First of all, Canghaizong opened the way, and took the lead in posting a 4k high-definition photo of his chief disciple.

His face seemed to be even more stern, except for the visible scars and embarrassment, the whole battle damaged Cool Brother.

The miserable is really miserable, and the handsome is really handsome.

In particular, Xie Qianqiu, the chief disciple, is well-known in the cultivation world, and under the premise of Bai Yujing's passionate debut.

As soon as this photo was taken, many people had no time to sympathize and indignant, and their eyes were straight.

Including Yu Que, a woman with a family.

Canghaizong with text: The disciple was humiliated by the ghosts! Tolerable or unbearable!

The whole thing was murderous.

Yu Que knew that the original intention of the old men in Canghaizong might be to use the humiliation of their disciples as a trigger to arouse the indignation of their compatriots, and to make their teachers famous.

But they never imagined that the most comments below this photo were not "kill me", but "Shhasha".

The most popular comment: I have squinted my eyes for many years, and even Yaowanggu can do nothing about me. Thank you Canghaizong today! Thank you Xianjun! Thank you for curing my strabismus for years - my eyes are straight.

The second most popular: Hello, I have a medical friend, he asked me to ask if he can take a picture of the patient's abdominal muscles, so that he can determine the injury.

The long list of "I am that friend" below this comment is like a family meeting.

A group of old men from Canghaizong watched and fell into confusion.

…It doesn't seem like they thought.

Afterwards, the ghost clan did not respond to their public accusations, so Bai Yujing approached them first and asked if they could make that photo into a high-definition poster.

It was not possible.

But Bai Yujing gave too much.

However, what is more different is Tuolan Temple.

Canghaizong took the lead and fired the first shot, followed by Tuolan Temple!

It's just that this photo is not normal.

On the photo, the Buddha looks more than a thousand times more miserable than Xie Qianqiu.

He was bandaged all over his body, tightly wrapped around his limbs, and only one head remained, like a mummy that could be buried on the spot.

The person who took the photo took a deep breath.

There is a medical practitioner in the comment area who has professionally analyzed and concluded that if the injured person needs to be **** like this, then there is only one cause.

…powder fracture of the whole body.

As soon as these words came out, everyone's bones suddenly hurt.

Only Yu Que, when she saw this sentence, she was silent for a long time.

She saw with her own eyes how this traumatized monk turned into a "powder fracture".

It can only be said that the dressing skills of senior sister are cattle!

However, after hearing her compliment, Big Sister opened her eyes in surprise.

"Ah? Is this a bandaging technique?" She was confused: "Isn't this my burial technique?"

Yu Que: "…"

…It turned out to be a slump.

However, the Buddha, who has worked so hard, still did not attract a single glance from the ghost clan.

The first to respond to them was not the ghost clan, but the Valley of the King of Medicine, who found a business opportunity from the black hair of the Buddha.

Finally, the Buddha who became like this after eating the beta version of the hair growth pill endorsed the hair growth pill.

The loop is closed.

The Buddha was moved to tears!

Seeing that the two allies who fought the ghost clan together made a lot of money, the master was eager to see it, and when he looked at Yan Xingzhou, who had also walked into the ghost clan, his eyes were eager to try.

We hit our bottom line.

The wise thing for the ghost clan to do at this time is to simply surrender and admit their counsel, and calm everything down before the declaration of war between the two sects has developed into a declaration of war in the entire cultivation world.

Or pull the demons together, give it a go, and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle.

In contrast, they prefer the ghosts to choose the latter.

After all, the ghosts and demons have become more and more eager to move over the years. While they are still developing, of course, the sooner they start, the better the chance. Otherwise, they will form an alliance when they really develop. If you think about it again, the difficulty of doing it will increase geometrically.

And this time, the right time and place are right and it is a good time.


However, this time, the reaction of the ghosts was beyond everyone's expectations.

They...not responding.

The ghost clan seemed to be gone. In the face of the national discussion in the cultivation world, they fell into a dead silence uncharacteristically.

The two sides were deadlocked for a while.

I don't know if it is for this reason, Canghaizong and Tuolan Temple are cautious not to let Xie Qianqiu and Buddha come back.

I don't know if it was Yu Que's illusion, but she smelled the breath of mountains and rain.

And the reality seems to confirm her guess.

The reason is that after that day, she used Xuan Tie Ling to contact the ghost gate, wanting to know more things, but Xuan Tie Ling was never answered.

No signal? Still disconnected?

…Could it be that the ghost clan did something wrong?

Yu Que immediately began to poke the system: "Help me see what the Ghost King is doing now?"

At this time, she was sitting in the yard holding her chin in the sun, and the system followed the sun, and she was lazily exposed to the sun, so she said lazily: "No, host, the authority is insufficient, You can't inquire."

Yu Que hates iron not becoming steel: "Can't you open the back door for me?"

The system refused: "No."

Yu Que sneered: "Then why do I want you!"

This system, an iron waste that only pushes Lai Lai, is unreliable, Yu Que pondered for a moment, and began to recall the original work.

The original book had a sadistic love affair with an ancient romance, and now she has lost the pair of CPs in the original book, so Yu Que can get very little information, at least, for this group of classmates who have always been villains They have very little information available to her.

But yesterday she just got a key piece of information from the ghost gate.

- Heaven will not allow the little brother to live.

If you use what she knows now to copy the original book, it is known that the little brother is coveted by the demons because the demons want to sacrifice the little brother to the demon door, and once he is sacrificed, the little brother will end up Just like after the sacrifice of the ghost gate, a ghost seed of ghost gate consciousness was born, this is a dead end, at least in the eyes of the younger brother, this is definitely a dead end. He certainly won't choose.

But such a road, in the ghost gate, is already the "best ending".

Yu Que was thoughtful.

She felt that even if Tiandao didn't want to let the younger brother live, there was always a logical way to let him die. If it really has such a great ability, will it consume the younger brother in such a way that he will not let the younger brother survive the thunder tribulation? Wouldn't it be faster to kill the little brother with a bang?

Unless it has to abide by certain rules, and it can't kill the little brother within the rules.

Then what she thinks about is, in the original work, what method did Tiandao choose in accordance with the rules.

So at a certain moment, she suddenly felt blessed.

In the original book, the little brother finally launched a war of world destruction. She used to think that it was because all of her classmates died. People like the little brother thought the world was boring, so they did such a thing.

But what if not?

What if he knew from the beginning that Tiandao wanted him to die?

Yu Que paused for a while, and suddenly asked nonchalantly: "System, you system do tasks, especially souls like you who bring other worlds in to do tasks instead of binding local natives. , is it considered to be illegally smuggling people without the knowledge of heaven?"

As soon as Yu Que asked this question, the system that was languid just now sat upright in an instant.

It jumped in the sea of ​​knowledge of Yuque and said: "You are the one who smuggled in! Your whole family is smuggling! We are a regular company, and I am a system that gets a certificate! If you don't believe me, just look at my certificate! I It's a Class A guidance system! When we bring people in, we will of course apply for a regular passport. I only brought you in after showing my passport to Tiandao!"

Yu Que complained that he couldn't even travel without a passport, and beeped: "Really? I don't believe it! Unless you show me what the Tao of Heaven looks like!"

At least our system is still a perfect circle! Especially the Heavenly Dao in this world, it is estimated that it has not been long since I just started working, how can the whole cucumber egg be compared to my stalwart figure..."

Not long after you started working?

Yu Que was pondering, while arguing with the system in the sea of ​​​​knowledge that a single circle is not in line with human aesthetics.

In the eyes of outsiders, she was just talking to herself.

Yan Xingzhou, who was looking for his little junior sister, looked at Yu Que who was thinking about it, and couldn't help but stop.

He asked softly, "What are you thinking about?"

Yu Que was taken aback, looked back at his little brother, and subconsciously said, "I'm thinking of you."

Yan Xingzhou: “…”

His voice fell in an instant, his eyes were deep: "Junior sister..."

Yu Que: "…"

Although it is so easy to get you to prove my charm, but if I say a word, you are like a wolf seeing meat, why do I feel a little hairy?


Looking at the younger brother's burning gaze, Yu Que swallowed the words back.

In any case, the little brother is still very beautiful.

They broke into Yanmang Mountain for so many days, and there were only people around them, and they didn't even spend long time alone together.

And there is no one around right now.

The little brother's sight was burning like a flame.

As the saying goes, feel full and warm.

The atmosphere was on the spot.

The little brother tentatively took two steps forward.

Yu Que paused for a while, thinking in a tangled manner, the atmosphere was all set here, if she didn't do anything, she would simply lose blood.

So she said softly: "System, you shut yourself down for half an hour."

The excited system is eating melons: "…"

It is unbelievable: "Why! Why can you do it and I can't watch it! I'm not convinced!"

However, no matter how dissatisfied it was, it was forced to shut itself up.

Yan Xingzhou walked in front of her, leaned over, the fluff on the tip of her nose almost rubbed the tip of her nose, but she deliberately didn't really get close.

So close, Yu Que saw his strong face, like a red plum in the snow.

Yu Que took a breath.

She didn't dare to breathe, and her face turned red for a while.

Seeing this, Yan Xingzhou suddenly couldn't help laughing, as if laughing at Yu Que's clumsiness.

Yu Que became angry: "Give it to me again..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Xingzhou suddenly leaned over.

Yu Que's unending threat was blocked in his mouth.

There have been many such actions between them, and this time seems to be extraordinarily different.

Yan Xingzhou started very well, but after a while, a strange feeling came from Yuque's waist.

Yu Que's reaction was not violent.

He moved up without a trace.

Through the back, that section after section of the spine.

Yu Que felt numb all over.

Then continue...


A frightened scream broke the increasingly charming atmosphere.

Yan Xingzhou paused, but didn't care about him, he tried to continue without hesitation.

But Yu Que does not have such a good psychological quality.

She stretched out her hand reflexively and pushed Yan Xingzhou away.

Yan Xingzhou: “…”

Again! Again!

This time even more!

He's only half done!

Yan Xingzhou turned around with a gloomy face and an expression that he could kill at any time.

Then the two of them saw a thing covered in bandages that looked like a mummy and swindled.

Yu Que: "…"

Yan Xingzhou: “…”

So none of you people are not here, right?

Yan Xingzhou said blankly, "Junior sister, how about I go and bury him now?"

Yu Que quickly pulled people: "Calm down! Calm down! Impulsivity is the devil!"

Then she paused, and said a little confusedly: "But isn't the bandage on Buddha's body wrapped by senior sister? Why hasn't it been removed yet?"

Yan Xingzhou said with an expressionless face: "Oh, it is said that he was too excited after removing the bandage, and he jumped down from the upstairs to celebrate before his spiritual power had fully recovered. Got him on the spot."

Yu Que: "..."

The Buddha ran away, and the two looked at each other.

There are no more people at this time, so it should be possible to continue.


The atmosphere is gone, and Yu Que always feels boring when he continues.

Yu Que looked at the younger brother, and the younger brother looked at Yu Que.

I don't know how long the two looked at each other, but the little brother suddenly whispered: "Junior sister, there is a lantern festival in the city tonight, do you want to go with me?"

Yu Que did not speak for a while.

Yan Xingzhou held his breath.

Then he heard the girl in front of him say: "Then you need to find the best position."

Yan Xingzhou laughed.

Yu Que turned around and walked to his room: "Let's go."

Yan Xingzhou kept watching her walk into the room and shut the door before turning around and leaving.

There was always a smile on her face.

So that Xie Qianqiu, who was passing by, couldn't help looking at him in horror, and he walked a long way and turned back again and again.

On the other side, the system finally struggled out of the autism, and saw Yu Que throwing clothes all over the bed, in a mess.

The system was shocked: "What's wrong? Is this going to run away?"

Yu Que's words are like gold: "No!"

System: "That's..."

Yu Que smiled: "Date!"

System: "…"

It shouldn't ask that.

And Xiao Zhuo also felt this way.

Not long after Yan Xingzhou returned, Xiao Zhuo pushed open the door of his master in horror, and said with a serious face: "Master, I suspect that the younger brother has been taken away!"

Master almost spit out a sip of tea!

Huh? Take home?

In this world, can there be that fierce man who can still win him? Let him get to know him for a long time.

He put down the tea cup and said, "Tell me slowly, what's the matter?"

Xiao Zhuo looked serious: "I met my junior brother just now, and he suddenly asked me to buy special products of the demon clan."

Master is confused: "What's the point of buying things. Aren't you just a middleman, your junior brother..."

Master: "?"

He straightened up, feeling that something was wrong.

Xiao Zhuo continued: "He picked a stick of incense and compared them all."

Master: "??"

He thinks things are getting serious.

Xiao Zhuo: "In the end, he chose one from more than a hundred kinds of incense."

Xiao Zhuo paused: "That incense, called the incense of killing women, very...

He paused for a moment, and said, "Sorry."

Master: "…"

Xiao Zhuo: "Then he sprayed himself on the spot, and asked me if I had a few high-quality sharks."

Master: "…"

Master: "!!"

He said solemnly: "Then your junior brother may indeed be taken away! We have to find a way!"

During the preparation and anticipation of the two, the time came little by little into the night.

Yu Que couldn't sit still on the spot, got up and went out to make an appointment.

At this time, the big sister is coming from the other side with the teacher.

When the two saw her, their eyes lit up, and they immediately called out, "Junior sister!"

Yu Que: "..." She paused and walked over.

Senior sister looked very good, and said happily: "It's a coincidence, Miss Mo and I really want to go to the city to see, let's go together?"

Yu Que was about to politely refuse, but Senior Sister has already made a decision: "That's it! Let's go! Let's go!"

Yu Que: "…"

Maybe after I meet my brother for a while, he will have a solution.

Then, she met Yan Xingzhou with one, two, three or four tails in the yard.

Yu Que: "…"

Yan Xingzhou: “…”

It's spectacular.

The two looked at each other.

Yu Que can't say enough.

Yan Xingzhou was expressionless.

The group met, and the senior sister was very surprised: "You guys are going out too? Just in time to go together!"

The date of the two became a multi-person ktv.

In a mess.

Just when Yan Xingzhou couldn't bear it anymore, the atmosphere suddenly became quiet.

The reason was that Xie Qianqiu was too close to Yan Xingzhou, moved his nose, and asked, "What kind of fragrance is this?"

Xiao Zhuo also answered casually: "Oh, it's from the younger brother, it's called Zhannuxiang, do you want it, Master Xie? 20% off."

The voice suddenly quieted down, and one, two, three, four, five, six or seven eyes fell on Yan Xingzhou.

Yan Xingzhou: “…”

Wake up, hunt time.

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