"Uncle, be careful!"


"Uncle, I will protect you!"




Lin Yu's steps were swift and his posture was flexible. While dealing with the members of the Fire Scorpion Gang who rushed up, he pulled Li Yuan to avoid the open attack, but he suffered more serious injuries in the dark.

After several times, Li Yuan had been beaten miserably.

Lin Yu was so happy that he saw a baton about to fall. Lin Yu stretched out his hand and pulled it. It seemed that he pulled Li Yuan out of the baton's attack range, but in fact, he sent Li Yuan, who had no power to fight back, to another baseball bat that was swinging down fiercely.

At this moment, Lin Yu, who was waiting to see Li Yuan's head bleeding, suddenly felt nervous. There was a sound of breaking wind from his left ear, as if something was swinging at him. Lin Yu subconsciously turned his head to look.

The cervical vertebrae twisted quickly, and Lin Yu's face turned to the left. At the same time, because Lin Yu quickly With this movement, the thick yellow hair left on his forehead flew up and down. In addition to the left eye that was originally blocked, the flying yellow hair also easily covered Lin Yu's right eye.

The vision was strictly blocked, which caused Lin Yu, like Li Yuan, to be completely unable to react or fight back to the upcoming attack.

In this way, a brick hit Lin Yu's head heavily, with such great force that the red brick broke into two halves.

When Lin Yu was hit by the brick, his mind was blank, and only one thought was circling in his mind.

Damn yellow hair!

I will never reconcile with you!

With the instinct of years of martial arts practice, Lin Yu almost subconsciously fought back, kicking the thug of the Fire Scorpion Gang in front of him away to avoid a second heavy blow.

This kick Lin Yu Without holding back, he kicked the thug so hard that he fell to the ground and lay there coughing up blood.

This kick effectively frightened the thugs of the Fire Scorpion Gang, so that they dared not come forward for a while.

The hair fell back without any intention of floating, and hung wetly in front of Lin Yu. In the yellow hair, a few wisps of blood flowed down.

Lin Yu looked at the horrible amount of blood loss along the yellow hair and the world that began to shake in front of him. He knew that he couldn't play anymore, otherwise something serious would happen!

Trying hard to stabilize his body and not let the strong dizziness deceive his body, Lin Yu picked up a weapon for the first time, and a pair of eyes like a mad wolf stared at the members of the Fire Scorpion Gang opposite through the blood-stained yellow hair.

Lin Yu's crazy look and The unlucky guy's appearance of spitting blood and being seriously injured briefly intimidated the members of the Fire Scorpion Gang, making them afraid to move forward for a while.

However, soon, some members of the Fire Scorpion Gang who had been thrown away before caught up, including the third in command of the Fire Scorpion Gang with gauze wrapped around his head, who also caught up breathlessly. Under his command, more than 20 members of the Fire Scorpion Gang approached with weapons tightly grasped.

Lin Yu looked at the crowd that was constantly approaching, and he threw his weapon without hesitation and turned around quickly.

Just as he was about to escape, Lin Yu's tense body suddenly paused when he turned.

After confirming that there were many familiar faces in the group of people running towards here from the corner of his sight.

Lin Yu stiffly changed direction, and threw Li Yuan beside him to the ground, shouting:

"If you want to fight, hit me!"

"Don't hurt my uncle! "

Lin Yu's behavior stunned the members of the Fire Scorpion Gang who rushed up. They didn't expect that this yellow-haired boy could be so loyal at such a critical moment of life and death, which made them feel a little admiration in their hearts.

But admiration did not stop them from rushing forward, intending to take half of the lives of the two here.

Li Yuan, who was pressed under Lin Yu, was also stunned at this time. He never expected that his cheap nephew would be so affectionate and righteous. At this critical moment of life and death, he closed his eyes tremblingly, reached out and patted Lin Yu on the back, and said softly:

"Xiaolong, uncle misjudged you before. As long as we can escape this disaster today, uncle will definitely not treat you badly in the future. "

"Uncle, you have raised me, and I will never abandon you no matter what! "

Lin Yu protected Li Yuan under his body and roared loudly, his words and actions were full of deep affection and loyalty.

Under Lin Yu's roar, the members of the Fire Scorpion Gang stopped their advance. It was not because Lin Yu's cuckold spirit infected these people, but because they also discovered the group of people holding weapons and running towards here.

At the corner of the street, the members of the Black Blood Gang finally arrived. They rushed out like a tide. Roughly estimated, their number was at least more than twice that of the Fire Scorpion Gang.

The members of the Fire Scorpion Gang saw that the situation was not good, and they turned around and fled. Most of the members of the Black Blood Gang chased them all the way, and a small number of themHe stopped where he was and checked the injuries of Li Yuan and Lin Yu.

"Call an ambulance!"

Seeing the serious injuries of Li Yuan and Lin Yu, Hei Hu, the second in command of the Black Blood Gang, quickly ordered his men to drive over and send the two to the hospital for treatment and bandaging.

Especially seeing Lin Yu's face almost covered with blood, he urged his men to hurry up and asked them to go to the nearby pharmacy to buy some bandages and hemostatic products.

"Xiaolong, are you okay?"

Hei Hu, the second in command of the Black Blood Gang, asked with concern.

Lin Yu looked so weak that he couldn't even open his eyes. He shook his head slowly. Just as he was about to say that he was in trouble, his eyes exposed outside his long yellow hair suddenly widened.

Hei Hu didn't understand why Lin Yu, who seemed to be dying just now, suddenly became so energetic. He subconsciously turned his head and looked in the direction that Lin Yu was staring at.

After seeing the scene clearly, his eyes suddenly widened like Lin Yu's.

Not far away, a group of guys holding machetes and batons were running aggressively. It seemed that they were coming to kill several people.

"Why are there still people from the Fire Scorpion Gang?"

Hei Hu frowned his thick black eyebrows and murmured anxiously and puzzledly.

Lin Yu was in no mood to answer questions for the second in command of the Black Blood Gang.

Instead, he remembered something that happened when he was being chased before.

When escaping from the Yongchang intersection, the Fire Scorpion Gang pursuers who had been following closely behind him lost nearly half of their people in a short period of time.

At that time, Lin Yu thought that those rubbish were left behind because they could not run.

Now it seems that they were not left behind, but took a shortcut to go around to the front.

Turning his head to look at the small team with only a few people left around him, and then looking at the nearly 20 members of the Fire Scorpion Gang who were killing this way, Lin Yu couldn't help but sigh.

Damn it.

What bad luck.

It seems that tonight is destined to be bad!

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