I Traveled Through the Days In Naruto World

Chapter 27: Ninja Exam【Prologue】【Revised】

   On July 1st, the Ninja test was just beginning.

   The ninth class has already made an appointment with each other, so just go directly to the 301 exam room.

   This time Mizuki didn't use the bed. Of course, the main reason here is that I didn't do anything shameful last night, and fell asleep very early.

   After all, this time is the Zhongnin exam. It is not a graduation exam that only uses a clone technique from school. It is very necessary to cultivate the spirit!

   Mizuki went out with Hinata. When it comes to speaking, only after the division, the time between the two of them gradually became less and less. Although I still meet every day, I always feel that there is something missing.

   On the way, Mizuki took the initiative to hold her hand, just like she used to go to school. I found a topic and asked: "Hinata, I remember your companion is Kawa Shino? How about it, how are you getting along with them?"

   This is kind of knowingly asked, what kind of character is Hinata? Everyone should know that she is definitely a very good girl. Between the active tooth and the cold Shino, it is a good conditioner.

   Hinata also nodded, and said, "Well, yes, sister, Kawa Akamaru, and Shino. They are all very good companions!"

   Looking at Hinata's expression, he was very natural and not adulterated at all. Mizuki nodded: "Yes, it seems that you have found a real good companion! In this case, I can rest assured."

   Yes, originally, as early as the division of shifts, Mizuki was actually worried about her introverted personality, is it possible to have a bad relationship with her teammates, right? But if you think about it in hindsight, your worry may be a bit redundant.

  Because afterwards he still knew that they were getting along very well, and according to Shino's memories, he had a very high evaluation of Hinata Kazuya as his companions!

  Mizuki's concern for Hinata, of course, is absolutely not fake. On the one hand, it is because of the special emotion of the otaku from the previous life, and the same is because of the love for her sister as her sister now. If you want to come up with a metaphor, what kind of love Itachi has for Sasuke, right?

  While walking and talking, it seems to be passing quickly, and he has arrived in classroom 301 without knowing it.

   originally thought that they had come earlier, but now I found out that there are people who came earlier. Mizuki's companion Fujiwara and Musashino did not know how long they had been waiting. They were chatting with classmates who graduated in the same class.

   After seeing who it was, Mizuki proactively said hello: "Hi! Ino, Shikamaru, and Dingci, sweat~! You really can't stop eating!"

   Ino waved his hand and said hello: "It's been a long time, Mizuki sauce!"

   "What a long time no see." I'm going, this guy, why did you forget me soon? Mizuki said, "I was not the other day. Did you go to your store to buy a bouquet?"

  Don't get me wrong here, the reason for buying the bouquets is to decorate the base, which is of no other use.

   "That's been a few days, I heard that you are doing special training these days?" It seems to be just a small chat, from a guy with an open mouth that leaked precious information, right?

   There is no way, Mizuki couldn't hide what he saw, and simply nodded: "Yes, in order to pass the Zhongnin exam this time, it really takes a lot of hard work!"

   Fortunately, the pigs, deer and butterflies shouldn't know yet. Apart from this special training, Mizuki also learned from the predecessors in the family, probably knowing what the Zhongnin exams will be, and so on.

   So in the meantime, it can be said that she is already well prepared.

   Of course, if you take the Zhongnin exam this time, it may be really hard to say whether you can really become Zhongnin. After all, if it were to develop according to the plot, the beginning of Konoha's collapse plan interrupted the Zhongnin exam. In the end, only Shikamaru was given the title of Zhongnin because of his extraordinary wisdom.

   Therefore, if you estimate this way, it may be difficult for you to fail to qualify for the Zhongnin exam this time. The main reason why I want to participate this time is that I don't want to miss the plot. In addition, it should be that Mizuki needs to test his abilities, right?

   Ding second only cares about eating, and has nothing to say. But Shikamaru always looked annoyed. This time I saw even the most troublesome person in school who came to take the Zhongnin exam, and reluctantly scratched his hair: "Really, I didn't expect you I have also come to take the Zhongnin exam. It seems that this time, I have no hope."

For Shikamaru's complaints, Mizuki smiled and said, "Don't say these frustrating words, don't worry! For the sake of my relationship with Ino, I will cover you if there is any problem. "

   "Oh, I'm really scared of you." Shikamaru sighed, "It's good if you don't bully us!"

   Damn, what the **** does this guy think of me?

   Mizuki originally wanted to say a few words about this guy, but at this moment, her gaze suddenly fell on someone—Neiji Hyuga!

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