The civilians were talking a lot.

At this moment.

On a cruise ship.

One after another figures appeared.

A well-known CP member and soldier appeared on both sides of the street, clearing a path for Bai Ye and laying out a red carpet.

"I'm coming."

The king excitedly took the hand of a princess beside him and said. "Daughter, His Highness will appear soon, you must take the initiative, do you understand?"

“I-I understand, father.

The well-behaved and delicate princess nodded and looked at the cruise ship with longing and curiosity.


A figure in white robes appeared.

This figure exudes an unparalleled noble temperament. As soon as it appears, it attracts everyone's attention, making people subconsciously admire it from the bottom of their hearts.

Just a plain white robe without any accessories.

But that handsome face is matched with an elegant temperament, not to mention the majesty and grandeur, the faint smile on the face is very gentle, like sunshine, making people feel soft and comfortable.

A pair of pupils, like the vast stars, makes people sink.

This is true nobility.

In everyone's eyes.

This figure that stepped out is the only noble existence in the world.

Even my own country is far behind.

Just seeing this figure, some ordinary people subconsciously felt that the other person should be a noble.

"The King of Mox Kingdom, with his wife and daughter, has met His Highness.

As Bai Ye appeared, the king of this country immediately came over with his wife and daughter, talking excitedly, and while talking, he wanted to kneel down in front of Bai Ye.

See this.

Some other civilians also quickly wanted to kneel down in fear.

Bai Ye frowned slightly, then relaxed, and a dazzling holy light emerged from his body, covering the area.


The holy light seemed to materialize, lifting up everyone who was about to kneel.

Bai Ye said softly. "You don't need to kneel down when you meet me. I don't need to show my noble status in this way. Besides, it's time for everyone to disperse. There is no need to delay making money to support the family because of my arrival."

Lao Enjiao Liu Qun 2[9{5^5900 Paint 1 is just accompanied by words.

Behind Bai Ye, white wings slowly emerged.

Hear sounds.

People couldn't help but look up curiously.

When they saw the wings that symbolized angels, in the East China Sea, where there were few pirates and the distance between the New World and the Grand Line seemed like a paradise, few civilians knew about the existence of Devil Fruit.

Therefore, for a moment, they were all stunned on the spot.

It's okay to call it stupid.

Ignorance is okay.

At least, not because of the unknown about Devil Fruits.

Most of the civilians suddenly showed pious expressions and spoke excitedly.

"Oh my god, what did I see? It was an angel.

"Your Highness Bai Ye, is he a god in the sky? No wonder he is so beautiful."

"No wonder His Highness Bai Ye is so friendly to us. He is completely different from other nobles. It turns out that His Highness Bai Ye is a god in the sky."

"Only His Highness is the real noble, because His Highness is the reincarnation of the gods.'

"I just asked how some nearby islands could build churches for His Highness. If His Highness is a god, then everything would make sense."

"Thank you, Your Highness, and the great gods. It is because of your existence that my daughter can get her back and take off her identity as a slave. Wu Ming Ming,

"His Highness looks really warm and handsome. Ah, I really want to stay with His Highness forever."

Probably because of her handsome face and gentle temperament, a lady on the roadside blushed. She screamed and fell to the ground as if she was about to faint.

But he never thought that the direction of falling would be Bai Ye's side.

Bai Ye subconsciously reached out and held the lady in his arms, and then asked softly. "Are you okay, ma'am?"

"I-I'm fine, thank you Your Highness.

The face that was so close to her made the lady's face turn like a red apple, her body trembled slightly, her eyes were filled with mist, and she was also extremely excited.

"It's okay, if you get hurt because of me, I will feel very sad.

Bai Ye smiled and waited until his wife was ready to fight before letting go of her arms.

Hear this.

People around felt a sense of warmth.

His Highness is such a good person, just like the rumors say, he loves his people like a son, completely different from those nobles who like to exploit him!

Only someone like His Highness is a true noble.

No, His Highness is not only a noble, but also a god in heaven!

It is the supreme existence.

Such a supreme being would actually be saddened by the injuries of ordinary people.

People were even moved.

Because she left Bai Ye's arms, the lady showed an expression of reluctance and sadness, and then she quickly shook her head. "This, this cannot be blamed on you, Your Highness, everything is my fault."

As she spoke, she twisted and asked in a low voice. "Your Highness, can I ask you something?

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Bai Ye asked softly.

"I, I want to be your maid and stay by your side." She was completely immersed in Bai Ye's noble temperament and handsome face, completely lost in thought, with longing and expectation in her eyes.

Bai Ye's face looked troubled. “I’m afraid your husband won’t be willing to do this.

The lady said quickly, and turned back to cast an oppressive look at her husband. "It's okay, he will agree."

The lady's husband was obviously from a noble family, and he nodded without hesitation at this moment. "I, I am willing, as long as your highness doesn't mind."

Hear this.

Bai Ye's brows relaxed. "Since your husband doesn't mind, then there is no problem.

Say it.

He looked at the lady in front of him.

Fair and smooth skin.

It's pretty.

And because of Bai Ye's words, Madam suddenly became excited and immediately followed Bai Ye.

Then, Bai Ye looked at the others, waved his hand and said gently. "Okay, everyone, please disperse. Don't waste time because of my arrival."

"And there is no need for anyone to kneel."

Just saying that.

But an idea emerged in everyone's mind.

Encountered such a noble existence.

Kneel down is the right thing to do.

You should kneel down and worship the other person to express your respect and piety.

After all, the other party is a god in the sky.

Therefore, an ordinary person couldn't help but speak. "It doesn't matter, Your Highness, I am willing to kneel down to you."

After someone spoke, others also joined in.

"Yes, yes, your highness is a god in the sky. Only by kneeling can I show my piety."

"I am your believer, and I should express my piety to you."

"Great God, I hope you will continue to bless me. I am your most ardent believer."

Bai Ye raised the corners of his mouth and smiled. "In this case, I can only bring some blessings to everyone. I hope everyone will live a happier life in the future."

The words fell.

The white wings behind him waved.

Holy light falls.

poured into some people's bodies.

For a while.

Everyone felt extremely warm and comfortable, especially those with hidden injuries, who felt that their bodies had fully recovered.

They were even more excited than before.

Also more pious.

"Is this a blessing from the gods? It must be."

“Oh my God, my legs, my legs are healed!!”

"His Highness is indeed a god, and I will become a believer in His Highness, pray for Your Highness day and night, and repay Your Highness.

But in a short period of time.

A large amount of devout faith poured into the white night.

After feeling this, the smile on Bai Ye's face became more and more satisfied, and then he hugged the unknown but charming lady and walked towards the king.

"Your Highness."

The king looked cautious, but also excited.

“Please lead the way.

0.····Please give me flowers0·

Bai Ye said softly.

The king nodded quickly and immediately led the way towards the palace.

As Bai Ye walked along, countless civilians gathered on both sides of the street, and along the way, Bai Ye's holy light continued to shine.

Therefore, even if Bai Ye did not let these people kneel down, these people still willingly knelt down and worshiped Bai Ye.

During this period, the eyes of many people also became pious.

This is naturally due to the spiritual suggestion of Baiye and the baptism of faith.

Perhaps this would be hypocritical.

But so what?

Bai Ye didn't care.

As long as it works.

At least for now, with just a small use of means, these people will willingly kneel down to themselves and at the same time believe in themselves.

Not only does it provide him with the power of faith, he also enjoys the privileges of the world's nobility.

“But only I can enjoy this.

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