table. Although he knocked over the ink bottle, he found a book and threw it over. The spell hit the floating spell for a short float.

"Fortunately, I reacted quickly..." James was a little embarrassed. He wiped his sweat, but he didn't feel happy for too long. Another inflation spell came over. James dodged it flexibly. The floating spell only hit a feather pen on the table.

The feather pen turned into a balloon and flew up in a funny way.

"I'm so awesome..." James covered his hair with one hand and didn't say anything complacent. He accidentally stepped on the water stain left by the ink bottle after it fell to the ground. He slipped and fell backwards.

"James!" Sirius, Lupin and Peter next to him were in a mess and hurried to help him up. Sirius stretched out a hand and touched James' head. Well... he touched a soft big bag.

"It hurts! Sirius, don't move my head!" James protected his head. Carl couldn't believe it. Help, how can a spell go off like a revolver!

"Are you okay, Mr. Potter?" Professor Flitwick jumped down from the book and went to check James's injury. James got up reluctantly and said, "It's okay."

Professor Flitwick briefly checked James to make sure he was really okay before returning to the podium to prepare for the lecture.

"Mr. Coster." Professor Flitwick called Carl. Carl looked up. His long-term student status made him answer "Yes" naturally!

"Very beautiful wandless magic, but be careful next time." Although Professor Flitwick admired Carl's spirituality in his heart, he couldn't praise him directly when such an accident occurred.

"I understand."

"..." Carl knew he was in the wrong. He kept wrapping his sleeves in a guilty manner during class and didn't dare to look up at James. He felt that James must be glaring at him fiercely.

"If I say I really didn't mean it, will Potter believe it?" Carl looked up furtively, and whispered to Lily while looking up, but saw James looking at this side secretly, and showed a very difficult to describe smile.

Lily also happened to see this scene "I don't think it will happen, dear Carl, but after all, it's your fault, so..."

Lily patted Carl's shoulder "It can't be helped."

It seems that it won't happen, Carl thought to himself, anyway, he felt guilty, anyway, he should apologize properly after class.

This class only had such a small episode, and then it returned to calm. It was not easy to get to the end of the class. Carl went to James and saw James holding a note and happily showing it to Sirius. Sirius expressed sympathy for Carl, but more of a gloating.

What's the situation?

"Um, Potter? I'm here to apologize to you. I'm very sorry that I accidentally hurt you just now." Carl decided to apologize first, but saw James excitedly slap a piece of paper in front of him.

What is this? Carl curiously turned the paper over and saw that it said [My spell got out of control, I'm sorry.]

"Hehehe! As usual, wear it until night!" James straightened his chest, looking like he was taking revenge.

Carl: [Black question mark face]

"That's it?" James was not angry at all, but very happy. This was beyond Carl's expectations. Who knew that James's way of calming down was also very elementary.

Because I was thrown away like this, I have to take revenge like this.

It's not impossible. Carl hung the piece of paper in front of his chest. James looked at him in disbelief, "You just wear it like this! Don't you resist?"

"Oh, after all, it's a super talented person who casts a floating spell, which is completely different from someone falling on the express."Carl, wearing the note, posed with Alice and Lily.

"Lily, Alice, look, am I super talented? Wow, I must frame this milestone with honor. Thank you, Potter, for preparing it for me. So I don't have to prepare it anymore?"

Lily said she didn't know this person. Who was the guy she was worried about just now? "Ah, Alice, I'm going to the library later. Are you going?"

"Ah, I still have a history of magic class, so I'm sorry, Lily." Alice pretended not to hear Carl's voice and talked to Lily as if nothing had happened.

"Hey! Don't ignore the unparalleled genius I am! Lily, Alice!" Carl stretched his arm in dissatisfaction, and Lily and Alice continued to talk to each other.

"Oh, it's not on the way? Then let's leave here now and go to where we want to go!"

"Good idea! "

Lily and Alice ran out of the classroom, leaving James and Carl behind.

"Damn, what a mistake." James punched the table, his face full of regret.

"I knew this guy was shameless, but I didn't expect him to be so shameless. I should have changed to a more damaging method." James regretted it and wished that time could go back, and then he would come up with a prank that even Carl would be embarrassed about, if he could think of it.

"This is not good, after all, we are classmates." Lupin looked at James who was full of fighting spirit and kindly reminded him.

"Remus! You don't understand me at all. Anyway, our struggle can't end like this." James was extremely determined, and he even made a few encouraging gestures with his arms.

"Give up, James, the facts prove that your experience is far inferior to Carl's."

"You are not allowed to call him by his Christian name! Sirius!"

"Is this the point? James. "

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