Carl flipped through the pages one by one and found that it was very easy to find things. He could find something that suited his taste from the book cover with just a thought.

"It's very convenient to find, right? It combines alchemy with spells, Legilimency with the extension spell, and finally alchemy to stabilize them. The hidden magic circle also makes it look no different from an ordinary book cover." Nicolas Flamel talked about the function and design concept of this item.

"And it can identify the owner. You can write your name or mark on the cover. This will become a contract. People other than you will only see what you want them to see." This is a very convenient thing, but of course it also has some anti-theft uses.

"But even if it is very convenient, don't rely on it too much. Putting too many books or manuscripts will cause you to forget what is in it in the end." This is to retrieve what you need by relying on the brain's memory, but if you put too much, your brain may not remember what is stored.

If you forget what you need for the time being, you can only find what you need in the end.

"Thank you!", Carl accepted it very neatly. Although this thing looked very expensive, it was actually very expensive, but for Nicolas Flamel it was just a very simple little gift.

Carl packed all the manuscripts, and now the box can easily hold clothes and book covers, and it will not explode, and it can be easily lifted.

"It's almost time, we'll leave.".

"I have to send Carl back first, and then go to a seminar.", Baburin said, he had changed into suitable clothes, and he was still very measured about time.


"You are the future heir of the Black family, and sooner or later you will have to face that person, understand? Regulus, don't make any mistakes at this dinner, show the Black family as it should be.", Mrs. Black looked at Regulus with a serious expression, she held Regulus's shoulders and shook him fiercely.

Although she was dressed very beautifully, and her clothes had a noble and reserved air of coming from a big family, the madness in her eyes could not be deceived no matter what.

Regulus was very afraid of this look from his mother.

From childhood to now.

He still liked the warm and gentle emotions his mother showed when she was knitting a scarf or sitting by the fire.

"I know... I know, I know, mom, don't use so much strength." Regulus felt a little dizzy as his mother shook his hand, and the pressure from his mother made him a little breathless.

"But don't tell Sirius?" Mrs. Black finally stopped shaking, and Regulus finally took a breath. He looked at his mother with some embarrassment.

They came out today with their brother on their backs. Their mother waited for Sirius to fall asleep before holding his hand and using a follower to show up and bring herself here.

It looked like a beautiful manor, a little bigger than the Black family's manor, but the decoration of this manor...

It looked much more retro than the retro atmosphere of their home, and he seriously doubted the taste and decoration experience of this family.

"No need to tell him, we have to try our best to hide it from him, otherwise he will destroy everything." The moment Mrs. Black heard the name Sirius, Regulus clearly realized that his mother's hand exerted a little force, but then quickly recovered its normal strength.

"I know..." Regulus sighed, but he thought that even if he wanted to tell Sirius, it would be impossible. Sirius probably wouldn't ask him what happened, even if he found something wrong.

"Okay, let's go in now." Mrs. Black squeezed Regulus's hand again, looked at the gate of the manor and then looked at Regulus, and slowly let go of his hand.

"Follow closely." She seemed to be a little worried and added, Regulus nodded and followed carefully, and the gate of the manor seemed to open slowly as if it was sensed.

Regulus looked at the dim manor, with only a few candles burning slowly. The atmosphere looked even worse than their home.

But Regulus did not show anything, just quietly followed his mother, looking straight ahead without changing his expression.

There was not even a ghost outside the huge manor, and a little further ahead there was only a house elf cleaning alone.

"Mrs. Black." The house elf recognized Regulus and his mother almost immediately, and he immediately stepped forward to greet them with fear and trepidation. Mrs. Black nodded reservedly, without giving the house elf any glances, and took Regulus into the house.inside the manor.

Compared to the desolation outside the manor, the decoration inside seems much more normal, at least not so dilapidated, but the overall atmosphere of the decoration seems a bit depressing.

Not long after Regulus came in, his mother walked up quickly, as if she had seen someone familiar. Looking up, on the other side of the corridor, a man with long platinum hair gently tapped a snake-headed cane, smiling very kindly.

"Walburga? I'm glad you're finally here." Lucius said a pun, seeming to be very happy about Mrs. Black's arrival.

"I always have to come, Lucius, I hope you treat our Sissi well." Mrs. Black also responded to Lucius's friendliness, and she naturally brought the topic to Narcissa.

Narcissa held a wedding with Lucius after graduation, and almost immediately began living together. Talking about common relatives always brings unexpected gains.

"Of course, I love her very much, and she loves me too." Lucius showed the sweet expression that a newlywed husband should have.

"Oh, that's good." Sure enough, the atmosphere was much more harmonious, and a few more intimate words were said between relatives.

Lucius intentionally or unintentionally turned the topic to Regulus next to Mrs. Black. He looked at Regulus intimately and said some compliments, "Did you bring Regulus? Wouldn't he be a qualified heir? He looks so good?"

"Of course." Hearing the praise for the child, Mrs. Black's mood was obviously better. She had almost gotten rid of the panic, hesitation and vague madness when she first came.

Although she didn't get rid of it completely, at least she looked like an elegant and decent hostess.

Everyone tacitly ignored Sirius, the rebellious boy who joined Gryffindor. Instead of mentioning him to spoil the mood, everyone would be happier if they talked more about Regulus's excellence.

They still have better and more excellent choices. Sirius Black's rebellion alone cannot make them collapse. That rebellious child will regret it sooner or later.

"Okay, let's go in and talk? How about it?" Lucius did not want to continue talking in the cold wind. Of course, the most important point is that the dinner is about to begin.

"Of course, Regulus, let's go." Mrs. Black nodded and looked back at her son who had been silent since the beginning.

Regulus also nodded slowly and said softly to his mother, "Okay, mom, let's go."

The manor is very large. Regulus didn't know how many corridors and stairs he crossed before finally arriving at the banquet.

"Regulus, keep smiling." Mrs. Black did not forget to remind Regulus' expression while maintaining her image.

Regulus nodded, and a formatted smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He was actually a little used to this. "Okay, mom." He said obediently.

At the banquet, Regulus was among the crowd. He was not good at this, so he was not very good at it.

The host of the banquet had not shown up yet. Regulus knew that this banquet was organized by the Dark Lord, but he did not know what the Dark Lord's purpose was.

After several rounds of socializing, the young Regulus was obviously out of spirits. He was almost the youngest among them, and Mrs. Black obviously found that Regulus was unable to cope.

"Okay, Regulus, go sit over there and rest for a while." Mrs. Black was worried about the child, so she did not force him. She pointed to the sofa next to the banquet and indicated that Regulus could go and rest.

Almost as if he had received a pardon, Regulus sighed almost immediately. He immediately stopped his tense spirit, and the whole person seemed to be relieved of strength, and slowly walked to the edge of the banquet hall.

He sat on the sofa. He was obviously alive, but why did he feel almost dead? Regulus' eyes gradually became empty. He felt that although he was breathing, his soul had no breath.

"Hey, you look like a child, why are you here?" Suddenly, an unusually soft female voice came from the side. Regulus turned his head and saw a slightly older girl who should have just graduated standing in front of him.

The girl seemed to not know him, which was quite strange. The Black family had so many scandals in recent years, and it was almost the topic of conversation for all pure-blood families.

It was rare that someone didn't know this. "Regulus Black, good afternoon." Regulus said a few polite words. The girl in front of him looked very polite.There was no reason for him not to be a gentleman, even if he was already very tired.

"Ah...oh..." The girl clumsily picked up the small notebook and began to look through it carefully. According to the name letter notes, she quickly found the location of Regulus.

"Oh, the heir of the Black family, right? Hello." The girl greeted him very seriously, looking very lively and energetic.

"You don't seem to know me." As the title shows, there are only a few families in the magic world. It is impossible for someone's family not to be laughed at by other families if something big happens.

Even Regulus can say several things in one breath, but now their family has one more, the former heir of Gryffindor.

"Oh, I was just taken home by my father. I was raised by my mother before, until she died not long ago. I have been living alone." The girl's words sounded a little sad, but soon her sadness was diluted by happiness.

"But my father took me home not long ago. I was really happy. After thinking I was an orphan, I found out that I actually had a father. He was very good to me!" The expression on the girl's face was very complicated, with admiration, respect, and a hint of awe and fear.

This was not the expression she should have towards her father. "Are you also a wizard?" Regulus felt strange. If she was a wizard, there was no reason why she had not heard of him or seen him. There was no reason for him not to know the girl. At least she would have an impression of her, but her face was not retrieved in her memory.

The girl's eyes lit up when she heard this. "I just found out that I am a wizard. My mother never told me. She didn't even want me to use these abilities."

"Because she is an ordinary..." The girl was about to blurt out her words, and Regulus immediately covered her mouth. He probably had predicted that the girl's mother was most likely a Muggle.

Thinking about it this way, he seemed to remember that a branch of the Carrow family suddenly found a little daughter. He was very jealous because he saw that his brother's children were particularly valued by Voldemort and thus received family treatment.

His youngest son died early, but fortunately, he actually found an illegitimate daughter.

Of course, she was born to the little daughter of an unknown family, he claimed that.

But he couldn't call out the woman's name.

Now it seems that she is probably a mixed-blood born with a Muggle. Although she has wizard blood, he doesn't want to find it back. Now that his brother's children are valued by the Dark Lord and his youngest son died early, he had no choice but to dig out this little daughter.

Even if he is a wizard who changed his career halfway and has never learned any magic.

But Regulus knew exactly what he was planning. The girl was very beautiful and dressed so gorgeously. A little training...

"What's your name, young lady?" Regulus replied. He sympathized with the girl's experience. Not to mention other things, even her mother...

Regulus didn't think she died of illness.

The girl opened her mouth and was about to start introducing herself when she was forcibly pulled away by the man behind her, "Ah... Father... Father..."

She was obviously very afraid of the man behind her, and almost immediately became a well-behaved little chicken. She closed her mouth and squinted at the man she had just called father, and then closed her eyes in fear...

"Mr. Black..." Compared with the indifference and rudeness to the girl, the man treated Regulus much more gently and politely.

"I'll take my dear daughter to the other side first, then goodbye..." The father took his daughter away, and Regulus certainly had no reason to stop him. He nodded and said nothing more.

Although his chat with the girl was interrupted, he was relieved. He could finally stop dealing with other people and stay alone quietly for a while.

Even though the girl was taken away by her father, she was still a little worried about Regulus over there. Is it really okay to leave such a young child here? She turned her head and looked at Regulus over there.

She made a bold mouth shape behind her father's back, and I will tell you who I am later.

She only made a mouth shape, but even so, it was bold enough. You know, she had just been taken back, and her father was always very strict with her. For this reason, she spent ten thousand efforts to learn etiquette and magic.

After all, that was her father.

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