Alice was pinned down: me, save me!!!!!!!!!

Carl walked over. Alice's smell was not here, weird. He sniffed and circled around Nanako.

Nanako looked at the snow leopard circling around her, reluctantly moved her head, and pretended not to care.

Weird, weird, where did it go? Carl sniffed and showed a puzzled look, James was also confused, don't ask me, you ask me to tell you which piece of grass in the forbidden forest is the most delicious, I can still taste it, you ask me to find someone...

I'm not a dog!

Dog? Everyone's eyes gradually turned to Sirius, and Remus also reacted, "Sirius, can you smell where Alice went? It's too strange that she disappeared on the spot."

From Nanako's perspective, three vicious large animals kept wandering around her, and Remus, who was helping the evil, was also talking to them with a smile.

Are they discussing which piece of meat is more delicious? So scary... Nanako shuddered again when she thought about it.

Sirius straightened his chest and moved over little by little. The dog's sense of smell is relatively elastic. He can feel several mixed smells around, and the smell of Alice...

Sirius tried hard to find it. Alice's smell was slightly covered up, but it felt like it was still there. There was still a smell of rain in the air, which was a little difficult to distinguish, but...

Sirius confirmed repeatedly, and finally raised his paw and pointed uncertainly at the bottom of Nanako's feathers. He felt that Alice should be here, but there was only one Nanako here.

That shouldn't be the case. Alice is so big that even if Nanako wants to eat her, she can't swallow it with her mouth? Supernatural incident?

Just as several people were pointing and talking, Nanako, who felt Alice's struggle, moved his body slightly. He hoped that Alice could be quieter. Even if he would be killed by a carnivore later, at least Alice could die later.

Carl looked at Sirius's movements and walked forward uncertainly, patting Nanako's head slightly. A man can be killed but not humiliated. Nanako looked at Carl with pride and contempt, and then moved her head away.

What are you doing?

Carl, who knew a little about his rebellious son's nature, pondered for a while with some uncertainty, then raised his paw and easily pushed Nanako away from where he was.

What Carl thought was, this rebellious son would not sit Alice on his butt! Although he didn't know why he did this, it was not impossible!

Sure enough, after pushing aside the struggling Nanako, they found Alice who was almost suffocated under his body. They never expected that the emperor who had already established his business would still encounter a situation of collapse!


Oh no! The expressions of the three animals and the werewolf twisted into shouts!

Everyone looked at Alice lying on the ground dying anxiously. Although they didn't know why Nanako wanted to murder him, they ignored this for the time being and rescued her quickly!

Carl acted as a policeman and temporarily controlled the suspect. Then two people surrounded Alice, fanning and giving first aid. After a while, Alice barely recovered.

"Chirp chirp...", I'm still alive. Alice flapped her chest slightly with her wings and slowly woke up. It was so scary just now.

Seeing that Alice finally woke up, the others barely exhaled and relaxed.

"Gugugugugu, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck!" Nanako saw that others were "drooling" [actually worried] looking at Alice, and immediately felt something was wrong. He tried hard to break free from the snow leopard's control, but flapping his body a few times was useless.

Is he going to die here today? No, at least he should!

With the feeling of a warrior who will never return, he planned to make a final resistance, but at this moment, he felt that he was suddenly put down, and then suddenly picked up again, and finally heard a familiar voice.

"I really don't know what you are doing. Did you eat the wrong feed today? Or did you take the love potion again? Oh, I remember... Did you treat the half bottle of souvenir that Sif gave me as top-grade chicken feed again?" The snow leopard behind him suddenly turned into his mother, which was really unforgettable for the chicken...

"Cuckoo, cluck, cluck?" Nanako tried to calm down. He felt that this matter was not simple. After smelling the smell of his mother, he found that it was a carnivore mixed with a familiar smell...

No, no, I am a chicken and I eat vegetarian food. How can my mother be a carnivore? Could it beSaid...

I'm not actually my own child!!!

Feeling Nanako in his hand suddenly stop struggling and slowly stiffen, Carl picked her up strangely and looked at her again. Her eyes were clear and stupid, her expression was dull and complicated, full of three parts of fear, three parts of ignorance, and four parts of disbelief.

"What's going on...", but Carl didn't know Nanako's mood at that time.

"Oh, Carl, you're back." Remus looked at the transformation process with some novelty. Although Professor McGonagall was also an Animagus, he had not seen Professor McGonagall's transformation process many times, and the few times he had seen it was also very novel.

"Well, it's not easy to control this damn rebellious son in the beast form. I really don't know why he persecuted Alice." Carl picked up the dull Nanako again.

"Alice, are you okay?" Carl looked at Alice who was slowly recovering and gradually becoming energetic. Her wings were very beautiful. Although they were not gorgeous and not as beautiful as the feathers of birds and magical animals, they were generally very beautiful and cute. They were very small and looked very fluffy.

"Chirp, chirp...", it was okay, Alice stopped on Carl's hand, everything she had just experienced made a deep impression on her.

"Since it's all successful, how about we go back?" Carl said, and the others nodded slightly. The transformation process was relatively smooth for Sirius and Alice. Compared to turning into an animal, turning into a human only required silently imagining what they looked like.

"Oh, it's okay to be back, the dog's sense of smell is so sensitive that I almost went crazy." Sirius covered his nose, closed his eyes, and sighed with a complicated tone.

"I'm fine, oh, I guess you must envy me, I can fly up without a broom, I just felt my body so light!" Alice exclaimed, she also slightly opened her arms and made a bird flying posture, looking like a real bird.

"If you ask me, as the only carnivore here, I am the most handsome!" Carl covered his chin and smiled happily, nodding while laughing, waiting for someone next to him to answer.

After a long time of no talk, Carl felt that this matter was not simple. According to common sense, there should be a James who started the mocking mode at this moment, for example, a sentence.

Hahahahahaha, can a carnivore jump up and hit my knee?


Hehehe, Thai pants are hot!

Or something like that, but there was nothing unexpected.

"It's really handsome." Suddenly a voice answered, but it was not the right time. This was not what James would say. Carl looked up and found that the other two also looked at the direction where the voice came from with suspicious eyes.

"No, it shouldn't be like this. Shouldn't the process be that the three of us take turns to step on each other and then Remus, you come out to make peace? Why did you come out early?" Sirius' official complaint was very accurate. He looked at Remus suspiciously, but Remus was embarrassed.

"That..." Remus raised his hand awkwardly.

"No, the key is not Remus, the key is where James is..." Alice looked back and forth for James's shadow, but found that it was a stag who stayed there. He closed his eyes and pretended to think, as if he was trying hard to imagine something.

Hmm...hiss...ah this...

Why hasn't James changed back yet...

"James, James, James..." Sirius shook James' head with a little force, but it was obvious that an underage wizard could not shake a stag.

"What's wrong with him?" Alice looked at him strangely. James seemed to be trying hard to imagine something, but of course they couldn't know what was going on in James' brain.

"Come on, make way, let me sober him up first." Carl pushed aside the crowd of people watching James and raised the wand that he had just put aside, "Clear water like a spring!"

A very small splash of water appeared from the front of the wand. Carl guided the clear water to splash James' face with a bang. The deer head finally woke up. He shook the water off his face and regained consciousness.

"What are you doing? Why are you so immersed? Hurry up and turn into a human. You can have fun without Lily today, but I have to go back to Christmas after the New Year and Sever." Carl clenched his fist and hit him hard on the head.

After all, such a big deer head is much more resistant to injuries than before.

"Hurry up, hurry up, change back..." Carl didn't care much and just thought James was teasing them, but after a while, James still closed his eyes, but there was no movement of transformation...

"Well, Carl, is there a possibility that it's not that James doesn't want to change, but that James may not be able to change back?", Remus said tentatively.

"Ah, how is it possible? ", Carl's tone was full of confusion. If the transformation had been successful, and James obviously had a clear mind, how could he not change back?

James nodded like a chick pecking at rice to answer Carl's doubts.

Huh? What's going on?

As for what the situation is, James also feels strange. He did imagine what he usually looks like. Look at the beautiful and unique hair, the handsome side face, the handsome body with manliness, etc. It seems that something is missing...

Oh, and add Lily!

James's imagination is probably that he is a burly man, tall and strong, with powerful arms, steady steps, a body as strong as a wall, a dignified body and a handsome appearance. His shoulders are like a double-door refrigerator, a pair of eyes shooting cold stars, two curved eyebrows like painted souls, like the Lord of Demons in the sky, really the Tai Sui God on earth, a pair of broad shoulders for Lily to lean on.

It's perfect!

He has obviously imagined it concretely enough, but he hasn't changed yet. It's really It's incredible.

James kicked his feet and thought unconvincedly, damn, he was clearly thinking about his own appearance, why can't he change back? It's really strange!

"Well... do you think there is a possibility that the self that James imagined is slightly different from the real self..." Sirius knows James' personality very well. If there is no accident, it is very likely to be the case.

Oh, how is it possible, Sirius, you are simply exaggerating. I am sure that I am the same as I imagined. I believe that Carl will not be confused by his rumors and fallacies.

As for why I can't change back, it may be a small accident. I guess it may be possible later.

"Emm..." Carl looked at James, who was holding his head high and looking arrogant, and fell into a period of contemplation. James looked at Carl with satisfaction. It is worthy of Carl to be more reliable than others. Although he likes to persecute himself most of the time, at this critical moment...

"I think Sirius, you are right! ", Carl gave Sirius a thumbs up. According to his understanding of James, it is not impossible.

"What should I do...", Alice quickly went through various Animagus records in her mind, but found...

It seems that there has never been such a record!

"Good question, in fact, the solution is also very simple, just leave him here and wait for him to figure it out, isn't it okay?", Carl held his chin, and then smiled maliciously.

In fact, James's thinking is too broad, and it is easy to go astray. Obviously, he can just imagine what he looks like, but he has to blur the filter and add unnecessary details. He can't find the Animagus if he wants to change back. Who knows if you are dreaming or thinking about changing back.

"It's okay, James, even if you become a stag for life, it's okay. I will take good care of Lily and find a good family for her. You can also be a wedding car when Lily gets married. "

"We will miss you, bye~", Carl waved his hand and pretended to leave.

Sirius immediately got what Carl meant. He held Alice's left hand and Remus' right hand, "That can't be helped, my good brother, bye--"

The four of them walked out while counting down silently in their hearts, five, four, three, two, one.

"Wait, wait, wait for me, didn't I just play a little joke on you? Do you really need to? Besides, I think there is absolutely no problem with what I just imagined." Sure enough, before the countdown was completed, James's exasperated voice came from behind.

"Okay, James, we just played a joke, of course we will wait for you, let's go." Carl said, and everyone turned around together and waited for a while for James, who was still a little dizzy due to the deformation.

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