I Took the Male Lead Script After Disguising As a Man

Chapter 28: (Smelly sister (plus)…)

Because Ning Di called and said that there will be a meeting in a while,have to be late.

But at this time, the third get out of class had just ended, and it was half an hour earlier than the originally agreed five o'clock.

Tang Li raised her eyes to look at the young man in front of her, and raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"Didn't you say you'd be late? Why half an hour earlier?"

Everyone seems to be affectionate.

His facial features are beautiful,facial lines are soft,even if he just stands still,also attracts many girls in the corridor, either obscure or straightforward Sight.

But he was used to this kind of sight since he was a child, and he didn't care much.

Sometimes when I meet one or two girls, I will subconsciously smile and smile,nodding slightly to say hello.

"What? Are you not happy that I came earlier?"

Ning Di actually has a meeting to open,But it is not particularly urgent.

In addition, he had something on his mind,where to sit quietly for the meeting, so he postponed the meeting until tomorrow morning.

"No, happy,Why not happy. I'm afraid you may not be happy for a while."

Tang Li opened the can of Wangzai milk that Ning Di bought for her just now and took a sip. The rich milk taste made her subconsciously frown.

"You don't know that the Mediterranean Sea in our school can have chatter, educating people like a Tang monk reciting scriptures, endless. Every time I hear it, my brain hurts. Maybe you are late. It can end earlier, If you come earlier, it will take longer to listen to him chanting, I'm afraid you won't be able to bear it."

"It's okay,I'm not alone listening to him chanting."

He curled his lips and smiled, raised his hand and rubbed the soft top of Tangli's hair intimately.

"Isn't this still with you?"

Tsk, too.

She also suffers.

"Okay,Then I'll take you to find him and listen to his chanting. Anyway, it's only an hour, just bear with it and it's over."

Tang Li was about to take the man to the dean's office as she spoke,However, just as she took a step, she was dragged back by the collar behind her.

"What? Regret? I tell you, since you have come, it is too late to regret."

She frowned and clasped Ning Di's wrist with her backhand to prevent him from leaving.

"Grandma went to the hospital for a check-up some time ago. The doctor said that it should not be stimulated. If you leave, it will be unfilial."

"Who said you had to find your grandmother? Can't I call your dad?"

"...Ning brother, do I have any deep hatred with you? You are so eager for me to die."

The man choked when he saw Tangli's own words, and couldn't hold back his lips and laughed.

"Okay, my brother will stop teasing you, I will listen to this Tang monk reciting the scriptures. But before that, you have nothing to explain to me?"

He paid attention to the people around the corridor, and when he saw that no one was paying attention, he lowered his voice and spoke with gritted teeth.

"For example, what happened to Qi Ye?"

"Tangli, let me tell you, I can hide your fight for you, but if you dare to fall in love early. Don't need your father to do it, I'll break your leg first. Do you believe it? Well? ?"

Tang Li was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that Qi Ye just answered a phone call for help, and the other party would have such a misunderstanding.

"Brother Ning, you misunderstood. Qi Ye and I are just classmates and have nothing to do with anything else."

"Tsk, it doesn't matter, you still have dinner with him?"

"That's because he was hit on the head by me during gym class. I was afraid that he would fall and be trampled into flesh when he walked unsteadily to the cafeteria. I was completely out of responsibility, What's more, people don't know I'm a woman."

Tangli scratched her hair irritably, thinking about what happened in the previous post, forget it, why does Ning Di feel the same way.

"Anyway, I have said what I should say, believe it or not."

Seeing that Tangli was impatient, he did not ask any more questions.

In fact, it's not that Ning Di thought too much about this matter, it's entirely because this situation happened too much from childhood to adulthood.

Although Tangli has always been raised as a boy, but she behaves like a boy, but she is born too well.

Since elementary school, there have been children who fought with her in order to be at the same table with her. In junior high school, everyone began to have gender awareness, and she received more love letters.

The folk customs of Nancheng are open, and homosexuality is not uncommon. Therefore, among this group of suitors, even without knowing her gender, there are also many little boys.

Tangli has been used to roughness since she was a child.

In addition, there is no such thing in the brain at all, and there is no enlightenment.

Therefore, Ning Di is inevitably a little sensitive to this.

When someone near her comes close, he can't help but be wary.

After all, he is such a precious little sister, he doesn't want to be kidnapped by the little boys outside so soon.

"Okay, okay, brother is wrong, brother will not guess again next time, okay?"

Tangli laughed angrily at his flattering tone, and an elbow went over to him and bumped him lightly.

"You **** coax the kid."

"...Little pear, it's better for girls not to swear."

"Oh, so you mua?"



Because Ning Di came early, Tangli didn't go back to the classroom for the last class, and led him directly to the office.

The dean just came back from a meeting at this time, and after hearing a knock on the door, he said please come in.

Yu Guang saw Tang Li's figure after a pause, and then looked up to see the handsome young man in a suit and leather shoes standing beside her.

"Ah, you are Tangli's brother, right? Hello, my surname is Xiao, my name is Jian, what's your name?"

Because she knew that Tang Li was a cousin, the dean of the school first asked for her surname.

"Hello Director Xiao, I'm Ning Di. You can just call me by my name."

After the two exchanged a few words, they returned to today's theme.

"You sit first, I'll show you something."

While speaking, the dean took out the booklet recording the punishment and handed it to Ning Di.

"This is the record of punishments Tangli has received in the past two months. The total is not much or not, just thirteen times. You should start from the front, what's wrong? If you understand, you can ask the person involved, she is there anyway. Then after you have read this, let's talk about Tangli's beating today. "

Tangli originally thought that this time, the parents were only invited to beat Song Tao yesterday, but the other party actually showed the punishment booklet to Ning Di. She gritted her teeth and clenched her fists in anger.

"Fuck, is it interesting to turn over old accounts in the Mediterranean?"

The young man gave her a cold look.

Tangli paused for a while, knowing that she was wrong, and stood silently on the side and stopped talking.

Good guy, thirteen times.

This booklet records the punishment of so many students, and Tangli alone accounted for most of them.

Ning Di frowned and read Tangli's punishments carefully one by one.

The office was so quiet for a while, you could hear a needle falling on the ground.

"August 5th, monthly exam, cheating in math exam."


The man moved his fingertips slightly, looking at the line of words recorded above, and suddenly fell silent for a moment.

Obviously I don't believe my eyes.

Although he doesn't have much time throughout the year, Zeng Guilan usually asks him to tutor Xia Tangli's homework when he sees that he is free during Chinese New Year.

Ning Di thought Tangli's study was poor at first, but when she went, she had already done a good job of teaching from the most basic.

As a result, the questions he asked Tang Di could basically read once, even if the difficulty was increased, she could answer them quickly.

At her level, even if she can't get the first place in the grade, it is no problem to enter the top ten.

Where to cheat?

"Director Xiao, is there a mistake here?"

"What's wrong?"

The dean was stunned by this question, he lowered his head and looked at the punishment booklet.

"You mean, do you think there is something wrong with this punishment?"

"Although it's not a good thing to say, but I don't think there is any misunderstanding in this punishment. For example, the invigilator has misunderstood, or the understanding of this matter is not comprehensive enough, clearly?"

"That's it."

"Then look back."

How did Ning Di know that Tangli was arrested for deliberately cheating because of personality problems.

He didn't quite understand what the dean of teaching meant, but he looked at the other party's indifferent expression.

Although I was a little puzzled, I didn't ask again.

Tangli saw the young man continue to turn back, and his face sank after not turning a page.

Nothing else, the record on the punishment table shows.

——Tangli was arrested for cheating in almost every exam.

"Now? Is it comprehensive enough?"

The dean took a sip of hot tea before continuing.

"The reason why I asked you to come to school today is not only because of Tang Li's injury to her classmates, but also because of his grades."

"It's the second year of high school now, and the college entrance examination will take place in one year. With his current grades, let alone the undergraduate entrance examination, I think the junior college may be suspended."

"I know that you are very busy with work on weekdays, and you may not have time to worry about his studies. But I still hope that you can spend as much time as possible in the next year to tutor him in his studies. , of course, it's not a prestigious university, I hope he will do his best and don't leave any regrets."

“…I see, please take your trouble.”

Tangli couldn't speak, so she just stayed in the office.

She never felt that time passed so slowly, and after they finished talking, she breathed a sigh of relief and followed the young man out of the office.

It's been a while since school, and there's no one in the school.

Ning Di took her to the corridor, her face was gloomy, and she was rarely angry.

"What's the matter with you? Even if you get caught in one subject, why didn't you get caught in every subject? Are you deliberately confronting the invigilator? Are you afraid she won't find you cheating, ah?"


Is that the point?

Shouldn't the point be that I cheat?

The man was so angry that he raised his hand and tore off the tie a little, and then he continued to speak after calming down a little.

"Also, what happened to your grade?"

"It was very difficult to study in the second year of high school, so I didn't keep up."

Tangli is not easy to say that she deliberately failed the test, so she had to find a reason to prevaricate it.

"Didn't keep up?"

He obviously didn't believe much, and looked down at the person in front of him with his arms in his arms.

I wanted to ask the reason, but he got close at this time, and vaguely saw the red mark under her neck.

Ning Di's eyes flickered, squinting and leaning closer.

"What's wrong with your neck? Why is it red?"

Tangli was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously reached out and touched the neck, and frowned in pain as soon as she touched it.

She remembered, scratching and biting Qi Ye last night when he was applying medicine. There were marks all over the waist and neck.

But Tangli didn't pay much attention to it, after all, she was covered with clothes and couldn't see anything unless she looked carefully.

I didn't want others to see it, but Ning Di saw it.

"...mosquito bites."

Tangli is not very good at lying, and if she is a little guilty, she will automatically avoid the other party's sight.

As it is now.

The young man tapped his arm with his finger, and then clicked.

He didn't do anything, just stared at each other so quietly, which made people feel extremely oppressive.

"Take it off, let me see."

"Brother, it's not..."

Before Tang Li could finish her words, Ning Di reached out and took her hand away from her neck.

Her skin is already fair, and the red mark looks particularly conspicuous.

"Mosquito bites?"

"Tangli, do you think your brother is a fool? You tell me what mosquitoes have teeth and claws?"

The man's voice dropped suddenly, his face as cold as frost and snow.

"Okay, stinky sister, you play better than your brother."

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