"Sever, please help me with my Potions class, and if possible, I'll also help with my Herbology class, okay?" Carl put his hands together and looked at Sever pitifully.

Sever was blocked by Carl early in the morning. He frowned and found that this matter was not simple. He was stunned for a while. It was a pity that the sun could not be seen near the cellar, otherwise he really wanted to see if the sun rose in a different direction today.

"Sever, what are you thinking about?" Carl looked at Sever's eyes and knew that he must have thought of something bad, so he leaned over slightly, with grievance in his tone, "Sever - you are thinking about how to say bad things about me, right..."

"Well... no." It shouldn't be considered bad words, it can only be regarded as half a fact. It is indeed quite novel. Carl asked to learn Potions.

"You are not wondering if the sun rises from the west now, are you?" If someone else thought this way, Carl would inevitably feel guilty, but if it was Siver...

"Tsk, Siver despised me, I want to run away from home, run away from home!" Carl walked forward almost in place, and looked back every three steps. Seeing that Siver had no intention of keeping him, Carl was stunned.

Siver just smiled helplessly behind Carl, and then looked at Carl like that, not trying to keep him or saying anything. After all, if he really kept Carl, he would be uncomfortable, saying that it was meaningless.

And just by looking at Carl like this, Carl would be very happy to continue to act. Well, in fact, from Siver's point of view, he still wanted to keep him.

"Hey! Sev! You have to keep me!" Carl rushed over, grabbed Sev's arm and started to complain, "For example, beg the super-intelligent genius Carl not to leave, Sev, it's too much for you not to keep me."

Sev stroked Carl's hair and touched his forehead. Carl held his breath because of Sev's sudden action, and then heard Sev smiled and said.

"I don't think you have a fever..."

"Huh???", Carl showed a heartbroken expression, "If that happens, I will be really angry, okay?"

"Okay, okay, although I don't know why you want to learn, but since you want to learn, it's a good thing. What do you want to learn?" Sev asked. Speaking of the potion classes that Carl missed...

That's too many.

"Well... I'll learn them all." Carl decided to make up for what he could.

Severus frowned and found that this matter was not simple. "Are you sure?" Did Carl really take the wrong medicine today? You know, it is not a small project to complete the full course of study...

"Sure." Carl nodded and said firmly.


"Woo, woo, let me go, I'm just a poor child, potions, go away, go away, go away!" Carl was curled up in a pile of books, his face half on the table, and he was dying.

"Well... As expected, this is still the usual Carl." Severus was relieved. As expected, the sun did not rise from the west. Carl was just talking nonsense. He still looked like this when he really started to study.

"Okay, I know you don't like it, so don't study well. Anyway, you can pass the exam, right? As long as you study hard at the end of the semester, forget it now." Severus Snape chose the latter between being a strict teacher and doting on Carl.

Anyway, he will definitely help Carl pass the exam at the end of the semester, so it doesn't matter if he indulges himself a little now.

"No, I'm going to stick to it this time." Carl stood up with a start. He didn't look like a dead fish just now, but was very determined.

"Sever, you must not continue to spoil me like this. You should be stricter and more fierce." Carl stretched out a finger and said seriously.

Sever still looked at him helplessly. Carl said so now, but if he really started to be fierce, he would probably start to feel wronged and abandoned again.

"Okay, I'll try my best." Sever could only say this. He was Carl, so there was no way, just let him go.

"Sure enough, it's still so difficult..." Carl glanced at the potion book. Why did he know every word, but the combination was so strange?

Chemistry and potions are indeed the most unreasonable subjects in the world.

"Study hard." Sever remembered what he had just promised Carl, and said in a more severe tone with a suppressed voice.

"Sever, you... okay..." Carl wanted to start making trouble reflexively, but suddenly remembered what he had just said, so he could only stop and reply, "I'm studying hard."

"Don't be unconvinced." Sever continued.

"I'm not unconvinced, I'm studying hard." Carl glanced at Sever and replied sullenly.

"This is talking back."

"I just talked back. I told you to be a little bit mean, but I didn't say I couldn't talk back. Anyway, you can't deduct my points." Carl didn't want to be mean to Siver, so he continued to talk back, and he was not convinced no matter how he looked at it.

"Pfft...", Siver couldn't help laughing after hearing Carl's words, but soon returned to his normal state.

"Why are you laughing?"

"No, you saw it wrong?"

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