Beyond the barrier.

Everyone in the Seven Nian Sect silently looked at the back of their little junior sister/apprentice Yiqi Juechen in the water mirror.

Just now, everyone who was afraid that the younger sister would be bullied was silent.

The water mirror is divided into two halves.

Half of it is the happy back of my little junior sister who is pounding her two calves under the action of the speed talisman.

Half is a miserable ghost king who was ravaged by the army of bones.

The audience was also divided into two halves from body to mind.

In short, cracked.

Everyone in the Seven Nian Sect fell silent collectively.

They seemed to be covered in large characters.

—My little junior sister can't be so dog!

For a long time, the demon cultivator Zhuqing laughed dryly, abandoned his conscience, and forcibly praised: "My sister is not afraid of danger, intelligent and quick-witted, in this case, not only can I protect myself, but also drive Ghost King, he has the demeanor of a general, and he deserves to be a disciple of the Seven Nian Sect! As expected of a disciple of the Seven Nian Sect!"

But the little junior sister in the water mirror did not give him this face.

On the route she was advancing, a dozen or so white bone soldiers stood up, holding white bone swords and white bone sickles and other weapons, just blocking Yu Que's way.

Battle seems to be about to break out.

But none of the Seven Nian Sect was nervous, they calmly watched the little junior sister, waiting for her performance.

The little sister caught the erhu.

The little sister looked serious.

The little sister opened her mouth.

She said with righteousness on her face: "Bone brothers, charge me! Can't you see! The old thief from the ghost king is right in front! Kill the ghost king! For the bone brother who died at his hands Take revenge!"

She raised her hand and pointed the handle of the erhu to the ghost king who was fighting alone in the distance.

The words were righteous and eloquent.

A good teammate who sells openly.

This operation is too showy, and everyone who feels that they have been prepared is stunned.

And in the water mirror, the Bone Army who faced the Sao operation was also stunned.

The deputy white bones can make people feel what it means to be "bewildered".

Yu Que in the water mirror said righteously: "What are you waiting for! Victory is ahead!"

...then everyone watched helplessly as the dozen or so skeleton army really believed Yu Que's bullshit, holding weapons, passed her without looking sideways, and rushed towards the one who fought alone. Ghost King.

One of the bones even turned his head politely, and bowed his hands to Yu Que to express his gratitude.

Yu Que waved his hand politely: "You're welcome."

Then everyone outside the water mirror watched helplessly as the little junior sister walked, and pointed the way for the scattered army of lost bones.

The Ghost King is there! Hurry up!

Huh? Don't you know yet? The ghost king is here!

Afterwards, even the army of bones who could not find the ghost king took the initiative to find Yu Que, and asked her to show the way, very polite.

Yu Que became a humanoid guide for the scattered army of bones, referring exclusively to his "father".

Everyone outside the water mirror didn't count how many bones she showed the way.

But they watched helplessly as the army of skeletons surrounding the ghost king fought more and more, and it was even visible to the naked eye that the army of skeletons rushed over from all directions for a time surpassed the skeletons that woke up on the spot the number of armies.

The ghost king has no idea that the growing army of bones is the filial piety delivered to him by his daughter remotely.

He didn't even know that his daughter was gone now.

He thought that his daughter was looking at him worriedly in a safe place in the distance, so he beat and moved himself hoarsely: "Daughter! Leave me alone! Run away!"

Beyond the water mirror.

Master didn't see it after all, he sighed and covered his eyes.

Besides the ear, the demon Xiu Zhuqing is still flattering.

"As expected of a disciple of the Seven Nian Sect, as expected of a disciple of the Seven Nian Sect!"

For the first time in my life, Master felt that the description of "Seven Nianzong disciples" was actually a derogatory term.

He opened his mouth abruptly, and sent a voice transmission to Yan Xingzhou: "Xingzhou, didn't you just want to get into the devil and get back the power to break the barrier? I agree."

Yan Xingzhou, who was watching very happily, said in confusion: "Huh? Master didn't agree just now? Now that the younger sister has the upper hand, why do you agree instead?"

Master said calmly: "Because I'm afraid that the ghost king will be played to death by your little sister."

"You're better off."

"Take care of your little sister, save the ghost king."

Within the enchantment.

Yu Que had no idea that his actions had been broadcast live by his colleagues.

The array you said.

On top of the white bones everywhere, a large and flat stone platform space is very abrupt, and the stone platform space is full of dense rune formations.

Yu Que originally thought that with her own strength and these subtle insights, even if she really encountered the formation in advance, she might have to be blinded.

But when she saw the formation, she was overjoyed!

She can do this!

Thank God! Thanks to the little brother for training her with the devil for more than a month, she actually learned this question!

After being overjoyed, Yu Que quickly calmed down, looked at the familiar formation in front of him, and quickly adjusted the formation that the younger brother had forced into her mind in memory.

The formation in front of her is very complicated, she can't understand 90% of the runes, but there are only two runes near the eyes of the formation, which she remembers very clearly.

Reversing Yin and Yang.

The formation near the eye of the formation is the reversal yin and yang formation that the younger brother once made her recite.

The function of this array is also very simple. The two array eyes of the array are one yin array and one yang array. A waste stone that has been depleted of spiritual power, the formation method is activated, the spiritual stone on the Yin formation will be slowly extracted, and the waste stone on the Yang formation will be filled with spiritual power again.

Yu Que was impressed by this formation.

Because she was taught this formation by the younger brother on the first day, and the next day, she made a reversal of yin and yang, and the eye of the yin formation was set on the small warehouse of the younger brother.

On the third day, the little brother harvested the waste spirit stone in a warehouse.

If she can't remember this formation, she'll be sorry for the beatings she's been through in those years.

I understand the formation at the eye of the formation, and even if other formations cannot be understood, the effect of this large formation can be almost guessed even by guessing.

Yu Que looked at this formation and sneered.

"Okay, let's see who we play today."

She raised her foot, crossed the dim rune, and walked towards the eye.

Outside the Ward.

The moment the formation appeared, everyone became nervous again.

Master has the highest attainments in the formation, he only glanced at it, and said coldly: "The ghost king wants to extract the blood power of the same source as himself from the Yin formation to supplement himself, and he must not let Que If she goes to the yin formation, she goes to the yin formation, even if she doesn't die, she will be useless in this life."

Senior sister immediately clenched her fists and asked nervously: "Little sister is not the blood of the ghost king, so this formation will be useless to her?"

Master shook his head solemnly: "No, she is not the blood of the ghost king, this formation at most prevents the ghost king from extracting the power of the blood, but this does not mean that this formation will not extract Que'er vitality."

Second Senior Brother's face suddenly turned cold: "Breaking the barrier, we must not let the little Junior Sister go into battle!"

The relaxed atmosphere just now became tense.

However, Yan Xingzhou, who should have been the most nervous, glanced at the formation, but suddenly laughed, and slowly sat back to his original position, his face relaxed.

He even learned from the little junior sister and took out a handful of melon seeds from the storage ring.

Senior sister, who was ready to gamble, was furious on the spot when she saw his appearance of not asking.

She said angrily: "You are still in the mood to eat melon seeds when the little sister is in danger!"

Yan Xingzhou smiled: "Senior sister coming?"

Senior Sister: "You..."

Before she could say anything, the second senior brother suddenly exclaimed: "Senior sister, look!"

Senior sister immediately turned her head and her eyes fell on the water mirror.

She opened her eyes suddenly.

Above the water mirror, the little sister confidently stepped onto the stone platform.

Then...she changed the Yin and Yang formations on the spot.

Senior Sister watched silently, then suddenly turned her head and asked, "Little Junior Brother, do you still have melon seeds?"

The younger brother smiled slightly: "As you wish."

Senior sister grabbed a handful of melon seeds without saying a word, looked at the water mirror, her face was as lonely as snow.

She thought about one thing very seriously.

This ghost king, how much wool does he still have, is it enough for the little junior sister?

Inside the barrier.

The ghost king staggered towards the formation with heavy steps.

During the battle just now, he experienced a double blow both physically and mentally.

He defeated the army of bones, but he got bad news, his biological daughter actually left him and escaped.

He is depressed and his vision is blurred.

"Yeah! You're finally here!"

This is…

The ghost king suddenly raised his head, and saw the daughter who had left him in his heart, standing beside the formation, looking at him with a smile.

The ghost king suddenly opened his eyes!


In his unbelievable eyes, his daughter came over enthusiastically and said sincerely: "I know, even if it is for me to smash sheep... No, even for me, you It will surely come alive!"

The ghost king opened his mouth and said unquestionably: "Did you just leave, not to leave me, but to wait for me in the formation?"

Yu Que paused and nodded firmly!

At this moment, the ghost king's five flavors are mixed.

He thought a lot.

In the beginning, he thought that his daughter was greedy for life and fear of death before leaving him, all the things in the hall were all her false promises, and at the time of life and death, she was exposed after all nature.

However, she told him that when she left him, she did not run away, but was waiting for him in the formation.

In front of him, his daughter opened her mouth and said sincerely: "I know that my strength is low, and staying here will only be a drag on you, but I also know that my father's love is like a mountain, I leave, even if it is for the sake of I am not sure of my life and death, and you will definitely live!"

The ghost king moved.

He said in a hoarse voice: "So, you didn't want to drag me down, you just left on purpose. Now you are waiting for me in the formation, and you also want to start the formation sooner so that I can recover? "

His daughter nodded firmly.

At this moment, the ghost king's heart was sour and astringent, full of moving.

He knew that his first contact with his daughter was not a father-daughter relationship, but to take advantage of her.

But now, under his guard, his daughter told her that she really took him as her father.

She thought so much about him.

He suspected that she wanted to escape, but she took the initiative to wait for him in the formation.

She really has him in her heart!

At this moment, a few big words flashed in the ghost king's heart.

This is family love!

Thinking of him as a ghost king, he was lonely and invincible all his life, but now, he can actually enjoy family affection.

At this moment, all the behaviors of his daughter that made him dissatisfied seemed to have an explanation.

Why did she even take away his coffin as soon as she met?

Joke, how can her biological daughter be polite to her biological father, she takes him as her father, so she treats him as her own!

Why does she need fifty thousand spirit stones to fly with him?

Ah, this may be the legendary coquette.

The ghost king persuaded himself, and his heart was warm for a while, and all kinds of tenderness poured out.

He had the intention to use it, but he didn't expect that he would also be moved by the real father-daughter relationship.

The Ghost King raised his head.

In front of her eyes, her daughter's eyes were bright.

This may be the legendary heart of a child.

At this moment, the ghost king suddenly changed his plan to use her to the end.

He said with emotion: "Daughter, don't worry, after today, you will be the most honorable princess of the ghost clan!"

He reached out and wanted to shake hers.

However, she suddenly encountered a small wooden box in her hand.

The ghost king paused, looked at the boxy little box in her hand, and asked, "What is this?"

My daughter glanced at it and asked him with a smile, "Do you like it? I made it for you myself."

The Ghost King immediately said: "Of course I like it!"

He took it, took a closer look, and saw three big characters written on it.


The ghost king paused and asked in confusion, "What is the urn? Does it store the ashes?"

Isn't that similar to a coffin?

The ghost king thinks about it carefully and understands it.

Only gave him something similar to a coffin.

My daughter has a heart.

He immediately said, "I like it!"

Yu Que suddenly smiled: "If you like it!"

I can also provide you with after-sale package and free digging.

And the ghost king saw his daughter's bright smile and immediately took out the responsibility of being a father.

He said: "Then this is a gift for you!"

He took out another storage ring and handed it to her.

This is the last storage ring on his body, it is full of magic weapons, and it is his last self-defense thing.

Now there is a new urn.

My daughter couldn't wait to take it: "Thank you! I like it very much!"

The moment the storage ring was taken away, the joy in the ghost king's heart was mixed with heartache.

He thought, this mixed mood is probably father's love.

Father's love is like a mountain.

On the other side, Yu Que didn't know what the ghost king was thinking. She looked at the storage ring in her hand and confirmed that she had cleaned the last wool from the ghost king's body. mutton.

She took the initiative: "You are weak now, let's quickly run the formation and let your body recover!"

The Ghost King was proud and proud.

Look! This is his daughter!

She really has him in her heart!

He nodded: "Okay, as you say!"

Yu Que said expectantly, "Then what should I do?"

The Ghost King paused: "Before starting the formation, you need to redraw the runes with blood to awaken the formation."

Yu Que listened.

Nima! With blood? !

Will I not bleed to death? !

The ghost king may also think this is a bit outrageous, and quickly said: "Don't worry, I will take care of you, and I will never let you have any trouble!"

Yu Que was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Why use blood to describe the formation?"

The ghost king smiled tolerantly: "Silly daughter, I need the power of blood to wake up my body. In your blood, there is the power of my blood."

Oh, then it's fine, she doesn't need any blood power anyway.

She immediately asked: "If you can use blood, can you use sweat?"

Ghost King: “…”

He said in confusion: "Huh?"

Yu Que thought it was very reasonable, and analyzed: "Blood sweat and blood sweat, since these two words are often used together, it can be seen that they have the same effect. You see, from a scientific point of view, they are both It is excreted from the body, and the main ingredient is water. From the perspective of metaphysics, the power of blood should be in my body, so since the power of blood can be obtained from blood, why can’t it be obtained from sweat?”

Ghost King: “…”

Yeah, why?

Probably no one thought of using sweat to draw arrays since ancient times.

Blood depicts the formation, bloody, terrifying, and shocking.


He said with difficulty: "Daughter, although you say..."

Yu Que interrupted him: "I don't think there's anything wrong with it! We want to be pioneers! Break the bad habit of depicting formations with blood!"

The ghost king met Yu Que's firm eyes.

At this moment, he thought of his father's love again.

Forget it, let her be, anyway, the most important thing in this formation is two formation eyes, not blood.

The ghost king said tolerantly: "It's up to you."

Then, he saw his daughter take off her shoes, revealing a pair of jio sweating after strenuous exercise.

In the ghost king's shocked expression, she said solemnly: "Then I'll start!"

Open the bow without turning back.

Yu Que paid more than 300 leaps for this formation, and a jio-smelling formation was finally formed.

The Ghost King held his breath.

He felt that the jio taste that he could bear was probably because of his father's love.

He forced a smile: "Then let's start the formation."

My daughter couldn't wait to say, "Start."

The ghost king moved again.

The future is uncertain, and she didn't ask what kind of damage this formation would bring, so she dared to start directly.

How she trusted him!

Great father-daughter bond!

He didn't dislike the smell of jio anymore. He sat on the Yang formation and looked at his daughter who was sitting in the Yin formation. He thought, he would definitely let her live.

In his fatherly love, a jio-flavored array was activated.

The moment he started, the ghost king was still thinking about how he could wake up his body and save his daughter's life.

After starting, he suddenly opened his eyes.

This formation... He is sucking his own power.

He immediately raised his head and said in horror: "The formation is wrong!"

The opposite of him.

Yu Que felt the power pouring into her body, covered her stomach, and burped in the fragrance of jio.


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