At the end of October, the weather was getting colder and colder, but Carl had not paid much attention to it until there were more pumpkin elements around him, and Carl realized that Halloween was coming soon.

This also means that Carl and his friends have finally finished holding this damn leaf, which is something worth celebrating. [tears streaming down the face.JPG]

After more than ten days of habit, Sirius can already talk to the leaf freely, and James is almost the same, but he does talk much less frequently than other times, except when talking to Lily, otherwise he tries not to talk if he can.

But this morning was an exception. Carl and Sever were happily eating breakfast and chatting, and Alice was looking for food next to them. At this time, James and Sirius pulled Remus and rushed over with a sliding tackle!

"Great great great good thing——", James stretched out the sound, Carl and Sever looked at each other, and read the helplessness in each other's eyes at the same time.

"Okay, okay, I got it James. Is it Lily who has become prettier today, or Lily who has grown taller today, or Lily whose eyes are brighter today."

"I don't really care about either one, so please go away." Carl wiped the jam as if nothing had happened. James usually didn't quarrel much these days. If there was a quarrel, it would probably be about Lily.

Sever didn't say anything, but just picked up a piece of bread, and then evenly spread a lethal amount of salad dressing on the bread with a dinner knife.

Carl didn't like lethal amounts of salad dressing.


"Ah! Sifu! How can you put so much salad dressing on it?"

Sure enough, Carl's attention went to Sifu next to him. He looked at the lethal amount of salad dressing on Sifu's bread with some anger. Oh no--

Sifu's spreading technique gradually became more and more motherly. I hate large amounts of salad dressing...

"I will eat it myself, you can just eat the jam." Sifu also looked at the salad dressing with some embarrassment. How to say it, although Carl didn't like to eat lethal amounts of salad dressing, he hated sweet food even more.


Forget it, just eat it...

"But Sifu, don't you hate salad dressing more? Forget it..." Carl picked up the knife, spread a little sauce from Sifu's lethal amount of salad dressing bread, and then spread it on his own bread.

"It's not a large amount if it's separated, but I still like a small amount." Carl chewed a piece of bread mixed with jam and salad dressing, and it tasted good.

"Hmm..." Sifu looked at Carl's bread, and then silently began to eat his own.

It looks like a peaceful life.




"No! Listen to what people say." James seemed to be stimulated by this scene. Carl was like a guy in a dormitory, where all the guys were single, and suddenly a single guy appeared, dazzling and annoying.

"That means Lily abandoned you, which is not impossible?" Carl ate the bread slices silently, and then nodded calmly.

"We can rest assured, Severus. Lily finally got rid of the harassment of the mental guy. It's a cause for celebration." Carl deliberately put his ear to Severus to make a whisper, but the sound seemed to be heard clearly by James.

"Enough! Can't you wait for me!" James exploded immediately after being said by Carl, pursed his lips and looked ready to go, and slapped the table.

"See, Severus, this is an emotionally unstable person. As a brother, we must never let Lily be with an emotionally unstable person." Carl talked freely, but ignored a flaw of his own.

"You are more than a month younger than Lily." Sever pointed this out without hesitation, but he still affirmed Carl.

"But I think you are right." Sever looked at James with a scrutinizing look.

James's original appearance of being ready to go gradually became sluggish. He pouted, then gently swept his hands on the table twice, and then said with a guilty conscience.

"Lulululu--um... there is dust on the table. I will sweep it a little bit~", with a very cowardly look, sister Penny and Severus are really difficult to deal with.

During the summer vacation, he even left a bad impression on Penny. In order to please his future sister, he risked being punished by his parents and went to his mother's kitchen. He stole a few recipes with his life and gave them to Penny, which eased the relationship.

But Severus, is he going to risk violating his ancestors to empty the Potter family's only copy? Brother-in-law, can you have some other hobbies? Why do you love to spend so much money!

Isn't it good to learn from my sister-in-law? Learning to cook can save a lot of money?

James complained, James didn't want to talk...

JamesJames suddenly remembered what he was going to say, and he became a happy puppy and started to be happy!

"Oh, by the way, what I want to say is that Professor Flitwick's symphony orchestra has been missing a few musicians for several consecutive years? But recently they have almost found all the musicians, and this is simply the most complete one in the past five years." Carl remembered that Professor Flitwick's orchestra was quite bumpy to be honest.

Today I couldn't find a violin in the whole school, and next year I had a violin, and then I couldn't find a cello because the cellist graduated. Finally, all the instruments were complete, and then I found that the senior sister who played the piano also graduated.

So every Christmas party, there are always a few notes missing from the music, which is a headache for Professor Flitwick.

But this year, they were unexpectedly gathered together?

"Why, you want to join the orchestra? But your triangular cat's music theory level... I think you should forget it, you can only be a backup dancer at most." Carl didn't mean to laugh at James. He said the truth. James' music theory level is really

He couldn't find four of the seven notes correctly, and he guessed three of them unexpectedly. He could only hear the high and low notes at most...

"The key point is the dancers! They plan to organize a dance party on Halloween. Oh! Great, I want to invite Lily to dance!" James' eyes were bright, and he held his hands like a young boy in love...

"But can you dance?" Sirius added quietly beside him. Based on his understanding of James... He could only turn a few circles at most, which was considered dancing.

But dancing with girls can't be like this, right?

At least dance a normal social dance?

"It doesn't matter. I'm sure no one can do it. Let's learn together. With my intelligence..." James looked as if it was a matter of course. Anyway, everyone would learn together.

James' parents wanted James to learn the duet dance. After all, he was one of the pure-blood families, and social occasions were inevitable, but James' temper...

You know it!

It's not that he can't afford to go to the dance, but it's more cost-effective to escape over the wall and take risks.

If he could escape, why would he still pretend to be nice to those boring guys?

James never wronged himself.

But if he wanted to dance with his beloved girl, would James really want to learn?

Carl looked at James and kept complaining in his heart.

It was because of Lily, no wonder he talked so much...

"I want to learn first. If Lily doesn't know how to dance, I will teach her. Oh, this damn romance, watch me learn it overnight!" James was ambitious and had already thought of the beautiful scene of the two of them learning a duet together.

How romantic and wonderful this is! I am a little excited just thinking about it!


"Wait a minute, James, is there a possibility that I, Sever and Lily can all dance ballroom dance?" Carl ruthlessly broke James' beautiful fantasy, and James was stunned for a moment.

"Eh? Can you do it?"

"By the way, I can do it too." Sirius said silently. Compared to the half-free-range and non-forced Potter couple, he would be forced to learn by Mrs. Black, and he would not be let out of the house if he couldn't learn it.

"But I don't like it too much..." That's a must. Being forced to learn dance is like being forced to be a wife. Every time Sirius dances, he will think of the days when his mother forced him to learn, so he really doesn't want to recall it.

"Alice, what about you..." James begged for a dance partner who could learn from scratch with him.

"Well... I can, and I know a lot..." Alice's unintentional words hit James again.

"Why do you all know it..." James' tone of resentment was so resentful that water could drip out.

"Aunt Leah likes dancing very much. She will pull Mr. Cece to dance. You will learn it after watching it more." I don't know if it was because he was happy to see James being humiliated, Severus actually answered James kindly.

"Mom will teach us too. She's very energetic during Christmas and holidays, right?" Carl nodded, as if he was proud of his mother. Sever also nodded slightly in agreement.

Although Aunt Leah is very energetic and teaches them to dance well.

But Sever doesn't like dancing very much, mainly because he is not interested. Leah can only dance male and female social dance, and Carl can't be his dance partner.

"By the way, my mother's social dance is very good, and as students, we all dance well. I hope you don't step on Lily's feet when you dance~" Carl gloated, looking at the gradually weathered James.

"Who told him not to learn when he was taught at home? Isn't this what he deserves?" Sirius had no pity for the stone statueJames also looked like he was enjoying the show.

"Actually, I don't know how to do it either..." Remus said weakly beside him. When he was a child, he was tortured by werewolf complications and felt very uncomfortable every month. In order to resist the full moon night, he stayed at home most of the time.

"That doesn't matter, Remus. I can teach you. It's such a simple thing. You can't do it, and James doesn't want to." Sirius shrugged. Although they couldn't empathize with Remus's experience of becoming a werewolf, they understood some of Remus' pain, so they would never grab where Remus could give in.

"No need, I don't think I will jump in this life, so forget it." Remus shook his head. Sirius saw his loneliness and patted Remus' shoulders. While comforting Remus, he didn't forget to belittle James.

"You can't do it now, but you may not in the future. I hope you don't follow James' path. It's time to learn.

I won't learn~

I won't learn~

I won't use it in the future~

It's too late to quickly do it after meeting a girl you like! Hahahaha!" Sirius laughed very wantonly.

"Stop laughing! You have to teach me anyway!" James was like a drowning man who found a floating log when he saw Sirius.

"I understand, I understand, I will definitely save him~" The thing that was originally annoying has now become something that friends can joke about, and Sirius feels that this thing seems less annoying.

Watching everyone teasing each other, Carl smiled with his face in his hands.

"Carl, Carl...", but suddenly he was interrupted by Sever's call next to him.

"Do you want to dance?" Sever asked. He was not interested in dancing with others, but with Carl, who liked socializing, he would definitely be happy to dance.

He was accompanying Carl, as a dating partner, this was what he should do.

"As for me... I..." Carl deliberately held a long voice to act hesitant, "Of course, I must join in the fun."

"But wait!" Carl summoned the system interface, and took out two roses from the box as quickly as possible, and quietly hid them behind him.

"What?" Carl suddenly changed his words, which made Sever a little nervous. Then, Carl took out two roses from behind.

"If you want to invite someone, you should give flowers first to be more formal." Carl took a rose and handed it to Sever. "Sever, do you want to dance with me?" Carl asked.

"Of course."

Sever's expression softened a little, but only for a moment. What was Carl's other rose for...

Is it also for him?

"This one?" Carl pointed to the other rose in Carl's hand.

"Of course, these two are not all for you." Carl pointed to the rose. Sever was stunned for a moment after hearing Carl's words, and then the next second, he slowly approached Carl, "You are not allowed to dance with others...", and there seemed to be some resentment in his tone.

In fact, he was indeed quite resentful. Sever skipped a lot of people in his mind, but he couldn't think of who Carl's rose was for.

His fingers holding the rose inevitably shrank a little, and he looked very nervous.

"Why should I dance with others?" Carl was stunned, then looked at the rose in his hand, "You said this? Do you think I want to give it to someone else?!"

"Oh my God." Carl made a shouting gesture, "Am I so promiscuous in your heart? It's terrible!"

"No, I don't mean that." Sever was a little flustered by Carl's appearance and hurriedly explained.

"Hahahaha..." Seeing Sever's appearance, Carl laughed happily, and Sever immediately reacted. Carl was teasing him again.

"Carl." Sever called Carl, and Carl still didn't know how to restrain himself. Sever had no choice but to let Carl finish laughing.

When Carl was almost happy, he slowly put away his smile and stretched out his hand.

"This...", Carl pointed at the rose, "This means."

"Since I gave it to you, you should give it to me too. I'll lend you one first, and remember to return it to me when the time is right." Carl stuffed the rose into Sever's hand, and then muttered, "I'll lend it to you first, and then you can give it to me."

"Don't laugh at me for being so unnecessary, this is different." Carl seemed to feel that his behavior was a bit childish, so he spoke more and more quietly.

"Okay, so Carl, do you want to dance with me?" Sever took the rose and handed it to Carl, asking.

"Of course!"

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