I Traveled Through the Days In Naruto World

Chapter 82: Ninja Exam【55】

   Mizuki knows a sentence: "A strong move must first hurt yourself!"

   Not to mention anything else, in fact, even she herself has a powerful nirvana. But it must be used very carefully, because once it is displayed, the power of the whole body will be emptied, and the chakra will also be exhausted.

Li seems to be in the same situation now. His physique may be quite good, but a ninja who is not a strong ninja, just used Lianhua to kick Gaara into the air and was already exhausted. Too much physical strength. So far, his legs should be painful, right?

   Kozakura also found the problem. Seeing Xiao Li bearing Gaara’s next attack, she showed a very surprised expression: "Why? At the speed just now, how could he not be able to escape?"

   Kai replied helplessly: "It's not that he doesn't want to avoid it, but that there is no way to avoid it."

   Kakashi explained here: "Lianhua is a move that hurts both sides. Otherwise, why do you think this Lianhua is listed as a forbidden technique?"

   Lianhua is not ninjutsu, nor is it an illusion, but a high-speed movement to perform physical skills, which will bring a great burden to the body, this should also be very clear from the pain of Li just now. Maybe Lee now feels uncomfortable even if he moves his whole body?

   Faced with Gaara's successive sand attacks, Li was quite passive. Because of his physical overdraft, he lost his speed and agility. From this point of view, it seemed really troublesome!

   Gaara made a seal on both hands, and a lot of sand began to gush, constantly impacting on Li's body. As his injury deepened, the situation seemed to be getting worse and worse.

   Although Mizuki doesn't have much friendship with Li now, he is Konoha's companion anyway, and naturally hopes that he can win. It's just that his opponent is Gaara. Even Mizuki himself felt that unless he grabbed the opponent's body and used the ultimate move, it would be difficult to win the final victory.

   By the way, if you remember correctly, doesn’t Xiao Li now have eight? Although it seems that after it is turned on, it is said that it will exert a great load on the body, but after it bursts out, the power will be greatly improved. As a result, Kai's eight doors were fully opened, and after nearly kicking Uchiha Madara, he was called "King King" by everyone!

   Li should already have this idea. His Chakra, which he observed with his eyes, is being fully mobilized. Is this preparation for breaking through the eight doors?

   The second door was opened, and Li's speed resumed, avoiding Gaara's attacks several times. Now he is ready, he really wants to open the rhythm of the eight doors!

   Gaara squeezed out his handprints: "Although I don't know what you want to do, you will stop here."

   Li is about to use all his combat power, and naturally he will not show weakness: "That's right, the next one will be over anyway."

   Mizuki's white eyes can see clearly that Li has already violently violently attacked Chakra and is attacking Eight Doors. The veins on his forehead are bulging, and Chakra overflows his body: "Is this the story of the transformation of a super Saiyan, or the explosion of the small universe?"

   "The third door, the life door-open!"

  The terrifying Chakra spouted from Li's body.

   "Is it the third door already?" Kakashi said in astonishment: "It's time to start!"

   But as soon as I said this idea, it was rejected by Kay. However, Li proved that he could become stronger through his own strength! ——The fourth door, the wounded door: "Open!"

   hurt the door, in the true sense, enter the state of eight doors.

   At a moment when it is almost impossible for ordinary people to see, Li's speed soared to the extreme, faster than just now. During the action, the ground was overturned, and a strong wind blew, and the pain was felt when the body was cut!

   went up and kicked Gaara who was caught off guard, and the sand began to surging again, trying to protect their owner. But Li, who had just suffered a loss, naturally would not give this opportunity again, and appeared by Gaara's side almost instantaneously, and then immediately followed by another blow.

   The speed of the eight-door state is fully utilized, and it is vividly manifested. Compared with the speed after the restraint was released, part of the residual image can be captured with the naked eye. Now it can be said that it has reached the ultimate speed of teleportation.

  Everyone who may be there is no longer able to see Li's speed clearly. Even the water tree needs to use a white eye to see it more clearly!

   Gaara was constantly kicked like a ball, and the armor of sand on his body was shattering pieces. What's more troublesome is that his sand can't keep up with this speed, and can only be beaten by Li in the air. And he doesn't even have the ability to fight back at all!

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